Chapter 24 • Trigon
Death is more preferable than this!
Year in and year out, all I have is solitude. This lonely existence is pure agonizing torture.
One day! One day, I will be free or die trying! Trapped inside the four stones walls with my mind in and out of deadly cycles, yes death would more preferable.
At least I have all the amenities I need. Thanks to my dear mom and dads. Dad-the mere word alone sends me into a shameless spiral. Guilt more than consumes me. Though I never really loved my father..Rawdus. I do miss him..sometimes. He was a mean and vicious bastard. Always hurting my brothers and I. Tormenting us all. I alone know mere words can not scar the flesh. Though his words were always hurtful. His lash was far, far worse.
I took the brunt of his ire. Being as we were both dark fae. He thought in his mixed up mind, that I was not evil enough. He alone, wanted me to kill my very own flesh and blood so that I may take the throne. That I could not do, never do, I dearly love my brothers.
My brothers. How I miss them. How I miss my twin. They never knew of Radus's deception. I could not tell them. Nor will I ever. It is my secret to keep. My secret to carry, my burden.
If you tell them they wouldn't believe you!
I know!
The voices in my mind torture my well being. I fight them daily. For over six years, I have dealt with their interference of my thoughts and the constant babbling.
For six years the only thing that has given me solace is a crystal that Talon gave me. It fits perfectly in my hand. He spelled it for me, to prevent the demons of my mind from overloading my senses.
It's the only item I cherish. A rare and thoughtful gift from my beloved twin.
It quells the voices for me but it can do so only if I hold it. If I could penetrate it's core, I would fashion a necklace for me to wear, so I would never have to hear them again.
Hearing a door open I rise from my bed.
Must be a guard bringing me my evening meal. This is the only interaction I have during my days. Unless my brothers deem me a visit. Which has become rare and to infrequent these passing days.
Smelling a delicious aroma wafting into my room, I can assume it's a special day in the kingdom. Rare fine dinning only comes then.
"Hello?" Snapping my head toward the dungeon door, realizing it's not a feast but a treat. A rare occurrence indeed. I haven't seen a female in many years. Nor heard a sweet euphoric sound as hers.
"Who's there?" All I have is a small window that I can barely see out of, if I want see this vision she has step closer to me and how I long to see this vision. Call it needy, if you must, but I'm a man who hasn't laid eyes on the female form in years.
"My names Miracle." Such a lovely name, hoping it matches such a lovely girl the same.
"I can't see you, step closer." It's not a command. I'm just eager to see what she looks like.
"Are you Trigon?" How does she know of my name?
"Yes, I am." She takes a small step closer not enough for me to see her fully. Someway I need to coax her to me. She must be shy or do I dare think scared.
"I'm sorry, you have to step closer so I can hear you." She takes another tentative step. Yes, I think she is scared. She may have a right to think so. I am the monster they talk about. The mad monster who has killed his very own father. Wondering at this moment what she must think of me.
"It's ok, I'm locked in here," I shake the door "see, I can't get out. I won't hurt you." She ponders on it for a minute. I think she may leave but instead she finally steps into my view. Suddenly my world halts.
I fall back on my ass! Shocked by the revelation. There's no fucking way!
"Are you ok?" She ask so tentatively I nearly laugh.
"Yes, I'm fine." Standing, dusting off my clothes, I wonder if she knows that she is indeed my mate?
"I-I was just told about you." She stutters out. I'm not surprised. I'm the secret that they don't want anyone knowing about. Actually I'm surprised that they told her at all.
"Who told you?" Asking out of curiosity. I haven't heard a word from any of my family in weeks.
"They all did." She raises on her tiptoes, looking through the window. I can only imagine what she's thinking. She cringes then steps back and looks directly at me. Those beautiful blue gems look at me, I see sadness along with longing. Please don't feel pity for me! I'm the one who put myself in a cage. Nobody else but me. I don't want her pity. I already have my own.
"Why did you come?" She seems to pure or innocent to be around a monster like me.
"To see if I could help." And with those simple words, I know it's not pity that she feels but helplessness.
"How?" She shrugs her shoulders then gives me what ever man can only dream of, a smile.
"I don't know, I want to get to know you...I guess, then we can go from there." Why in the world would she even want to?
"You don't want to know me. Haven't you heard, I'm a monster?" Saying it nonchalantly, at least hoping she would understand that she doesn't need to know a someone like me.
"I don't think so. I'm the one to blame, not you." That has me momentarily shocked. Why would she think that she's the one to blame. I was the one who yielded the hextor sword that decapitated my father, not her.
