Chapter 8. Yin and Yang
Author's Note: I think it needs no more warning when I say that this is an extremely long chapter. I think by now my readers know me and know that I don't write chapters- I write dissertations. (Even dissertations are smaller than this chapter.)
This chapter is action-packed and the last chapter in which Jodha and Jalal are not married.
Hope you like this chapter and PLEASE PRESS THAT VOTE BUTTON AND drop a comment ❤️😛. Your Votes help this story reach more readers while the Comments make me so so very happy and motivate me to write more frequently.
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Thank you.
Chapter 8. YIN and YANG
Abdul watched from the corner as Tabassum entered his King's chambers and stilled--it was obvious in the way the famous artist was looking at Jalal that this was the first time she was seeing The King.
(Jalal seemed to have that effect on women (and also on some men)- the stuttering, shying, stilling effect.)
Jalal nodded at her in welcome, returning her taslim with an adab of his own before turning away to look for something in his chambers, distracted due to his search.
And Abdul was doomed to watch yet another woman become entranced with Jalal's mere presence, her gaze roamed over his King's form greedily from under her lashes, as if she knew she would never be this close to him again and she was right- Jalal did not stray from women who were not already a part of his extensive Harem and those he did like enough to stray, he added them to the harem soon after.
(Nowadays though, Jalal was too busy to think of anything other than war and battle tactics so Tabassum was outta luck.)
Abdul finally cleared his throat when he saw her breathe in deeply- taking in the scent of the room (the scent of Jalal) and her eyes looked startled to see him there- yes, ignore the disabled, he rolled his eyes and nodded his head towards the easel- ready for her to use and she got busy setting it up while Jalal- Jalal finally found what he was looking for and Abdul's eyebrows rose.
An anklet.
Beautiful as it was, he didn't think it would suit Jalal- but he did know whom it would suit...Jalal's Obsession, Princess Jodha.
(How is it that if an ordinary person steals a girl's anklet- it's thievery but if Jalal does it, it's suddenly Romantic?)
And how did Jalal justify his stalking and obsessive nature even in his hatred? How could he explain his ever-increasing interest in the Princess of Amber even when he'd promised to never think of her again? And how did Jalal explain this unsettled feeling which was making him almost lack his usual grace and look like he had consumed too much Qahwa?(1)
Okay, yes, Abdul could understand the obsession.
Kind of...Sort of.
Golden eyes, Magic, Beauty, Mystery, Danger--it was everything Jalal had chased all his life but to lose oneself this much to it...?
Abdul was still reluctant in believing 'magic' but seeing Jalal like this... made him want to believe- his actual fear was not that Jalal was obsessed but that Jalal thought himself immune to the Princess's magic even when he was the most affected by it.
(To be honest: If Abdul hadn't known better, he would have said that his King was in love at first sight but he did know better and knew that this obsession was NOT borne out of Jalal's Love but out of Jalal's Hatred and it was ready to burn everything around him.
Even Himself.)
It made him shudder to think to what lengths Jalal would go to for that person he would love if this was the amount of passion in his hatred.
But every action could be set aside as unimportant because Abdul was a writer and beautiful words were his language- not actions.
Which is why he was so shocked when Jalal started describing Jodha to Tabassum--
Let's just say that the writer and poet in Abdul were itching to pick up a pen and pin those words down because Jalal sounded like he remembered every little freckle of hers, every curve on her body and every turn she had graced him with.
He sounded like he remembered her like that one favourite book, the kind which you could quote from the heart.
"Her hair is like a dark night filled with stars," Jalal said, his gaze far away and Abdul knew he was remembering her as she was in Amber.
"Her eyebrows are full and arched, like a bow for the sharp arrows of her eyes. Her lashes are so long that they cast a shadow of their own upon her high cheekbones. Her eyes are Golden sometimes, Sometimes amber- but always bright.
Gazelle eyes if only they belonged on a Tigress...coy and predatory. Hooded and heady in each blink of her lashes, as they lazily kiss her cheeks."
"She looks like Adam's Eve, has the allure of the Forbidden fruit but in reality, she's the snake that entices you to Sin."
Abdul saw Tabassum bite her lip and he smirked, it was clear that Jalal's words were having an unintended effect on the painter too.
He feared that Tabassum too was quite ready to sin too...unfortunately for her, Jalal obviously was not interested.
Their combined attention had no effect on Jalal though- lost in memories as he was.
"Her lips are full, shaped like a heart. They look softer than petals but her tongue is sharper than even my Sword. She's quite a talented killer...her gaze cuts only deep enough to make one bleed heavily or maim lightly but her words- they kill without hesitation." His King said, his own lips smirking as he continued,
"A slight smirk is upon those lips- almost invisible to the rest- as if she's laughing at the World but she's far too royal to do it in view of others, so she does it silently. A true Princess...but only in public."
His King stilled when Tabassum asked, her voice, breathy.
"Neck, Sire?"
"Beautiful like a swan's...fair and delicate. I do believe if she drank sherbet, I would see it pass down that graceful curve." His King said and Abdul saw him close his eyes, "The neck ends where the collarbones begin and every crevice of her if the Sun himself has kissed her every inch, leaving gold shimmer behind like a possessive lover's claim."
Jalal paused, his fingers rubbing circles on his Obessesion's anklet,
"Arms are delicate but filled with hidden strength as she wields my dagger and places it...right here." His king said, touching his neck with a single finger...not threateningly but almost enticingly. As if the act of keeping a dagger on one's neck was suddenly intimate and not threatening- Abdul sees Tabassum's hand shake a little.
"Her nimble and skilled fingers hold my dagger expertly...comfortably. As if the dagger had belonged to her from the very beginning and I was the one who'd borrowed it, stolen it, not she."
Abdul closed his eyes and accepted that he had been wrong- Jalal did not remember her like a book but like a Song.
Or just the Tune of a song- the tune which you can hum but can never put a name to. For hours and days that tune repeats unendingly in your head until all that remains is that Tune...The melody of which is both beloved and exasperating and In fear of forgetting it, you write it down to immortalize it on a piece of paper.
Perhaps that's what Jalal was trying to do with his golden-eyed angel too-- that is what he'd been trying to do for all these years-- Immortalize her.
Even when no one had believed him, even when everyone put her out of their minds as a mere hallucination, as a fever dream and a figment of imagination- she'd lived on in Jalal's mind, in his soul- beloved and oh so REAL.
But the truth is- Beauty like hers doesn't belong on mere paper- strokes of a brush can never do her justice. No paint can be as vibrant as her lips, or as alive as her eyes.
So, Abdul knew that this venture was a failure from the very beginning because something isn't beautiful because it's beautiful because it doesn't.
What Abdul means to say is that Jalal can have her painted a million times but it still won't make him want her less. It won't assuage the need for the REAL thing. Just as the tune of that SONG is not enough- you want the words to it. A painting of her will never be enough...not for a beauty like Hers.
Jalal will always want her.
Even in his hate.
Even in his anger.
Even in his grief.
He. Will. Want. Her.
He will want her with the passion of a thousand burning stars and with the ferocity of the Sun. He wished to be the one who left the golden shimmer behind on her skin, the one to claim her so possessively that it was visible even to a blind man--
"Th-the painting is ready Shahenshah."
Abdul saw Jalal tilt his head at the stutter in Tabassum's voice and swallowed- Jalal was like a shark, if he smelled blood in the water- he followed it like the predator he was.
"Is it?" Jalal asked softly, gently- still not looking at the painting, "And what do you think about it, Mohtarma Tabassum?"
"Hmm?" Jalal asked as he poured himself a cup of wine, he poured another cup and gave it to the artist- who took it with trepidation.
"This is... Jodha Bai, Sire." She said and for the first time, Abdul saw Jalal turn towards the canvas and--
The cup Jalal had raised to his lips to sip from, froze.
His eyes danced across the canvas with such hunger that even Abdul was forced to limp around to see--
He felt himself freeze too, it was as if she was right there. Looking into Jalal's eyes with warmth, mischief and challenge. It was as if they were back in Amber and Abdul was seeing her for the first time, talking with his King and capturing his complete attention with a mere flick of her lashes.
Abdul had forgotten how paralysing her beauty was, he'd forgotten the way it could make one praise God's hand, write a poem and weep- all at the same time.
"Indeed but how do you recognize her?"
"An artist had no boundaries, Shahenshah. I was once called upon by her Grandmother- it was the only painting I have been allowed to paint of Her Highness to date, Shahenshah."
"'Allowed''re not allowed to paint her otherwise?" Jalal asked and Tabassum's face crumpled as she shook her head, her eyes terrified.
"And you mentioned her Grandmother- the painting is in Gondwana?" Jalal asked and Abdul saw Tabassum's eyes widen in shock- ah, so it was as Abdul had thought. No one outside of Rajputana knew just WHO the Queen of Gondwana was or the fact that A Rajputani was the Gondi Queen.
(Or even if they did get to know, they were either silenced or were paid to keep silent.)
Jodha really had been keeping a low profile and it had worked in keeping both Gondwana and Amber safe.
"Yes, My King. " Tabassum answered, lowering her glass and Abdul thought she looked scarily like a deer- frozen in the sight of danger. Or like a person stuck between a rock and a hard place.
"Tell me about her,"Jalal ordered, filling up another glass of wine before his eyes returned to the Canvas- almost as if without his permission.
"About Durgavati Devi, My King-,"
"No, about Jodha Bai, the Queen of Gondwana. Tell me about her- everything you know."
"She is..." Tabassum too turned to watch the Canvas, "She is The Queen, Alampana." Tabassum divulged,
"She protects her people and cares for them like a Mother but to her enemies...she is ruthless, merciless...Her spies are everywhere and she is perhaps the most well-protected person in Hindustan. " The artist stopped speaking but Jalal's attentive eyes asked her to continue,
"She is the most intelligent person I have ever known, Shahenshah- She looks at the world differently than the rest of us do. She's known to never lie- not even to her enemies and makes outsmarting them a game. She is religious but not a Bigot. She respects our religion- especially Sufism."
Abdul intervened,
"-Is there anything useful you can tell us about Gondwana and its militar-,"
"No, continue," Jalal ordered Tabassum, shooting a quelling look at Abdul, pushing him to silence and he obeyed, reluctantly.
"Her love for her brothers- Maan Singh and Sujamal is well known among Rajputana, and Sire her friendship with Rana Pratap is famous too. It is said that she is protected by a Tiger- I never saw it but-,"
"It's true," Jalal said and Abdul couldn't stop himself from saying,
"Like that Hindu Goddess-- Durga?" Tabassum smiled and said,
"Devi hai woh- yeh hum nahin, unki awaam maanti hai (2). Her people think that she cannot do any wrong. They believe her to be an incarnation of the Goddess Durga. They bring their children to her for blessings instead of going to the temples. She is called the Crown of Rajputana because she is their pride, their ace up the is for their sake that she keeps her status as the Queen of Gondwana under wraps." Tabassum said and Jalal nodded,
"To surprise their enemies." Jalal said, "And to protect her family." He nodded and Abdul frowned- still confused.
"What about her family, do they not miss her back in Amber?" Jalal asked and Tabassum shrugged,
"People in Gondwana are her family." Tabassum replied, "Her Grandmother and cousin live there too."
"And have you seen her eyes turn Gold? Why does that phenomenon happen?" Jalal asked and Tabassum shook her head,
"No Sire, never have I seen them turn Gold myself although..." Tabassum said, looking unsure and Jalal nodded her on encouragingly, "...I have heard theories."
"What kind of theories?" Abdul asked,
"Just that her Tiger has golden eyes too- people think their connection colours her eyes that way, that whenever Rajah is near, her eyes flash Golden."
Jalal frowned and Abdul's eyes moved from Jalal to the Artist- and from the Artist to Jalal- before his King nodded and said,
"You may go."
Tabassum bowed, took the money and left. And Abdul frowned and asked,
"I just don't understand one thing- why keep her status as Gondi Queen a secret?" Abdul asked and Jalal replied easily,
"The more people know that the Gondi Queen and the Princess of Amber are the same people- the more it puts her family in a Risk. Islam Shah could have gone after her sisters in Amber to get revenge on Gondwana. There is also the fact that men are intimidated by a woman who has too much power..."
"You're not, obviously." Abdul said, his face bemused and Jalal shrugged,
"I am not just a man, Abdul...I am the Shahenshah of Hindustan."
"And she is THE Queen." Abdul said, repeating Tabassum's stress on 'the'. Jalal scoffed but his eyes never moved from the painting. In fact, Jalal seemed to almost be glaring at it.
"Its beauty won't lessen the longer you stare at it, Alampana.(3)" Abdul said with a chuckle,
"No, but I might stop getting affected by it," Jalal said but Abdul could only snort...yeah, that was unlikely.
"'re right," Jalal said, sighing, before he removed the picture from the easel--
"W-what are you doing, My King?!" Abdul asked in horror as Jalal took the painting to the fireplace and lit one of its ends--Abdul rushed to stop Jalal from burning it but it was no use-
"I thought it would be obvious. I'm burning it."
"Why?! If you didn't want it, I would have taken it!" Abdul said and Jalal looked at him with such a burning glare that Abdul looked away--
"I need to watch her burn, Abdul. She needs to die for what she has done. If I can't do that here with this portrait, what hope do I have to do it when she is in front of me."
"Jalal- ,"
"If she were a man, would you have hesitated? Stopped me from killing an enemy King?" Jalal asked, his head tilted in curiosity,
"I...wouldn't have stopped you," Abdul confessed honestly,
"Her beauty is her power and we're vulnerable to it. Susceptible to freezing in face of it- like a deer in face of fear rather than acting like we should when faced with an enemy. "
Abdul tried to reason with his King,
"But she let me go, remember? An enemy wouldn't have done that. An enemy would have killed me, without remorse."
"She was playing with you! Don't you see-- like a tiger with its prey. Or she stopped because she knew killing you meant dragging my attention and wrath to her Kingdom. It was self-preservation at best and a delaying tactic at worst."
Jalal obviously thought that all her actions were led by ulterior motives but according to Abdul all her actions were taken to protect her Kingdoms, and her people-- it would have been commendable had she not been an enemy.
--urgh, Who was Abdul kidding, it was commendable either way- she had his respect regardless of being his enemy.
"Jalal, it was Bairam Khan's decision to spy on the Mughal Kingdom, his decision to leave your side, to go to Mecca...his murder may be morally incorrect but politically- Jalal, you know in your heart that you would've done the same were the positions reversed."
The picture turned to ash in Jalal's hands and his friend smiled, it was bitter and threatening.
"Ah, but you forget Abdul- I have no heart."
Abdul closed his eyes as he watched his friend leave the room, leaving only ash and destruction behind him.
It was then that Umar, Jalal's personal servant cleared his throat, demanding Abdul's attention.
(Umar was not just a servant- he was a master spy.)
"Salima Begum is here, Rahim is with her."
Abdul's eyes widened as he rushed- or as much as he could rush with his legs. He spoke as he hobbled,
"Jalal's gone out for a court meeting... Where are they?"
"In the secret chambers under the Prison. She wishes to meet no one but the Shahenshah." Umar looked up with foreboding knowledge in his eyes,
"Salima Begum has specifically ordered me to keep Mohtarma Maham Anga away. She is unwell and unconscious, she needs the Hakima Sahiba, not an interrogation. "
Abdul pursed his lips and nodded.
"This Diwan-e-Khas session is to decide who is going to be the next Wazir-e-Ala," Jalal announced in front of all important ministers.
Jalal honestly was...unwilling to choose a replacement for this position because according to him, Khan Baba was irreplaceable despite his later actions.
But, Jalal was at War and the Mughal Sultanate needed a Wazir and that was that.
"According to me," One of his religious advisors- Fakir Aziao-Din, spoke up, "Shamsuddin Atgah Khan would be perfect for this position, My King. He has been serving the Mughal Sultanate loyally for decades and has never once disappointed His Highness."
Chugtai Khan, one of his most experienced war generals nodded,
"I agree with this choice, Alampana. Shamsuddin is capable and wise beyond his years."
