Chapter 19 • Brack
After the ball I was restless, since I couldn't be with Miracle; I thought it was time to go pay a little visit to Arista.
I've been putting it off, not wanting to see her mainly because of my guilt. The way she found out about Miracle must of been devastating for her. I'm the one to blame for that. I should've manned up, just like my brother said.
Never wanting to break her heart, I thought I could put off the inevitable. Sadly, it didn't work out that way.
As the guard lets me into the cell, I ask him to retrieve me a chair, while I wait; I observe Aristas state.
She looks disheveled, her clothes are filthy, her face is caked with dirt, she's a bit thinner than usual. I did this! Guilt consumes me further.
Nodding to the guard a thank you, I take my seat, looking at Arista. She's handcuffed to the dungeon wall, her chain giving her enough lax to move around, but goes no further than her bed.
She's eyeing me evilly, just staring, I've never seen so much hate from her. Sighing I lean forward, still dressed in my tuxedo, I remove my jacket and hang in the back of the chair. Looking back to Arista, she's moved her knees closer to her chest. A defense mechanism I'm sure.
"I came to apologize," breaking the silence, she just sneers, turning her gaze away from me. "I'm so sorry Arista, that you had to find out that way. It wasn't my intention." She doesn't reply only wraps her arms around her legs bringing them closer to her.
"I was going to tell you, I was waiting for the....right moment." Rushing out my feeble excuse. She finally turns her heated eyes to me.
"Just leave Brack! I have nothing to say!" Shaking my head vigorously, thinking to myself, I can't leave it this way. So I try again.
"Please, Arista, I'm trying to show how sincere I am." Her head snaps toward me.
"Save your damn apologies! Anything that comes out your mouth is lies anyway. Why would I believe you?" Hitting a nerve, I flinch at all the anger she throws my way. Knowing I deserve what ever she has to say me. I remain quiet to let her vent her anger.
"I was a fool! A fool to ever believe in your lies! You promised Brack! Does your promises mean so little?" She's starting to cry it only intensify my guilt. But I never break eye contact.
"Please just leave I can't take this anymore," wiping the tears off her face "I hate you Brack! Do you hear me? I HATE YOU!" She jumps from her bed, screaming, the chain stops her from coming any closer.
The hatred she has just can't be from Miracle and I? She has way to much anger. I know I caused her pain, I deserve nothing less than her pure hatred but she's so venomous. Studying her I realize there has to be more than just what I know.
"What happened to you Arista?" Her eyes widen with shock, she flops back on her bed. Now she's looking at anywhere but me. Curious, I lean in closer. Bringing her attention back to me.
"What happened?" Demanding an answer, she leans back on the bed in the same position as she was before. Calming herself she takes a shuddering breath.
"Do you remember when I was sick? It was over a year ago. I wouldn't leave my room and lost all that weight?" I remember it clearly. She looked about the way she does now but back then she was depressed not full of hatred. She was weak, rarely leaving her room, not even to eat. I was worried. It seemed everyday her condition was getting worse. She wasn't the Arista that I knew.
"Of course I remember." She wipes away more tears. Looking away from me.
"I found my mate." Those four simple words have me reeling back, literally shocked, she never said a word. I had no idea. Why didn't she say anything?
"What?" Is basically the only word I can form.
"I rejected him." Confusion liters my brain. She rejected him? She could've died!
"Why?" It's the one question I can say. that simple word will seal my guilt permanently.
"Why? Because of you! That's why?" She lashes out. Now her gaze is on me the maliciousness is overwhelming her.
"I loved you Brack! I nearly killed myself and my mate because, I loved you!" Dragging out the last sentence, Arista throws her arms in the air, trying to emphasize how much of an idiot I am and as right now, I feel it's true.
"I'm sorry." Dragging out my words. It's the only reply that I can give her.
"You're sorry? No, Brack, you're a complete ass! I gave up my happiness, my mate, cause I thought you felt the same for me as I felt for you! But you couldn't do the same for me!" Bouncing off the bed trying to reach me again. Jerking back from the over spilt repulsion she throws, I now understand her venom.
"I didn't know." Arista sits back on the bed. It squeaks under her weight. Her hostile filled eyes turn to me.
"I-I didn't want to break your heart. That's why I didn't tell you! But you damn sure broke mine! I gave up everything. While you," she points her finger at me "lied! And gave up nothing!" Remaining silent is the only reply I can give her. To stunned with the comprehension of her thoughts.
