As soon as Foxy lunged at me and knocked me out, I woke up in a chair, a desk in front of me with a fan, a Freddy plush, and a tablet. I picked it up and turned it on, and there were cameras everywhere. As I flipped through the cameras, to camera 8, I saw broken versions of the four from the pizzeria. I turned off the tablet and grabbed the flashlight, and got up and advanced down the enormous hallway in front of me, but before I went, I thought I heard clamoring in the vent. I ignored it and went to the room labeled Parts/Service. I opened the door, and I only saw three of them. Chica was on the floor, her jaw broken, arms both in half, replaced by wires, Bonnie was slumped down in the corner, his face missing and his arm missing, his missing faceplate exposing his endoskeleton wiring and red eyes, and Freddy was on the floor, holes all over him, and a weird expression on his face. I advance further and and trip over Chica's leg, falling and somehow activating her. She looks at me then gets up.
"Max? Is that you?" she asks, standing up. Her voice was all distorted, like a freight train.
"Yeah. What happened to you four?" I ask, getting up from tripping.
Bonnie boots up and stands up.
"We were decommissioned and replaced. They took parts of us for the replacements. They took my face and my arm for my counterpart, Chica's arms for hers, only small portions of Freddy's body for his counterpart." Bonnie's voice was distorted as well. After that, Freddy boots up and Foxy comes around the corner.
"Max? Where've ya been?" Foxy asked.
"I was knocked out by your nightmare counterpart!" I say.
"Wait, our nightmare counterparts?" Bonnie asks, tilting his head.
They don't say anything further about that, but I break the silence.
"Where are these 'replacements' of yours?" I ask.
Freddy points outside, where music and laughter is heard.
"We're not allowed out there. They don't even know we're alive." Bonnie says.
I say I'll be back, then advance out to the party room. I see everyone getting ready to leave. The new animatronics are much shinier. I see another room but don't go in yet.
I step on the stage, but they instantly come to life, their eyes turn green and a robotic voice automates.
"Facial recognition, not recognized. State your name." It says
"Max Tijorn." I say, hesitantly.
"Welcome, Max Tijorn."
Their eyes turn back and they look at me again.
"Hello there, child! You like partying? Me and my friends love kids." The new Freddy says, holding up his mic.
"No thank you, I wanna know how you guys were built." I say.
They all step off the stage and turn much more serious.
"Kid, we were made originally." the new Bonnie says.
"Fascinating. You guys aren't like the others, they were fur, you're plastic. And you seem to have facial recognition software." I say.
"Oh, you mean from parts and service?" the new Chica says.
"Yeah. They took parts from them for you guys."
As I was talking further, I hear a distorted radio. I clog my ears and fall down.
"What is that!?" I yell.
I see a very messed up animatronic come out of another room, and it has an endoskeleton head and a animatronic robot head, each with one eye.
"Hello! Sorry for the ruckus, that always happens." they say. "I'm Mangle. Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!" It says, holding up its hand. I take it, shivering, but I hear another voice, and when I look behind Mangle, there is a humanoid animatronic with a striped shirt, blush cheeks, propeller hat, as well as a sign that says balloons and a balloon.
"Another kid? Freddy, how many kids have you been dragging in here?" it says.
"Shut it, BB." Freddy rolls his eyes.
"So, you guys are all the replacements? What was wrong with the others?" I ask
As I ask that question, the four originals walk out from the hall.
"We overheard you talking, Max. You wanna know why we were replaced?" Bonnie asks. He puts his hand on his chest plate.
"Here, open it." Bonnie gestures his free hand toward me.
As I open Bonnie's plate, the sight was horrifying. There was a white children's corpse in there.
I back up in shock and bump into the new Freddy.
"Bonnie! What the heck is that?" I yell.
"It's not just him." Freddy says.
Suddenly, Freddy, Chica, and Foxy open their chest plates, revealing a white corpse in each of them.
"Whoever did this, is going to pay." Foxy says, holding up his hook.
I hear a children's laugh, and it was coming from the hall. I approach the hall, and find a giant disembodied Golden Freddy head. His ear is missing, and that's it. The head flies towards me, then reverts back to his own form.
"Max? What are you doing here?" he asks, his glossy eyes illuminated.
"I just woke up here." I say.
I hear some sort of lullaby music, and see a weird puppet come out of an enormous present box. It has a skinny, black body, white stripes, white mask, blush cheeks, empty eye sockets and a smile on its face.
"You must be Max." it says, with what sounds like a girls voice.
"Wow, lots of replacements." I say.
