Chapter 34 • Talon
This has violent and sexual scenes.
No I do not condone either of these subjects.
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"Leaving already?"
I knew the coward would run and hide as soon he thought he could. After leaving Miracles side, I just had to come and see Marcus. There's so many things I need to say, I need this closure. He's staring at me not saying a word, I see the fear written all over him. He was in the middle of packing up, his suitcase is lying open on the bed.
"Yes, the sooner better." There's no doubt in my mind about that. Stepping into the room he takes a step back. I cock my head to the side.
"You know he's going to die, right?" A little confused as to why he wasn't putting up much of a fight for him. The bastard Farrow! How I long to rip his guts out. But this man in front of me who claimed to love his mate is packing up and running away?
"Yea...I know. I'm sorry Talon I had no idea he would take it this far." Looking right at him, I take a step closer, I just can't figure him out.
"You're the one who went and opened his mouth. How the hell did you think he would react?" Not absolutely sure that Marcus even sees what he has caused.
"He knew anyway Talon, he felt it happened." He stares at me with 'duh' look written all over his face.
"So the fuck did I but that's what he wanted, wasn't it? For me to feel the same pain. Well I felt it alright, but he did it by assaulting her, she had no free will to decide and the bastard did it all right in front of me!" Screaming at the top of my lungs, trying to get this moron to understand. There's a difference in persuading than violently taking. He didn't even flinch.
"I had to watch him violate her, he enjoyed every second. The fucker damaged her, he fucking took her both ways! Don't you even fucking care?" He still shows no emotions, how could I have been so blind? To think this man, the one I once loved, could even care less!
"She was chained up! She couldn't even fight him. Hell, Marcus the bastard even drugged her up! This was not revenge this was sadistic! She was fucking innocent!" Marcus sits beside his suitcase, still looking straight at me. I can't believe this prick!
"This is our fault Marcus, I blame us both," that got his attention, he actually scowled "yea, I blame you to, did you think that I wouldn't? We're not innocent in this. Far from it! I couldn't get you out of my head and you couldn't stay away!" He jumps from the bed, gets right into my face.
"I had nothing to do with this! This is not on me! You could of walked away when I grabbed your dick but instead you dropped to your knees worshiping my cock! You couldn't get enough! So don't lay this shit on me! If you're feeling guilty I'll whip my cock out now and let you to continue praise it!" Marcus reaches down and grabs my dick "look at how hard you are for me Talon, you don't give a shit about Miracle or what Farrow done! If it makes you feel better, I can bend over and you can take me in the ass! You like that wouldn't you?" Marcus is squeezing my cock, rubbing it harshly, leaning in he kisses my neck. He moves his hand to enter in my pants. Grabbing his wrist I twist it back. He cries out in agony.
The joy I feel for causing him pain, has me releasing him. The guilt hits me instantly. He falls to his knees with his head hanging down. The fucker starts to laugh.
"Seems like you got me on my knees after all." Shaking my head at his sick display. He has me even more confused. The rage inside me starts to subside, now all I feel is pity. Looking down on him, my face morphs in to disgust.
"Get off the floor Marcus, I don't want you on your fucking knees. I don't want you at all!" Raising his head he looks right into my eyes, his own are clicking left to right. All I see is confusion in his questioning gaze.
"If...if I let you fuck me would you spare Farrows life?" He has got to be kidding? I'm losing all control, does he actually think I would spare Farrows life?
"Hell no! Are you a fucking moron? Farrows going to die, nothing will change that! Damn Marcus maybe you should be locked up with him?" Getting on his feet, he gets right into my face.
"If you don't release him I'll tell everybody that you were behind all of this! That we all planned it so you and I can be together and after everything you've done to Miracle they wouldn't hesitate to believe it!" I just stare at him, shocked beyond belief. He would stoop this low? Doubts start running through my head faster than lightning.
"That's it! I will tell them all what you've done," when he sees my doubts, he goes in for the kill shot "plus I want you to be mine completely, no more Miracle, you leave her ass behind. You'll be my little fuck toy, to do with as I please," he reaches in my pants, releasing my cock. Gripping it in hands, squeezing it tight "you know you want to be my little fuck toy, you like it don't you?" I get hard instantly in his rough calloused hand "that's it, see you get hard for me, fuck baby, just thinking about you inside me has me hard too," he grabs my hand, places it on his dick. He extremely hard. He rubs my hand along it. He starts pumping me, at a fast rate. I try pushing him off but he grabs my cock and squeezes it harder actually causing me pain. I groan out from it, but he thinks I'm enjoying it "you're not going anywhere. This is my dick," he begins pumping me again "always will be, fuck me! I want to feel you inside me. Grinding into my ass."