"I, too support this decision." Maula Do Piaza said, nodding his head deeply-
Jalal nodded, these were all important and wise men in Jalal's Kingdom which is why he trusted their choice. Happy that the matter had been resolved so quickly--
"Gustaakhi ki muafi chahenge, Shahenshah." (4) He heard Badi Ammi's voice echo in the Diwan-e-Khas and nodded automatically for her to continue but before she could, she was interrupted,
"-Gustaakhi ki muafi chahenge, Shahenshah." One of the male ministers interrupted- Bahadur Khan, one of Atgah Khan's loyalists,
"But I would like to remind the court that women do not interfere in Diwan-e-Khas. That is the Law. Maham Anga may be important in the Harem but she has no right to speak here."
Jalal mulled that for a second before saying,
"I know what the law is, Bahadur Khan but let us not forget that Maham Anga is like my mother and a mother's advice can never guide anyone wrong." He paused before looking at Badi Ammi and signalling for her to continue yet again,
She nodded and said,
"There is no doubt that Atgah Khan Saheb has served the Empire brilliantly and loyally but let us not forget that he already handles the Kingdom's entire finances and the Ice business- which has grown fast throughout Hindustan. To add on the responsibilities of a Wazir might be putting too much weight on his shoulders. For the better of the Empire, I suggest that someone else should be made Wazir-e-Ala, someone who's busy. "
Jalal frowned in thought and nodded, Atgah Saheb had come into his more mature years and it wouldn't do to overwhelm him too much. He needed someone who was wise, cunning and loyal to the Empire. Someone who wasn't being used to their full potential--
"You're right Badi Ammi," Jalal said, he turned to his best minister,
"Atgah Saheb, you already have too much to handle and until such time that Aziz Koka is capable of handling the ice business alone and I get someone trustworthy to look after the Kingdom's finances- you will continue with those responsibilities. For now."
Jalal paused then,
"I do believe that Ruqaiya had expressed some interest in handling the Ice Business." He suggested and saw Atgah Saheb nod in understanding, gracious even as Jalal rejected him for the position of Wazir-e-Ala.
"I am only now realizing that we have been using only half of our Kingdom's potential," Jalal said as he remembered the Gondi Queen and the female warriors of Amber. Badi Ammi's eyes on him felt suddenly heavy- especially in the way she was watching him as if she was unsure what was in his head.
"The Mughal Empire has many men loyal to it which is why the Empire flourishes but Mughal Women do not lack loyalty or courage. They are gifted with cunningness and intelligence, which is why... I have decided- you will be the next Wazir, Badi Ammi." He said as he looked his mother in the eyes and saw the genuine pleasure in them before it vanished as she said, softly...her voice filled with Love.
"I am honoured by your belief in me, Shahenshah and definitely not worthy of it. I do not wish to be a Wazir-," Jalal frowned, "I am happy in the Harem and having your ear about some less important things." She said with a self-deprecating tone,
Jalal blinked and tried not to smirk, oh Badi Ammi, what are you planning?
"I see, did you have someone else in mind then? Because I do not have the time to hold an all out voting. War is upon us and the position of Wazir can't be left vacant." He stated and he leant back onto his throne.
His Badi Ammi surely had someone in mind, now he had to see whom she would choose- someone from Atgah Khan's team or from Muntazir Beg's team- the team that Adham was part of.
"I do have someone in mind, Shahenshah. Someone whose ideals and means quite match Atgah Saheb's--- Bahadur Khan." She declared and Jalal tried not to smile- of course. The best trick in the book- make your enemy, a friend.
Bahadur Khan looked considerably and predictably shocked and Jalal could only smirk, he needed to see this through as it ought to be very interesting.
Especially because Bahadur had only served the Mughal Sultanate for a handful of years and Jalal had not been impressed.
"Very well." Jalal nodded and sighed, "Bahadur Khan it is."
His ministers celebrated before Jalal cleared his throat and said,
"Onto the next business then. War."
"Shahenshah, our Armies are ready. As ordered they have been divided into many parts- the navy is being handled by Shaybani Khan,"
Shaybani Khan, a new addition to Jalal's campaign, was talented but still on a trial- Jalal had no doubt that he would fail to achieve his objective of defeating Gondwana's navy but it will achieve exactly what Jalal wanted- A distraction, which Shaybani Khan was proficient and nice enough to provide.
He remembered how the man had been added to Jalal's army--
The man was tall- perhaps a little shorter compared to Jalal's own height, there were two scars sitting prominently on his face- one was very obviously a slave stamp and the other a common scar running from his forehead to his cheek.
He also had two long braids framing his face, his facial hair made him seem dangerous and the kohl-lined eyes gave him an intensity that set him apart.
"Mughal Badshah ko Shaybani ka Salaam." The man said, bowing to Jalal and offering him an Adab. Jalal nodded and offered an adab right back.(5)
"Welcome to Agra. Where have you been all these years?" Jalal asked, it had been a few years since Afghanistan had a navy.
"I worked for Islam Shah."
"I am aware of that-- what I am asking is where did you go after. And, Why leave him? Is it because he was losing."
"Yes." The man said, shamelessly, the court laughed but Jalal tilted his head and reminded,
"We will be going against Gondwana." Reminding him that Defeat was possible- inevitable actually-
"Then My King must also be aware that the Battle against Gondwana is lost. BUT the War you will Win." He said, so sure of his words that Jalal had to smirk,
"And what do you want in exchange?" Jalal asked,
" Hume aurton aur buzurgo se badsaluki pasand nahi hai- I want you to order all your men to respect every woman that comes in front of them."(6)
"Why such love for women?" Badi Ammi asked, suspicious, and Shaybani'd shrugged,
"I am a Man."
He said breezily and the court chuckled yet again before Adham Khan asked,
"Why such love for old people?"
"Because I am a half-decent person Adham Khan, that is why." Shaybani Khan had replied drolly and this time even Jalal had smirked- not at Shabani's words but at Adham's face.
Jalal nodded,
"Take a seat, Shaybani Khan--But remember, in a battle- I do not differentiate--old, young. Rich, poor. Man...or Woman."
Shaybani had smiled,
"Neither do I. When I said All your Men- I meant ALL of them, including me."
This time even Jalal had released a rare chuckle.
Jalal did not know how capable this man was but his sense of humour was surely refreshing.
Atgah Saheb continued,
"Shaybani will lead the Navy and attack the southern ports important to Gondwana for trade. This way the Gondi Navy and the Southern Navy will be distracted in protecting the ports and not return quick enough to protect the Rajput Kingdoms."
"Adham Khan will lead the charge against the Southern Kingdoms- holding them away from providing aid to Gondwana. Sharifuddin will attack Amber. I am the most experienced commander which is why the King has made me in charge of the attack on Gondwana through the land."
Everyone went silent for a second, in respect of the impossible task Atgah Khan saheb had accepted upon himself...
Jalal blinked, bit his lip before saying,
"Change all of that- send Shaybani straight to Gondwana. Adham, make sure that the Southern Kingdoms know what's best for them before quickly reverting towards Gondwana and helping Atgah Khan against the Gondi Army. Zubair, you too will accompany Atgah Saheb."
Everyone nodded, agreeing to the changes Jalal had suggested.
(Even though their faces told Jalal that they thought he was being extra... he sighed, they didn't know Her. Underestimating Jodha would be their biggest mistake and Jalal couldn't afford making it.)
"The next step is perhaps the most important one. Chugtai Khan, Muntazir Beg, Bahadur Khan, Pir Muhammad Khan and Shah Abbas- all of you will hold off any allies coming to help Amber-,"
"All allies except Bhanpur." Jalal interrupted, looking at the numbers displayed, "We can afford Amber and Bhanpur fighting together against Sharifuddin's contingent. Amber's not prepared for war." He said.
The information he'd stolen from Amber was finally coming into use,
"All five of you- Chugtai Khan Saheb, Bahadur Khan, Muntazir Beg Saheb, Pir Muhammad Saheb and Shah Abbas- will surround Amber from all four sides, preventing any allies from providing help- one of you will patrol in all directions in case of stragglers. The secret entrances need to be guarded are here," Jalal pointed at the map, "Here and Here."
"What about Mewar, Shahenshah?" Atgah Khan Saheb asked and Jalal shook his, his eyes not showing any worry about Mewar,
"Forget about Mewar, Atgah Saheb. It is Gondwana you must distract at all costs."
Atgah Saheb tilted his head in acquiesce and Jalal said,
"I wish you all the best, Generals, may we be victorious. May the flag of the Mughals fly high for centuries to come. May Allah guide our steps to Victory."
"May you reign forever, Shahenshah." Chugtai Khan prayed,
"Ameen." Everyone said and Jalal smiled when the warhorn was sounded and his men left for war in front of his eyes.
For the first time in years- the full might of the Mughals was showcased to the world-- Land under their feet vibrated with the strength of their steps, the army brewed a storm of its own and it was as if the world stopped to stare.
Never before had such large numbers gone to war before and Jalal knew it was awe-inspiring to see.
There looked to be an Infinite number of foot soldiers (their numbers amounting to around 500,000).
The number of horses in his army would have put Genghis Khan's Mongolian Cavalry to shame with 100,000 pure-bred horses- their synchronization was such that their hooves produced their own music- their own mesmerizing warhorn.
Thousands upon thousands of elephants walked behind the Cavalry a great team of two archers and two rifle shooters on each of their backs.
The elephants were also pulling massive trolleys behind them, each trolley carried about a hundred Cannons on each one of them- there were at least a thousand cannons and millions of Cannonballs- waxed to be lit on fire.
His men had guns- the best the world had to offer, they could shoot 20 continuous shots before needing a refilling of gunpowder and Jalal knew he had the biggest army, the best weapons and the best soldiers- even the Navy he'd commissioned was praiseworthy- the ships larger and stronger than Gondi ships in all ways- it was a shame to use them as only a distraction tactic.
But one fact made itself known to the World-- that Nothing could stop the Mughal Army in its incentive anymore. Not even the might of Gondwana or its Queen.
Jalal looked up and prayed, Inshallah, his plan will succeed and Hindustan will be His.
(She will be His.)
Abdul caught just in the nick of time- just as he'd been about to leave with the army and his friend frowned at the interruption when Abdul interrupted him while talking to a soldier,
"Salima Begum is here." Abdul rushed out, "And she's asking for you."
Jalal's face shuttered into an expressionless one before he asked,
"Where?" He asked and Abdul replied,
"Secret rooms under the Priso-," Jalal did not wait for Abdul to finish as he rushed toward the prison and Abdul looked at his legs morosely and followed-- not that their rush would matter anyway because by the time they made it to those secret chambers, Salima Begum had once again succumbed to unconsciousness.
Jodha woke up with a gasp--the sheer grandness of what she's seen in her dreams still horrified her--
"It has started." She whispered and felt Rajah look up at her, from the foot of her bed, an understanding in his eyes that should have been absent in any animal- but not in Rajah, not in her beloved son who was as connected to her as she was to him.
He was her rock and she knew she could count on him to remind her that she was not dreaming anymore...that she was in the real world and not stuck in a nightmare because for some reason her nightmares never could allow Rajah in them- it was as if Rajah repelled her nightmares.
If she was being honest to herself, then she would accept that Rajah was the key to her sanity, the reason she could still sometimes differentiate between Dreams and Reality because recently her prophetic dreams had increased in frequency...they now happened almost every night and they were all so real that Jodha always lost herself in them.
Her hand curled in on Rajah's fur as she hugged him to her and breathed him in, he always smelled of the forests and the pure streams. Of Gondi Earth and of Fire.
Rajah smelled of Home. Of childhood dreams and familial love.
"Bheem." She called out, knowing that her faithful shadow would hear it and sure enough there was a knock on her door not a second later-
"Are you alright, My Queen?" He asked and Jodha looked away from Rajah to meet the eyes of her staunchest protector.
"He's coming." She said and Bheem nodded, never questioning how she knew.
"Any word from our Mughal Spy?" She asked and Bheem shook his head,
"Jalal-ud-din must know that you have spies in his fort, he must be keeping it quiet." He said and Jodha nodded before getting up and hearing Bheem say-
"I will sound the Horn." As Moti entered her chambers, taking over the guarding duty after Bheem. Her protector left to warn the Kingdom and Jodha- Jodha rushed to her balcony as Garuda came flying in. She tied the pre-written letters to his claw and said,
"Warn all our allies, my friend. Fly true, Garuda." She wished and saw her owl fly away with a warning to Bhanpur and Amber. To Ranthambore and Chittor. To Ajabgarh and Gujrat. Panwar. Bikaner, Kannauj, Umarkot, Jaisalmer.
To the entirety of the South.
She had only one thing written on the letters to all of them-
"Beware for The Lion hunts."
Once Garuda was out of sight she saw Moti wringing her hands in worry,
"Go and change into your armour, Moti." She ordered,
"But I need to dress you-,"Moti started to say worriedly but Jodha interrupted,
"I can dress myself today, Moti- wearing armour has always come easy to me." She said and Moti's eyes watered,
"What if you get hurt, Jodha? What if...what if someone kidnaps you and this time-," Moti said in a rush and Jodha grasped her arms,
"I will be fine." Jodha said looking her friend in the eyes,
"Promise?" She asked and Jodha smiled and nodded.
"Now go!" She said with a laugh and Moti hugged Jodha tightly before rushing out but Jodha kept standing-
Rajah came and rubbed himself against her like a cat and she smiled, looking him in the eyes she felt him steady her heart through their strange connection. He eased her worry for her family and her people with nary a glance-
Everything will be alright, his eyes seemed to say and Jodha smiled,
"As long as you're with me, you lazy cat, how can it not be? Now go hunt-- we may not get time to eat later."
Rajah went towards the window and turned to look at her for a second before leaping at the tree right outside, Jodha walked to the window and saw him nimbly climbing down from the tree and sprinting into the forest.
A thrill filled her and she smiled, Rajah had kept their connection wide open, allowing her to feel his emotions as if they were her own and she felt her mind become clearer than ever as Rajah's predatorial instinct filled her with a confidence that only came with experience, with the guarantee that no one else in this forest could ever be dangerous enough to threaten them.
Jodha smirked as she communicated through their connection and said,
"Hunt a Lion today darling."
Rajah rumbled in agreement in his chest and Jodha felt it resound in her own.
The doors to Gondwana banged shut as the Kingdom prepared for War, their strength echoed through the sound they made and in the number of people that were needed to shut them.
The door was then barred with metal rods and The Moat was uncovered, the unfed Alligators slithered into the water, hungry for blood and meat.
The Gondi horses and the Gondi elephants were readied and they knew that battle was close.
Soldiers too, were ready with their guns on high watch towers, ready to shoot. Gondwana's walls had been rebuilt in the past five years, encased with metal rods and spikes, in fact one of the inner walls was made almost completely of iron- one thing was for army, no matter how great was forcing an entry into Gondwana.
Their weapons- sharp and tipped with poison, were ready to be used. The people were praying to Shiv for both strength and courage and dressing themselves up in armour and Jodha- Jodha was already in her armour, ready for her first war.
She looked out of the windows in the throne room and couldn't believe how far she'd come, how far Gondwana had come in the past decade.
So many years ago, she'd entered Gondwana- awed and a little scared, very intimidated by her grandmother and wondering if she would ever be worthy enough to rule this land and today she was here...about to fight her first battle.
She spent the last few hours with her grandmother, who used the last hours with Jodha to assure her of their defences,
"Gondwana is safer than it has ever been, Jodha. I dare anyone to attack it and get away with it. We've gone through and worked on the weaknesses a million times...With you leading us, Gondwana will be victorious, there was never a doubt, daughter."
Jodha nodded,
"And Remember- No Mercy." Her Grandmother reminded and Jodha smiled widely, the dimples on her cheeks appearing with a genuine smile- a trait she shared with her grandmother,
"It has never been our way, Grandmother." She replied and Durgavati devi nodded in Pride.
