Chapter 32 • Trigon
"Cathy?" Talon says it blurts it, out it's barely a whisper. I can barely see her features from my place inside the cell. Moving a bit a closer, careful not to touch the bars, her face finally comes into view.
She's sexy in an exotic way but the evil in her eyes make her appear ugly in a way also.
"Miss me, Talon?" Apparently they know each other. Maybe she's the reason we are here? Farrows to damn dumb to this on his own.
"Who are you?" I'm tired of playing these games. Miracle's hurt and in need of desperate attention. The horror of what I witnessed her go through will forever be burned in my mind and heart. How could he do it? How could Talon even live with hisself knowing he's the reason she was assaulted. I'm so pissed at him right now, I could care less of this is an old girlfriend. Whoever she is, she must have some damn nerve messing with my damn mate!
"Why honey, I'm Barons ex, maybe he's mentioned me? I mean I am the love of his life. Now why don't you tell me, who the hell are you?" The audacity of this woman is far beyond belief. Love of his life? Yea right? His love is hanging in her cell and this damn bitch put her there!
"I'm Trigon, what do expect to accomplish from all this? You just signed your death warrant!" Cathy shakes her head grinning in spite of my threat.
"Now, now, that will never do. If you want to make it out alive you better treat me with some damn respect!" Raising her voice to the point of screeching, it's like chalk running down a chalkboard.
"Cathy why the hell are doing this?" Talons desperation has him nearly whining. I don't give a damn who she think she is, I won't show her any respect!
"Talon dear, I'm just taking out the garbage. It's well past stinking!" She points her gnarled finger in Miracles direction.
"You're insane! You'll never get away with this. Baron will rip you apart!" Cathy hackles out at Talons threat. Making her features seem disoriented.
"Baron loves me, not that!" Pointing back at Miracle, she sneers "look at me, then look at her, she doesn't stand a chance. Baron won't touch me. Why, he may even thank me!" She's delusional. Baron would kiss the very ground Miracle walks on.
"You crazy bitch he would-" Talon gets cut off by the opening of the door down the hall. The footsteps get closer. Cathy sneers, looking over her shoulder.
"Bout time you got here. I was just about to have some-" before she finishes. The man runs to her out of breath looking traumatized.
"They know....they know it was you." He frantically tells her. He looks vaguely familiar. He said they know so I'm assuming he means my brothers. If they do they need to hurry. Looking across to Mracle her bleeding hasn't stopped. She hasn't woken up since the attack makes me wonder if they drugged her. My fury grows higher.
"What do you mean they know? How could they? The only ones that knew were us four. Unless you told them! Did you open your damn mouth Draco?" Fuck! I knew I recognized him. My father is going to be devastated.
"I did not say a word, Cathy. People saw you in the crowd. Someone recognized you," taking a breath he looks straight at me. His shifty eyes show panic. "They recognized Farrow also." Cathy screams out, stomping her high heel shoes on the concrete floor.
"We got to get out of here. Kill her," Cathy looks between me and Talon "just leave them. Let the rats sort them out!" This woman is repulsive, I feel bile in my throat. I be damn if they get near Miracle.
"I'm not killing her! Are you out of your mind? She's the Queen!" Draco shutters at the very idea.
"I don't care who she is, do it! Now!" Draco goes still, his eyes searching the room. Hesitates for a minute then turns heel and runs. Cathy screeches again. I have to smile at her discomfort. Guess your not all that!
"Got to do everything myself!" She mumbles as she fumbles in her jacket pulling out a key ring. "Farrow!" She screams while unlocking Miracles cell. Hearing footfalls coming down the hall. Farrow enters the room going to Cathy's side.
"What?" He grumbles out her. "Why is Draco running out of here like his tails on fire!"
"They know who we are. We need to kill her now before they get here!" Talon and I are both screaming out at them but they ignore us.
"The fuck you say. I ain't killing a damn Queen, I'll hang. You may wish for death but I for one don't!" Farrow starts to walk away but Cathy's annoying voice stops him.
"You're going to hang anyway for raping a Queen, you idiot! Whats the damn difference?" He stops in his tracks then looks at Talon.
"Can I kill him?" Cathy looks at Talon, I can't see her expression with her back to me but I can only imagine her evil glare boring into him.
"Her first, then you can kill him, but we need to hurry!" She pulls out a dagger from under her jacket and hands to him. Talon and I are both in a panic, literally screaming at the top of our lungs.
"You fucking touch her I'll kill-" before Talon finishes his sentence the ground under us begins to shake. Stones start falling off the wall, along with all of us crashing on the floor, there's a gut wrenching roar coming from up above us.
Dysenix has arrived!
The door bust open as we get to our feet. We hear running down the hall again. Coming into our line of sight there stands my brothers. I've never seen them so furious. Spotting Cathy and Farrow they run to them.
Lucias grabs Farrow brings his arms behind him while Malik is holding Cathy the same way. Brack punches Farrow, with one punch he knocks him unconscious. Impressive!
"Grab the dagger!" I scream at them.