"How the hell are you to blame?" It comes out more explosive than I intended but she didn't even flinch. She's braver than I have given her credit for.
"I wasn't here. You went mad because you didn't have your mate. I'm sorry." That in itself angers me. She was far to young to know or even be my mate at the time so how is this her fault? What is she sorry for?
"That's ridiculous, you cannot blame yourself, you were far too young and I was the one who yielded the sword. Not you!" I will not let her blame herself for something that I did! That would be absurd.
"Regardless, if I was here it wouldn't have happened. Besides there's other reasons why I came to see you. I need to talk to someone and I'm hoping that I may talk to you." She's actually pleading with me. How could I not listen. Her sadness is overwhelming me.
"I'm all ears and have nowhere to go," half laughing "I'd invite you in, but as you can see, I have no control over it." She grants me with another smile. Then yells for the guard. He opens the door and allows her entry. Locking the door behind her. I'm actually surprised at this.
"What are you doing, you can't be in here?" She shrugs, walks over to my dinette table and chair, then sits. Placing her hands on the table her eyes meet mine, then she beams. I nearly melt where I stand.
"I can and I am. I'm the mother fucking Queen after all." Smirking she raises her eyebrows. They have already made her queen? Looking at those beautiful blue gems, I did something I haven't done in years. I smile.
Sitting beside her, her smell is so inviting. My cock instantly goes hard. I haven't been with a woman in over six years and knowing she's my forever, only entices me further. Before I could do something we both may regret, I reign myself back in. Exhaling a very huge pent up breath, I try to calm myself before losing control of my senses.
"What...what did you need to speak with me about? I dearly hope she cannot smell my arousal.
"First let me tell you about me and all that's happened. Then, I want to hear everything about you, deal?" Fuck, like I could say no. Hell, I'd try to give her the moon if she asked.
She starts by telling me, about her being Starlight! A fucking Starlight!
Then how she meet my brothers and all that all transpired while she's been here. Lastly telling me of Talon and his betrayal. By the time she finishes she has tears rolling down her beautiful face. The anger boils within me at my brothers. How could they be so callous? So damn immature? Especially with Talon, what a damn moron!
Grabbing her I place her into my lap. Wrapping my arms around her, holding her until her tears subside. Every rational thought leaves me. I'm suppose to be the monster! Yet my brothers appear to be more monstrous than I. How could they break her heart. How could Talon? We have waited for years for her, I have even gone mad. Yet, he steps on her vital organ like it was nothing.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ugly cry on you." She mumbles in my chest.
"You could far be ugly, even when you cry." Leaning her body up off my chest, she stares at me deeply. It's like she's searching for something.
"You're not a monster. You're far from a monster." Her words carry the whisper to my ears. She doesn't think I'm a monster? She doesn't even know me.
"Yes I am. I murdered my very own father. Don't look at me and expect nothing less or more than the monster I am." Shaking her head vehemently.
"No I don't think so. I'm getting you out of here," I start to protest "no don't tell me otherwise. I'm getting you out of here. You don't deserve this. I don't know the complete story Trigon and I don't need to know. What I do know is this," she waves her arm around the dungeon room "you do not deserve." She has so much conviction behind her words. I stare at her amazed. No one has dared fight for me. No one has dared stood up for me. But this tiny little woman does and will. How can anyone not love her?
"I deserve it for what I did. You need not fight for me. Just promise you will visit me, whenever you can or desire to." I can't let her fight for me. I do deserve this. My mind is not right. I lost it along with my soul. Can she not see that?
"No! You will no longer suffer this alone. You are my mate and for that alone; I will always stand by you. I may not know you like I know your brothers but I know what I feel. I know what I can see. You are not a vile, wicked, nor evil man. That I know, that I feel. So come with me," she stands and offers me her hand. "I will not take a no for an answer." Hesitating, cause I know this alone will only bring her trouble.
No way would my parents allow such a thing. What would they think or do? What would my brothers do? She doesn't understand the implications.
"I cannot go, it would only cause mayhem." She glares at me from those beautiful blue gems.
"I refuse to take no for an answer. Come with me now Trigon!" Sighing, I stand and take her hand. Feeling a rush a tingles as I do. This woman confounds me. She drags me out the dungeon door, walking past the guards, who never try to stop her. She is literally walking me to my freedom. Never once dropping the crystal from my hand, for I fear she alone will not keep the demons at bay. Exiting the dungeon the bright light blinds me. I've been in darkness for far to long. Looking at Miracle, when my eyes finally focus, I know deep in my soul, that I will owe my lovely mate,
Thank you pretties.
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