Chapter 2
3 weeks later
Third person POV
after the fight Jon stayed with Luke , until things calm down between the two.
Even though the couple were not talking alone, if the rest of their friends were hanging out they were most likley to be dragged to the house where that they going to destroy for the night.
This ins the situation right now.
Luke dragged Jon to Brock's house because he needed to stop moping around the house and
regreting life choices .
Jon' POV
luke and i drove to Brock's house and as we were about to go in i remembered that i left my phone in the car.
" im gonna get my phone, be right back." i said and Luke nodded
i went to the car and got my phone. i was about to go in the house when i heard a god awful sounding giggle.
"Hold up" i looked around and i saw a car that was parked in front of Tylers.
another giggle
"nonono" i started towards the car
when i got to it i saw the pair in side
Peggy Lewis and Samuel 'thefuckingantichrist' Dennis.
I knocked on the window
when Peggy saw me i heard a muffled scream come out of her. The son of a dick next to her made a gesture for her calm down and got out of the car.
"Hello Jonathan." i stayed quiet, knowing any sound that would come out of my mouth was a profanity and this was a fairly family friendly neighborhood
"not talking huh? That's fine let me think of a conversation starter. Oh i know, How's the fiancee?"
i was using all of my strength to not strangle that son of a bitch
"W-why?!" i forced out
" Because your life was wayy to planned out. You needed a little chaos " he smirked and i growled.
" Let me guess, Lewis was in on this?"
" Well of course, i needed a female after all"
You know what? Fuck the kids who live here. I was about to insult him harder than i've ever insulted anyone, but wouldn't do anything
"Maybe you should go back to your so-called- friends. They'll get curious .
out of all of the ideas in my head , i didn't think i would be going back to the house .
before i opened the door i looked back to see no one there.
" Fuck."
i walked in
" What the Fuck took you so long?'' Luke asked when he saw me
" i couldn't find my phone" i said
The rest of the guys were playing games and talking like normal , but i couln't enjoy myself .
i heard a voice in the back of my head.
'meet me in the guest room, i want to continue our conversation'
i went upstairs, the guys didn't notice.
i opened the door of the bedroom and there he was, sitting in the office chair.
he stood up.
"H-how are you here? Hell! How are you even alive!!" i growled
" I had Ms. Lewis help me with that bit and as payment i took her out on a date. So you see it is not my fault if your fiancee jumped to a conclusion."
'' Why do you make it your personal job to ruin everything for me?!" i exclaimed and he let out a dry chuckle.
" Because you don't deserve happiness, none of us do. When will YOU understand that?
Also it's not my fault that you make your life so easily breakable."
" if you're just here to insult me im gonna go " i was about to leave when he said this.
"Why do you keep trying?"
"You know he'll never forgive you, right? So why still be here?"
"You don't know that!"
"Of course i do, he'll never forgive you, his friends, even though they say they're fin with you, will always hate you. And it's all for something you didn't do. So, what are going to do?"
i didn't want to admit it , but he was right. Evan will never forgive me , so what's the point?Why continue being here? I'm sure Ms. Swift has a position for me back at the office.
" That's the spirit! So how do you wanna go? If you want i can do it, it'll only take a few seconds.
"Give me a gun."
" As much as i want to see you blow your brains out, i don't have any bullets so anything else?"
"Fine , a knife then."
Craig's POV
Jon's been upstairs for a while now , it's already midnight and Luke is leaving , along with everyone else .
"Is he in the bathroom or something?" Luke asked
"no i heard him in the guest room, maybe he's on a phonecalll?" Tyler said.
"That must be a fucking long phoncall"
"I'll go get him" I said going up the stairs
i stood infront of the door.
" Hey Jon? you in there?"
i went to open the door .
when i see the sight in front of me i freeze.
"Yo Craig what's taking so long?" i hear Tyler say as he comes up the stairs
"what are you staring at?"
That's when he looked in the room.
There was Jon laying on the floor, knife in his hand, with his throat slit.
.... i may have gone a little dark there...
the next chapter will come soon
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