Chapter 16 • Talon
My thoughts keep racing going over the conversation I had with Malik earlier.
Miracle is lying beside me. Her soft snores escaping every now and again. Looking over at her, I can't help but think of what a lucky bastard I am.
Rolling over I grab unto her, pushing her closely to me, smelling her intoxicating scent. I can't get enough of her. Then my thoughts go back to him.
Am I truly over Marcus? The thought keeps regenerating in my mind. For some strange reason the pain I felt that night when he pushed me aside for his mate, doesn't seem as bad now. But did that push away my love?
Yes I do still love him. But I'm not in love with him anymore. If that makes sense? Guessing it's the pain of the rejection that shelters my heart this day. Remembering our past.
He was my best friend first before my lover so in a way he will always be in my heart. Could it be it was just an infatuation? No! It was more than that. He made me feel complete. Whole. He filled my boring days and night with fun and love.
These worries bounce in my mind keeping me from sleep. Letting out a breath. I nuzzle my face in the crook of Miracles neck. Tingles explode inside me.
She has truly confounded me. I suppose in time I will really know the measure of my heart. Deep inside I know that I could never be without her now. For the time being it will be enough. Won't it?
As my eyes begin to close my last thought of the night was yes, it wi be enough, she has completely worked her way into my heart.
And I want to keep her there!
"Gah, I hate a damn tux!" It's like the tenth time Brack has so pleasantly given us his opinion.
"We know!" We say in unison.
We're all getting our tuxes fitted in my father Parker's study. The man has more books than a library. Our mother is completely driving us bonkers! Bustling in and out, checking over every little detail. She's currently standing behind one of the tailors as he works on Barons suit. Watching his every move.
"So mom what does Miracles dress look like?" Malik ask, as he's adjusting his jacket in the three way mirror.
Mom hums a reply to him, knowing full well she won't give us details.
"Please tell me it's not all fluffy and gory. I hate those!" Brack prefers Miracle in jeans showing off her ripe ass. He's always been an ass man. Me myself, I prefer her naked and in my bed, no clothes needed.
"Uhm oh no dear, you will love it, I promise." Mom gives him a knowing look, Brack scowls at her, probably thinking mom has dressed her in an old time chiffon dress.
"Please mom, give her A bit classy. Something you would never dress yourself in." We all laugh, mom smacks Brack upside his head. As many times as he gets smacked there I'm surprised he doesn't have brain damage.
"Watch your tongue son, I'm not to old to whip that ass!" All of us show surprise, mom doesn't cuss to often.
"Sorry Ma, but you must admit you're not up to date in todays fashions." Brack ducks another smack, laughing at her.
"I have you know Mr. that she will look absolutely stunning. Now please can we finish this. I still have to do my own fitting; among a million other things." She throws her hands in the air. No doubt she's been running nonstop. With the ball being tomorrow, there's a lot to do.
I just hope everything will go smoothly. With Aristas threat still hanging in the air, it has us all a bit on edge. I vow to myself that I will not let Priscilla anywhere near Miracle. Then there's always the worry once people find out what she is, her life would be hanging in the balance. I will not let anyone get to her! I keep promising myself.
"Are we almost finished, I'm starving." Malik ask mom but I don't think it's food that he's wanting.
Exasperated mom lets out breath, shaking her head, she walks over to Malik.
"Can't you control your blood lust for a little longer, this is important!" Chastising Malik, I'm sure the lust part is on the nose though.
"Excuse me your Majesty, but uhm...would you like me to stop so you can take of your uhm....problem." The tailor ask Malik. We all turn to him as he's adjusting his slacks, his problem on full display.
"Oh for the love of...Malik go take care of your...problem please." Suggest mom as Malik smiles and heads for the door. Lucky prick!
"My don't you look all so very handsome. Miracle will just eat you all up!" Exclaims mom, she clasp her hands together, joy all over her face.
I'd like to eat Miracle up!
Shaking my head to get rid of this wayward thoughts. Before my mind goes down a shameful spiral.
"Come look at yourself, very elegant, if I do say so!" We all get off our pedestal and go look into the mirror.
Mom hasn't done a half bad job. The tuxes fit us to T.
Looking Suave and sexy, we all grin.
"Good job Ma!" Brack compliments her, patting on her back. She just beams at us all.
"My work here is done, I'm off my handsome sons for my own fitting, to help your dads, make sure the food is all prepar-" her voice cuts out as she exits the room.
