Chapter 7. HATE.
A/N: Here's the chapter I promised all you lovelies for the New Year.
A very very Happy New Year everyone reading Fitoori, may this coming year (2023) turn out to be the best one yet and fingers crossed- Covid stays the f away from India ( and every other country out there) though the chances are looking meek so guys please- please be careful, sanitize and get your 3rd Vaccine dose if you's haven't already-- alright! DONE preaching. 😌😛
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (yet again coz last one got preached)
This chapter is just 18,500 words so I hope you enjoy it. The story is finally moving forward- just one more chapter after this and from then all chapters will have Jodha and Jalal together. (OMG can't wait to write those one's)
WARNING: This chapter has a segs scene so a MATURE warning is implied! Lemme know if you guys want me to put a warning before the segs-scene starts so I can edit that in and it can help you guys skip it if you wish (It starts when Jalal goes into the BATH so skip that part if you are below 18- No, really skip it.) There is also some usage of words (f*uc*,pu$$y etc) that can be deemed offensive to some people so please don't hate me for those as they were required to complete the intensity of the scene.
Right, you guys have been warned - now what are you's waiting for? 😉
Jodha was sitting amongst her council, listening to each of them relay the updates on the departments under them.
Gunjan, in charge of Gondwana's navy, had requested more recruits for the ships and Burak, the lead hunter and in charge of all villages settled close to the forest border, seemed to have an ever-growing supply of men and women coming to him for Jobs. They coordinated with each other, fulfilling the demands of the Kingdom.
Gunjan will have her recruits and Burak was also made the person to Visit if in need of work- it kept the Gondi Population busy and earning. Jodha, who had known this had been a problem before could only rejoice to see that her council was doing its job as was expected.
Bheem, in charge of her armies and their training, informed her of the fact that the soldiers had fully healed from the last war with Islam shah and had returned to training at full blast. The need for weapons was mentioned and Jodha promised to contact their Chinese friends for more gunpowder and Southern friends for their steel.
Durgavati Devi, in charge of the finances, was absent as she was currently in Amber, visiting her daughter but her report was read by Satya who informed Jodha that everything was running smoothly. The only minor discrepancy was in the money collected from Mathura, which had been lagging to meet their requirements lately over which Maan Singh- who had followed her from Amber this year to learn the ropes of running the Business- expanded,
"It's the sales of the Robar Products, for some reason they are sold out everywhere in Hindustan BUT in Mathura. It's possible that it's closeness to Agra-,"
"No, Robar sells exceptionally well in Agra." Jodha pointed out, it was one of her proud moments to realize that the Enemy bought Robar products. Mughal Begums were ridiculously entitled and spendthrift which helped Robar, as it was the most fashionable and highest quality product around, so it was natural for them to buy it.
"Well, that's the only reason I can think of, Jodha."
She frowned, Mathura was a pilgrimage site-she used the revenue collected from Robar products in Mathura to pay off the Jizya for people who couldn't afford to pay the tax...If Mathura was lagging because of a genuine reason, then she would be willing to pay from her own pocket but she couldn't think of any reason for such low collections from Mathura this year.
"I too have something troubling to say..." Ramdeep spoke, he was in charge of their allies and was charged with keeping them happy. If Ramdeep said there was something troubling then it was probably something that could pose a massive threat because she had not seen a more politically brilliant mind than that of Ramdeep's and every day she was glad he was on her team.
"What is it Bhai Sa?" She asked, addressing him and he looked down at the pile of letters in his hand,
"I have received letters from the South, they've all received threats from the Mughals, skirmishes have been happening on their shores and they are in no position to defend themselves..." Ramdeep trailed off as silence reigned the room,
"The South has just gone through a massive war, the Vijayanagar Empire has collapsed and they are at their weakest. If Jalal-ud-din attacks now, they will crumble like a house of cards."Jodha said.
She wasn't sure if even the Vijaynagar Empire would have been able to stop Jalal-ud-din...what they needed was a warrior like Raja Raja Chola, like Prithviraj Chauhan Ashoka before he turned to Dhamma and onto a path of non-violence.
They needed someone who was just as good as Jalal-ud-din at War- she did not wish to compliment him but even she had to agree (reluctantly) that stories of Jalal-ud-din's valour made him sound like a fearsome warrior.
"But Gondwana must protect itself first. Jalal-ud-din has set his eyes on us more keenly than on any of them and Sevappa Nayak, Self-declared Ruler of Thanjavur has denied helping Gondwana in any way. He does not wish for Jalal-ud-din to turn his gaze further South."
"Sevappa is a moron." Burak said, "What does he think Jalal-ud-din's going to do if he gets past Gondwana- help him sow rice in his precious paddies?"
A snort was heard and Jodha ignored it in favour of turning back to the council and saying,
"Regardless of Sevappa, we've had a good relationship with the South during Durgavati Devi's reign. If we don't protect the South now then we will be surrounded by the enemy on all sides," Jodha countered, the map in front of them clearly showed Jalal-ud-din had boxed Gondwana in on the Northern and the Eastern front.
On the West lay the vast ocean and the Gondi Navy protected its borders but as vast as the borders were their Navy was being stretched thin as compared to Jalal-ud-din's army who seemed to have in-exhaustible resources. His army was the biggest Hindustan had ever seen... their numbers so big that a hand would cramp adding the zeros onto parchment and still he was buying up all the mercenaries from foreign lands.
Jalal-ud-Din's army sowed fear into men because the truth was that it had never been defeated. HE had never been defeated. The Mughal Shahenshah was gaining a fearsome reputation and was often compared to Genghis Khan in his fighting capabilities, his cruelness and in his other more...physically involved pursuits.
Hindu Kings were terrified that Jalal-ud-Din would lay his eyes on one of their daughters and- and do unspeakable things to them, Hindu Queens were forgoing their freedom and instead choosing to hide behind heavy veils and guard- encouraging the Mughal Purdah system even amongst Hindus...Jodha couldn't do anything but look on sadly And curse Jalal-ud-din every waking breath.
"That's inevitable, My Queen because the southern Kingdoms are now too divided to ever help Gondwana in the time of need and a broken south is a weak South and a weak South means-" Ramdeep spoke and Jodha finished his sentence,
"A weak Gondwana." Her voice echoed somberly,
"What if we bring in mercenaries from foreign lands like Jalal-ud-din has...assimilate them into our army?" Burak asked and Bheem shook his head,
"We already have a foreign army under our command, the one the Queen bought away from Islam Shah... our Victory over Afghans only proves that having an army with no loyalty can lead to our defeat just as easily...someone approaches them with more gold and we'll find ourselves attacked by our own weapons."
"It's a mistake waiting to happen." Jodha agreed before pointing out, "If we know that the South is fighting amongst itself then so does Jalal." She said. The Mughal Shahenshah was too cunning and too much in tune with his goals to not know about such a great upheaval in the South.
Jodha looked at the other council members, Vaid Sushruta was in charge of the Health of her people, Murir- a student who had graduated from the University of Gondwana, top of his class, was in charge of the University of Gondwana and its needs while Moira- another recently graduated student- handled the execution of all the ideas that the University came up with.
"Moira, you still have the plans for the new Project you told me about?" She asked and the two of her brightest students looked at each other eagerly- as Twins ought to do- and then at her,
"Is that project a GO?" They asked, in sync and together as always and Jodha...Jodha looked at the way Gondwana was being boxed and then slowly nodded,
"It is a Go." She declared, "You will have the funds to start as soon as Durgavati Devi returns and allots them to you but until then, I want you both to iron out the details and get some more people onto your team."
"We will do so, My Queen." Murir said before asking,"But...what we had in mind was simple transportation, I do not see how it can help us with the Mughal Problem?"
"Jalal-ud-Din's strength is in his Army and in his speed. The people follow him with a fanaticism that is almost scary to see but to run a Kingdom needs more than an army. It needs money and food, if we ever get into a war with Jalal-ud-din, he will try to stone-wall us from the rest of Hindustan. Make it impossible for us to maintain our trade routes, disrupt the trade lines with China and steal the gunpowder, with the West and steal the weapons--now with your new project our Kingdom will never be effectively under siege. Even as Jalal-ud-din will sit outside our gates we will remain connected to the World-- to Rajputana and the East and the mainland South and we can maintain our trade routes more effectively."