Just then Satya came into the throne room- her breath coming out in pants,
"There's a navy headed our way, My Queen. It's that pirate- Shaybani Khan." Satya said,
"The sentries have also seen an Army coming our way- Mughal, 70,000 strong." She finished with a twinge of worry entering her eyes and Jodha nodded- Shaybani was a pirate who'd been giving them trouble for years now and obviously Jalal-ud-din was attacking from both the water and the Land- she would have done the same.
"Any reply from the South?" Jodha asked but Satya's face answered her question without words. Satya only forwarded her a letter- unopened- but Jodha knew if a letter had arrived then the Army was NOT arriving.
She tore open the letter and read out loud,
To the Gondi Queen,
We thank Gondwana for its services towards the South but they are no longer needed. Your contract has ended with the end of the Vijaynagar Empire.
Under my rule, things will be different...the South I plan to build won't need the protection of your people- but all those goals will require time-
Time, which I might lose if I choose to help Gondwana fight against the Mughals now, which I cannot afford.
I will choose the loss of Gondwana's friendship over the wrath of Jalal-ud-din any day, which is why I have sent a letter to Jalal-ud-din telling him that I have chosen not to support you in this War and as a result, he has re-directed his Army- which he had been sending South under Adham Khan- towards Gondwana.
Isn't he generous?
I have warned you of the threats headed your way now, this shall be my last gift to you for the services and protection you once gave the South and also for not interfering while I destroyed the Vijaynagar Empire.
Aren't I generous?
May Gondwana's sacrifice be your gift to Me and the proof of your generosity.
Sevappa, the Ruler of the Nayak Empire.
Jodha lowered the letter silently and folded it carefully. She will save this letter for the day she will conquer South and read him these words back to him,
Then once she'd seen the horror and regret in his eyes, she will kill him. Generously.
Jodha shook her head, she couldn't afford to get distracted- she needed to win this War before starting the next one against Sevappa.
"Sevappa is a cunt. He will never protect himself, leave alone an entire Kingdom." Durgavati said, "His son is better, Achuthappa Nayak could be a good King- I could send him a letter but we already know what he wants..." Her grandmother said, looking at Jodha carefully.
Achuthappa Nayak, Sevappa's son, who was just as notoriously self-serving as his father but he also happened to have a...fondness for Jodha.
Jodha wanted to deny the option, her Pride rebelled in reaching out to the South again, especially to Achuthappa but...what was her Pride in the face of Danger to her people? And anyway, she was set to marry Suryabhan...
Still, thinking of her people, she nodded- her Grandmother quickly wrote something and tied it to Garuda's claw who flew away with the letter so quickly that his wings almost blurred with their movement.
Politics and Matrimonials could be taken care of once the War was over.
Her grandmother then came to her and held her hands.
"You're ready." She said as she kissed her forehead Jodha smiled with only one thought running through her mind-
She will kill Jalal-ud-din for putting her people in danger.
Gondwana was hers and no one- not even God himself could threaten it while she ruled it.
Jodha saw the impressive Mughal Naval army coming towards Gondwana and turned to look at her own Navy.
With her, she had the female fighters and swimming Guards of Gondwana- who were in charge of protecting their borders at the sea.
She also had the Navy sailors with her but without their ships-Gunjan looked especially miffed to be denied her ship- as ships weren't necessary for her battle plan, in fact their absence was crucial.
"These invaders come here with dreams of capturing a land that has never fallen." She said, pride for her land obvious in her words.
"It was my decision to not engage our ships with the Mughals to fight them because we have a weapon much stronger than the wood that makes our ships," Jodha said as she patted the ILU under her...her dearest Saira.
(ILU with a Gondi Rider on them in Gondi Sea.)
ILUs were creatures of water which dwelled in the Gondi sea along with many others but Ilu's specifically had been domesticated by Gondi people in order to make sea travel easier- much like how a horse made travel on the land easier.
ILUs could dive deep into the water and swim as fast as horses could run on the land, they could jump high up in the sky and carry people on their backs when needed.
They were mostly friendly but territorial too, which is what made them such perfect war mounts.
Instead of fighting Mughal ships with Gondi ships- and damaging their ships beyond repair- Jodha had decided to do something else...something her enemy won't be expecting.
10,000 Gondi swimmers and fighters sat on different sorts of animals under them and they looked strong, and fearless because they trusted in her plan, they trusted in her. They trusted her plan enough to go against a Navy of at least 30,000 with nothing but pack animals of the Sea under them.
But their powers were not in their ships- the power was in their knowledge- their knowledge about Gondi Seas which each and every Gondi person knew VERY well. They had been swimming in these waters since before they could walk and each of them were capable of holding their breaths for longer than ten full minutes-- Jodha could go up to full fifteen minutes underwater-- and this was their strength.
Their ace up the sleeve.
Their Welcome Surprise for the Mughal Army because they will never see them coming until they had already attacked and invaded their ships.
"Now let's get under them and show them why Gondwana has remained unconquered for centuries and shall remain so for a hundred more decades to come. Let's show these Mughals that Gondwana is protected, not just by its people but by every animal in it.
It is time the Mughals learned that Gondwana is not their's to take."Jodha finished and people cheered- and together...they Dived.
Hours later, Jodha smiled as she heard the screams of dying Mughal soldiers on the deck. She landed just as her ILU bit off a soldier's head and Jodha dropped the reigns and jumped onto the enemy's ship's deck.
She descended from Saira and patted her ILU's sleek neck before allowing her to dive back into the water.
The battle had been easier than Jodha had thought it would be but it was not over yet this had been a clear victory for her and her people, for the animals of Gondwana and the fact that they had achieved it so was a thing to be proud about.
She sliced through the Mughal soldiers rushing towards her like a hot knife through butter- she had to admit that they were well-trained in fighting but they were slow. Jodha had trained her fighters to be fast because in battle speed always mattered more than strength.
A man came at her, his face was mostly coved with a helmet but Jodha could feel the anger radiating off of him along with shock at her attack.
"You must be Gondwana's Queen- I've heard much about you and your tricks." The man said mockingly.
Jodha smiled,
"My tricks have won me this Battle."
"The battle is far from over," the man said as they circled each other.
From the corner of her eyes, she saw Gunjan fighting another man and knew that she had to end this battle soon lest someone from her team gets hurt.
Jodha did not wait any longer and launched her attack without stopping but quickly realised that this man had strength on his side, so she ducked as he attacked her and aimed her sword up, slicing through his chainmail and into his underarm--
"You little--!" He cursed as her sword nicked his arm and Jodha laughed, he lunged at her but Jodha slipped from under him, quickly turning she sliced the back of his knees- making him fall onto his knees. She kicked his back to make him fall flat onto the deck but he twisted at the last moment-
She hit him with the hilt of her sword in the face- once, twice- his helmet rolled off of his face and she recognized the man from a description- Shaybani Khan-
"I've been waiting for this for a long time." She hissed menacingly and she allowed the pirate to stand up before kicking him in the stomach- twice before he actually was pushed back.
He was a strong man to have held through Jodha's heeled kicks with nary a sound,
"You know- they shouldn't allow women to fight, it's unfair on men like us."
"Why? Do we scare you?" She asked with a droll voice as she brought her sword down only to be blocked. He attacked her with his full might now, swinging his sword as if it weighed nothing and she only dodged and ducked-
Until one of his attacks hit her helmet- it had been heading for her neck but she ducked in the last second-the helmet fell and Jodha spun, gathering momentum under her legs to deliver a spinning kick.
Her kick hit his arm and a sound of bone breaking was heard which made Jodha smile as Shaybani Khan yelled in pain, attacking her with his other hand, his eyes wild-
She captured his other hand under her arms and twisted his wrist, making him drop his sword- his eyes jumped to her face and widened-
She turned to aim the killing blow when--
"You're her." He breathed out, his eyes soft and Jodha blinked, tilting her head to the side in curiosity as she rested her sword on his neck- not hurting him, just as a threat. A warning.
"Thank you." He said as his eyes flicked up to meet her amber ones- there was recognition and genuine gratitude in them but Jodha for the life of her couldn't remember what would make him say so.
"Take him to the prison cells, Gunjan." She ordered, pointing at Shaybani Khan. Gunjan bowed her head with a fist on her heart and ordered the Gondi soldiers to do the needful.
Mughal soldiers were on their knees all around and behind them stood Gondi men and women with their own weapons aimed at them-
"What to do with them, My Queen?" One of her generals asked and Jodha looked at the weathered and tired faces of the Mughal Soldiers.
Sympathy filled her but she hardened her heart- they had come here to kill Jodha's people.
No Mercy, she reminded herself. No mercy.
"Can Gondwana hold them?" She still asked, knowing the answer already. The Gondi land did not like strangers or foreigners...taking all these Mughal men would make the land attack- or at least that's what Ancient texts and old accounts of Gondi Kings said.
There were stories of trees attacking and waters becoming poisonous, it's why the number of guests coming to Gondwana was so strictly regulated.
She always made it a point to meet her allies in Amber or in their own Kingdom- it made her Travel schedule very busy but it kept Gondwana happy and thriving.
"No, my Queen. There are too many- the land will rebel." He said and Jodha nodded,
"Very well then. I know a way we can use them." Jodha said, hardening her heart as she tried not to feel guilty for what she was about to do...
When Shamsuddin Atgah Khan reached Gondwana to attack it with his army- he was faced with the greatest defence he'd ever seen an enemy Kingdom apply.
Because protecting the walls of Gondwana- tied to those walls, the walls they were supposed to bring down- were his own countrymen, Mughal men.
They cried for help and mercy- yelling out the names of their children and their wives and mothers waiting for them at home to return from this battle-- but nothing worked.
Not even Atgah and his men could go and rescue them because it would surely mean death at the hands of Gondi Archers and shooters or at the maws of hungry alligators swimming just below the Mughal-manned wall.
It also made something very clear to him-- The Navy had already been defeated. If the Gondi Queen had gotten rid of the threat from the Navy so quickly then perhaps... they all had underestimated her.
All of them except his King.
When his King had approached Atgah with his plan- this massive, expensive and GRAND undertaking, he'd thought that maybe his King was worrying too much. Yes, Gondwana had remained unconquered but they'd never faced the Mughal Army before and Atgah had been confident that Gond Kingdom wouldn't stand a chance against the might of the Mughal Army...
But now, Atgah was seeing the reason for the reputation Gondwana's Queen had acquired and much like his King's reputation, it was earned.
Now, Atgah had two options--he could either abandon the attack altogether or he could follow his orders and fight. Distract Gondwana and its Queen long enough to allow Sharifuddin and Chugtai to achieve their plan and goals set by the King--
"What are we waiting for?"Zubair Khan, one of his generals, asked and Atgah Khan said,
"They've lined their walls with Mughal naval Soldiers, they look to be around 10,000. If we attack the walls with cannons- we'll murder our own men. We can't scale the walls and free them because of the Moat underneath and the Gondi guards on all of those watch-towers."
"Which means the lives of these guards are already forfeit, Atgah Khan, they knew this before coming to War- let's hurry up before the Gondi Queen decided to leave by Sea to help her allies."
Atgah closed his eyes...Never had he thought such a day would come when someone else would remind Atgah of his Duty because his orders said that delaying the Gondi army was the only way the Mughal Empire would be guaranteed a victory, the only way his King's plan will succeed... and seeing his King fail was not an option for Atgah.
Neither was seeing the Mughal Empire crumble under the ruin failing this battle would bring.
So, he closed his eyes, his hands came up in prayer as he tilted his head up towards heaven and begged for forgiveness.
Once that was done, he raised the same hand he had used for praying for his men's souls and dropped it.
The first cannon hit the Gondi walls and Atgah knew those screams will forever be etched onto his mind.
Unbeknownst to him, Jodha too closed her eyes and prayed for forgiveness. She had thought that the Mughals would not attack their own men but obviously, she had been wrong. The Mughals had launched their attack from land and were attacking Gondi walls with fiery cannons every second, uncaring of the 10,000 men she'd tied up on her walls to dissuade their attacks.
She felt someone come and stand beside her and turned her head to see Bheem,
"It's war, Jodha."
"Is that an attempt to comfort yourself or me or both of our collective consciences?" She asked and he smiled,
"I was an assassin, I can ignore the guilt but yours is clear on your face, My Queen. You've done excellently well protecting Gondwana-" Jodha scoffed cutting off Bheem's sentence-
"-I don't know if you can hear them or not, Bheem but Gondwana is being bombed every second, how do you call this protected? They've killed their own men to get to Gondwana, does that not tell you that they won't stop at anything."
"Those cannons cannot harm even a single hair on a Gondi's head- their cannons will get through the first simple wall but never through the second wall which has Metal rods as its base and definitely not through the third wall - you made that purely of Metal in your Paranoia, remember?"
She laughed, her voice clogged from emotion,
"I am quite paranoid, aren't I?" She asked and Bheem nodded,
"But it has served us well." He said with a smile and Jodha smiled too and all remained well until Garuda swept down from the sky and onto her shoulder-
To his claw was tied a letter...its seal belonged to Amber's King. Her Father.
Her eyes snapped to meet Bheem's and she could read the understanding in them- if Amber sent them a letter then it only meant one thing-
"Jalal-ud-din has attacked Amber...he's not here. Zubair Khan and Atgah Khan are and Adham Khan is probably waiting in the shadows for us to attack so that he can surround us...that outside isn't even Jalal-ud-din's whole army..." Jodha thought out loud as she stood up and paced,
"Perhaps we're jumping to conclusions-,"
"You read it then." Jodha said and Garuda released a sound that sounded suspiciously like laughing and Bheem glared at him- Garuda only 'laughed' louder.
"Give that here, you flighty menace." Bheem said as he removed the letter from Garuda's leg and then pecked him on the finger-
"Blasted bird!" Bheem cursed, his finger was bleeding but before he could do anything else Garuda flew away- quick as always.
Bheem huffed but opened the letter and Jodha waited with bated breath only to release it in disappointment when Bheem said,
"You were right."
Jodha clenched her fingers, there was nothing to worry about, not yet- Bhanpur was the closest to Amber so Suryabhan must already be there fighting. Ranthambore and Gujarat had big armies that would surely arrive on time too but would that be enough to fight a warrior like Jalal-ud-din?
"It mentions nothing about Jalal-ud-din." Bheem continued and Jodha frowned as she took the letter from her shadow and her eyes quickly skimmed it once- twice-
Bheem was right, there was no mention of Jalal-ud-din...only of Sharifuddin, a lacklustre warrior who was only good enough because he was passably clever.
"Where is he?" She murmured under her breath and Bheem hummed in question,
"Where is HE?" She asked louder as a cannon hit the second wall-- obviously, the Mughals had demolished the first wall entirely and with it 10,000 Mughal Soldiers.
She looked at the map in front of her, the same map she had been looking at for years trying to determine what Jalal-ud-din had been doing, the same map she had used to figure out that Jalal was surrounding Gondwana so she had surrounded him with her allies...
She hoped it would help her again to figure out what had he done now.
Where was he? What was he doing? What was he planning?
Her mind whirled as she picked up a Mughal Lion and kept it on Gondwana- Atgah Khan, then in the South- Adham Khan, then in Amber- Sharifuddin.
"Any word from our Spy in Mughal Court?" She asked and Bheem nodded, he waded through his pocket and said,
"I did receive something just a few minutes ago." He said as he took out a spare piece of green cloth and on it, the message was written in kohl-
Jodha groaned in a very un-queenly way seeing it,
"Seriously?!" She hissed at the smudged kohl words, "At least tell me the words they've written make sense."
Bheem pursed his lip to hold in his smile, it amused him to no end that the Mughal Spy exasperated Jodha so much. He read the message,
"'Salam Alaikum Aapa, humara ghar toh jaise khali-khali sa ho gya hai. Ammi Jaan bhi humse baat nahi karti, who aaj kal bhot mashroof rehti hai. Unke sarr par toh jaise pahaad hi toot gya ho...humne duaa bhi mangi hai aur Salim Chishti saheb ko khat bhi bheja hai- sabb ki salaamati ke liye." (7)
Jodha tilted her head to the side as Bheem asked,
"'My home is very empty now'...maybe that means that everyone has left for War?" Bheem said and Jodha nodded,
"Salim Chishti...why mention him?" She asked, her head tilting to the side as something niggled in the back of her mind. Salim...Chishti...Salim..a?