The puppet floats over to me and held out its hand.
"I'm the Puppet." It says.
I take the hand, and suddenly I hear even more clamoring.
"Guys, follow me." I say. I open the parts and service door, and find what looks like a golden Bonnie suit. It has blood on it.
"This suit must've been used by someone." I say.
I turn back around, but everyone's gone. As I blink, they are suddenly all back, except the replacements. The originals, the puppet, balloon boy, and mangle and were tattered, I'm assuming in Nightmare form. Mangle let's out a distorted screech, but I run out of the room, barely dodging Foxy's hook.
I dash through the hall into the party room, and into another room. I see a golden Bonnie suit, and I quickly get in and hide. I adjust the locks so they won't stab me, then get in. There were leaks everywhere in the roof, but I could see them enough so I could maneuver around them.
I went back outside, and they were all still staring at me.
"You! Where is the child?" the puppet asks, his voice deeper than Golden Freddy's.
I shrug and head into the office. I act like I'm an animatronic.
"It seems whoever was here is a security guard." I say.
"Well, let's split up." Bonnie says.
"How about we actually split? It's nearly 6AM and if we're near any windows after that time, we'll vanish." Freddy says.
That got me thinking. If I can get them in the sunlight, my problems will be over.
"You guys better leave. If anyone catches you, they'll kill you." I say.
"Same to you, Spring Bonnie." Chica says.
As they vanish, I get out of the suit and run back to my house.
I walk in the front door, and I sit on the couch to catch my breath. I suddenly hear Brady scream, and it's coming from upstairs.
I dash up to Brady's room as quick as I can, and standing over his crib, was Nightmare himself.
"Why do you keep haunting me!? Go away!" I say, grabbing a flashlight and setting the illumination to max. Nightmare holds his claws in front of his face, blinded. He lets out a roar, then suddenly jumps out the window, into the darkness.
"Yeah you better run!" I yell.
I go over to Brady's crib, and there was an half inch thick red scar across his forehead, blood gushing from it. I pick him up, and he stays quiet. I dash into the bathroom with him in my arms, and get a wet towel to stop the bleeding. I wipe away the blood on his head, then put a band aid over the scar. I see more blood coming from his sleeve, and as I go to clean it up, I find a message, written red.
"Fantasy and fun are over. Your true nightmare begins now." It reads.
"Gosh, dang it! Why? Out of all people, why my baby brother?!" I yell, while whispering.
Brady wakes up, and just looks at me with his big brown eyes. He starts laughing, and I'm relieved he was okay. I pick him up and give him his rattle. I carry him downstairs, and set him in his chair, then get him some food.
I put my hands on the table, sweating, and I was thinking about the message written in Brady's blood.
I hear clamoring, then grab my flashlight then shine it where the sound came from. Suddenly, the four fallen endoskeletons jump out at me.
I fall back in shock, and keep backing up.
"Wait, this is just a nightmare. You aren't real!" I stand up run through them all, and they vanishes into smoke.
I get up and see that Brady was still eating, and somehow he wasn't bothered by what happened. I go back over to pick him up, but my hands pass right through him.
I suddenly glow purple, just a spectre in my own house.
"You see? Your nightmare is not being able to care for your family. We will fix that. Give in to your fear." Nightmare says, behind me.
I turn around, and Nightmare is standing over me. I fall to my knees, and my eyes start to water.
"I might be scared, but I'm not giving up." I say.
I suddenly feel Nightmare's foot, and I realize I can touch him.
I get up and tackle him to the ground.
"You are just an illusion in my head! Leave me alone!" I yell, punching Nightmare. He lets out another roar, then kicks me back through a wall. I smack my back on the ground, and I realize he put me into the pizzeria.
I get up and find there's no one else in the pizzeria except me and Nightmare.
"No child dares strike me. Your innards will become my appetizer!" he yells.
"You're forgetting one thing. You said MY true nightmare begins now. So I'm in control." I say.
I hold out my hands and form a giant astral of myself, them grab Nightmare and slam him against the ground. I throw him to the ground and try to stomp on him, but he grows as big as me, and throws me off balance.
"You have no power. I am in control of the dream realm, and you can't do anything about it!" he yells. He punches me over and over again, weakening me. I fall to the ground, and he kicks me once more.
"Lights out." he says. "This is an eternal nightmare. We will never let you leave, we will never let you rest." he finishes.
I look up with my last ounce of strength, and find all the original animatronics, in nightmare form, and Nightmare himself, looking down at me. I collapse, and pass out.
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