Jisoo. She's not a girl Jade thinks of often while she's at school, the girl doesn't do much which catches her attention, though she wonders on occasion how in hell that girl managed a spot as one of the Crowns. She looked like an airhead.
But maybe an airhead was the perfect coverup of her true personality.
When an announcement over the intercom asks students to head to the auditorium for a verbal demonstration of the ESS handbook — this happens every year — Jisoo interrupts her and Ryujin's conversation in the hall as they walk in time with other classmates. She even goes to the effort to weasel her way in between them.
"So what are we talking about?"
"Boob jobs." Jade deadpans. Ryu knows it's not true, but she snickers to herself anyways.
"Really? I was debating on getting one." Jisoo shrugs. "So how was the party? I saw you got escorted."
"Pretty boring, to be honest. I expected more." This seemed to be the right answer, and an honest one, for Jisoo vehemently agrees.
"It was, wasn't it? Don't worry it's just a warm up. Parties start to get more selective as the year goes on. And interactive. That is, if Jeongguk thinks you're worth the time of inviting."
"I think he will. But if he doesn't, I don't care. The less I see of him, the better." And Jade has no problem insulting him in front of his close friends. Jisoo doesn't seem to be offended either, instead she smiles.
Jisoo won't admit it to Jade, but there are reasons why Jeongguk is so interested in her. And it's not just him — so is Vicki. He seems to like her, she doesn't react to his doings the same ways other fourths do. She also gets why Ryu befriended this girl, though she can sense there is something that Jade Lei is hiding.
Kim Jisoo was a force not to be messed with. She knew how to get information where no one else would. Lots of people hate her because she knew things that they wish she didn't. She also witnessed Hyunjin almost sexually harass Jade. All the things that she was receiving from them...none of it was an accident. A well set-up plan from none other than—
Jisoo leaves the two suddenly when she spots Doyoung's head over the crowd of students. She doesn't bother with a goodbye, nor did Jade like the conversation she just had with them, so she's glad to see the girl leave. Something about the way the older girl's brown eyes bored into her. As if she was trying to figure out her secrets. It sent a sudden shiver down her spine.
Ryu has the choice to sit with the other Olympians, but she chooses not to and ignores the glare Park Jimin sends to her back when she takes a seat next to Jade. The other girl grins.
"Jimin looks irritated. You should go sit next to him."
"He's always like that." Ryujin shrugs off, though it's not true. Jade doesn't respond to that, more of a silent suit yourself and looks up at the stage where the presentation screen is being set up. They went through the same protocol every year.
Little did they know, this assembly would be the spark of a very brutal fire.
Their head mistress begins with an introductory statement. Hello all, welcome back! We hope your summer break has treated you well...By now Jade isn't really listening, her eyes scan the large auditorium around. Sitting in the next section are the Olympians and the Crowns. Jimin now seems to be paying more attention, but his eyes shift back to Ryujin's side profile every few seconds. And Jade thinks that Ryu has noticed by now, her leg has begun to bounce. Maybe he likes her, she's not surprised if he does, Ryu is a very pretty girl with a genuine heart. It has the capability to crack even some of the coldest people at the school.
Their headmistress is about to begin the presentation, she walks over to the desk where her laptop is. The projection screen is blue, probably a connection issue.
The administration at ESS have to be one of the most corrupted people Jade has encountered. They will do anything the parents ask of as long as money is given. Quite sad but true, most favoritism is given towards the A classes, although there are students there which don't deserve to be there.
She smiles to herself and presses the pointer, thinking the issue has been fixed. But this is when the problem starts. A PowerPoint doesn't show on the screen, a video does. Jade recognizes the girl on the screen...it's Vicki Wang.
Who is Vicki Wang? The video title states, now the administration is confused and trying to shut down the video. Images of Vicki's mirror selfies pop up, there's a few wolf whistles when it transitions to her pictures taken at the beach, with red animated arrows pointing at her chest, repeatedly asking Who is Vicki Wang? This looks like a harmless prank video at first. Though everyone is mainly confused, especially the Five Crowns.
Not even Vicki expects the next thing.
"I wish I was a girl." On the screen is footage taken many years ago, it looks old. The little boy is around five or six — actually he's six, the candle on his birthday cake indicates such. It's a birthday party, and Jade is fast to realize what this is saying. And damn, no one expected this.
That little boy is Vicki Wang. By now the lights are on, and the administration is panicking to turn off the video. The headmistress finally snatches the chord connecting the laptop to the projection screen, and students murmurs have erupted into full blown yells of conversation. Jade and Ryujin both are shocked, and they turn to Vicki.
This is the first crystal-clear emotion the girl has ever offered. She looks horrified. Vicki gets up quickly, and marches out of the room, though Doyoung and Jisoo are hot on her heels.
a/n: did you expect that
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