twenty five
She recognizes what Jeongguk had left behind. This is the book he had taken from Vicki's room that night. It's a teal hardback book, but based on the way the pages are, it's pretty old. The first page indicates the owner.
Property of Vicki Wang and Jisoo Kim.
Each page — or pages — were titled with a name in bold, and paragraphs on paragraphs of what they were hiding. Some were shorter than others. Jade didn't want to look specifically into people's secrets, the idea that this book existed was both disgusting and also genius. Vicki and Jisoo did in fact know many people's secrets which was upsetting, they used it as a lever. But Jade could bet that what some of her classmates did was truly awful, so it was a twisted way of justice.
She considered at first that maybe he had left it there on accident. But then why would he have brought it if it was important to him? This had to be Jeongguk's inadvertent way of saying, this is what happened. And this is the exact book which Ryujin had found in his room then.
Jade isn't a fool. The ones ripped from the notebook have to be what Vicki and Jisoo had written about her. The girl had once said she was going to reveal Ryujin's secrets on the blog so that Jade would've stepped up her game. She's not surprised this girl had something to hide...but was it that personal were she didn't even want Jeongguk to see it? Made sense. He was a close friend of hers.
And now perhaps Jade would never know what her friend is hiding. But that's not of her concern. She promptly closes the book after looking past the first couple pages, and sticks it into her locker. Still set on not reading all the contents of the journal, the brunette slams the locker door and makes her way to her homeroom. Knowing the skeletons of her classmates is not a thing she's keen on learning. She herself knows too much already.
The brunette sits at her desk. Ryujin slips in through the door a couple minutes following.
"Wow. I thought I wouldn't live to see the day. You usually show up before Jade!" Jeongguk smirks at her, and Jade's friend scoffs.
"I'm touched that you pay enough attention to notice." She lets out a breath. "But, Jimin offered me a ride today, he arrived at my place a little later than when I usually leave." She turns her chin to pointedly stare at him. "And no you asshat, there was no funny business."
"What a shame, you two are so boring." The artist muses. "Definitely a match made in heaven then. The car is a great place to hook up."
Ryu glares at him in horro. "You're gross."
"I'm sexy." He corrects innocently, which makes Jade laugh loudly.
"Far from it." The conversation reminds her of why it was a good thing to befriend them. Ryu and Jeongguk's constant back and forth would be something Jade would miss long after they left this school. Ryu did not go easy on him, she was honest, which was probably why he liked her most out of all the others like Momo and such.
Sucks for Jade. Some of the Olympians really have it out for her.
The beginning of her day is very peaceful and for once uneventful, at least up until lunch. She sees it on the way to her locker, Ryu scowls instantly.
"Hyunjin? Jade I can—"
"No." She shakes her head. "I need to stop letting him get the best of my nerves. Relax, it'll be fine." Jade has a feeling this part is a lie, considering he's surrounded by the group of Olympians which detest her.
"Aw, my favorite girl is here!" He calls out once she reaches her locker. Jade is knows Ryujin is itching to throw a punch at the kid, but unfortunately she can't let her indulge in that pleasure. Violence is exactly what he would want. Hyunjin mimics a smooching face.
"How did it feel kissing my bestie? I'm touched that you thought he was better than me! Or maybe you just don't want to believe in the things he's done?" Next to him, the Olympians snicker.
"I found this cute little diary in your locker—" He looks up when Jade spins around to glare at him.
"That isn't yours, give it back!" He extends an arm upwards, just out of her reach. Hyunjin clicks his tongue.
"It's not yours either." He snaps a finger, and flips the book open. "Let's read through a few of these pages, shall we? Some of your so-called friends should really come into the light for their bad bad behavior!"
"Trust me, Amethyst," Momo grins coldly, referring to a name Jaebum had given her at the beginning of the school year. "you're so going to want to hear this." Jade tries fighting her grip so she can snatch the book out of his hands and leave, but it seems the tables have turned. Momo's very strong.
He hums loudly, scrolling through the first few pages. "Let's see. The stuff they have on me are too boring...Doyoung's is just sad." After a minute, he grins. "Oh! Let's start with you!"
"Jade Lei is a strange girl, I'll give her that." He begins to read, smirking through each and every word. She can feel her stomach twisting and turning in discomfort. "I noticed how smart she was when she first arrived at school. I mean, did she think her dupe luxury branded outfits would fool me? I knew she was a twenty instantly. I told Vicki about this, and though she wanted to do something about it, maybe get under the girl's skin, I told her to wait a little while...and see what to do later, once she's comfortable in this setting."
Hyunjin continues. "So we're back at Jade's thing a few years later. We're seniors now, but I noticed how Jeongguk noticed her. It was seriously only a matter of time, he has a thing for quiet, smart, and independent girls just like little Chaeyoung." Hyunjin snorts. "Wow. I'm surprised Vicki had the guts to write her name in the book!"
"He invited her to his party. I personally don't like that. If she's anything like Chaeyoung, that is bad news. So I told my favorite Olympian, Im Jaebum (but don't say that I said he was my favorite) to go get a look of this girl. Once I said she was a twenty, he was in. I still find it amazing how Evergreen really hates these smart kids. It was the perfect button to press, because I know he doesn't like when smart people threaten him. Jade won't take away his valedictorian position, but she can definitely threaten the idea that he's one of the smartest people in the school. A shame, she might even think he likes her. But I know where his loyalty lies." Hyunjin closes the book with a cold smile. "Signed off, Vicki Wang."
"Hyunjin, what the hell is wrong with you?" Ryujin pushes past the kids in her way, and steals the book back from him. "Are you sick, why do you hate her so much?"
"I don't hate Jade, Ryu. She just needed to hear something that no one else was willing to tell her. Not even you would!"
"I didn't know that Jaebum did that!" She growled defensively, looking at Jade. The other boy smiles in pleasure at her her dazed face. Jade doesn't know what to say or think.
"But my business here is done now." Hyunjin waves a hand to Momo, who releases her, and follows after him. "Let's go! I know you'll thank me later Jade!"
Ryu watches him leave with a hardened glare, and once he disappears from her sight, she sighs.
"You okay?"
"No. Not really." She gently takes the book back from her friend and slips it inside her bag. She masks her blanked out face with a serious one, and straightens her posture.
"Forget it Jaebum, I don't want to hear any explanation you have." Lei turns on her heel to see him standing there, next to Jeongguk.
"Jade, that was written back then. Things have changed!" He steps forward. "I...Vicki did tell me to do that, but those feelings quickly faded. I really like you, I didn't — I wasn't trying to play you."
She stares at him once, then lets a small sigh through her lips. It doesn't look like it on the outside, but her wall is crumbling very quickly. Jade intertwines her hand with Ryujin's and looks away from the older boy.
"I told you already. I don't want to hear it, so get lost." She doesn't stick around after that, and tugs her friend along with her until she's sure none of the two boys are anywhere near.
Then she starts sobbing.
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