"Bairam Khan's wife, her name's Salima, isn't it?" She asked, her voice deeply disturbed and Bheem's eyes widened, if Salima had returned to Agra so soon after leaving then it meant,
"Bairam Khan's dead," Bheem said, his voice grave and Jodha sat down on one of the chairs around the table. Her hand covered her mouth, her heart thudding in sadness even as her mind worked on making sense of the letter.
"His father is dead and he is busy fighting a War- what kind of a man is he?" Jodha asked, shaking her head in disbelief,
"He's not just an ordinary man." Bheem replied, and Jodha twitched at the backhanded compliment in those words before Bheem continued, "Why is our spy calling you Aapa?"
"It means Sister- Jalal-ud-din has a sister, doesn't he? Has something happened to her too?"
"Oh yeah, her husband passed away recently," Bheem said and Jodha threw her hands in the air,
"And Jallad's fighting a war instead of being with her?" She asked and Bheem shrugged,
"And the 'Unke sarr par toh jaise pahaad hi toot gya ho' sentence is obviously aimed at Maham Anga and to mention it just before informing us of Salima's return means that Maham Anga has a hand in Bairam Khan's death- it's possibly a murder," Jodha concluded and Bheem nodded, throwing the kohl-covered cloth onto the table.
"There's definitely motive there- Maham Anga wants complete influence over Jalal-ud-din- what better way than to have his father killed? He'll unconsciously cling to the only parent he will have left." Bheem psychoanalysed Jalal and Jodha remained silent-
"What is it?" Bheem asked and Jodha bit her lip and shook her head,
"It's just-- Bheem, His father dies, his brother-in-law dies, he has two recent widows under his roof, both of them probably out of their minds with grief. His adopted mother is the one who had his adopted father killed and still...he's out there planning a War- What sort of a man is he?"
Bheem looked at her in confusion,
"An obviously heartless one." He replied but the confusion remained,
"Why are you so affected?" He asked and Jodha's eyebrows climbed,
"Why am I so affected? MAYBE because I am trying to figure out where he is and what he might be doing." Jodha said, frown on her face as Bheem shook his head, his finger pointing in her direction- she glared at it and he lowered it but did not budge from his argument,
"No. You're more invested in finding out why he's not wiping his tears and his sister's tears and Salima's tears-- who cares, Jodha? We know he's out at War, we need to be figuring out what he's up to."
Jodha rolled her eyes but couldn't help but feel like Bheem was right- she herself did not know where these stupid questions had come from. Yes, she was sad about Bairam Khan but she'd also always known that Jalal-ud-din was a monster. Unfeeling and ruthless.
A good Soldier but a bad King.
A perfect Student but a bad Son.
Her eyes returned to the map as words roamed in her head, 'Home is empty', 'A prayer for everyone's health', 'Ammijan is busy..." Ammijaan=Maham ANGA, Salima begum's return, Bairam Khan's death...
"How many soldiers do you think there are outside?" She asked as her long nails clicked on the table mesmerisingly,
Bheem released a dry chuckle,
"More than I can count-- maybe around 1,00,000"
"If Badalgarh is empty AND our spy is praying for 'everyone's health' then that means all Mughal Soldiers have been sent out. Agra is defenceless...but not really, Jalal-ud-din will never make THAT mistake again- so MAYBE he's sent out all the soldiers except the ones personally under him- and this is all an assumption when I say that I think - He's still in Agra."
Jodha said as she looked at the map, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth as she worried it between her teeth, trying to figure out a man like Jalal-ud-din,
"Why? His Entire Kingdom is at risk, it's manic to think that he's still in Agra?" Bheem asked, pointing to a flaw in Jodha's conclusion but if she knew anything about Jalal-ud-din, it was that he was a brilliant fighter and as a result, he was very very Arrogant.
It was very rare for arrogant people to think that anyone else was worthy of their time--Their effort, Not even a War of this it was either that Jalal-ud-din was still in Agra. So, what really worried Jodha was were were the other infinite number of soldiers? Last reported, Jalal had a whopping 10,00,000 soldiers under him...
Jodha's eyes widened as realization swamped her,
"He's going after our allies." She said and saw Bheem straighten from the corner of her eyes, "See- he sent an army to the South, to Gondwana, to Amber and another Navy to Gondwana...he's not after Gondwana, not really."
"That's...unexpected. Jalal-ud-din has wanted Gondwana for years."
"Yes, but he knows he can't get Gondwana so instead of wasting his time and fighting our many allies he's gone to my home. If he gets Amber, he could demand Gondwana's cooperation without an all-out War with us...through Me. He knows that the Queen of Gondwana and Princess of Amber is the same person- what I feared is happening. "
"It sounds very plausible." Bheem said, tilting his head in agreement, as Jodha ordered a servant to get her grandmother to the War chambers, her grandmother could put things into further perspective.
"Mewar won't come to protect Amber either. They agreed to come to Gondwana's protection in the last treaty but not in Amber's." Bheem reminded and Jodha closed her eyes- pressing at her temples- at the time of the last treaty meeting, she and Rana had still been estranged.
Jodha stood up and quickly grabbed a quill and wrote a letter to Rana as Garuda came flying into the chambers- he veered far away from Bheem- and straight to the table in front of her.
She finished her letter and tied it to Garuda's claw-
"Get this to Rana and Rana only, ok? If anyone tries to take it from you, claw their eye out." Jodha ordered and Garuda nodded before flying off, Rana should get that in under an hour and hopefully Amber won't fall until Rana made it to them.
Another cannon hit their second wall and Jodha closed her eyes and rested her head in her hands. They couldn't remain locked inside Gondwana forever...something had to give, especially if Jodha wanted to protect both Gondwana and Amber.
Another Cannon hit the wall and made a ringing noise that Jodha growled- it was clear by the sound that the second Wall had been breached.
"Moti- go get my claws." Jodha hissed, this fight is going to get personal.
(Jodha's claws.)
"Our Navy has been defeated, Shahenshah." Abdul reported and his King 'hmmd' as he kept his eyes on Bakshi, his expression unchanging.
The Marium Makani was with his widowed sister along with her usual entourage of Jiji Anga (Atgah Khan Saheb's Wife) and Gulbadan Begum (Humayun's sister).
These past few months it felt as if everything was going wrong, first Jalal caught Khan Baba in Gondwana, then Khan Baba left the Mughal Sultanate, Khan Baba died, Salima Begum returned- widowed and on the verge of death with Rahim in tow, Bakshi's husband Ibrahim passed away and his sister too became a widow...
It was as if Jalal was being punished--,
"Atgah Khan and Zubair Khan have attacked Gondwana but they haven't made much headway. Adham too has reached Gondwana but is waiting in the shadows for the best time to attack. There were also rumours that Gondwana applied a very creative defence tactic." Jalal frowned as he turned to look at Abdul who informed him of what had happened- How his men had been tied to the walls and sacrificed as a human shields.
"I see." Jalal had said, his tone scarily neutral,
"What about Sahrifuddin?" Jalal asked and Abdul nodded,
"The attack on Amber has commenced. Bhanpur has arrived as expected and the Rajputs remain confused at the absence of their allies. All birds and men carrying messages have been shot down and killed."
Jalal nodded and asked-
"Anything else?" when Abdul did not leave, Abdul nodded,
"Ranthambore, Panwar, Jaisalmer and Umarkot have surrendered. Chugtai Khan currently has their heirs under arrest...he has asked what to do with them." Jalal smiled, finally some great news,
"Keep them under arrest. Ask him to only treat Raja Bhadrasal of Umarkot (or his progeny) with respect for the refuge he once offered my mother."
"And the others?" Abdul asked and Jalal took a moment to think,
"Treat the others like the prisoners they are, but with indifference instead of hatred. We need for their Kingdoms to bend their knees voluntarily and that won't happen through coddling or through disrespect and hurt egos." Jalal said and Abdul nodded,
"Any change in Salima Begum's health?" Jalal asked and Abdul nodded slowly,
"She is more coherent today but still not in any position to speak of..." Abdul trailed off and Jalal nodded, sighing,
"Let me know if anything changes."
A few days later.
Jalal entered his chambers only to stop in his tracks when he saw Ruqaiya there- he walked in further when he saw something in her hands. Something familiar-
"What are you doing here?" He asked and Ruqaiya turned to him with a smile,
"Hello, Jalal. What a nice evening this is-,"
"Hello, Ruqaiya." Jalal said, trying not to roll his eyes, "What are you doing here?"
"Looking for my necklace but I couldn't find it so I thought that I must have left it in your chambers last night." She replied and Jalal smiled at the reminder of last night. Jalal and Ruqaiya had finally spent some time together-
"Well, That is not a necklace," Jalal said as he pointed at the jewellery in her hands, he went to take it but Ruqaiya held it away,
"What is it? I can't for the life of me discern its purpose. It doesn't fit around my neck or my it a bracelet."
"No," Jalal said as he tried to take it from her again and she hid it behind her back, laughing as Jalal rolled his eyes and came towards her. She backed away for every step he took forward.
Jalal sighed, he should have hidden it again in one of his boxes--
"Then what is it? It's very beautiful," Ruqaiya said, now quite a few steps away from Jalal as she took out the piece of jewellery from behind her back to study it,
"It's very well made too...and expensive. The links are oh so very delicate...and the diamonds so pure."
"Can I keep it?" She asked, a wide smile on her face. Jalal closed his eyes at the interruption, pinched the bridge of his nose and strictly said,
"No." He said as he forwarded his hand for her to keep the piece of jewellery in, Ruqaiya rolled her eyes and harshly deposited the jewellery onto his hand-
"Fine, keep it. A word of advice- it wouldn't suit you, Jalal."
"Get out." He said with a laugh and she winked before leaving.
Jalal sighed as the smile slipped off of his face and he picked up the Anklet from one of its latches--
Only to watch as the entire anklet came apart in his hands, its precious stones scattering onto the floor like raindrops. Silently and beautifully, even in its destruction.
Jalal felt like he couldn't breathe-
"Until now I had only heard that women don't like other females touching their jewellery-- today I am seeing it come true." Abdul's voice echoed through the room too loudly for the state of mind Jalal was in.
Jalal curled his hand around the few diamonds still in his hand, trying to control himself from bending down and collecting all the diamonds that had slipped off of the delicate anklet.
"Why are you here?" Jalal barked out, not in the mood. Ruqaiya and her inability to leave anything alone had led to this...he'll have to find a reputed jeweller to have the anklet remade.
"There has been news from Sharifuddin," Abdul said and Jalal whipped his head to look at him- his face was sombre when he said,
"Amber has retreated behind its walls. Sharifuddin had captured the Raja of Bhanpur- Suyabhan- and Four Princes of Amber."
Jalal felt the sharp edges of diamonds digging into his hand,
"That's good, isn't it?"
"Umar has informed me that Maan Singh, the youngest son of Raja Bharmal sneaked onto the Battlefield."
Jalal stilled.
"And?"Jalal asked and Abdul's eyes dropped to the diamonds on the floor,
"And he's been shot in the heart." Abdul said, his gaze still on the floor- probably trying to hide his anger at Jalal's actions but Jalal himself was---Abdul's eyes widened.
"Jalal." Abdul called, his voice high and a tad worried,
"My King, your hand." Abdul said his eyes still on the floor and Jalal followed his gaze...onto the fallen diamonds- just beside feet-dripped something red. Jalal followed the falling droplets to his own hand-
Jalal's blood.
He opened his fist and smiled,
"She's not even here and yet see how she manages to punish me, Abdul." Jalal said with a sardonic smile on his face as he washed his hand and his wound free of the blood. As he washed the diamonds still in his hand-,
Just then Umar entered the chambers and said,
"Salima Begum has awoken and she is asking for you, Shahenshah."
Jalal nodded and made sure to leave the room without a single glace at the scattered diamonds.
Abdul sighed as he watched Jalal leave before turning to Umar, who had started to collect the fallen diamonds- pausing when he came across a pure diamond still tinged with Jalal's blood-
"What do you see?" Abdul asked and Umar shrugged,
Abdul laughed, Umar was, all always right because they both could see that in his quest to destroy Jodha, Jalal was only further losing himself to her.
Abdul wondered, would Jalal recognize himself once he had achieved his goal or would he look into the mirror and find only the remnants Jodha had left on him-- A scar on the chest, another on the neck and too much blood on his hands, both his and hers.
Rana Pratap waded a frustrated hand through his hair, a letter in his hands--It had been two days since he received Heera's letter and since then he had been trying to convince his father of only one thing-
Amber needed them and it was their duty as Rajputs to help Amber against the Mughals but his father did not budge...not even a little.
It was only an hour ago did he understand why- exactly when his mother showed him a letter that had arrived. The seal was Mughal and it was as if suddenly, everything made sense...Jodha's letter, Raghav Chetan's clawed eye, his father's reticence in helping Amber...everything.
Of course, he thought, as he took the Mughal Sealed envelope from his mother's hand, he opened it and in it was a letter from Jalal-ud-din thanking his father for accepting the Mughal proposal- a promise to not attack Mewar for a decade in return for Mewar not supporting Amber in this battle and not heeding Gondwana's call to arms.
Everything happened quickly from then on, Pratap had not wasted even a second in revealing his Father's truth to the whole court- who subsequently forced his father to relinquish his throne.
Pratap became the Maharana of Mewar and that very day he left for Amber.
Not that it helped.
Because by the time Rana reached Amber- defeating Muntazir Beg's army on the way- it was already too late...
Heera's brothers were already captured, Maan Singh's health was critical- and with no Heera nearby, his death was imminent and any actions now will only put Heera's brother's in further danger.
Amber looked cold and defeated- a mere shadow of the golden city it had turned itself in the past decade.
He wanted to go to Gondwana and check up on Heera but he knew Heera was capable of defending herself and paranoid enough to not open her Kingdom's doors- not even for Him.
He knew his duty demanded him to return to Mewar and prepare the Kingdom for War, which is why he turned Chetak around and ordered a march back home.
He glanced one last time at Amber and asked for forgiveness.
The Doors of Gondwana boomed open and for a second even the wind seemed to still and silence seemed to fall on the battlefield.
When the dirt settled, there sat a lone figure on a massive tiger, like a goddess on her mount.
Jodha sat on Rajah's back, lowered her face-plate and rode out of the doors of Gondwana. She rode out of the protection her Kingdom's walls offered and saw the massive Mughal Army outside- they stopped shooting for an entire minute-- it seemed she had shocked them by coming out alone.
But she was not alone, she had Rajah- armoured to the teeth with his own chainmail- with her and she had a plan. A plan that needed to succeed if she were to save her brother. If she were to save Maan Singh.
Jodha raised her hand and the Metal doors of Gondwana banged shut yet again. She dropped her hand and smiled as the Earth shook...
Ah, the calm before the storm- Jodha's favourite time.
Her armies came in not from the front but from the sides- confusing the Mughal Amy and forcing them to hurriedly turn their massive cannons in the respective direction but by the time they would be able would too late.
(Army of Gondwana.)
Now, Rajah. She said in her mind and flattened herself on Rajah's back as he sprinted straight into the thick of the battle.
Now was the moment she will extract her payment for the blood spilling in Amber. This is for the men of Bhanpur of Ranthambore, of Gujarat, of Umarkot of Panwar and of so many others...this is for Maan Singh.
She took out her twin-swords and deflected any and all arrows coming at her and her son, Rajah was too fast for any of them to actually hit them anyway, Rajah swerved as cannons started coming at them and she smiled,
"Good, they're focused on us. Just as we wanted while my armies will attack them from the sides." Jodha said as the Mughal Soldiers started rushing at her. Rajah slowed and Jodha smiled,
"Yes...come to me. Come to death." She said and saw at least 5000 men headed her way- she was flattered that the Mughal Commander thought that it would take an Army contingent to take her down but he didn't know that it would take much, much more.
"Now Rajah, start running now so we can make the leap" Rajah followed her command and increased his speed and just when it seemed like there was going to be a horrible clash- there was a sound- a sound of wood breaking.