Caught between pain and disgust my dick goes soft. It's laying limp in his hand. He looks at me in shock. Releasing his grip.
"I'm not going to be your fuck toy, I'm not going to be your anything! You are nothing to me Marcus! That's all you'll ever be. NOTHING!" Putting my cock back in my pants. Marcus steps back from me.
"You can threaten me all you want! They will never believe you, I love Miracle and they all know it. I hate you Marcus. I FUCKING HATE YOU!" I punch him right in his nose, blood pours out, I feel elated. Like a brand new me.
Marcus grabs his nose with blood running over his mouth.
"Fine if that's the way you want it so be it! But you will miss me Talon, have no doubt. You'll come crawling back to me!" I can't help but to just laugh at him. He closes his suitcase, brushing right pass me he leaves the room.
For the first time in awhile I feel like my old self. It's like a weight has been lifted off me. I have no regrets when it comes him any longer. I'll work my entire life to make all this up to Miracle but first I need to make a visit to a certain asshole on the dungeon.
On my way there I run smack dab into Lucias, he has blood over him, he just looks at me and smiles.
"What did you do? Are you hurt?" Examining him I see no wounds. Lucias just keeps smiling a demented smile.
"It's not my blood, it's Cathy's!" He stoically tells me, he killed Cathy? I thought Baron would at least want to do it. I never thought Lucias would be the one to end her. A little confused he sees my conflicting emotions.
"I took care of it for him. He didn't want to leave Miracles side. I always got the name of the fourth name of the accomplice." I'm completely surprised at this information. I can see his exhilaration.
"Who?" I need to hear the name.
"Priscilla" my feet are planted in shock. I didn't think she was close to smart enough to even pull something like this off. Malik's going to be beside himself. His usual cool demeanor will evaporate. How we do we tell him?
"Does Malik know?" Lucias shakes his head aggressively.
"I don't want to be the one tell him." Hell me either. You rarely see Malik lose his temper but when he does it's nothing but grotesque and definitely violent.
"Did you kill Farrow too?" He shakes his head again. Gives me that devilishly smile.
"I saved him for you, he's down there pissing his pants though. He saw my true form. By the way Cathy's head is on the side table before you exit the dungeon." Laughing mechanically he walks right be. Fuck! His demon side is nothing to fuck with.
He's in the corner still terrified out of his mind. He doesn't even register that I'm in his cell. I'm sitting in a chair in the middle of his room, waiting for Trigon. I thought if anyone wanted to be in on this it would be him. He witnessed the same torture that I did. Eyeing Farrow closely thinking of several ways to execute him, Trigon finally appears.
He looks exhausted, his eyes are weary, he eyes me then Farrow.
"What do you want to do with the asshole?" I've thought about it consistently since arriving. A quick death is one thing he doesn't deserve.
"I want him to feel what Miracle felt." I just don't know how to accomplish that.
"I got an idea," Trigon walks over to Farrow. He squats down in front up him. "Stand up!" He commands him but Farrow is still frozen in shock. Trigon grabs him around his throat roughly, stands him on his feet. Getting up from my seat, I go to stand beside Trigon.
"I'm going to enjoy this." Trigon tells him, he stands Farrow on his feet. He stumbles a little but Trigon catches him. Holding him steady. Once he's got his balance, Trigon steps back.
"Strip!" He orders him. Farrow hesitates. "I said strip! Now!" Scared into action, he strips his clothes off. He stands there completely naked, trying to cover his junk.
"Did you enjoy raping our mate?" Farrow doesn't answer, "now you're going to see how it feels." Trigon ask me to retrieve a dagger. I see where this is going now. Handing him my dagger that I used in Miracles bonding I see the irony in all of this. I can't help but laugh.
Trigon puts gloves on. Where the hell he even got them I have no idea.
"I'll hold, you cut." Obeying his order, he gives me back my dagger, grabbing his cock in his hands. Trigon turns to me with evil grin.
"Get to whacking and don't go easy!" Farrow tries to get out of his grip but Trigon yanks him back by his penis, holding on to his shoulder with the other hand.
I place my dagger at the precise angle at the base and begin to cut. Farrow is screaming attempting to push us away. By the time I'm finished we're all covered in his blood. Trigon takes his appendage, turns Farrow around bends him over and I'm sure you can guess the rest. It was a humiliating experience for us all. But I couldn't ask for a better ending.
Farrow is finally dead!
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This is how I see Marcus!
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