Moira looked up at Jodha with all the hero-worship in her eyes and Jodha only rolled her eyes with a fond smile,
"It's a start of a plan, it will all depend on whether and when you can finish the project. The earlier the better. The first connection should be so Amber to 'dig in' accordingly." Jodha stated and agreement was heard before Moira spoke up,
"We will need a lot of people. Like an 'Army' lot," And Bheem interrupted with a smirk,
"Army is my department and I do believe the men could use the exercise, especially after months of rest."
Jodha smiled, even as War loomed over their heads, they kept their cool. She looked around the Round table and smiled, they were all equal as they worked towards the growth of Gondwana and that is how it should be.
Moira, Murir, Bheem, Moti, Gunjan, Burak, Vaid Sushruta, Ramdeep and Durgavati Devi...her inner council-- The one truly in charge of everything that happened in Gondwana. The strong fleet kept Gondwana strong and running.
Jodha was glad for them because she still remembered her dream- of being far away from Gondwana for a very long time and knew that her absence was inevitable and she could only ready her Kingdom for it. Moira and Murir's new project will also make sure that if her dream was true and she was married into a Kingdom which made it difficult for her to stay in Gondwana then she would connect that Kingdom with Gondwana and be in her Kingdom as soon as she was needed.
"On that note, the last matter for the day- the Sahastitva festival is coming up soon and the people wish for you to celebrate it with them, My Queen," Moti said and Jodha nodded,
"Of course, if that's what My people wish then that is what they will get. There's a lot to be thankful for this year. The harvest has been bountiful this year, the treasury is comfortably full, Kaveri is flowing as strongly as ever and Maan is finally where he belongs- by my side." She said and Maan smiled at her, she looked at everyone at the table and said,
"Start the preparations for the festival, it may be my last here before marriage. Diwali is soon too and I plan to celebrate it in Amber."
"What of Yumdvitya this year, sister?" Maan asked and Jodha paused, suddenly the sibling's eyes met and she knew that they were both thinking of Sujamal Bhaisa-
"We shall leave for Yamuna right after Diwali before returning to Gondwana. And we might as well pay the Jizya for the people while we're there." She said and everyone got to work quickly, the festive season was coming and she knew that if there was a perfect moment for Jalal-ud-din to attack- it was now but they weren't worried...they'd continue to celebrate even as death stared straight at them--it was the Gondi way.
Ruqaiya enters her chambers only to find Jalal on her bed- with his Juttis still on his feet- and sighs,
"Jalal, remove those shoes." She demands but he only smirks as he rubs them further onto her bed, leaving streaks of dirt on imported silk,
"I honestly believe my shoes make these sheets look better." He says and Ruqaiya huffs in annoyance but just as she raises her hand to hit him on the shoulder he grabs her wrist and pulls her to himself.
An 'oomph' leaves her as she falls down on top of him and stares into his eyes.
His eyes make a quick change from mischievous to grave, his grip loosening on her hand and she knew he was thinking about something serious. The situation became clear when he asked-
"Do you think the same as the Marium Makani?" Jalal asks suddenly serious and Ruqaiya stills on top of him, it had been a week since Farida's adultery had been exposed to the court, a week since Jalal had almost killed a pregnant Farida for adultery but also because she had almost succeeded in passing off a bastard as Jalal's would have been a line theft of the highest order but more than that, Farida's pregnancy had given the Kingdom hope for a progeny. That false Hope was perhaps her greatest crime against the Mughal Empire.
"I think that we've been married far too long to not have a child," Ruqaiya confessed, her face stoic and she saw Jalal frown, confusion teetering close every time the topic of emotions came up something Jalal still had a hard time understanding.
"Yes, but do you also think that we don't have a child because we don't... love each other?" He asked point blank and Ruqaiya tried hard to maintain the stoic-ness of her face, failing, she looked away before Jalal could see the helplessness those words made her feel.
Jalal cared for her, she was his best friend, and she ruled his mind...she understood him the best and advised him when he needed it but even she knew Jalal did not love her. He was incapable of it, always had been and she had married him well knowing that fact but him admitting it so casually made her feel inadequate, helpless and a failure as a woman.
She was a Wife whose Husband did not love her...she was hardly the only one in such a situation. She had married her best friend and that was better than what most women had but...she wanted Love and she wanted it from Jalal.
The fault was not in her, she knew, it was Jalal who did not understand Love, who lacked a HEART, not her and yet...yet the idea that Jalal was in any way imperfect, irked her.
"I don't know, Jalal but it sure seems like you're starting to believe it." She pointed out as she wiped away a tear surreptitiously and faced him again but Jalal was not looking at her- only at the bed, thoughtful as he said,
"I believe in facts and I know that whores and female slaves get pregnant all the time with no such ridiculous requirement. I'm more worried about my other actions..." He said, a tad irritated, she raised her eyebrow in inquiry and he explained further,
"Today wasn't the first time I pulled my sword on a pregnant woman." He confessed and Ruqaiya's eyes widened because he wasn't done yet- with a downward quirk to his lips he confessed further,
"Today was just the first time I stopped."
"Jalal!" She exclaimed in horror and he shrugged,
"We are at WAR, Ruqaiya, I am hardly the first Ruler to do so. Don't you remember how Sher Shah had the Marium Makani on the run for her life while I was yet to be born, or Nihar and Nigar- my half-sisters, killed? Everything is fair in War."
"And Love." She said,
"What?" He asked, distracted,
"The full saying is, 'Everything is fair in Love and War.'" She repeated and he waved a careless hand,
"As I said, maybe it's just Karma as the... Hindus say." He stressed the word 'Hindu' enough that she knew that he, himself did not believe it.
"Or maybe it's something medically related." She offered, "Stress and indulging too much in drinking is known to prevent pregnancies."
"You and I got fully checked, remember? Or at least I do- it was very invasive." Jalal said, giving an overly dramatic shudder which made Ruqaiya laugh. Jalal was right though, they had gotten fully fact Jalal had gotten tested multiple times by different healers and each time Jalal had been deemed fully virile by all the professionals.
They all claimed that there was no clear reason why the Shahenshah was still childless. It wasn't that she and he were desperate for a child- Jalal was still very young, yet to even start the Prime of his life but every sultanate needed an heir sooner rather than later, especially with Jalal so involved with the conquering.
Speaking of war, she couldn't help but trace the newest scar, on his neck.
It looked fully healed now but it looked to have cut deeper than most scars on Jalal's body- he rarely allowed a weapon to come close to him in a fight, he was too skilled for that. Only the scar on his chest was deeper than this one- He grasped her hand, a look in his eyes which was unreadable,
"The enemy came too close this time." She remarked and he smirked, tracing the scar with his own finger this time. Surprisingly, Jalal seemed to be in deep thought as he stroked the scar on his neck, he didn't look angry...on the contrary-
"He must have been quite good at fighting if he managed to get so close." Ruqaiya pointed out, bringing Jalal back to the present and he nodded,
"Yes." He replied, his tone layered with meaning as he swallowed "Very skilled... but nevermind that-- How about we stop talking now and put Marium Makani's theory to a test?" He asked and Ruqaiya giggled as he turned and changed their positions until she was on her back and he was looming above her.
She took him in for a moment, his beautiful eyes alight with mischief, his strong jaw and lush hair in which her fingers always tangled and lost themselves-
"Have a picture painted, Ruqaiya," He said, smug laughter in his voice, "It will last longer."
It should have been a crime to be as handsome as Jalal was but the real injustice was in the fact that he knew about it and had often used it to throw Ruqaiya off in a chess game.
Those had been the only times she had tasted defeat by Jalal's hands in chess- the times he had cheated.
He moved away from her then, obviously not in the mood for anything other than some mischief.
"Who says I haven't already?" She asked, laughing at his confusion. She took his hand and guided him towards the covered easel.