The trap she had set up worked like a charm as the weight of the army became too much for the hidden platform and it gave way to a massive ditch in which the Mughal Army fell- shock and horror on their faces- and Rajah leapt.
When they landed on the other side of her fallen enemies, she turned to look at the trap and couldn't help but laugh in exhilaration and pat Rajah's head.
They'd done it!!
Now the rest of them.
A few hours later Salima Begum- warm and huddled with a soup, one of her hands in the Marium Makani's hands- spoke her tale, a tale that left Jalal grasping at the wispy smoke of his hatred.
Reeling with not just one but many realizations- the biggest of which was HER innocence and guilt of a person so beloved that Jalal was once again stuck between a rock and a hard place...
"We were on a vessel, it was strong and sturdy but then we were attacked. Seeing as it was a choice between death and a possible rescue- we jumped into the sea. Me, Khan Saheb and Rahim swam for a full day before we were rescued- It was a Gondi ship, which at first refused to take us on for long but then we showed them our Token-,"
"What token?" Jalal asked, his eyes narrowing as a piece of a broken and crushed token suddenly felt too warm in his pocket.
"I had never seen it before but Khan saheb had it and after seeing it, the commander of the ship quickly pulled us out of the water and gave us refuge, food, water and warm clothes to wear- we had lost everything, we had no weapons, no money- no food. The only thing my late husband grabbed was this token," She reached into her shawl and pulled out a broken token with,'Wana' written on it.
Salima sobbed,
"We were saved, at least for that while but the moment we stopped and docked at one of the shores- we were attacked yet again and this time my late husband recognized the attacker-,"
"Who?" Jalal asked, his hands in fists,
"Pathan Mubarak Lohani, Shahenshah. Khan Sahab shouted that name when Lohani attacked and since he did not have anything to protect himself with- he protected us with this token which is why it broke."
"What of the Gondi people with you?"
"They rushed to help- I know not why but they did, many were killed but the Captain-- he saved my life, Shahenshah and Rahim's. As his people and Khan Saheb fought back the army led by Lohani, using their distraction we rushed back to the ship. The last thing I saw was--," Salima broke down, sobbing and Marium Makani hugged her.
Jalal's hand felt around the half broken seal in his pocket as he came to the realization that he'd been wrong. Which meant that--
"Why did you not wish to meet Badi Ammi, Salima Begum?" He asked, his words slow and dread filled, but the answer was clear in Salima's eyes-Pathan may had swung the sword but only one person could have wanted Khan Baba out of the picture so harshly. Only one person could have handed him the other half of Golden Gondi token- Badi Ammi.
"I can't...lose another parent, Salima Begum. Not so soon. Do you understand?" He asked and Salima looked on sadly, grief-strucken,
"Then I and Rahim will forever be in danger, Shahenshah. We will never be safe."
"There is one way." The Marium Makani said, her eyes met Salima's for a full minute who then nodded, once. Hesitant.
Jalal closed his eyes- golden eyes stared back at him accusingly- he opened them quickly and nodded slowly...
An hour later, Jalal got married for the second time in his life- to his first wife's sister. To his father's widow- he tried not to wince at the incestuous connotations but failed.
Jalal nodded, once, when his turn came to accept the union and heard Salima say, "Qubool hai."
His eyes looked at Badi Ammi and knew that he'd chosen the right thing, Salima and Rahim were safe now.
That night when Jalal closed his eyes to sleep- because he could not and will not touch Salima Begum- all he could hear was screams. Her screams.
Jalal sat up on his bed and clapped his hand to call a servant,
"Summon Abdul."
By the time Abdul came, Jalal was fully dressed and at the war table in his chambers,
"What is it- also, can I just say that I am so glad to not see Salima Begum here?"
"Same, she's like Bakshi to me, I could never..." Jalal said, shaking his head before he continued,
"I need to end this, Abdul. It's too late to stop now."
"What do you mean?" Abdul asked and Jalal glared at the map, His eyes on Gondwana.
"She's innocent."
"Ah. I agree, it's too late to stop now."
"So the only way this stops is if I end it and that can't happen until this one lives."Jalal said, his finger on the Sun of Chittor.
"Send a message to Shah Abbas and Pir Muhammad Khan to return to Agra today itself. I plan to take my own Army for this and don't wish to leave Agra undefended. Send a message to the Pandit as well, tell him it's time."
Abdul bowed and left.
That very night, only a few hours after his marriage to Salima, Jalal left for Mewar with his personal Army-- it was time to end this War for Rajputana.
(Somewhere in the deep recesses of his mind, a voice- suspiciously like Jodha's- asked, War for Rajputana or for Rajputani...? Jalal did not deign it with an answer.)
Jodha was bloody all over- the good thing was that the blood wasn't hers and the best thing was that all that blood belonged to the Mughals.
To her enemies.
She kicked another man coming at her while slashing another's throat with her sword-- she twirled and dodged, she kicked and slashed, she elbowed and ducked...Jodha was a Predator on the battlefield just as much as Rajah was in the forest and her status as Apex became apparent in her swift movements, in her thirst for blood and in the trail of men she left dead behind her.
It was as if Durga herself had decided to come down from the heavens to hand out judgement.
Jodha saw Bheem and Boruk leading the charge from Right and left flanks effectively- her eyes met Bheem's- whose own eyes swept over Jodha to make sure she was alright- and then Boruk's, who nodded at her before lodging his axe into a Mughal soldier's chest, killing with just a blow.
Jodha turned and saw Rajah fending well for himself and smiled when she saw his bloody maw- she really did love her cat- she rolled on the ground, slashing a the Mughal soldier's knees before kicking and stabbing her dagger into his neck.
Just then she heard a loud yell- a massive man was tearing one of her Gondi soldiers into literal half- Jodha hissed and made her way to that man.
Adham Khan- the man who'd attacked right after Jodha had engaged with Atgah Khan's army in hopes of overwhelming the Gondi army but unfortunately for him, that plan had gone down the drain as soon as Gondi elephants had entered the battlefield and disrupted his army's formation.
He saw her coming towards him and smiled before throwing the Gondi soldier away- injured but alive.
"You must be the famous Gondi Queen. Why don't you remove that mask- or are you too ugly." The Adham Khan said and Jodha smiled,
"And you must be the dumb milk brother even Jalal-ud-din hates," Jodha said, not trying to hold in her smirk and Adham Khan laughed, derisive and angry-
"He's just jealous, I have killed more Hindus than he has." He said, reminding Jodha of his crimes against her people.
"And yet your mother's more proud of him than she will ever be of you." Jodha countered and the man's face turned an ugly- uglier- purple and he lunged-
"Aw, was it something I said?" She asked even as he charged at her like a mad bull. She dodged his first attack and blocked his second- but only barely, it seems that Adham Khan held the power of the bull in his arms too because the force of them made Jodha's knees feel weak-
She knelt down and kicked her foot in a quick swipe, pushing Adham Khan off of his balance and rolled away to see his fall on his behind.
She smirked as she stood up, her sword came down on him but he rolled away and stood up before it could do any harm.
He lunged at her and took her by surprise as he picked her from the waist- probably to throw her onto the ground but Jodha pulled on his hair sharply, her other hand's fingers digging into his eyes as she kneed him in the face and then wrapped her legs around his neck and twisted-- throwing herself and landing in a half-crouch on the field.
Adham Khan yelled out in pain as his twisted neck made itself known along with an entire hair bunch in her hands- she threw it away with disgust-
"You Bitch!"
"The Only Bitch I know is the one who gave birth to you, Adham Khan." She said her eyes wary- she wouldn't be taken by surprise again but she did need to end this fight quickly- She saw that Adham Khan almost always had his legs open wide and smiled, Bheem always did say that men's weakest point was between their legs- to leave that defenceless was downright stupid and yet almost every man did.
Adham Khan attacked and his strength was really something else because Jodha could feel herself buckling yet again. She grunted before throwing back, she came running- skidded on to her back quickly as she passed between Adham Khan's legs and aimed the strongest kick she could muster right between his legs.
She skidded out the other side and stood up, her sword ready but she shouldn't have worried, Adham Khan had crumpled onto the ground, curled in on himself precariously. Groaning in pain.
"Retreat!" She heard the Mughal commander- Atgah Khan shout, his eyes on her and Jodha smiled a bloody smile at him-
The Gondi people could only celebrate both as they saw the Mughal Army leaving and as Adham Khan was taken prisoner.
Jodha did not wait another second before she was heading towards Moira and Murir to enquire,
"Is the project ready?" She asked and both her students and the many others shook their heads collectively,
"We have not been able to find out the way to control the airflow- the air is released too fast and as a result, the vehicle goes forward too fast."
"Fast is good, too fast is even better," Jodha said, "No?"
"No, My Queen. Such a speed could lead to an accident, anyone- or all- inside could die due to such fast motions, the machine could break in the middle, the tracks could catch fire due to the friction- anything could happen. It's too risky."
"How much time do you think it'll take for you to be done?" Jodha asked,
"It could be fixed by the day after." Moira said and Jodha tried not to sigh, minutes could mean life or death for Maan Singh, leave alone days. But Jodha couldn't rush her people- they depended on her facade of Calm and she depended on them to be amazing at what they did...She trusted them and their creations.
Which is why she only nodded and left.
Jodha breathed in deeply and sighed when Bheem asked,
"Where are you going?"
"Let me rephrase that- How are WE getting to Amber? You do know that Jalal's army is surrounding Amber like a dragon protecting its horde, don't you?"
"I know but I don't need to worry about that," Jodha said as she turned in direction of Gondi University-
"No," Bheem said in horrified understanding and Jodha smiled,
"Nononnonooono, please, My Queen, No." Bheem said but Jodha did not stop.
Gondwana was safe for now, the Mughals won't return- especially with Adham Khan in their prison and his life hanging in balance. Which is why now was the best time to go to Amber especially because Maan Singh needed her.
Rajah seemed to come out of nowhere, breaking the forest line and she smiled, Rajah had come to her freshly bathed and she waded her fingers through his fur.
"Bheem, you can either come with me or wait till I come back."
"There may be no coming back from this! Does Durgavati Devi know about this suicidal venture of yours? Do you remember what she did the last time you tried to go into the diamond mines?"
Jodha did, her ear still ached something- that's how hard her grandmother had twisted it for her adrenaline inducing visit to the mines- the worst part was that Jodha had not even entered the mines (only planned to do so) and still she had been punished.
"I do not need her permission, this is my decision and it is final. I am going to Amber. "
Jodha said as she opened the University doors and went to the basement- immediately seeing the circular contraption her students called the Bhoomi Yaan- Moira and Murir's beloved project and hopefully her ticket to her brother.
Moti appeared from behind the hidden wall, ready with her armour on and looking peevishly at Bhoomi Yaan.
Jodha smiled at her best friend who was always willing to follow her anything.
Jodha turned the latch and the door to the Yaan opened to allow them entry- she looked at the controls in front fo her and heard Bheem ask- as he, Moti and Rajah got comfortable behind her in the seats.
"Do you even know how to drive it?"
Jodha smirked as she belted herself in- her companions following her exampled- and cheekily asked,
"How hard can it be?"
Pratap reached the Ghati right outside Mewar and paused-- he raised his hand up in the sky and his army stopped right behind him.
"What is it?" Panth asked him and Pratap frowned,
"The hear it?" Pratap asked and Panth concentrated before shaking his head,
"No. I hear nothing."
"Exactly." Pratap said as Chetak under him twitched, "Someone's here. A lot of someones."
The Mewari army came to attention when Pratap raised his arm and made a fist- a signal to be wary.
Over the hill, in the light of the setting sun, came a lone figure sitting on a horse. The figure of a man casted a massive shadow and Pratap couldn't help but narrow his eyes suspiciously when he recognized the coat of the horse under that faraway figure- it was Toofan, Chetak's brother, he was too noticeable with his grey coat.
Toofan came closer and closer before he stopped and Pratap guided Chetak forward too as it was obvious that the stranger wished to speak.
Chetak trotted forward until the stranger became clearer- or rather his crown became clearer and Pratap recognized those famous grey eyes that were said to reflect the cold of Kabul.
"I was wondering why the Sun wasn't setting completely, Now, I see that not even the Gods trust you in the dark." Pratap said and the man smiled, a shark's smile, as Jodha said.
Someone to be wary of.
Pratap studied the man in front of his a bit more.
Jalal-ud-din was a tall man- perhaps not as tall as Pratap himself but tall nonetheless. His complexion was fair- almost as fair as Jodha's and his luminous grey eyes... they held an intensity that Pratap had only ever seen in very few people, apart from his own.
One thing was very clear- this man did not know how to lose, in every battle he'd fought...he'd Won and it showed in his confidence as he stood in front of Pratap.
"Or maybe even the Sun cannot leave until I give it permission to do so," Jalal-ud-din replied with a smirk that made Pratap want to punch him in his perfect teeth.
"What do you want?" Pratap asked instead and the smirk slipped off- in its place was aussurity. Confidence.
"Poora Hindustan."
Jalal-ud-din's voice was low but that did not take away the gravitas from his words as he continued,
"But for now, I'll settle with capturing you." Jalal-ud-din continued and Pratap couldn't help but smile.
"Just 'capturing'...not Killing?" He asked and the man smiled and nodded easily,
"For now."
"You're honest, I don't know why but I didn't expect you to be," Pratap said,
"What did you expect me to do?" Jalal-ud-din asked, curiosity in his eyes and Pratap closed his own and looked up to the sky,
"I expected you to set a trap, somehow try to kill me without actually fighting me," Pratap said and only a chuckle answered him.
"You know, you won't find capturing me easy."
"None of this has been easy." Jalal-ud-din confessed in a rare fit of honesty, there was a certain respect in his eyes that Pratap knew was for Rajputana.
"It was a very smart move on all your parts -you know, Uniting." Jalal said, his body relaxed as he turned his back to Rana to admire the Ghati they were standing on, the Sun that had yet to set-
"I would have conquered Rajputana years ago had you all not united." Jalal-ud-din said, a smile in his direction spoke of assurance of that belief,
"But because you did, I had to wait for 8 years- gather my army, my experience, better my weapons..."
"All you Rajputs became nigh impossible to defeat with all of your armies just ready to go and defend your fellow Kingdoms but you all forgot something very important- You all uniting means nothing if your armies cannot reach the Allied Kingdom in time, it means nothing if your enemy is quicker than your allies- which I AM along with being more experienced in the field of battle. This is my..." The Mughal seemed to think before asking- seemingly to thin air,
"How many battles have I been to, Pandit?"
From behind Jalal, as if by magic, came his Guru... his teacher, his father's advisor- Raghav Chetan. Pratap stopped breathing for a second before forcing his body to draw air... how did he not see this coming?
Chetan's unusual hatred for Heera, his more frequent disappearances, the stolen letters...the clawed eye- probably a gift from Garuda. It was all becoming clear...clearer.
"I do believe this will be your 50th battle, My King." Raghav Chetan said while bowing to Jalal before looking at Pratap with his single gaze- and greeting,
"HuKum!" Chetan's voice echoed eerily with enthusiasm,
"Pranaam. Kaha tha na humne, Mewar ko Amber ki dosti bhot bhaari padegi..."
Pratap did not lose his temper on the outside but inside he was a bubbling volcano, (8)
"Bhari toh hume aapki dosti padi hai, Brahmin, aapko guru samjh kar aapko Mewar ka doodh pilaya parantu aap toh zehrile saanp nikle. You dare support this Mughal?!" Rana asked,
"I dare!" Raghav Chetan shouted before calming and saying, "I dare the same way you dare to support Rani Sa in my presence, Hukum. This is necessary... Once You lose THAT Jodha too will be taught a lesson. Humara sujhaav hai ki Maharana abhi hi sarr jhuka le, Shahenshah ke saamne, warna..."
Pratap laughed derisively,
"Pehele aap se sujhaavon se chandan ki khushboo aati thi, Brahmin-,"
"Aur abb?" Raghav Chetan asked,
"Durgandh." Pratap said and saw the Brahmin grit his teeth, "Ghulami ki Durgandh."
