Chapter 2 • Baron
Her scent is a mixture of rain and lavender. An intoxicating smell. I knew from the moment the guards toss her in my opposite cell; that she was my mate!
Though I couldn't see her. Her magnificent scent alone alerted me that finally after all these years. She has come.
My brothers will be more than amazed. We've have been predestined at a young age that we would share one mate. A mystical being that rival all others. A Starlight! The only one in existence. A rare supernatural indeed. We had no clue to who are mate would be, only that she would be strong and wise. This came from my warlock father Zada. Being princes of the supernatural world, he thought it wise that he should read our futures. Worried about what may come, to his royal sons.
Thinking; I realized that he was correct on all his assumptions. I just wish I could see her. Her snores are softly vibrating through the cell.
Fallen asleep, after we talked, my mind begun to race.
Andrew with spiteful ways wants to breed her. He will use anything or anyone to gain more power. Fortunately, he's a weak dragon. When my brothers arrive they will kill him and save us that problem. Another problem to deal with now, is keeping Miracle safeguarded. There will many who would seek her out just to use her abilities to gain power.
We have to protect her at all cost.
Hearing commotion outside the walls and several people shouting. Brings me out of my thoughts, I realize my brothers have arrived. Just in time.
"Miracle, wake up! It's time to go." Rousing her from her sleep. I hear her jerk awake and jump up.
"Really? How do you know?" As innocent as she may be, she is a very curious one.
"I can smell them! Be prepared." As I say the words the door up the stairs open. Instead of one of my brothers it's fucking Andrew. He has the key trying to open Miracles cell. In a rush and panicked; he drops the keys and fumbles around for them. At that instant I hear more pounding feet coming down the stairs.
"Baron" it's Lucian; how I love hearing that voice. "Right here. Get Andrew!" I'm frantic that he's going to reach Miracle before my brother can kill him.
Hearing grunts and punches for a few minutes. It's so dark, I can't tell what's going on.
Finally there's a clicking sound and my cell opens.
"Baron, I got you. How the hell did you get caught." He laughs at my predicament." Always has been wise ass! He bends down and unlocks my chains. Finally feeling the freedom, I smile. He picks me up and steadies me, walking toward the cell door, I stop him.
"Get Miracle, in the next cell!" He leaves me standing at the cell door. Hearing the clicking sound of the lock and feet rustling. Then all goes quiet.
"Lucias? What's taking so long?"
"Oh sorry, I got her." Hearing them exit the cell. I look around to try and see them. Suddenly a bright light shines in the room, blinking a few times to adjust my vision, I soon realize, it's coming from Miracle. She has a ball of light floating in her hands, giving us visualization.
When I see her face I nearly fall to the concrete floor. She's stunning. With long silver hair, pale complexion, and bright blue eyes. Like a majestical princess. Turning my eyes to my brother I see his mouth agape and he's as floored as I am.
"Shall we go?" Miracle breaks us out of spell. We run off up the stairs not sparing Andrew a second glance. I know he's dead, there's no heartbeat and theres a scent of blood surrounding him.
Exiting the dungeon we storm into house. Fighting his guards as we go. Miracle gets knocked upside the head by one, making her fall to the floor. Causing her to go unconscious. Lucias picks her up bridal style, while I kill the guard. Making our way past them we exit to the outside world; finally.
Lucias guides us to my brother Malik's jeep. We all jump in and take off.
"Nice to see you brother." Malik tells me flooring the jeep and changing gears. Looking over to Lucias, Miracle is laying in his arms, unconscious, he's moving her hair behind her ear, checking her wound.
"You know?" Speaking to Lucias he nods his head.
"As soon as I saw her eyes." Being a greed demon he will find it hard to share her. He takes after his Uncle, his namesake.
"Know what?" Says Malik from the drivers seat. Confused about our conversation.
"That she's our mate," waiting for his reply because it always agitated him, that he can't tell unless he sees her eyes. He also has a girlfriend; that's evil in my eyes but he could never see it. Priscilla has always been after him she thinks it will lead her to the throne.
"Good thing I broke with Pricilla then." Grunting and smiling. The news of this, to me, is a shock they've been together for a over a year. Not that I'm not happy.
"Tell him why!" Lucias demands while laughing. This must be good.
"She claimed she was pregnant with my child. Knowing full well that a vampire can't procreate, unless it's with his predestined one." Malik laughs nervously and shakes his head.
"Told you she was bad news!" Lucias tells while he's still holding Miracle in a tight grip.