"Is this for me?" He asked, tilting his head to the side in curiosity, Ruqaiya nodded as she removed the cover of the painting and turned to see him smile-
"Isn't it perfect?" She asked and she could see the surprise on Jalal's face-
"Perfect? Ruqaiya, at first I thought you'd gifted me with a's the most accurate painting of my figure I have ever seen." He said admiringly and Ruqaiya felt a smile bloom on her face,
"Isn't it? But that's not even the most shocking thing." She said and felt him shift his focus back on her, "The artist who painted this portrait has never once seen you."
"You lie." He declared and she laughed at his disbelief,
"No lies, I promise. I described you and your features to the artist and their brush did the rest. It's almost as if they have magical hands." Ruqaiya said as she watched Jalal study the painting for a minute before he turned to look at her and asked,
"What's her name?"
"How do you know it's a woman?" She asked, "I never once mentioned their gender."
"They got my crotch size too right to be a man," Jalal said and laughed when Ruqaiya went back to the picture- leaned almost too close to it- to notice it more closely and he asked, amusement in his voice,
"Did you describe to her how big I was?"
"Well... h-how was I supposed to know how much description was enough?!" She asked and huffed when Jalal laughed harder, "And, the size of your..." Ruqaiya nodded at his trousers, "Tells how strong and virile you are. The British Kings always make sure their sizes are visible."
Jalal snorted as he thought of those poncy-softy Kings,
"That's why their Queens are the more useful ones because they think too much with their cocks." Jalal said before remarking, "But, big crotches notwithstanding, I like the painting. Thank you."
"Her name's Tabassum, by the way. She's said to be the best artist in Hindustan." Ruqaiya said and Jalal asked,
"And you're sure that she has never seen me before?" He seemed to be looking at his face in the painting, which was a perfect copy- much like everything else,
"Never." She affirmed and Jalal nodded, before taking a sip of the wine she handed him- just then, she saw someone outside their chambers and Ruqaiya mentally snarled, Maham Anga was interfering more and more in her time with Jalal.
Ruqaiya picked up one of her slippers and threw it in the direction of Maham Anga...that should tell her not to interfere when she is with her husband.
The next day, Zaheer died.
Maham pinned the blame on Bairam Khan while also accusing Ruqaiya of obstructing justice- she really had the audacity to bring out Ruqaiya's slipper as evidence in the court and get her in trouble with Jalal.
Jalal's berates echoed in the Diwan-e-Khas as she felt the smug gaze of Maham itching her back and it wasn't as if Ruqaiya could say anything about Maham to Jalal...he would never listen. He cared and trusted Maham too much to even hear a word against her from anyone and Ruqaiya was no exception to that rule in Jalal's life- as Maham was so keen on reminding her.
"If you would just listen to me-," She said as Jalal bathed, he was naked but his eyes were flinty enough that they made Ruqaiya shiver in fear as if she were the one naked, not he.
"There's nothing to listen to Ruqaiya. Zaheer was important to me--,"
"And I am not?" She asked and saw Jalal's eyes harden further,
"Do not interrupt me when I am speaking." He said, a finger raised in warning, "Had I known earlier that Zaheer's health was worsening, I could have helped. At least, I could have been with him in his last moments- but no, by stopping Badi Ammi from entering my chambers that night you took that away from Zaheer and my friend died alone. He died in pain."
"She never informed me that the situation was so severe, Jalal! I spoke to her later when she was still lurking about outside our chambers in the middle of the night-,"
"What are you accusing her of, Ruqaiya-- do you even hear your words? She's my mother!"
"A fact she never fails to remind you or me, Jalal! Don't you see, Zaheer was perfectly fine and healing yesterday, how is it the one time she is denied entry into your rooms, Zaheer suddenly dies."
"Ruqaiya." Jalal said, pressing his temple with his fingers, "Zaheer has been in the prison for the past 3 days on Khan Baba's orders- no food, no water, no medicine and in very cold temperatures...his death was natural, the Hakim too said so."
His voice was calm and factual and yet... he was too blinded to see Maham's truth.
Realizing this, Ruqaiya left. Jalal wouldn't listen, not if the words he was listening to painted his 'Badi Ammi' in the wrong light.
She prayed that Someone, someday will reveal Maham for all she is but Ruqaiya clearly wasn't going to be the one to do it...she cared for Jalal's regard too much to lose it in a fight against Maham because no matter how good Ruqaiya was at chess...Maham always managed to win.
And no matter how much Jalal cared for her, he was always going to care for Maham more, trust her more...and if Ruqaiya ever wanted to be Marium-Uz-Zamani then she would need Maham in her corner.
"Yaad rahe Hoshiyar." She addressed her faithful eunuch shadowing her, "Kisi bhi mard ke liye uski biwi ke daaman se zyada uski Maa ka aanchal pyara hota hai. We cannot go against Maham Anga, not without risking and losing Jalal's regard." (2)
"What should we do then, Begum Sahiba?" Hoshiyar asked and Ruwaiya sighed, she knew what she had to do...but she didn't want to do it. And yet...
Ruqaiya gritted her teeth as she changed her direction to go towards Maham's chambers. Sometimes she hated being so politically aware because politics said that making nice to Maham was the only way forward...she hated it but it was true.
Jalal will never love her, which is why his respect and friendship were so precious to her. She would kill anyone who ever came between them but since she couldn't kill Maham, she would have to make nice with her.
Have Maham in her corner so to say.
Jalal looked up as Badi Ammi entered his chambers and smiled before getting up to greet her,
"What is it, Badi should've called me instead of--" He paused as he spied the look on her face, "What is it? What's wrong?" He asked, worried as he saw a hesitance he had never seen on her face before.
"Badi Ammi?"
"Jalal...I shouldn't say this, it's probably nothing-,"
"If it's troubling you so much then it's probably something." He said as he took her hand in his, "Tell me."
"I...I couldn't sleep so I went out for a walk and...and I saw Bairam Khan going somewhere."
"At this hour?" Jalal asked, his eyebrows rising, it was way past midnight,
"Which is why I came here, Jalal. He left without telling the guards anything. He left without informing Salima begum. I fear something-,"
"Don't worry." Jalal said as he stood up and clicked his fingers to call in a guard- "Ready Toofan." He ordered,
"Take some guards with you-," His mother started to say and he shook his head,
"It's probably just Khan Baba checking up on one of the spies or patrols but still for your peace of mind, I'll go."
"You'll be careful?" She asked and Jalal smiled, kissing her forehead,
"When am I not?" He asked before leaving.
He followed Khan Baba's tracks silently, Toofan managing to keep up with the white horse his Khan baba had chosen easily, but when even after an hour Khan Baba did not stop or slow down, Jalal started to get worried and he decided to stay silent to see where he was going.
They rode until dawn when finally Khan Baba's horse seemed to slow, Jalal looked around the unfamiliar surroundings and frowned...where were they? Jalal calculated the distance and the time they have travelled...and a sense of doubt entered him, surely not...Khan Baba had no reason to be here. None.
He saw Khan Baba confidently trot to the Massive doors, say something to the guards...shake his head and then wait...wait until the massive doors opened and a smart horse exited the doors on which sat a woman.
Her age was advanced enough that she had a good amount of grey in her hair but still she looked dignified. Strong.
The woman descended from her horse and Jalal closed her eyes as a realization crept up upon him, this was Durgavati...she did not bear much resemblance to the Princess of Amber but there was just something that gave it away. Maybe it was the way they both carried themselves...
Why was Khan Baba meeting their enemy?
Just then the older woman turned as the doors opened again and then came She.
He had heard that she was the Queen of Gondwana but never had he imagined how she would look with a crown on her head. It looked like it belonged there, it looked like someone had plucked stars from the sky and placed them upon her brow.
Plucked all the flowers from the meadows of heaven and gifted them to her.
(Jodha in her ceremonial crown and Gondi dress on the eve of Sahastitva Festival.)
This meant that Khan Baba had known who she was, he'd always known even when he'd promised, pleaded, and coerced Jalal into believing that she was not real. That she was just a figment of his imagination-- he had made Jalal feel like he was going insane...all to keep Jodha safe.