Pratap started to question all the decisions his father had involved Raghav Chetan in when one stood out the most-- Raghav Chetan had advised his father to not send search parties when Heera had been abducted-
"Heera..." The name left his mouth without permission and with sadness but even as distracted as he was he still saw Jalal turn to look at him.
"I will ask this only once, Brahmin and did you get Heera kidnapped, Brahmin?!" Pratap spoke, his voice going down an octave and his hands trembling with rage--
"Oh yes indeed, I did." Raghav Chetan said, his voice smug, happy to finally have a reaction out of him,
"Those three months she spent missing were the most peaceful months in my life- a shame Islam Shah wanted her pure when he got her... otherwise Rajputana's Precious Rose would have been long crushed and dirtied-,"
Both Jalal-ud-din and Pratap spoke at the same time- the only difference was that Jalal-ud-Din's voice was icy... deadly and Pratap's was a call to War itself- so loud was his anger and fury that not a second later his dagger had imbedded itself straight into the Brahmin's thigh.
The Brahmin, he had once considered a God's gift to Mewar-- yelled out in pain-
"I did not miss, Brahmin." Pratap hissed, his eyes shooting their own daggers, poisonous and murderous.
"For if it were up to me I would kill you a thousand times. But it is not me who you've wronged... Heera should be the one to kill you."Pratap then looked at Jalal-ud-din and grit out,
"Call your army and arm yourself, Jalal-ud-Din for I will sooner allow Death to claim me than allow you to capture me."
"I assure you that in battle, Death and I are synonymous, Pratap," Jalal-ud-Din warned, his eyes grave but Pratap only smirked and spoke the words he and Heera had often spoken while playing pretend at War.
"Chinta ko joh Talwaar ki nok pe rakhe, woh Rajput.
Joh angaaron pe chalein, phir bhi muncho ko taav de, woh Rajput
Raet ki naav lekar, samandar se shart lagaye, woh... Rajput,
Aur Jiska sarr kate, phir bhi dhad dushman se ladta rhe woh...woh Rajput."(9)
"Bring out your fancy weapons and vast Army from wherever you've hidden them, Jalal-ud-Din- and maybe I lose this battle today but I will die making sure that you sure as hell won't win either."
Pratap pulled on Chetak's reign and with a smile turned him around, trotting back to his army- looking for all intents and purposes as if he was just going for a fun ride.
When he reached his army, he turned and then came face-to-face with the largest army Pratap had seen leave alone fight...
Pratap smiled, his heart thudding in excitement (you don't remain Heera's friends for so many years and not become an adrenaline junkie) as he looked at the impossible chances in front of him and shouted,
"Jai Bhavani!"
"Jai Bhavani!" His people repeated and they charged, clashing with the enemy army halfway on the battlefield.
Pratap lost himself in the rhythm of battle but all the while his eyes searched for the one he really wished to defeat--there, looking at him with a tilted head and curious eyes was Jalal-ud-Din, sitting on Hawaii now instead of Toofan and Pratap could only watch as that elephant headed his way--
(Swords didn't seem to touch the Mughal, arrows seemed to fly past him without harming him, the soldiers parted even in chaos to let him pass through and come towards Pratap- he was realizing why Jalal had the reputation he did and he only scoffed at it-- that was until he saw the eyes under that helmet and those eyes gleamed Silver--)
Pratap pulled on Chetak's reigns and attacked forward--
And thus began,
The Battle of Haldighati.
Jodha looked at the console in the Yaan carefully, and pressed the buttons she'd seen Moira and Murir press during one of their experiments.
The Yaan rolled onto the tracks and slotted itself onto the carrier and Jodha pressed the button she knew would release air.
The Yaan stuttered to life and the sound echoed into her bones. She looked at Bheem- who seemed stiff and Moti who seemed scared and Rajah- poor Rajah was strapped onto the chair like a human and did not look glad for it.
"This is not too bad." Bheem said as the Yaan maintained its speed similar to that of trotting horses and Jodha smiled tremulously,
Bheem whipped his head to look at her and she swallowed as the Yaan gained speed. Bheem's eyes widened as a realization--
"It's supposed to get fast...Er." Jodha confessed and as if to prove her words the Yaan sped up some more and more...and--suddenly with a 'whoosh' sound the air seemed to be released at such a fast pace that all of them were pushed back into their seats with a force that felt too magnetic.
Rajah yowled loudly and Jodha turned her head to look at him, difficult as her head was held prisoner to its own weight-- and almost smiled when she saw his paws coming up hiding his eyes and Bheem's lips were pulled back due to the force- his teeth showing. Moti looked sick but still, she smiled when Jodha's eyes met hers--Jodha looked out and closed her eyes--
If she got out of this alive, she was never riding this contraption Again!
(Who was she kidding, she lowkey loved it. She was sure if she introduced this to Rana, he too would love it!)
Just as she was thinking that they might just get out of this alive, the Yaan vibrated due to its speed and the metal groaned--
"What's happening?" Bheem asked and Jodha did not know what to answer him.
"Maybe we're about to reach?" Moti asked and Jodha would have said something only the Yaan started groaning even louder, almost like it was in pain--
"Is it alive?" Bheem blurted out and Jodha wanted to laugh if she wasn't sure they were about to die- She looked out of the windows to see what was causing such noise and swallowed.
"They haven't dug enough..." Jodha said under her breath but Bheem's elephant ears picked up on it,
"What?" Bheem asked and Jodha pointed- there was a wall of Earth approaching and the Yaan was not slowing down--
"OH MY YAMA!" Bheem cursed out- almost coming out of his chair to protect Jodha with his own body as Jodha looked around for something to help, she saw the extra buttons on the console and tried to press them- but nothing worked--
"'How hard can it be- YOU SAID! HOW HARD--," Bheem panicked, "YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!" He said, so very angry with the prospect of Jodha dying that she had to remind him,
"Bheem we're all going to die," Jodha corrected but Bheem shook his head,
"We're not important-,"
"You are to me. All three of you are..." Jodha said as she forwarded her hand to hold Bheem's hand and Moti held Bheem's hand and Rajah and her eyes eyes glowed gold--
A screeching sound was heard and the Yaan seemed to catch fire but the speed seemed to douse it-
STOP. Jodha said in her mind, her eyes shit tight- Stop stop stop stop stop--she chanted as the wall seemed to get closer and closer and suddenly--
She blinked her eyes open, the gold seeping out of them and her eyes turned to look at her comrades who were looking as confused as she was.
Bheem stood up and opened the Yaan's door and through it Jodha could see that they'd stopped a scant centimeters away from the Wall.
Her eyes, filled with disbelief looked at Bheem and she could help herself--
She burst out laughing!
Moti was the first to follow her into delirium-filled laughter- only to end up puking halfway through and Jodha laughed even harder, especially when Bheem too seemed to give into his chuckles.
"We're alive!" She exclaimed as she kissed Rajah's forehead and he licked her cheek in return,
"I am never allowing you to do that again." Bheem promised with an exasperated smile but Jodha only smirked before she said,
"Now let's see where we've reached."
"Surely not Amber, right? We've only been in that death contraption for an hour...maybe." Bheem said and Jodha took the hand he offered her to get out of the Yaan, she saw light towards the side and followed it,
"This is where the diggers must have exited from." Bheem said, leading the group and climbing before offering help for them-
Jodha ignored his warning to not leave him- as he helped Moti up the pit- and along with Rajah she escaped the tunnel first and smiled widely when in front of was the eye-watering sighing of the Kali Maa's temple.
She laughed, high and relieved, and joined her hands in prayer, somehow, they'd managed to make it to Amber somehow alive.
(Shaguni Bai's Maata Mandir.)
"I'll be damned." Bheem said, a beam on both his and Moti's face- matching Jodha's grin perfectly, "It worked."
Jodha saw Shaguni Bai as soon as she entered the temple and the woman smiled,
"I have been expecting you, Durga. Now we must hurry, your brother does not have much time."
Jodha hugged Shaguni Bai tightly-
"You have no idea how good it is to see you, Shaguni Bai" Jodha said and the ghost of Amber laughed heartily, patting her back gently,
"Come, Durga. We must make haste." Jodha nodded and quickly guided her group through the hidden pathways heading right into the heart of Amber fort...only she heard a pebble drop and echo and she stilled-
"I heard it." Bheem confirmed, his sword singing as he took it out of its sheath,
"If anything comes up, Rajah, Moti and I will handle it- you and Shaguni Bai need to get to Maan Singh."
Jodha nodded, not arguing in at least this, as even Moti took out her spear and shield from behind her back and Rajah growled- exactly when a figure emerged from the shadows.
"State your name and business," Bheem ordered and the figure came closer- Jodha guided Shaguni Bai behind her with an arm only to blink in confusion when she recognized the figure. A hopeful smile came to her face,
"Sujamal Bhaisa?" She beamed and took a step forward only to stop when Rajah growled, Jodha frowned in confusion while looking between Rajah and Sujamal Bhaisa- Rajah prowled closer and came to stand in front of her- his form so big that it almost hid her completely behind him.
"What's going on? Rajah?" She asked but all she got through their link was suspicion...Why was Rajah suspicious of Sujamal Bha-
"I'm sorry, Sister, but I did warn you not to come here." Sujamal Bhaisa said and Jodha tilted her head to the side, her heart turning to ice and her body tightening in fight or flight mode- ah, so Sujamal Bhaisa had decided to attack when Amber was already weak from the Mughal's attack.
"This is my Home. Maan Singh- OUR brother, remember him?- is on death's door. And we're fighting the Mughals-- not you, Sujamal Bhaisa. So, stand aside and let us pass."
"I cannot do that." Sujamal Bhaisa said, his eyes watering and Jodha felt pain at the sight of them. Why was her brother crying-- had Maan Singh already- NO.
No. There was something else in his eyes apart from pain, there was-
"Let us pass before I MAKE you, Bhaisa." Jodha said and Rajha growled in confirmation as a realization crept upon her. Could it be possible-
"What have you done?" Jodha whispered but in the echoes of the tunnel, it was heard clearly because from the shadows emerged even more figures. Dressed in black and their leader dressed in green, giving away their identity and affiliation through clothes alone.
"What have you Done?!" Jodha growled at her stupid brother,
"I told you to stay out of this War." He only repeated
"A battle with YOU! Not a WAR with MUGHALS." Jodha said, her teeth gritted, "Sujamal Bhaisa, how could you possibly ally with them? These people who've done nothing but terrorize our people, nothing but leave scars of loot on our land-,"
"I wanted an army, I got it. This is my war as much as it is theirs." Sujamal Bhaisa said and Jodha laughed, derisive and mocking even as her eyes filled with tears- Sujamal Bhaisa's eyes widened at the sight of them- because both of them knew that Jodha rarely cried, especially not with others watching but she cried-- she cried because she knew that whether or not she saved Maan Singh today, she'd already lost one brother...she'd already lost Sujamal Bhaisa.
"You're a fool." Jodha said, a sad smile on her face, "These are Mughals, not Rajputs that you're expecting them to hold onto their word- they have used you to get Amber and will dispose of you once your-,"
"-We're not that bad, Princess." The man in green smiled a slimy smile as he came forward and rested an arm around Sujamal Bhaisa's shoulder. His eyes took her in hungrily- Jodha tried not to wrinkle her nose in disgust.
"I'm sorry, who's this sloth-like man again?" Jodha asked because the man did resemble a sloth.
The man seemed to glare at the Mughal men who laughed before saying,
"I am Sharifuddin, Sujamal's friend-,"
"And what made you think it was alright to interrupt me when I was speaking, Shartuddin?" She asked,
"It's Sharifuddin-,"
"Do I look like I care?" Jodha asked and the man grit his teeth- not that she cared for his anger, because it was clear to her that he was misnamed. Sharifuddin did NOT look 'Sharif' (Innocent) from any angle.
The man growled at her obvious disinterest,
"Oh, you will soon care, Princess of Amber-- attack!" The man yelled and Jodha smiled as she saw Rajah lunge, and Bheem and Moti followed- while Jodha met her broth--Sujamal's eyes one last time and escaped through another hidden passageway.
This one opened straight into Amber's healing rooms,
"Come Shaguni Bai." Jodha said as she opened the secret door and held Shaguni Bai's hand to guide her better.
Her people exclaimed and bowed once they saw her and she smiled at them soberly- their relief made her feel guilty at coming alone, she should have brought her army but anyone with eyes could see that Amber had...lost.
People came to her tears in their eyes and all she could do was walk on helplessly- her own brother was at death's door, she understood their pain and could do nothing to lessen it- nothing.
For the first time in her life, Jodha felt helpless and she hated it.
Soon, to her relief, they reached the Fort and the guards bowed before letting them in, together waded through the dim halls- the guards stilled in attention before realizing who it was and bowing deeply, a greeting to their 'Rani Sa' on their lips--
"Send some guards to the Kali Maa's temple to fight the Mughals there. Bring Bheem, Moti and Rajah back safely." She ordered and the guards nodded, heeding her command straight away.
Jodha did not waste any more time as she headed straight towards Maan Singh's chambers and saw her entire family there, in tears--
"Jodha jiji!" Sukanya shouted in teary relief and the room burst into a cacophony of greetings, she did not look at anyone, her eyes were stuck on her beloved brother's unconscious form.
An arrow was sticking out of his heart and she couldn't help the sense of deja-vu that filled her, she'd seen an injury like this before and healed it successfully and she'd seen it on none other than Jalal-ud-din.
She knew that the Fates were laughing at her from above because she knew she couldn't save her brother from such a wound, even if she's once saved her own Enemy from it--the chances of Maan Singh having a right-leaning heart were next to none.
Her eyes watered for the second time that day as she realized that science and vaidgyaan could not save Maan.
Her eyes seemed to gravitate towards Shaguni Bai because where Doctors failed, Duaa worked.
Shaguni Bai nodded at her silent order and said,
"Everyone empty the room- all leave except Durga."
"But Shaguni Bai-," Father started but the ghost of Amber interrupted the king,
"If you want your son to have a chance to live, Bharmal, then leave."
No one argued after that sentence and followed Shaguni Bai's order- her Mother kissed her forehead before leaving- the doors closed behind her family and Jodha got to work- she would do as much as she could with the knowledge she had-
She renewed the blood bag and checked on Maan's drip before feeding him the medicines her family had ready. She changed the bandage once they got drenched with blood- if Maan did not heal soon then they were going to run out of blood bag-
"What had your mother told you of your Birth, Durga?" Shaguni Bai's scratchy echoed in the room as Jodha proceeded to mix up a healing potion- just to give her hands to do something as Shaguni Bai pulled several items out of her bag.
Jodha frowned at the question- was now really the time for such questions?
"I know she had trouble conceiving me. I know I am called the Miracle Princess for a reason. I am the only child my mother birthed."
"Not the only child." Shaguni Bai informed somberly and Jodha's hands stilled. She swallowed,
"What happened to them?"
"Your brother was killed in the womb. The womb destroyed and unable to bear any life ever again."
"Dhatura Ark." Jodha whispered horrified, the only herb capable of causing such permanent harm to a woman's womb and Shaguni bai nodded sadly as she passed Jodha some herbs which she mixed with the potion she was mixing,
"Why?" She asked and Shaguni Bai scoffed,
"Politics. A child from the Princess of Gondwana would surely be too powerful- they said, let's kill it before it breathes- they said."
"Who 'they'?" Jodha hissed, her hands harsh on the mortar and Shaguni Bai smiled,
"All dead. Painfully too." Shaguni Bai said, "But you see, your birth really was a miracle. A woman with no womb cannot give birth and yet your mother did...have you not noticed something different about yourself too?"
Jodha forced her hands not to still this time as she decided what to say- she knew she could trust Shaguni Bai but she had thought the same about Sujamal Bhaisa only some hours ago...if her own brother could betray her then--
"Sometimes." Jodha said, Shaguni Bai had birthed her just as much her mother had, she was a mother to Jodha in the most sacred sense for she called her Durga and Shaguni Bai would die before she ever betrayed her Durga.