"Glad that's over." Lucias says as he removes his jacket and hands to the tailor.
"I need food!" We all agree as we exit later heading for the kitchen.
Sitting at the table while eating our sandwiches, Miracle comes bustling in frantically. Sitting beside Lucias she whispers in his ear, he crackles out a laugh. Miracle ducks in her seat, shielding herself behind Lucias.
"What's going on?" Baron ask them his only reply is shhhh coming from Lucias. A moment later my mom comes in looking all around then exits to the kitchen.
"You're hiding from our mom?" Brack ask her, his eyebrows raised.
"Yes, shhhh, she won't leave me alone." Miracle whispers, she puts her finger to her mouth shushing him.
All of us grin and keep on eating. Mom enters again. She looks to me, scowling. Throwing her arms, yet again she leaves out the dining area.
"She will find you!" I whisper to Miracle. She straightened in he seat, placing her hands on the table, her eyes constantly focusing on the door.
"I'm sorry, I needed a break, she's been after me all day with preparations. She is really focused!" We love our mom but know exactly where Miracle's coming from.
"What does your dress look like?" Brack is still on about her dress. It's like he has a fascination.
Miracle latches her gaze on to him "oh no, you just have to wait and see." Brack pouts his manly pout; we all laugh at his desperation.
Mom comes back through the door, she notices Miracle.
"Jig is up!" I tell her as she now pouts, but rises up from the table.
"Young lady I've been looking for you everywhere." Admonished my mom while pointing her finger at her.
"Found me!" Miracle slowly walks to her as they head to the door she looks back with pleading eyes, before they exit.
"She's in moms clutches now!" Lucias tells us with a big mouthful of his sandwich.
"Dude swallow!" Baron tells him with a look of disgust.
"Has anyone seen Malik? I thought he was with Miracle?" I ask them. They all shake their heads. Wonder where he is?
Later that night I lie awake. Tossing and turning. My mind cannot seem to escape the turmoil I have over Marcus. Maybe I need to talk to someone? Deep in my thoughts I didn't hear the door open. I felt the bed move, startled I look over to see Baron on my bedside.
"Can't sleep?" I ask him. He shakes his head, letting out a sigh.
"My thoughts keep churning about tomorrow." Knowing he's referring to Priscilla and the worry over Miracle.
"Can't sleep either." Baron looks to me he tilts his head.
"Over Marcus," I tell him, he scoots back against the pillow. "And Miracle."
"Do you still want to be with Marcus?" Shaking my head, I realize that I truly don't.
"No, but he may show up tomorrow. He always comes to these functions. I don't know if I'm ready to face him." Side glancing Baron not wanting to look directly at him.
"Do you love him?"
"I think I always will, I'm not in love with him, I don't think. It's all so damn confusing." Nodding his head, Baron leans his back against the headboard and closes his eyes.
"Maybe when you see him, you'll know your true feelings. But how does Miracle fit into all of this? Do you love her?" I truly don't know if what I feel for her is love. I know I want to be with her. To protect her. To have her by my side.
"I know I care for her, I don't know if it's love? Do you? Love her I mean?" He runs his hands down his face.
"Yes, with all my heart, I even told her. But she didn't have time to reply. Malik came in just after I confessed my love for her. Ruined the moment." I think she loves him to. But it's not place to tell him if she loves him or not. How can I? When I have no idea how I feel.
"She may love you Baron. You never know a persons heart." How true that statement is. I don't even know my own.
"Try to sleep, whatever happens tomorrow will happen." Baron gets off the bed and leaves the room. Leaving me alone with all my wonders.
Stop stressing over it!
Like Baron said, whatever happens will happen!
I drift off in a restless sleep.
"Can someone please help me with these cuff links?" Malik ask as we're all waiting at the stairs for Miracle to make her entrance.
"Ma, you sure the dress is pretty?" Brack keeps going on and on about her dress. Why is he so worried?
"Stop it! What is it with you and her dress? Anything Miracle wears will be stunning!" Lucias reprimands him. I don't blame him. Brack is driving us all nuts!
"Her dress is beautiful, you will be pleased, no hush, come here and let me fix your lapel!" Mom tells him, she adjusts his lapel and gets done just in time. Miracle is opening her door. We can't see her, she has a flight of stairs still to walk down but we're all waiting on pins and needles.
She finally steps down to the top of the stairs. My brothers and me all gasp. My dick actually twitches.
"Told you!" Mom says excitedly.
Damn! Mom did a fucking great job!
Thank you pretties.
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