Why come here? Why lie to Jalal for years? Why COME HERE in the middle of the night, like a thief... or a spy.
Jalal felt something in his chest Please no. But his mind won't stop once the idea had taken root-
Gondwana had always been a step ahead. With Islam Shah, with the mercenary army, with the Kidnapping- Jalal's plans had never failed before but with HER they did. They always did but only now he was realizing that it was not because of her intelligence as such but because of Khan Baba.
His Khan Baba.
The man he'd called a Father.
It was how she knew who Abdul really was, it was how she knew that Jalal was the one behind her kidnapping and it was why Khan Baba had been so angry after realizing that Jalal had gone to Amber behind his back- so angry that he'd killed Zaheer...his friend.
Jalal gripped Toofan's reigns tightly as he allowed himself a moment to grieve for a loss he never thought he would have to go through before he turned his horse around and galloped back to Agra. The last thing he'd seen was Bairam Khan giving a leather-bound notebook to the Queen of Gondwana, to Jodha, and the rest of the night he spent agonizing over the secrets that diary must have held. What information had Bairam Khan sold to her? And at what cost? Was Agra in danger?
"Jalal?" He heard and turned, removing all emotion from his face. It was only Badi Ammi but still...the wound of betrayal was too fresh to show any pain.
"Yes, Badi Ammi?" He asked,
"Is everything alright, my child? Is Bairam Khan alright?" She asked, looking a tad worried and Jalal made himself smile,
"Of course." He said casually as he assured her, "Everyone and Everything is fine."
He remained smiling until she left before allowing it to slip.
Why had his father betrayed him? Is it because he owed them Jalal's life- she HAD saved Jalal's life that sort of debt couldn't be discounted.
Was she actually right in Amber when she'd predicted that everyone would leave him to serve her- she'd addressed it to Abdul but she had meant it for anyone with even half a brain. That they would realize that Jalal was not worthy of their loyalty--was she actually right? What else was Jalal to think when even KHAN BABA had changed sides?!
Or was it something more...selfish?-- Was it HER beauty which had done this... maybe Khan Baba lusting after her, was that it? Is that why he'd hidden her from Jalal for so many years even after knowing where she was all this while? Did he wish to take her as a wife? Did he wish to leave Mughal Empire to serve her?
Jalal rubbed his face with his hands, he was finally realizing why the Pandit had wanted the Princess of Amber so desperately dead. She made men do whatever she wanted- The Pandit was from Chittor, wasn't he? Had Rana Pratap's preference for Jodha over the Pandit been the cause of his hatred? Or the boycott the Brahmin community was facing because of her the real cause...
Or was the Magic. She had magic, didn't she? Jalal had seen it, felt it...been in awe over it. Maybe, it was not something to be in awe over but something to be horrified by-- Had she used it to make a living puppet out of Khan Baba, is that why his Father was so openly critical of Jalal's decisions lately? Was such magic even possible? And if it was, how could Jalal fight it- he'd heard of the maegi, old women cursed with foreknowledge...maybe they could help?
But then again, they might know nothing-- maybe Jalal was just running in circles around his head and Khan Baba had only been there for...for what? Not even when Jalal tried could he make any reasonable reason for Khan Baba to be in Gondwana and smiling at JODHA! Or was it just Jodha who was smiling, she'd looked so very pleased to see Khan Baba.
Perhaps her hatred extended to just Jalal if she was so very accommodating for Abdul and Khan Baba of all people-- Khan Baba who'd killed just as many men as Jalal had!
Jalal breathed in deeply and filled a cup with wine before chugging it down- his thoughts whirled yet again,
Could she have something to do with Zaheer's death? Did she make Khan Baba spy on the Mughal Kingdom for her? And if she had then what else had she done? What else was she capable of? Had he underestimated her?
Maybe Jalal was taking it too far...maybe there was no magic involved.
Whatever may be the cause, Jalal needed to find out for sure-- but just before he could start mapping out a plan, a guard came in and informed him,
"Sire, you wished to be informed of any decision the Wazir-e-ala took-,"
"I remember. What is it?" Jalal asked, wanting to get it over with,
"My King, the Wazir-e-Ala has called a meeting in the Diwan-e-Khas and he is about to execute Raja Takhatmal."
Jalal did not wish to interfere in Khan Baba's decisions but perhaps it would be better if he did. He nodded at the guard and left for Diwan-e-Khas and after being told that Takhatmal had once given refuge to his Father, Badshah Humayun during times of war, he pardoned Takhatmal and let him go, disregarding Khan Baba's decision to execute him.
A life for a life- that was the law and so Jalal knew he was in the right. The Mughal Sultanate's decisions were his to take and the Sultanate's decision was to pardon Takhatmal regardless of Khan Baba's personal grievances.
A few days later, he knew that he will have to take a decision about Khan Baba, regardless of his personal feelings because Khan Baba went against his direct order, against a Royal Pardon and murdered Takhatmal.
This at least crossed one of Jalal's possibilities- Khan Baba was not spying on Mughal Sultanate to pay off the debt owed to Gondwana because if he was doing so, then he would have understood why Jalal had let Takhatmal go free. Jalal owed Takhatmal a life debt- the same way he owed it to Gondwana- but Khan Baba had murdered Takhatmal so that theory had been thrown out of the window right then. Cleary Khan Baba cared nothing for life-debts.
Soon every theory except the 'far-fetched magic' one had been thrown out of the window. Soon, Jalal had taken his Badi Ammi's and Ruqaiya's advice to go to war against Khan Baba.
Soon though- exactly when he left to wage war- he thought that maybe Khan Baba had come back to his senses and perhaps that is why he came to Agra- with no army, no horse, no weapon and apologized...perhaps Khan Baba was never under any magical influence but only under a misunderstanding which had opened this crack in their relationship.
Even so, Jalal did not have the time nor the heart to dampen their last moments with bitter discussions. With accusations of betrayal and grief, especially when it was possible that Khan Baba was innocent. That Jodha was innocent.
But regardless of his guilt or lack thereof, Khan Baba had chosen to leave for Mecca and Jalal wanted to see him off with the best wishes he had to give, so Jalal forgave everything.
At least for that moment.
He forgave the public criticisms, forgave the spying. He forgave the lying and the hiding he did for years. Forgave the feeling of betrayal, the helplessness...forgave everything and only hugged his Khan Baba to himself. Allowing his grief and anger to come out in ways he'd never expressed before- Allowed a tear to leave his eyes. Allowed a kiss upon his brow. Allowed...allowed Khan Baba to pray for him and his reign...for his name to be echoed through the pages of history.
Allowed himself to remember Khan Baba as he had been before everything went wrong- one. Last. time.
Jalal blinked and soon Khan Baba was only a speck in the distance.
He blinked again and Khan Baba was no more visible over the horizon.
He allowed himself one last blink- one last moment of hope that Khan Baba would turn and return- and Jalal was back to being Shahenshah, all emotions carefully hidden behind the sharp gaze of his eyes as if he'd not just lost his Father to a journey he may never return from.
Jalal was the Shahenshah of the Mughal Sultanate and Shahenshahs did not have families...once he'd reminded Humayun of this very same fact. He knew that Humans were queer, they knew people came into their lives only to leave it eventually and yet they were still shocked when it happened.
Betrayal and loss were a part of a King's life- he knew that too. He also knew that forgiveness had never been a virtue Jalal had ever held dear- that was Humayun, not Jalal and yet when the time had come to choose...choose whether to kill Khan Baba, kill his father for his betrayal or forgive him- Jalal had chosen the latter.
Jalal had chosen to...forgive.
Without hesitation.
It made him wish to claw something out of his chest but that was the truth.
The only way he could live with himself was through forgiveness because he knew he could never kill the man who made him the King he was today.
The truth was that perhaps Humayun had always been right when he'd said that 'Jalal would understand forgiveness one day when he too had a Family.' Jalal still did not understand forgiveness, he did not support it in any way- he still thought it was foolish...but he could see how forgiving one's family members was the only way one had sometimes.
He shook his head of all the deep thoughts and entered the court- time waited for no man, even if that man was a Shahenshah.