"My dreams come true almost always as I see them. It rains sometimes- sometimes winds blow so fast that I can barely see something. Sometimes thunder comes with lightning but without cause. My Diya never goes off. I once healed Garuda and now he comes whenever he feels he is needed by me...And then there is Rajah." Jodha ended with a shrug and Shaguni Bai nodded sagely,
"When Rajah was birthed- what happened? What really happened?"
Jodha stopped mixing the potion,
"Is this really the time-,"
"This is the only time. If you wish to save your brother, you must understand. Now tell me- what. Happened?"
Jodha breathed in deeply as she stood up when a scratching sound on the door made her eyes snap to look at Shaguni Bai who only nodded- Jodha rushed to the doors and opened them. Rajah entered, bloody with Mughal blood over his maw and still that did not stop her from winding her fingers through his coat.
His golden eyes met her own luminous ones as she recounted,
"The Tigress had gotten hurt and I was bleeding too from my hand." Jodha waved her left hand, palm up.
"In her last moments, I tried to help her but she was dying and in pain...something made her lick my bloody hand and suddenly it was as if life suffused her."
"Did she live?" Shaguni Bai asked but Jodha shook her head,
"No. Somehow a drop of my blood lent her some strength because she was able to deliver Rajah."
"A mother's bond." Shaguni Bai whispered her eyes wide and teary as she looked between Rajah and Jodha, "You adopted him even without knowing...your blood must have entered him through his mother."
Jodha shrugged as she smiled, her own eyes a little wet as she looked at Rajah,
"Once Rajah was born- his eyes were Golden and his mother pushed him in my direction before passing away soon after."
Shaguni Bai took out her shells and passed them to Jodha- she threw them into the pestle and crushed them with the mortar along with the rest of the herbs.
"Do you realise then that the power is in your Blood?"
Jodha nodded slowly as she took out the dagger- Suryabhan's dagger- hidden in her hair and swiped open a cut on her palm- her blood dripping into the medicine they'd made.
"Will this much do?" She asked and Shaguni Bai looked worried,
"Rajah's mother and his brother-," Jodha blinked as one of her fears was confirmed- Rajah had had a brother who had passed away because his mother had. Her eyes looked into Rajah's eyes and saw the sadness there.
Through their link Jodha send all the love she could muster to him. He scooted closer to her-,
"-sacrificed their lives for Rajah...if Maan Singh is to heal it may take something."
"What?" Jodha asked, not a trace of worry on her face, and Shaguni Bai shrugged,
"I don't know. Do you still wish to do this?" Jodha smiled as she stood up, she knew she will be the one to pay the sacrifice and she was ready to pay anything as long as it healed his brother.
She removed the arrow sticking out of her brother and without wasting a second she applied the medicine to his wound----
Miles away, History marked its words as the Sun of Chittor finally set on that day, putting an end to the Battle of Haldighati.
Maharana Pratap fought with all he had, fought with everything he had but three arrows in his back, one in his arm and one in his leg...and Jalal-ud-din's sword on his neck--
Jodha's sacrifice was paid as the person more precious to her than life itself fell in battle and into the hands of the Mughals.
Fates smiled with tears of blood on their faces- the Sun of Chittor may have set on that day but that did not mean he won't rise again tomorrow.
Jodha laughed with tears on her face as her beloved brother woke up, his sister's name on his lips.
There was a knock on the door and Bheem entered- injured but alive and smiled when he saw Maan Singh awake- his head on Jodha's shoulder.
"My Queen, there has been a word." Bheem said and Jodha shook her head,
"Not now, Bheem. I wish to spend some time with my rule-breaker of a brother-,"
"My Queen, the news is pressing." Bheem said and Jodha went to shake her head but Maan Singh spoke- his voice dry and scratchy, he still had much to heal,
"Speak Bheem- you know he won't leave until you listen, Jo."
Jodha rolled her eyes at the lazy nickname and nodded at Bheem who said, his tone sombre,
"There's been news about Jalal-ud-din. His army was seen on the move."
Jodha tilted her head in curiosity as her mind worked-- he wouldn't go to Gondwana, it would just be a waste of his time as Gondwana had yet again proven itself to be unconquerable then where- who else would Jalal-ud-din deign WORTHY of such an honour so as to go fight them himself.
The answer came to her so easily that she couldn't help but close her eyes as thunder echoed in the sky- only one name whispered like a prayer--
Jalal grunted as Umar bandaged his side- this had been the first battle in years that he'd gotten hurt in, Rana Pratap or Maharana Pratap as he was now called was really...Jalal sighed, yes, he would admit it, reluctantly so, that Pratap was one true Warrior.
He fought like he was born to do so, he rode his horse as if he had centaur blood in his veins and--he was yet the second Rajput to hurt him enough to make him bleed because the first position ofcourse belonged to Jo--
He grunted as the bandage was tightened, bringing him harshly out of his reverie,
"There are people to meet, My King- Chugtai Khan, Atgah Khan and a few others have returned with news." He nodded as he pulled on his linen shirt and washed his hands and face. He put on his jacket and went to see his generals, ignoring the pain in his side.
All that mattered was that Maharana Pratap was captured- and even if he was yet to bend the knee and declare Jalal as King.
Jalal was sure, a few days in Mughal captivity will weaken those knees and if they didn't...Jalal's eyes flashed with malice- well if they didn't kneel soon then they will never again be put to use.
As is, a dead Maharana was a defeated Maharana- so Jalal would give him a few days, he deserved that if only for his skill with a sword.
The Pandit joined him in his walk to the tent where his ministers were waiting and asked,
"Shahenshah now is the time. Amber is weak and Gondwana is tired-- it's perfect time to have Jodha Bai killed. With her death, Rajputana will buckle and bend its knees. Maharana will bend his knees-,"
"Not now, Pandit. You forget even the Empire has sustained heavy losses."
"Then use her brother's as bait sire- have her come to you. To US!" The Pandit said and there was something in his tone, in his desperation, that made Jalal pause,
"And let her know where we have settled- she is still an enemy, Pandit and a wounded tigress become even more dangerous. It would be stupid to give away our location to her."
"Then some other location, Shahenshah, a Trap-,"
"I said not Now, Pandit." Jalal said as he nodded at the guards as they bowed to him, "Let the Tigress rest for now, a wounded tigress is far more dangerous."
"She'll come back just as strong after that Shahenshah! We can't give her time to plan lest she destroys us all-,"
Jalal laughed,
"You give her too much credit, Pandit- she's probably out there mourning after her brother or looking after Gondwana."
The Pandit ran to stand in front of Jalal- and Jalal's gaze could have buried him-,
"You don't understand, Shahenshah-- The Maharana is precious to her. She will come."
"Come WHERE, Pandit?" Jalal asked before sidestepping the Brahim and continuing his walk, they were in the middle of nowhere. Even if Jodha managed to free herself from a thousand different responsibilities- she wouldn't know where to look.
(And she definitely wouldn't look in her own backyard- in Amber's forests.)
"Chittor has been captured and Umarkot has surrendered. Ranthambore has surrendered. Bhanpur has surrendered. Gujarat has surrendered-," On and on it went until finally, out of patience, he asked,
"Gondwana?"He asked and raised his head at the silence.
Chugtai Khan and Atgah Khan looked at each other before Atgah Saheb said,
"I am sorry to have to disappoint you, My King- Gondwana stands tall. Undefeated. Even before the battle, our weapons failed to get through all of their walls-,"
"'All of their walls', How many did she have?"
"Three, Sire. One simple wall, the other infused with Iron rods and the last one made up entirely of Metal."
Jalal's eyebrows climbed up on his forehead as he shook his head in disbelief- she may be paranoid but her paranoia seemed to be serving her well. Gondwana had remained undefeated even after all the attacks he'd put it was impressive. To say the least.
"And the Battle?" Jalal asked, Atgah Saheb looked at the floor- ashamed- as he recounted,
"We were forced to retreat as Adham Khan was taken prisoner. The Queen held a sword to his throat forcing us to withdraw." Atgah Khan Saheb said and Jalal's mouth almost fell open in shock- almost.
Atgah Khan was one of his most experienced generals...
"What happened?" Chugtai Khan Saheb asked, looking just as flabbergasted as Jalal felt and they all listened as Atgah Saheb described how the Gondi army had attacked- from three sides instead of just one-
"Are you saying that their Queen rode on a Panther?" Chugtai Khan saheb asked and Atgah nodded,
"Her army converged on us from left and right while she came from the front-- I sent a contingent towards her but they fell in a pit. I lost half my army along with Adham Khan, who was taken prisoner, before I decided to retreat. They are unceasing, Shahenshah. Their elephants fling 7 men at once with their tusks-- it was as if the wind of that land wanted us to lose."
"What about Shaibani Khan?" Jalal asked,
"He too has been taken prisoner, Shahenshah. They defeated our navy in under two hours." Atgah Saheb informed and Jalal nodded,
Chugtai Khan smiled as he answered,
"Amber is on the verge of collapse, Sharifuddin has done well by taking the four Princes of Amber prisoner and the King of Bhanpur. I have spoken to Raja Bharmal and I do believe he wishes for peace to return to Amber."
"You know the King of Amber?" Jalal asked, curious and the man nodded,
"Indeed Alampana, he once saved my life, we've been friends since."
Jalal nodded, thoughtful...this friendship could be useful. Perhaps an invitation to Raja Bharmal- no, that would be too obvious. He had to let the man come to Jalal.
And he was sure it would happen soon.
As it stood, Jalal had defeated all her allies but not her- his victory was not yet complete. He had to defeat her and there was only one way he could do so...
"Takhliya. Chugtai Khan Saheb, stay."
Jodha paced as her thoughts blurred themselves in her mind, her brothers, Suryabhan and Rana were captured--who to choose? Who to free?
She knew her brothers and Suryabhan were with Sharifuddin and Rana was probably with Jalal-ud-din...somewhere.
"We have to save our brothers." Maan said and Jodha swallowed,
"This is not just about Amber anymore, Maan Singh- don't you see? Ranthambore, Jaisalmer, Gujarat, Umarkot-- they've all surrendered. This is about Rajputana now an we have to think like that." Jodha explained,
"You wish to save Rana over our brothers?" Maan both asked and stated, his voice hurt and sad and Jodha met his eyes,
"Don't you see? Rana is the only one who can stand toe-to-toe with him-,"
"You can." Maan said, "You have." He reminded but Jodha could only shake her head slightly,
"I am a Gondi now more than I have ever been a Rajput, Maan. If the choice comes between Gondwana and the entirety of Rajputana- I will choose MY Kingdom."
"How can you say that-,"
"This is not just Jodha speaking anymore, Maan, these are the words of a Queen. We need someone whose loyalty belongs to Rajputana alone and there's no one better than Rana."
"Our brothers-,"
"-Have already lost. Our brothers did not prepare and that was their mistake- It is obvious that I cannot give them this responsibility. Once Amber surrenders, our brothers will return but Rana won't- Jalal-ud-din won't risk freeing him."
"Maybe you've forgotten sister, but your Rana has lost too or did Jalal capture him while hunting?" Maan spoke with sarcasm and Jodha's eyes moved on him cuttingly-- he looked away.
"Jalal-ud-din is the sort of man who craves submission- he's a dominant and his greatest pleasure comes from dominating other dominants- it's a game he plays to win. He will want for Rana to kneel, declare Him as King in front of the entire Rajputana before killing him."
"How do you know?" Maan asked, Jodha shrugged,
"Because I play the same game and unconsciously I have been playing against Jalal-ud-din for years- Islam Shah was his pawn and now Raghav Chetan is too. I have defeated him in one aspect- by protecting Gondwana but he knows who I am...he knows defeating Amber will also be a defeat for me."
"I don't think our Brothers and Bhabhis (sisters-in-law) will appreciate you treating their lives as a game-,"
"And I don't think that you've contributed to saving their lives even a bit, Maan. So you see, we can't all get what we want."
"All except you, you mean-,"
"Alright-THAT'S IT! What is it? What have I done to have you this angry with me?"
"You are the Princess of Amber, the Crown of Rajputana and yet you've done NOTHING for Rajputana in this war except be absent. Had you been here, Amber may not be on the verge of collapse. Rajputana would have already defeated Jalal-,"
"Oh, I am sorry- I was unaware that Rajputana needed spoonfeeding in its way to victory! Do you think Jalal's sister or even his thousand wives helped him plan this war-- NO, he won against Amber, he won against Rajputana fair AND square." Jodha said, reluctant respect for her enemy even in her anger,
"I gave Amber allies, I brokered myself and bartered my time and effort for my people and yet on my thousand warnings and pleads, did father listen even once when I asked him to prepare? Pleaded with him, promised him that War was approaching!" Jodha hissed,
"Jalal came to Amber, I spoke to him- rested my dagger on his throat yet did anyone even bother to tell me just WHO he was until the incident on Yamuna- can you even imagine what documents he must have stolen? What he was even DOING in MY home?!" Jodha ended her rant with a panted breath as all her frustration and anger was released from her-- suddenly Maan smiled,
"Done yet?" He asked and Jodha nodded, sighing out loudly"Done."
"Good, now you can focus on how to save Rana Pratap and Rajputana."
(Jodha and Maan Singh.)
Jodha's eyes widened as an epiphany crossed her-- she didn't need to find Jalal-ud-din, she just needed to find Raghav Chetan- and Garuda would be able to find him-- Garuda came flying in like the silent hunter in the night he was and Jodha beamed.
An owl can always find a person it has smelled before- a trait not many knew but Jodha had used several times- it is why they were such good mail carriers.
She leant down and looked into Garuda's eyes-
"Point me in the direction of Raghav Chetan, Garuda."
Garuda left as silently as he came and Jodha's eyes watched as he took off towards Amber's forests and Jodha rolled her eyes, of course.
The morning prayer of the Muslims told him the time-- it was dawn, when the sun was just about to rise. The air was chilly and the plants had drops of dew on them.
Pratap blinked his eyes open as he sensed movement in front of him and growled when he heard the flute,
"I know you're in a lot of pain, Hukum-- which is why I thought of playing this flute to you. Raag Yaman, tell me did it lessen the pain?"
"Would have had you stabbed yourself with that very flute instead of playing it." Pratap grunted out, he really was in a lot of pain. If Heera saw him now- she would frown at the amount of blood he was losing. She would tut at his incompetence before bandaging him herself-
If Pratap was being honest to himself then he would tell her that the only thing keeping him on his feet still was his pride and his rage because everything else had flowed out with his blood.
He wasn't even sure what had happened to Chetak- was he still alive? Had he been given medical care?
"Padgi utar gayi parr ahankar nahi utra abhi takk." Chetan said and Pratap laughed,
"Woh toh dushman ke sarr ke saath hi utrega." Pratap said,
"Asambhav hai, is samay toh aapki kundli mein shani aur mangal dono vakr hai aur uspar Jalal-ud-din ka chakra hai. You cannot defeat the Shahenshah and the one who can...she is too far away and after you, will soon be dead." Raghav Chetan said and Pratap laughed--- Pratap laughed for he smelled dew-dipped roses. (10)
"What took you so long?" He asked with a smile and saw the confusion dawn on Raghav Chetan's face--who looked around when a voice answered,
"Kisse dhoondh rahe hai, Brahmin?" Came the sweet voice and Pratap smiled when Raghav Chetan still and slowly turned-
"Rani Sa...aap yahan?" Raghav Chetan whispered, fear evident in his voice because the truth was that if Pratap did not know her so well, he would have said that the person standing behind Raghav Chetan was just another Mughal Guard.
Infact, Jodha had been guarding his tent since yesterday- waiting for the perfect opportunity-- he'd seen her eyes, seen the emotion she had tried to hide at his condition and known instantly that she'd put her life at risk to save him.
"Asuron ka vinaash karne devi ko bhi Gadd se utarna pada that, Brahmin. Hum kya, hum toh sirf insaan hai." Jodha said before smiling-
"Arey Pandit, hume dekhkar toh jaise aapke chehre ka rang hi udd gya." She said, her head tilting to the side, like a curious bird and he chuckled when Raghav Chetan tried to run but Rajah quiet growl made him freeze.(11)
She tutted her tongue,
"I think you're not happy to see me-- I'm hurt." Heera said, her face falling mockingly and in anger Raghav Chetan burst out-
"You cannot defeat him!" he hissed, spinning his prayer beads in agitation, his flute pointed at Heera, "No one can."
