Poor mangel
Mangel's P.O.V
I start thinking to my self why would they do that I lost train of thought when I saw foxy in the hall I tried to walk as far away as possible but he came close and banged me against the wall he put his hand on my neck I couldn't breathe I got scared I did not know what to do out of know were springtrap punched and foxy fell to the ground and springtrap told me to run I ran I fast as possible and went to the stage and I saw bonnie freddy chica I woke up freddy and chica I did not won't bonnie to be in this.
They say to me what's wrong I say back plz help and then I see foxy walk into the room and I hide behind bonnie and he wakes up and says "what are you doing" I said shh I can't be seen by foxy just be quite so I see foxy walk up on stage he says to the "Arg have seen mangel" "no" they all say "ok Mattie's" I come out from Bonnie and then foxy sees me "Arg Lies" he starts running at me I jump on the pool lucky for me they were just like monkey bars so I pulled my self up and foxy started looking for me freddy and bonnie and chica start yelling "foxy stop right now" foxy walked away and I am now safe
Hope you
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