Jodha spent her Diwali with the people of Amber... she danced joyfully amongst her people, lit diyas with the younger ones, helped make the biggest rangoli possible in the town square and participated in every challenge Amber fair had set up and ended up winning all of them.
Even the Jalebi easting competition- the fact that she slipped a few Jalebis to her siblings while no one was looking was a secret that she will take to her grave-- or her ash, as was the way of her people.
Rumours reached her and her family that Jalal-ud-din and Bairam Khan had been having troubles and while her family rejoiced, she couldn't help but feel sorry for the man she had come to respect. Bairam Khan had known that his days at the Mughal Sultanate were coming to an end, it was why he'd come to meet her and her grandmother, all the way to Gondwana.
He'd also warned Jodha, telling her that Jalal was...planning something. He couldn't divulge much as even in his last few days in the Mughal Sultanate- Bairam Khan was still loyal to Jalal- but he did say that war was approaching- which Jodha had already known. Anyone with half a mind could read the rising tensions in the wind and could feel the Warhorn just waiting to blow.
Bairam Khan had also warned her strongly against One particular person- Maham Anga. He'd said that this woman was like a Viper snake...that her influence on Jalal-ud-din was dangerous and bordering on mind control.
That no one could break Jalal's trust in his 'Badi Ammi' and that blind trust made her very dangerous- that she was the reason Bairam Khan was being forced out of his home. That he had done all he could for Jalal and now he was scared for Salima and Rahim's life- worried that in the lust for power, Maham Anga would threaten them-- it is why Bairam Khan was removing them and in extension- himself, from the equation.
According to him, Jalal was in no condition to listen to Bairam Khan, who had already lost favour through his actions and Bairam Khan was in no position to stay any longer, lest he loses the only family he had apart from Jalal.
Lest he put Salima and Rahim in the path of danger.
She's asked him a question in the end,
"I will be going to Mathura soon, will you be there to collect Jizya?" She'd asked, hoping that she'd get to meet him one last time before he left for Mecca but he'd only shrugged,
"I don't know how long I still have left. But I'll make sure the collection guards know about our arrangement." He promised and Jodha had only smiled sadly,
"It was good knowing you Bairam Khan...I know you do not believe in our gods but Water is sacred to all religions- so on this festival of Sahastitva, I ask Kaveri to protect you and your family in the coming times."
Bairam Khan had smiled warmly, tilted his head in acceptance before bidding her an Adab,
"Live well, Jodha Bai. I shall never know your like again."
She'd smiled as she'd seen him leave, She prayed he'd return safely-- she'd given him the golden token of Gondwana but the road to Mecca was treacherous and he had too many enemies.
Jodha comes back to the present as Maan Singh informs her they've reached Bhanpur.
Bhanpur was her future home- she was set to marry Suryabhan who was the only son and King of Bhanpur- she'd have to leave Gondwana and she'd readied her Kingdom accordingly. Bhanpur was also on the way to Mathura, which is why they'd decided to stop here.
She was welcomed warmly by all three members of the royal family- Chandra, was perhaps the most bubbly girl she'd ever met but behind those happy eyes Jodha could see a smart and intelligent girl, Sushma Devi- mother of Chanda and Suryabhan was a dutiful and gentle woman who seemed to welcome Jodha into her home as if she was already considered a part of her family and Suryabhan...Suryabhan seemed more at ease in his home and for the first time, she entertained the possibility of marrying a man such as him...and being content in her life if not happy. She would be...comfortable.
(She didn't know who she was trying to convince- her heart or her mind because both were against the match.)
There had surely been worse matches and Jodha was at least marrying a decent man, close to her in age...who was also her friend. She could definitely do worse.
It was why when Sushma Devi asked when to begin the wedding preparations, Jodha replied,
"How about we set the date for the New Year's?"
"But that's so soon, daughter," Sushma Devi said, looking deep in thought, "But perhaps we could get it done if we get help from Amber."
"Whatever you need, my lady, Amber's help and hospitality are yours."
"Your mother seems excited." Sushma devi remarked and Jodha smiled,
"She has always looked forward to my marriage and she really likes Suryabhan- the fact that we're getting married in Amber is just another perk."
"And you, you like my son?" She asked and Jodha smiled,
"I think I could grow to like him." Jodha said truthfully, "But for now I still see only a friend in him."
The lady smiled and patted her hand,
"Good. I had heard that the Princess of Amber doesn't lie but it's good to see it for myself."
What Sushma Devi did not know won't hurt her because the reason Jodha had chosen the New Year to get married was that she wanted to get this all over with as quickly as possible. She was already tired of all the fussing her mother and Rajmaata had been putting her through- she still had scratches all over neck from all the necklace-trying she'd been put through- she did not think she was going to be able to go through that sort of torture much longer.
So the sooner she got married, the better it would be.
(Lest she murders someone in a fit of insanity. Is this what Bride-fever felt like- positively Homicidal?)
Suryabhan looked at her secretly from the Jharokha, talking to his mother so gracefully...smiling freely and happily.
"You're acting like a smitten girl." He heard someone say but did not turn away from his gazing because he knew only two other people knew about this Jharokha,
"Leave me alone," Suryabhan said to Chandra,
"I will, as soon as you tell me just whose dagger she wears, thinking that it belongs to You." Chandra hissed and Suryabhan felt himself go still-
"Brother, did you take someone else's dagger? Do you even know what that means?!"
"It's a random Guard's. He wasn't royal-," Suryabhan started to confess, he could never lie to his sister.
"It doesn't matter if he wasn't royal!" She hissed, looking at the Jharokha carefully to make sure Jodha and her mother had not heard them. He saw her eyes glare at the indigo and gold dagger strapped to Jodha's waist,
"At least tell me you bought the dagger and didn't just borrow it?" She pleaded but Suryabhan could only look away and say,
"It was his ancestral dagger."
"Brotherrr!" She moaned her hand covering her face in frustration, "Please tell me you haven't gotten the Rajputana's crown- Amber's precious diamond and YOUR future Queen- Khanda Married to a mere GUARD!"
"He won't claim her. We have a deal." Suryabhan said with confidence but it waivered as soon as he heard Jodha laugh at something his mother said-- because who in their right mind, wouldn't snatch up the chance to claim Jodha Bai? He still couldn't believe that she was going to be his.
"There's a way out of this," Chandra said softly, probably looking at her smitten brother and feeling some sympathy,
"All we need to do is take that dagger from her and exchange it with this one." She brought out another dagger from hiding and Suryabhan recognized it as the one his father used to carry. His own ancestral dagger- it may not be as beautiful as the golden dagger which belonged to Jai but it'll do.
"How do we get this to her?" Suryabhan asked and Chandra smiled slyly,
"That's where you come in, Brother-- distract her so that I can get the job done," Chandra said and Suryabhan nodded.
Jodha Bai will be His...he just needed to distract her, is all.
Jodha did not get distracted.
Suryabhan was at his wit's end trying to get it to happen but when he actually managed it- with an ancient text from the libraries of Bhanpur, Chandra could only take the dagger- its sheath missing- and then disappear.
As soon as they came out of the library, Chandra stood ready with a tray filled with different daggers and Suryabhan smiled- he had always thought that all brains of his family had gone to Chandra.
" is time for a test." His sister said and a smile touched the Rose of Desert's lips,
"What sort of test?" She asked,
"Here are many must recognize the one my brother gave you-," Chandra paused as she lowered the tray and brought out a blindfold, "the challenge has to be done blindfolded. You must recognize the dagger blindfolded and take it with you without complaints."
"I was wondering what you were planning to do with the dagger you sneaked away from my waist in the library," Jodha remarked and Chandra's eyes flashed to his- and he could only shrug. It seems they had failed in actually distracting the Queen of Gondwana. She had just been playing along all this while...
Jodha allowed Chandra to tie her eyes closed and soon she was allowed to touch the daggers on the tray- a few minutes later...Jodha had already gone through the entire tray without choosing any of the daggers.