"Brack, she has the key!" Talon tells him at the same time. Brack reaches in her pockets dragging out the key ring, he grabs the dagger that fell on the floor. "Don't touch the bars they have been crystallized." Talon warns him. Malik and Lucias drag Farrow and Cathy down the hall. Cathy screeches all the way out. Brack opens Talons cell then my own.
We all three run to Miracles.
"I don't have the key for the cuffs. What did they do to her?" Bracks sorrowful face says it all.
"Pull the chain down. We will remove the cuffs after." Doing what Talon suggested we all three grab ahold of the chains. Pulling with all our effort. Yanking at the chains. Again and again, They finally break free.
Miracle screams out when she falls over into Bracks arms.
"Let's get her out of here before Baron brings the place down!"
"Where is she?" We're in the care unit at the rear of the estate. Healers have been working on Miracle for close to an hour. We haven't heard anything since they closed the door to her care room.
Everyone is here waiting, pure horror we're on their faces when we told them all the details. The last one to return was Baron leaving his destruction in his wake. He tore the entire estate apart brick by brick.
We have Cathy and Farrow locked in their own cells now. Draco is still missing. We have no idea who the fourth person was, another mystery we will have to solve. Right now our minds are on Miracle, her injuries was damaging. She lost a lot of blood. They drugged her with something but we have no idea what.
Sitting all around are all my brothers, my parents, Frank, and Trey. Our Aunts and Uncles are on their way along with a few more relatives. Though they never met Miracle they want to show their support for the newly found Queen.
There are subjects standing around the courtyard waiting for any word about their Queens condition. The counsel members are on their way. I'm dreading their arrival nothing but snobby old men who think they have a right to be in our business at all times.
In this they have no cause to be here but they deigned to come anyway.
"She's in the care room, number three." Answering Barons question as I let out a breath. Fuck they need to let us know something.
"What happened in there Trigon?" Barons the only one who hasn't heard all the details. Moms afraid if he heard them that his dragon won't be able to control himself. I hesitate to answer but the look upon his face has me blabbering out all that occured. He has a right to know no matter what our mother thinks.
Telling him about what Farrow did has everyone in the waiting room crying once again. Baron crumbles to his feet letting out a giant roar of agonizing proportions. Wailing out with him now I'm truly glad that he wasn't the one to of seen it happened.
I'm also not the only one who is blaming Talon, it seems all my other brothers blame him also. Marcus was left in a guest room. Talon knows his here but hasn't made a move to go see him. Yet!
"Where is he?!" Baron grits out after his wailing ceased, pain turned quickly to anger.
"You can see her now." The healer Jamison tells us as we all scramble up.
"You boys go first." Zada tells us as we offer our thanks and head in to see our mate.
Seeing her lying in the bed nearly crushes me. She is beyond pale, there are bruises all over her that are starting to heal over, their yellowish marks covering her beautiful skin. Her head is on a soft white pillow turned to the right, her hair hair is tangled and falling over her face slightly. She has bandages around her wrist from where the cuffs held her from chains. She looks so fragile.
"She lost a lot of blood. But she's healing fast. Give her a day or two and she should be able get out of bed. She unfortunately has vaginal and anal tearing. They should heal soon heal soon also. But her mental state will be another story. I'm sorry I can't do much in that department."Jamison tells us as he leaves us alone with Miracle. Softly closing the door behind him.
"I didn't know about the...anal part." My misery clearly showing. "I fainted...I didn't know." Wrenching out; my tears begin to flow down my face again.
"How is she going to handle this?" Lucias clearly is suffering with this just as I assume we all are. I have no idea what she will be going through but I know I'll be there beside her the entire time. She's not ever leaving out of my sight again.
We all take seats sitting, around Miracles bed. None of us wanting to leave her alone. I know everyone is anxious to see her but I can't drag myself away from her. I don't know if I will ever be capable of doing so again.
Hearing a commotion outside Miracles door we all jump from our seats. Opening the door we see the counsel members standing around our parents. The one crinkled old counsel-men that had the audacity to touch Miracle inappropriately is arguing with our father Zada.
"We have the hearing next week! She is soiled and not fit for a Queen!" What the fuck is he on about?
"She is your Queen you pompous old coot! She had no control over what happened!" Zadas temper is flaring to a very high degree. The geezer huffs turns and makes an exaggerated exit. Leaving Zada fuming in his wake.
"What the hell is going on?" Barons at his limit and I fear I may be right there with him.
"Counsel-man Yurok and the other members seem to think since Miracle was assaulted that she is now spoilt and demand her dethronement!" Of all the fucking nerve of them. How can they even remotely think such an asinine thing.
"The hearing is next week." Of all the shit we have to deal with this one is beyond preposterous.
"I be damned!" Out of all my brothers I didn't think Talon would be so furious over something like this. He's not one for an outspoken behavior.
Either it's the guilt or his love for Miracle but either way at least it holds some promise from him.
"They want a hearing? I'll give them a damn hearing!" I'm pretty sure what Baron means is not about a counsel hearing.
They're about to hear Barons dragon fucking roaring!
Thank you pretties. 💕
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