Heera laughed and Pratap smiled, Raghav Chetan may have read his Kundli (horoscope) and seen defeat but his mistake was not reading Jodha's.
But not even that Pandit could dare forget that Victory itself kissed her pretty sandals wherever she walked and today it seemed she'd decided to walk all over the Mughal Badshah's pride.
"He's the one who got you abducted. He handed your travel plans to Jalal, who then gave them to Islam Shah." Pratap managed out through the blur of blood loss- now that Heera was here, it seemed his body was giving up.
He won't be conscious for long.
"Oh is he?" Heera's voice had turned softer...more dangerous, "You know Brahmin, I'd just planned to take Rana with me without harming anyone- Rajput that I am but it seems your crimes have awoken the Gondi in me." Heera said as she circled Chetan- her hands came up, her nails covered with metal claws and quickly without wasting time Bheem held Raghav Chetan still as Heera...
Pratap smiled as Raghav Chetan's blood splattered the floor, his head falling on the tent floor with a thud.
"Burn his body."
"And the head?" Bheem asked as Heera rushed to free Pratap from the chains,
"Put his head on a spike, right outside Chittor. Let the world know what awaits anyone who dares betray a Rajput." Heera hissed before her eyes softened as she looked at him,
"Come Rana, let's get you Home."
Jalal was praying when it happened-- the moment he smelled the drug in the air, he stopped breathing.
And finished his prayer by spreading his palms on his face as his eyes opened calmly.
As he folded his prayer rug- his eyes surveying everyone in the area- unconscious. Just then Chugtai Khan and Atgah Khan entered, their mouths and noses covered-
"Shahenshah, enemies have entered our settlement. They-,"
"All asleep."
"Hmm," Jalal said as they made their way away from the gaseous drug, "Get me Toofan- it seems I have enemies to pursue."
"But, I don't understand, Sire...why leave without hurting anyone?"
"They were not here to hurt anyone but rescue just One." Jalal said as he unsheathed his sword and mounted Toofan- 'Yah!' he shouted and felt Toofan start into a gallop.
There was no way he was letting Pratap slip through his fingers today, no way.
He saw them- a Group of three guards including Pratap- dressed in full black and red of the Mughals, their faces covered and Jalal smirked-
He knew they were going to make him chase and Jalal did not love anything more than a good chase.
Jodha could feel Simba starting to tire with the weight of both her and Rana- that along with the fact that Jalal-ud-din was giving them a chase on Toofan--
"Is he still chasing us?" Rana asked, almost completely out of it from the blood loss and Jodha nodded,
"Yes. And he's bloody fast-- how does he even know-,"
"He can see really well." Rana informed her, he probably knew that fact from the battle. Great, another superpower God had given that Monster.
"He won't let us go." Rana prodded in again and Jodha sighed as she patted Simba's neck-- just a little longer baby.
'We can't allow him to follow us Home, we need to stop." Her eyes met Bheem's who understood and turned his horse around. Bheem will fight Jalal-ud-din, hopefully delay him...
"Why can't we just go to Amber?"
Jodha closed her eyes as she too turned her horse around-
"And let him know that your rescuers were Ameri? Or have him attack Amber again? I only came for a rescue, Rana. I won't allow this to hurt my people."
"This feels like that Bear attack in Gondwana. How you stood toe-to-toe with that bear just so it wouldn't follow you to your people."
Jodha smiled even through her worry for Rana. He'd bled a lot and they were wasting time...and Bheem won't be able to hold against Jalal, not for long.
"Is that also why you came dressed like a man?" Jodha laughed even as she saw Bheem fighting Jalal-ud-din.
"Yeah." She confessed as she jumped down from Simba-
"Chetak-- what happened to him?"
"He's fine. Rajah's taken him to Amber- he'll heal." Jodha said her hand patting Rana's hair, he raised his eyes to look at hers- the only slightly visible feature on her and Rana smiled before falling unconscious.
She patted Simba's rump- hopefully, Rana will get to Amber in time and get treated.
(Jodha has returned to the clearing where Bheem and Jalal are fighting. She has sent Rana back to Amber, alone on Simba's back because she cannot leave Bheem alone to die at the hands of Jalal. Jodha is the Second Thief.)
Jalal gritted his teeth as he saw the second thief jump down from his horse and Jalal could do nothing but watch as Pratap got further and further away from his grasp-
He attacked with his fury and kicked the first thief in the chest- making him stumble away and fall before attacking the second one.
Only this thief dodged and looked at the first thief- while signalling something with his gloved hand. The first thief nodded and disappeared into the dark and then it was just the second thief and Jalal.
"Call your horse back- with Pratap on it- and I won't kill you." Jalal said into those masked, barely visible eyes and saw as the second thief tilted their head to the side and attacked.
Jalal brought his sword up and brought up his knee to kick, only one of his opponent's hands pushed it back down and used the momentum to deliver a kick straight to Jalal's face.
Jalal felt wetness- blood -on the corner of his mouth and smirked, this was a worthy opponent.
(He'd just fought a brilliant fighter like Pratap, but still, Jalal would never say no to yet another good fight. It had been YEARS since his skill had been tested like this- say what you will but Rajputs knew how to fight. )
He attacked- unforgiving and ruthless in his movements. His opponent's strength fumbled at the force of his attacks and Jalal used the momentum to kick the legs from under his opponent's and make them fall to the ground.
Only he wasted not a second before jumping back onto their feet-
"Are you mute?" Jalal asked and laughed when his enemy attacked yet again- this one was fierce.
Jalal taunted some more before he felt his opponent's kick strike him in the solar plexus, Jalal caught one of their kicks and twisted, only the feet did not crack- no the opponent used Jalal's own grip to jump atop Jalal's shoulders and their hands wound around Jalal's neck to snap it--
Jalal grabbed those hands- both of their swords falling away as Jalal barely saved his neck from being snapped. He flung his opponent away from him--
What was that?! Jalal thought as they landed a meter away from him, while Jalal felt his neck just to confirm he was still alive--He had to learn that move!
He knew he had just been a second away from a snapped neck and death.
"You're good." Jalal admitted, before smiling, "But I'm better." He promised and without picking up his sword, he attacked with his fists. The sword would be used later...
Jalal's kick had his opponent onto their back and Jalal--
He stumbled back and closed his eyes as a handful of dirt and soil came his way and entered his eyes harshly-
"Are you even a Rajput- you don't fight like one." He remarked curiously because no Rajput had ever used this trick
"Are you even a man, You don't fight like one." Came the muffled and snarky reply and Jalal laughed freely at it, his opponent was hurt and injured- their black clothes stuck to their body with blood and yet still they remained cocky. Furthermore, they had the Audacity to question Jalal's skills.
They were Confident. Fiery.
"It speaks!" Jalal exclaimed as he dodged a fist headed his way, even with his eyes closed, he felt the air move and rolled away and picked up his sword, caught the fist headed his way and aimed his sword backwards- a groan was heard, a hit to the shoulder- possibly a deep one- and Jalal smiled as his kicked his opponent in the solar plexus- making them fall away--
"Give up." He said and turned to rest his sword's tip on his opponent's throat, blood dripping through the cloth and onto Jalal's sword.
"Give UP." He demanded, digging in his sword's tip deeper- the enemy only shook its head- his eyes boring into Jalal's daringly. Bravely.
It was as if death did not scare his opponent.
"What's your name?" Jalal asked, thinking that he should at least know the name of such a soldier, who'd not only fought Jalal but also made him bleed. That and he was curious--
A voice, achingly familiar, answered, in words he himself had spoken to her months ago when she had been the one asking his name.
"'You haven't earned the right to my name.'"
Jalal huffed out a smile and tilted his head in greeting,
"Adab, Jodha."
"Jai Singh." She replied, her voice mocking as she took his fake name.
He offered her his hand to help her and he blinked in surprise when she took it and pulled herself up-- only suddenly, Jalal's feet were kicked from under him and since he didn't let go of her hand, it made her stumble over him and fall beside him.
"Could you not be uncivil for one moment, Jodha?" Jalal asked her exasperated, his eyes looking up at the stars- her hand still tightly clutched in his and she replied,
"Could you not be a Supercilious pompous monster for one?" She was suddenly on him, attacking with all her strength as her dagger-- HIS dagger-- was onto his neck as she tried to push it through and Jalal tried to hold it away.
He laughed and she pushed harder, He grunted with the force of it-
"This feels familiar, doesn't it? You, me, this dagger, so very nostalgically romantic." Jalal said, his mind divided with the thoughts of Jodha and her being atop him.
"Only if you find Death 'nostalgically romantic.'" Came her reply,
"Very much. Her fervour for me is unmatched." He replied in all seriousness for Death had chased him more loyally than any lover.
She did not reply instead her eyes jumped to meet his, amusement reflected in them as well even as she tried to plunge a dagger into his throat.
Ya Allah, what a woman, laughs at his morbid jokes and still rushes to bury his own dagger in his throat.
Her eyes were glowing like twin suns as Jalal's blood seeped through her hand.
The sky rumbled with an oncoming thunder and their eyes remained connected, through the sounds of the oncoming hurricane- they sat undisturbed.
Jalal closed his eyes and slowly let go of her hands...tilting his chin up. Offering it all to her- he felt drunk, he felt high...on life. On her.
"Do it."He said, his hands unconsciously going to rest on her hips--his eyes opened as he stared at her, meaning every word that passed his lips.
"Do it now or I promise it on the soil which made Jalal-ud-din, that you'll regret it forever."
Jodha pushed the dagger in slightly, his skin breaking in the exact same place she had dug the dagger in before- back in Amber's Prison.
"Why not kill ME when you had the chance." She asked with a hiss and Jalal smirked before shrugging- his shoulders rubbing the ground- and saying,
"You've saved my life before." The scar on his chest throbbed,
"You paid that debt when you saved my life on the shores of Yamuna. Tell me the truth, what are you planning?" She demanded, the dagger digging into him, Jalal smiled before innocently asking,
"What makes you think I am planning anything?."
"You're Jalal-ud-din." She replied in a tone that was so deadpan and Jalal laughed, loving the way his name sounded when she said it, even in her anger.
"What do you want?!" She asked and he winced when the dagger went in deeper because of the movement, making him bleed some more.
The thunder increased and Jalal looked into her eyes intensely- about to confess the truth of his soul, about his desperation for HER...his hands tightening on her waist only to see her whimper--
He frowned unable to understand, he wasn't doing anything to hurt her...unless...He let go of her waist and felt something drip off his hand. He brought it up and his eyes widened when it came back red--- her grip on the dagger loosened but did not let go and she swayed--how could he have forgotten that she was hurt.
"You're hurt." Jalal said, stating the obvious, a twinge of unease creeping in him at the sight of her blood all over his hand. He pressed his hand against her wound, trying to staunch her bleeding,
"Where's Bheem? Where's your shadow?" He demanded, only to see her eyes fluttering close and her words blurred,
"He went to get more guards and a horse- here soon-," She said, her head lolling forward and onto his shoulder.
Jalal removed her mask to make breathing easier and her hair spilled out of her hood. He tore the make and made a bandage out of it- tying it around her waist tightly, staunching the blood flow.
"Move before I kill you." Bheem's voice echoed in the clearing as Ameri soldiers surround him and Jodha.
"She's hurt. Bleeding."
"Move away from the Queen." A female guard demanded, her spear aimed at Jalal.
He reluctantly let Jodha go, raising his hands he moved away and as soon as he did, the female guard rushed to Jodha's side and so did Bheem, who picked her up and tied her to the female guard's body.
The Ameri guards disappeared just as Jodha did into the forest and Jalal smiled before chuckling- He didn't even know who's won this round of their game.
Not that it mattered because the next day, Chugtai Khan bought Raja Bharmal with words of surrender on his lips and Jalal held in a smile.
She may have won the battle but Jalal had won the War.
Loose Translations for words and dialogues in the chapter.
(1)Qahwa- It's akin to medieval coffee. Arabic in origin.
(2) Devihai woh...yeh hum nahin, unke log maante hai---
Her people think that she cannot do any wrong. They believe her to be an incarnation of the Goddess."Tabassum said,
(3)Alampana- KING
(4) "Apologies for interrupting, My King."
(5)Shaybani greets Jalal formally.
(6) I do not support disrespect towards women and the elderly.
(7)'Salam Alaikum Aapa, humare ghar khali-khali sa ho gya hai. Ammi Jaan bhi humse baat nahi karti, who aaj kalbhot mashroof rehti hai. Unke sarr par toh jaise pahaad toot gya ho...humneduaa bhi mangi hai aur Salim Chishti saheb ko khat bhi bheja hai- sabb kisalaamati ke liye."
Hello, Elder sister, My house feels very empty without everyone. Mother also doesn't speak to me- she's very busy. There seems to be a heavy burden upon her which is why I have written a letter to Salim Chishti saheb- for blessing.
(8)"Pranaam.Kaha tha na humne, Mewar ko Amber ki dosti bhot bhaari padegi..."--
Greetings, did I not say that friendship with Amber will cost Mewar heavily?
"Bhari toh hume aapki dosti padi hai, Brahmin. guru samjh kar aapko Mewar ka doodh pilaya parantuaap toh zehrile saanp nikle.
(It is your friendship we're paying heavily for, Brahmin. You have betrayed Mewar in the worst way possible.)
Humara sujhaavhai ki Maharana abhi hi sarr jhuka le, Shahenshah ke saamne, warna..."
(It is my suggestion, Maharana, that you should bow before the Shahenshah.)
"Pehele aapse sujhaavon se chandan ki khushboo aati thi, Brahmin-,"
(Before your suggestions were made of free and pure mind, Brahmin.)
"Aur abb?" Raghav Chetan asked,
(And now?)
"Durgandh."Pratap said and saw the Brahmin grit his teeth, "Ghulami kiDurgandh."
(Now your suggestions come from a place of slavery. From betrayal.)
(9)"Chinta ko joh Talwaar ki nok pe rakhe, woh Rajput.
Joh angaaron pe chalein, phir bhimuncho ko taav de, woh Rajput
Raet ki naav lekar, samandar seshart lagaye, woh... Rajput,
Aur Jiska sarr kate, phir bhi dhad dushman se ladta rhe woh...woh Rajput."
(The one who does not worry even in the worst scenarios, I am that Rajput,
The one who walks on burning coals and still smirk, I am that Rajput,
The one who has a boat and no oars yet still challenges the sea, I am that Rajput,
Even if you behead me, my body will still fight my enemies, I am that Rajput.)
(10)Padgi utar gayi parr ahankar nahi utra abhi takk." Chetan said and Pratap laughed,
(You are defeated and yet you do not lose your pride.)
"Woh tohdushman ke sarr ke saath hi utrega." Pratap said,
(My pride will leave me only with my Enemy's defeat.)
"Asambhav hai, is samay toh aapki kundli mein shani aur mangal dono vakr hai aur uspar Jalal-ud-din ka chakra hai. You cannot defeat the Shahenshah and the one who can...she is too far away and after you, will soon be dead." Raghav Chetansaid and Pratap laughed--
(It is impossible to defeat Jalal! Your horoscope declares your defeat and I won't let it change.)
(11)"Kisse dhoondh rahe hai, Brahmin?" Came the sweet voice and Pratap smiled when Raghav Chetan still and slowly turned-
"RaniSa...aap yahan?" Raghav Chetan whispered.
"Asuron kavinaash karne devi ko bhi Gadd se utarna pada that, Brahmin. Hum kya, hum tohsirf insaan hai." Jodha said before smiling-
"AreyPandit, hume dekhkar toh jaise aapke chehre ka rang hi udd gya." She said.
(Who are you looking for, Brahmin.)
(Rani Sa, what are you doing here?)
(Even the goddess stepped out of her Castle to kill the monster- I am but a human, surely I can do this too.)
(What's wrong Pandit- pale with fear does not become you.)
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