"Is this a trick Chandra? The Dagger that I married to is absent from this tray." Jodha Bai spoke and Chanda glared at him to speak,
"It is here Princess Jodha, I can see it." He said but Jodha after another look shook her head,
"It is not. I have spent months with it- I would know how it feels. Perhaps you've forgotten your own dagger, Raja Suryabhan, just as you forgot to give me its sheath." She said, her voice challenging and Chandra released a panicked laugh,
"You're quite quick, Bhabhi. You're right the dagger's not here on this tray--- it's here." She said and brought out a tray with only two daggers on it. One was Suryabhan's ancestral dagger and the other was Jai's dagger,
"Choose carefully, Bhabhi." Chandra said, her voice more solemn than Suryabhan had ever heard from her, "This choice may decide your future or change it forever."
Jodha's hand touched Suryabhan's dagger and she did not hesitate to pass over it before finally touching Jai's dagger. Her hand paused...she touched its edge and the handle. Felt the grooves and picked it up to caress it as if she was genuinely fond of it. A slight smile touched her lips as she said,
"I believe I've found it."
Chandra's eyes seemed to meet his, an apology in her eyes as she spoke,
"You're correct, Bhabhi. This is it."
Suryabhan looked down at his feet and prayed that this mistake of his won't cost him his love. Won't cost him Jodha.
Still, he couldn't help but wonder, why had Jai given Jodha only the dagger and not its sheath.
Ruqaiya had finally managed to convince Jalal to take a break from all the planning and scheming and come along with her on a hunt. For weeks now, Jalal had been under severe pressure, not just because he had been planning his campaign for the South and soon for Rajputana but because Jalal was keenly feeling the absence of Bairam Khan. He was feeling the loss of his father figure and such was apparent in his tense behaviour as of late.
Every time she'd tried to relax him, plying him with wine, games, sex or even just talk, something or someone (Maham) would interfere and snatch Jalal's attention away from her-- So, she had decided to take Jalal away from it all, from the politics, from the war, from interfering mothers and from...distractions, because no matter how attentive Jalal was or tried to be- Ruqaiya had noticed that lately, he'd been somewhere else mentally.
In fact ever since he returned from Shalpur, Jalal had been distracted almost absentminded at times. She hoped this outing would take his mind off other things and help him focus on the present.
On her.
She was just in the markets of Mathura, waiting for Jalal to finish with some last-minute court business and be ready for the hunt when a hush fell over the market.
When Ruqaiya turned- Hoshiyar mirroring her actions- she saw a beautiful palki being deposited on the ground, the men- some royal looking, some normal guards- looked around with keen and alert eyes before one of the Royal men, seeing no suspicious activity nodded and whispered something into the Palki.
Ruqaiya looked around and saw everyone watching the Palki as its curtain parted and out came a figure of a woman- voluptuous and graceful. Her face was covered with a veil but something about her- maybe it was her walk, her confident steps- made Ruqaiya guarantee that the woman was probably breathtakingly Beautiful. But beauty had never held Ruqaiya's attention for long- unless it was Jalal's beauty... her husband was the most handsome man in Hindustan.
So, not trying to give the woman too much attention, Ruqaiya turned away, back to her shopping, but she could see everyone around her still struck with her beauty- even Hoshiyar- but what made Ruqaiya frown was not people's stupidity in gawking the newcomer but in the way they greeted her- with either a bow or an Adab, something they had not done when Ruqaiya had entered the shopping centre and she was the Mallika-e-Hindustan... which made Ruqaiya question,
"Who is she?" She asked the male shopkeeper who had been serving her and he smiled, as he replied,
"That's the Princess of Amber, Rose of the Desert...Jodha Bai."
"Why did everyone bow down to greet a mere Princess as soon as she entered?" Ruqaiya probed further and the man only smiled a bit wider,
"She is quite revered among the Rajputs but some also respect her because she is a skilled businesswoman."
"Business...woman?" Ruqaiya asked, a tad shocked-- but before the shopkeeper could reply, a loud voice was heard from the stall the so-called 'Rose of the Desert' was visiting. Hearing the commotion, Ruqaiya smiled- guess not EVERYONE was impressed by the Beauty.
Ruqaiya heard keenly and heard,
"... you cannot buy, then leave!" The female shopkeeper shouted at the Princess's back while she had been leaving, "I don't know where you come from but if there was a Mughal begum here, she would have brought it- uncaring of the prices."
Ruqaiya smirked as she looked at the Robar cashmere shawl and the beautiful green Dupatta the female shopkeeper was waving in anger...yes, Ruqaiya would have bought them simply because they were Robar products and Robar was currently the best and the most expensive in the markets had to offer.
The Princess stopped moving, but she did not turn- but the people around the female shopkeeper started asking her to shut up, hissing at her in disbelief but the female shopkeeper continued to throw accusations at the Princess and Ruqaiya wanted to clap at the shopkeeper's courage- now Ruqaiya would see what the Hindu Princess does for herself and judge if she was worthy of such respect she had gained from the people or not.
The Princess turned, her face still covered, but her voice was lilting, captivating in a way that even when she spoke quietly, she held the attention of the entire place. She held the attention of Ruqaiya.
"The dupatta I chose is not worth more than 25 alms but you wish to sell it to me for 150, furthermore, the shawl is not worth more than 250 gold alms but you told me it was for 500 gold alms-- am I wrong?" The Princess asked, her head tilting to the side like a curious bird and the surprise on the Female shopkeeper's face was enough to tell Ruqaiya that the Princess was spot on.
" And that's fine-- overpricing a product for a wealthy customer is doable and I may have even bought it if you'd behaved in a more respectful way but from the moment I came to stand by your shop, you've acted as if you were doing me a favour by doing your job." The Princess spoke, her words dripping with mockery.
"I am doing business! Not like you- Hindu King's precious Hindu daughter, with her soft hands and softer mind. Who are YOU- who has barely worked a day in her own life- to teach ME?!"
The female shopkeeper spoke, bitterness at her own lot in life obvious from her tone.
Ruqaiya thought the game was over when the Princess's female guards started going towards the disrespectful woman because were Ruqaiya in the Princess's place, she would have never allowed the female shopkeeper to live after such a public disrespect shown to her- in fact, she would have had her killed the moment the female shopkeeper would have raised her voice but the Princess did not do either of those things, instead, she stopped her guards from approaching the female shopkeeper and said...her voice filled with satisfaction.
"Now do you understand why your shop isn't doing as well as it used to, Firoz Beg?" The Princess asked, her eyes still on the female shopkeeper but clearly, her question was aimed at the man who had come out of hiding from behind one of the shops--The female shopkeeper's face went pale once she spotted the man who was possibly her Boss.
"I do Hukum. Forgive this foolish woman, My Queen, I only thought to leave her in charge when I needed to go for my prayers...I did not know that she was going to harass good customers and over-price the products to earn herself some money on the side."
"Not just any customers, Firoz Beg." The Princess spoke, her tone was soft still but her words cutting and angry, "Inflated prices for all Robar products are offered only to the HINDU customers. The reason that Mathura has fallen short of its collection is your employee. I am of half the mind to make You pay for losses I've incurred because of your negligence."
Firoz, the shop owner's eyes widened in dread and joined his hands in prayer and the Princess finally looked at him,
"Forgive me, My Queen. I call on your Mercy. I truly had no idea--you have to believe me. I have been selling your company's products for years and have always met the collection requirements. I promise to be more careful from now on, Hukum."
"You better Firoz Beg because if Mathura falls behind yet another collection quota, then I will know just who to blame." The Princess said, the ire of her eyes could be felt even through the veil.
The man nodded, terrified, and the Rose of the Desert- more like the Dagger of the Desert- then turned to the female shopkeeper and her trembling form and softly asked,
"Now, I will ask again, how much for this Chunri?"
"J-Just 25 alms, Hukum." The female shopkeeper stuttered and Ruqaiya saw the Princess nod, as she took the beautiful green dupatta and wrapped it around her maid who smiled widely at the gift.