"You only think of yourself! Did it ever once occur to you to think of how this would all make me feel? How it would hurt me?" Not saying a word still, she laughs "of course not! As long as you get what you want, then it doesn't matter about others, does it?" Crossing her legs, she has the look of victory on her face.
"You are so arrogant!" She scoffs, adjusted her tattered shirt then looks back to me.
"I have friends you know? Friends who despise your mate as much as me! Mark my words Brack, she won't be Queen for long!" She calmly makes her threat. Her stone cold visual makes a chill run through me. My own anger begins to boil.
"Do not threaten your Queen! That is treason. Punishable by death!" I tell her vehemently. Huffing, she rolls her eyes. Disregarding my attempt of retaliation.
"You better watch her closely, there's more than just me who want to see her hang! She's not worthy to be Queen! You're subjects will be lining up to remove her! Nobody wants a slut for a Queen!" So much heated animosity pours from her, she spits as she screams at me. Leaning back, I pinch the bridge of my nose. Having a headache in full bloom now. How did it all come to this? The sweet Arista I knew, is no more.
"Who? Arista?" Leaning in closer to her "who would want to hurt Miracle? She has done nothing wrong. Only me." Trying to remain calm. Knowing full and damn well that I won't let anyone get close to her.
"There are plenty! More than you know and will laugh when I see the pain in your eyes," cackling at me. She crosses her arms again. Challenging me for my rebuttal.
"That is, if you love her? Do you love her Brack? Can you love?" Her half ass attempt at getting a rise out of me almost does it's job. Do I love her? I know for a fact that Flare is without a doubt in love with our mate. But do I? Knowing how far I would go to protect her, wanting to always be near her? Is that the bond or love?
Trying to picture Miracle not being in my life, my heartaches, feeling a pain deep in my gut, just by the idea of it, has me finally realizing, that I do in fact love her! More than I can ever imagine.
"Yes, I love her! I'm in love with her!" Arista rolls her eyes at my confession.
"You may think you love her. But you don't. It's only the bond that you feel. I don't think you can love anyone! You sure didn't love me!" No I don't think I ever did. Not the way she thinks anyway. Now it feels like it was more of a friendship or kinship. We needed each other then. The things my family and I were going through at the time, she was my rock. She did help me through a lot. I truly don't know what I would've done without her.
Now seeing her like this with so much bitterness and loathing has me feeling all the more remorse.
"I do love Arista, I loved you once." She flinched, a deep scowl on her face.
"Did? Whats done is done. There's no going back. Like I would want to anyway, all that wasted time." Shaking her head she lowers it to her chest.
"I know your secrets Brack. If you or your family don't let me out of here, I will tell all." Mumbling yet another threat. The second she utters those words has me more than terrified.
I only told her. Of course my family knows but I thought no one else did otherwise. How could she be so hateful; that she would damage my loved ones with her unveiled words? One little whisper into a guards or servants ear and all of our plans go to hell.
"You wouldn't dare!" But deep down in the pit of my soul there's no doubt in my mind she would.
"Try me!" Aristas cold dead eyes lock unto me. What the hell should I do? I need to warn my family! My parents are going to freak out. They would surely execute Arista now.
"They will execute you before you could utter a word!" She roars back with laughter.
"How do you know I haven't already told someone? That they hold the information, waiting for conformation from me in regards to release it or not?" Arista has turned from a soft demure girl, to a cold hearted bitch!
"Why would you that? You could destroy us! Destroy me!" My temper rises, I'm now screaming at her. The tables have completely turned.
"Exactly Brack! I WANT TO DESTROY YOU!" She rages at me. I never in my life thought I'd see her this way.
Resigning myself that I have to warn the others. I stand abruptly, knocking over the chair. Causing Arista to scurry back on the bed.
With my fist balled to my sides I yell for the guard, storming my way to the cell door.
Standing outside the cell I take one last look at her. Her scrunched up face, with all the loathing on it makes her look disgustingly ugly.
"You have two days Brack! If I'm not released by then. You will regret it!" Tilting her head to the side as she stands and looks at me. She doesn't even resemble the girl I did once love. The girl I once knew.
"I feel sorry for you Arista. You let your hatred overpower you. You've become someone I don't even know!" Leaving before I hear her rebuttal, I turn and exit the rancid dungeon.
Losing the guilt I felt now, it's turned only to disgust. She's turned into such a vile person, now I even regret I was ever with her.
Knowing I need to inform my family. I mind-link them all.
Gather in dads office. We need to talk. Now!
Thank you pretties
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Any guesses on what secret Arista holds?
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