"Want me to take her?" I hold out my arms wanting to place her with me so I can feel her touch.
"No I got her!" He grabs her tighter and pulls her closer to him. I knew this would be a problem.
With him being a greed demon his greed will over power his emotions toward her. Wanting her for himself. Eventually he will learn. So we have to bide our time. In the drivers seat Malik laughs. Finding the situation humorous.
"You will have to learn share baby bro!" He tells Lucias even though he's just four minutes older. Being twins they're nothing alike. While Lucias is protective, Malik has a joyful personality and loves to joke around. Just like our brother Brack!
"Well you can't hold her while driving and Baron just got out of a cell! She's fine where she's at!" He adjusts Miracle, bringing her closer to him. So close she might smother. Laughing at his attitude; I just roll my eyes.
"What's her name?" Malik ask me, switching gears over a rough dirt road.
"Miracle, she's a Starlight!" They both hiss in a breath, looking at me amazed.
"How? They're extinct? Lucias ask me as his eyes roam over her and go wide. Astonishment on his face.
"I thought so to but apparently not. She's living proof. You know what that means though?" Both nodding their heads. The magnitude of what it implies is sobering.
"Talons gonna love this!" I don't miss the sarcasm in Malik's tone. Talon is a force of nature. Always grumpy and not very accepting. Cringing at his words, I see his point.
"He will come around, he has to, he knew this day would come."
"Yes he did but we never thought she would be a Starlight!" Agreeing with Malik's statement I just release a breath and sigh. Knowing this about her will torment Talon to no end.
"We're here." Not realizing we were this close to the palace. Reaching the gate. The guard advances. Not seeing which guard it is, I try to crane my head.
"Morning your Majesty." He tells Malik as he opens the gates and we drive through. My eyes raise and look at the castle we call home. A five story concrete beauty with gray walls trellises with growing vines and red roses all around. I missed home.
Pulling up to the main door I look at Lucias and Miracle.
"Want me to take her now?" Knowing full well what his answer will be.
"No I got her just relax, she's fine." He says in a irritable tone. Sighing I open the door and head to our home. Remington opens the door at my arrival.
"Morning your majesty, it's nice to see you back home." Regal and loyal Remington never will address me by my name. No matter how many times I correct him. He's been with our family for generations. A portly, graying man, he's human, but understands our ways.
Noticing Lucias with Miracle Remingtons eyes go back and forth between us.
"This our mate Miracle, where are my brothers?" Still staring at Miracle in Lucias arms he grunts "they're in the warlock realm, something to do with land titles." Shaking his head he closes the door just as Malik was walking in.
"Sorry your Majesty, didn't see you there." Malik just waves his hand and smiles.
"Why are you still carrying her?" Malik looks at Lucias with a frown.
"Where should I put her ole wise one?" The pettiness between these would give a fairy a headache!
"Take her to the spare room, Malik can you get her some food? I'll find a change of clothes and bandages." As I'm the oldest; I always seem to have to maintain order.
Lucias nods his head and heads off for the second floor to one of the guest rooms.
"What kind of food do Starlights eat?" As he grabs my arm, I turn to him. Is he serious? "The same kind we eat, what kind of question is that?" Hearing Remington laugh at him from behind Malik looks a bit embarrassed.
"I don't know, never met one before. Is she like allergic to anything? My question does have some merit, Baron! I'm not a moron!" On that he does have a point and I have no idea what to reply.
"Can I suggest that you just pick a variety of foods, to avoid any disasters, your Majesties." Remington states as we've should of thought of that on our own.
I nod my head, walking off to find her clothes but I get stopped, yet again.
"Are you going to tell our parents?" That does stop me in my tracks. I really don't want to, not yet, I would like to get to know her better.
"Where are they?" They hardly ever leave their home that's around two hundred feet from the main castle. They moved there a year ago, wanting more privacy. They know as soon as we meet our mate that we will have to take the thrones as kings. What they didn't know is that she would be a Starlight! That in itself lies the complications.
"Their gone to the witches realm. Priscilla threw a massive fit when I broke up with her. They've gone to calm her down. They don't want to risk retaliation from her or her dad." Her father Jasper is a powerful warlock but he's no match for Talon. My brother is a certified beast.
"Great, we will just wait till they return. Our brothers should meet her first anyway." With that he nods his head and goes to get Miracle food. While I go and find our mate some clothes.
Our lives just got more interesting, wondering what my brothers will think.
This should be fun!
Thank you pretties.
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