The Princess though was still focused on the female shopkeeper as she threatened softly enough that Ruqaiya had to concentrate to hear it,
"Next time, if I hear of bigotry and religious nonsense being thrown about on this sacred land of Mathura- I will make sure that you are granted your dearest wish and given a chance to meet your precious Allah. Personally." The Princess was heard threatening before her voice turned more neutral and she said while depositing the 25 alms into the hands of the female shopkeeper,
"In business, there is only one religion- Profit and only one God- Money. Keep that in mind."
With that the Princess of Amber turned and left, leaving a thunderous silence in her wake but when Ruqaiya saw the awe and amazement on her own shopkeeper's face, she couldn't help but go towards Firoz Beg, who had obviously fired the female shopkeeper and was now manning the shop himself.
"Who was she who dared to disrespect our Religion? And what sort of a Muslim are you who took her harsh words with silence?!" Ruqaiya demanded and Firoz dared to look a Mughal Begum in the eyes but spoke with respect so Ruqaiya let it go- it irked her though, none of these people had dared to look upon the Princess and yet this man could easily meet her eyes.
"She is not against our religion, Begum Sahiba, just against Bigotry and She is Princess Jodha but the reason she came here today was not to shop. I sent her a letter saying that the sale in Mathura had seen a sharp drop and she came here to investigate." The man explained and Ruqaiya was far from satisfied,
"Why call a random princess?" Ruqaiya asked and the man blinked in confusion before it cleared,
"Princess Jodha is the owner of Robar, Mallika." The man said and Ruqaiya frowned,
"Robar belongs to Gondwana and this Princess was obviously a Rajputani, how is that possible?" She said, pointing out this flaw but the man only shrugged,
"I only sell the products and meet the Quota, Mallika. I am paid well and only know what I am told...Princess Jodha owns Robar." The man said as he started folding the Cashmere shawl the Princess had been inquiring after- no doubt it was beautiful.
"What's so special about this shawl?" Ruqaiya asked instead, she touched the product and blinked at how soft it was, "And why is it so expensive?"
"This is Cashmere, Mallika." The man produced a ring and showed her that the entire shawl could pass through the small space- a sign of quality product, "If a person has this shawl with them while travelling, they won't ever have to fear the cold. It has been tested and proven against Siberian winters where a person can freeze to death but a person wearing this will start to sweat."
"Impossible," Ruqaiya stated and the man smiled at the challenge,
"It is a Robar product, Mallika, it is possible."
Ruqaiya bought the shawl nonetheless and promised to present it to Jalal and try it on him at the next Meena Bazaar (1).
Just then a guard entered the shopping centre and announced,
"The King is ready to hunt, my Queen."
As she and Jalal ventured through the forest, looking for a game, she couldn't help but think about all that had happened today. She had never heard of a woman doing business before and the fact that the business was doing so well was what rattled Ruqaiya the most.
Perhaps the reason for the woman's deadly confidence was not Beauty as Ruqaiya had first suspected but her success in a stream where only Men ventured.
She'd never thought about finances much apart from the fact that she was the richest woman in Mughal Sultanate- her dowry and her status as Jalal's chief wife assured her so but-
"Is something troubling you?" Jalal asked suddenly and Ruqaiya blinked coming out of her reverie,
"Troubling me?" She asked with a frown as she shook her head, "What makes you think that, Jalal?"
"It's just you were fine this morning and now you're all silent. I thought you wanted to come out on a hunt."
"It was my idea." She reminded and then shook her head, "Just something I saw today."
"Hmm-hmm." Jalal hummed, not pushing. He knew if she wanted to tell him, she would.
"It's nothing too serious, it's just-- May I ask a question, Jalal?" She asked, suddenly wanting- needing- to know.
"Of course," Jalal replied, his eyes cautious as he looked into the jungle, his gun ready.
"If I asked you to give the Ice Business for me to handle- will you allow me to do it?" She asked, her eyes on her as Jalal turned to look at her- his face bemused,
"What's brought about this question? I thought you were happy handling the responsibilities for the Harem." Jalal said as a frown took over his face and Ruqaiya rushed to reassure him,
"Harem is my everything. But, today I saw something that made me think. This Random Princess just-- just answer me Jalal, would you?" She asked and he breathe in deeply before nodding slowly,
"You will have to learn how to do business, have regular meetings with providers, transporters and make sure no one keeps the Ice boxes for longer than necessary or tamper with them- you will also have to check that they are being delivered to everyone who is paying for them-- what I am trying to say is that it is too much hard work, Ruqaiya. Atgah Saheb and his son Aziz Koka, together handle the business as it is too much work for one person- if you wish I can talk to them. They can teach you- three is always better than two."
"So you will, If I ask- you will give it to me without question? You won't stop me from doing business? You won't tell me that being a woman I am not allowed to do something."
"Essentially. As I have said before, for me there's no difference between a man and a woman when I kill them equally- I kill a woman just as I kill a man in war and business is a bit like war..." Jalal stated and asked, "Do you want it?" And she smiled widely.
", I just wanted to know if you will allow it, That's all."
"Of course, I would allow you- perhaps Badi Ammi might have something to say about it and the Maulwis too but you will be free to do whatever it is you wish to do with your life, Ruqaiya. I hope you know that." She nodded and smiled widely as she said,
"Yes, I know that now-- look! A deer."
"I see it, you wish to take it on? Whichever animal appears next is mine."
She placed the arrow upon her bow and pulled- her eyes right at the deer but then she stopped- in fact, everything stopped. Every bird stopped chirping...even the winds stopped blowing,
"Someone, much like us, is out Hunting. Do you feel it? This queer silence in the forest? It suggests an apex predator- a lion perhaps or maybe a bear."
"What about a tiger?" Ruqaiya asked and Jalal tilted his head,
"Tigers aren't found in Mathura, not naturally. Although, I feel you may be right...."
"Should we return-,"
"Return?" Jalal asked, a smirk on his face, "Oh no, you hunt your deer Ruqaiya, whichever predator comes- he is mine to deal with," Jalal said and Ruqaiya nodded, she knew Jalal was an extremely capable hunter and could take care of himself against any animal.
She allowed the deer to drink water and said,
"The deer's death is set and that too by my own hands."
"Perhaps but only if you hurry." For the deer drinking at the lake stilled and Ruqaiya released her arrow- only for the Deer to be pulled into the water--
"I hit it!" Ruqaiya squealed in celebration but her King shook his head,
"No... look," Jalal said, pointing at the opposite end of the river- and Ruqaiya turned, there...emerging from the deep river was a massive animal- The deer was eaten in two big bites as if it was a banana instead of an animal made up of bones--
"Jalal we need to leave." She said as Jalal started to ready his gun, "Jalal!" Ruqaiya hissed,
"Do not worry, Ruqaiya. It's too far and- oh look, it went back into the water."
"Not worry?! How can--" Ruqaiya's eyes turned wide as she saw the massive Tiger dived back into the water almost soundlessly, "Jalal we need to go- it could be coming to this side of the river!"
"Oh, It is." Jalal said, his head tilting to the side to shoot the massive Tiger, which had emerged out of the water- with another prey, this time a massive struggling crocodile held in his jaw- but just then the Tiger looked up, his eyes straight at them and Ruqaiya heard Jalal's sharp intake of breath and saw him lower his gun.
The Tiger's golden orbs did not lose their wariness as he feasted on the crocodile as easily as Ruqaiya ate her well-cooked chicken. The Crocodile's bones cracked like mere sticks in the Tiger's mouth.
"We need to leave, Jalal, Please. Now." She said, her voice trembling. They really needed to leave now lest the tiger thinks that Ruqaiya will make a tasty, mughal meal.
"Don't worry, Ruqaiya. We're safe." He said as he dismounted from Toofan and carefully placed his gun far out of reach.
"Jalal!" She hissed, her heart almost palpitating out of her chest. What the hell did he think he was doing?
The Tiger had by now finished eating the crocodile in a few bites. It shook itself free of water once more before yawning and casually walking towards Jalal.
Ruqaiya couldn't help but load her own weapon, her hands shaking she loaded an arrow over her bow-ready to defend.
"No, Ruqaiya. Don't harm him."
"He is not a rabbit, Jalal. Did you not see how easily he killed the crocodile?"
"Indeed, I was there. But I happen to know this particular predator well." Jalal said as he cautiously knelt on the ground as the Tiger approached him.
"Jalal!" Ruqaiya urged with a hiss but her Horse was too skittish to stay still anymore while Toofan-- Toofan much like his rider, padded forward undaunted and rested his head against the Tiger's- as if they were old friends greeting each other.
Soon, the Tiger came closer and bent its head in the same way in front of Jalal- who copied the movement and rested his own head against the Tiger's massive head.
Ruqaiya couldn't believe her eyes, Jalal was greeting this Tiger as he sometimes greeted Hawaii! The size of its head was thrice the size of Jalal's own and if it could kill the Shahenshah of the Mughal Empire in a scant second.
How?! and when AND where had Jalal made friends with a bloody Tiger?
In her fear and her horse's scared skittishness- the arrow that had been ready to fire on her bow was released and it was misfired straight at Jalal-- Ruqaiya opened her mouth to gasp and covered her mouth with her hand-- her eyes flinching but the Tiger must have seen the arrow coming and it pushed Jalal out of the way with one of his massive paws making the arrow fly harmlessly between them.
The Tiger then roared in fury- his golden eyes directly on her and Ruqaiya shouted Jalal's name--
"Rajah-," Jalal said, his voice gentle, his hand extended out to calm,
"It's alright, she did it by mistake."
But the Tiger, Rajah- how did Jalal even know its name?!-did not stop growling, instead, he started prowling towards Ruqaiya, murder in his golden eyes and Jalal stood up, probably to try once again but before he could, The Tiger stilled by himself.
Ruqaiya looked at Jalal- who was too busy observing the Tiger to move away- to escape but even her curiosity won over caution and she too looked at the predator.
Rajah tilted his head to the side, almost as if listening to something far away, before turning away from Ruqaiya and swiftly taking off in the opposite direction- his speed so fast that he blurred and was out of her eyesight in less than a moment.
Jalal moved quickly and mounted Toofan as he ordered,
"Ruqaiya, get back to the camp with the guards."
"But-," She started to say but Toofan had already taken after the Tiger and she knew no one would be able to catch up with Jalal's horse- many had tried and failed. At least she was sure he wasn't in any danger with the Tiger- she never thought she'd ever be saying that sentence- but they really had seemed familiar with each other.
The Mughal guards appeared beside her then, as if by magic, ready to follow their King's command and take her back to the camp.
Jalal rode upon Toofan as if he was the air itself- the Horse was slower than Rajah considerably but Jalal knew that His was the fastest horse in the world for much like his name, Toofan created a strong enough wind current that Jalal's eyes teared up. He flattened himself on his stomach- protecting his eyes from tearing up and saw Rajah's figure- a blur in front of him jumping over trees and stumps as if they were mere pebbles and rushing towards a certain direction- following a call only he could hear.
Soon though, they reached the edge of the forest and Jalal stopped Toofan when in the distance he spotted some people- and among those people, he spotted a figure of a woman, graceful and elegant...fearless even as enemies shot arrows in her direction.
She was there, praying in the river- her brothers surrounding her as she prayed calmly while some tribals attacked them, and yet she prayed on unfazed as if she was used to being attacked on a daily basis- she probably was.
The small contingent of Ameri guards fought on bravely, Jalal recognized Bheem who was fighting some tribals as Rajah too entered the skirmish and ripped several Tribal men's necks, using his paws to slash open some stomachs- giving her enemies a deadlier death than a mere stab of a blade...
Jalal saw Rajah as the natural predator he really was for the first time and Jalal understood that Rajah had somehow felt that Jodha was in trouble and had rushed away from them to protect Her.
Jalal watched as Jodha calmly finished her prayers- five men, he could see Maan Singh and Bhagwan Das and three other brothers he could not recognize surrounding her- protecting her with their own unprotected, unarmed bodies.
Just as the prayer ended and Jodha turned- her beautiful face visible to Jalal- all the Tribals had been taken care of- the most amount of the men being killed by Rajah himself and then some by Bheem.
But, Jalal's keen eyes caught a movement- there was one last tribal left and he was pointing his arrow straight at her-- Jalal's hands moved as if of their own accord, and he aimed his gun at the Tribal man and let his gun ring as he made his shot- blasting the man's head open with just one shot. Everyone was startled- even Rajah, whose eyes locked with Jalal's before Jodha seemed to turn her head too and look in Jalal's direction.
Those Amber eyes turned Golden the moment their eyes clashed and Jalal knew he had finally fulfilled the life debt he owed her.
He turned his horse around and gently kicked Toofan on his flank, conveying his intention to depart. Toofan started in a gentle run which turned into a gallop-
If she truly was the reason his Khan Baba had betrayed him, then he wanted nothing to do with her from this moment on.
It was pure irony, that Khan Baba's absence managed to do something his presence had never managed to made him wish to forget her.
He did not know what powers she wielded or how she could do magic or what she could do with it but Jalal wanted none of her influence in the Mughal court- which is why all plans he had for her before finding out Khan Baba's defection, went down the drain.
So he decided he would leave her alone, let her marry that oaf of a King who could barely protect himself leave alone marry a woman like her- Jalal did not care. Jalal will not care.
He will leave Gondwana alone until such time he really needed to attack it because he owed her nothing now- not a life debt, no protection and definitely none of his attention.
"Who was that?" Came the question from beside her, Sujamal Bhaisa had arrived just before the Tribals had arrived. They had prayed together already before he pointed out,
"He had Toofan... I would recognize that grey-black coat anywhere." Sujamal bhaisa continued,
The rest of her brothers remained silent as they too were realizing that someone had saved her life. A man on Toofan- it could only be that intruder...Jai Singh? Suryabhan's friend?
"I remember him from Amber." Jodha pointed out, "He and Suryabhan were friends for a short while- Bhagwan Bhaisa, you told me he was a spy but never mentioned just WHO he was spying for. Did you ever find out?" She asked and tried not to notice how her brothers were looking at each other, discomfort on their faces.
"What is it?" She asked as her suspicion mounted, "What have all of you been hiding?"
"Father asked us not to tell you- lest you get on a horse and pursue him yourself."
"Who him?" She asked, a frown on her face as she realized her brothers had known the identity of the intruder and not told her, "Who HIM, Bhaisa?" She asked, her voice clearly showing that she was getting tired of repeating her questions,
"What?" She asked as she took a step back, "Jalal-ud-din. T-the man I spoke with, the man on whose neck I rested a dagger and made him bleed- the man with whom I smiled and conversed was Jalal-ud-din and you didn't think it was important to tell me? You just told me that he was a mere intruder!" She asked, her eyes sliding towards Bheem- who looked shamefaced.
"Raja Bharmal had us under orders, Rani Sa. He said that you'll put yourself at risk in trying to apprehend the Mughal Shahenshah-,"
"I don't want to hear it- And now, you want me to believe that the man who saved my life was him too??" She asked even though she knew no one could steal Toofan...Toofan must have chosen him.
Why Him of all people!
"It is possible that it was Jalal-ud-din."
"Then why save my life? Why kill the Tribal? Why not let me die and get Gondwana--Oh." She stopped as a realization besieged her.
Life-Debt. Of course.
So he remembers then, remembers that she had saved his life after his war with Baluchistan, all those years ago.
Bairam Khan had mentioned once that Jalal remembers her but she had never believed it...Jalal-ud-din had been on so many drugs at that time that normal people had trouble remembering their own name leave alone what they'd seen only for a moment...
She breathed in deeply and released the breath sharply. She felt Rajah come closer, probably sensing her emotions and she tried to relax...she tried to forget as she took the silk napkin from Moti, knelt and wiped Rajah's maw free of the blood gently.
She kissed his ear and stood up,
"How did you find out who he was?" She asked,
"He left a message, remember? What you don't know was that the message was meant for you, My Queen." Bheem said, his tone holding clear distaste for Jalal-ud-din.
"And what did that message say?"
"'You were right, I'm far from Ordinary.- Jalal-ud-din Mohammad urf Jai.'"
Jodha stood up, gritting her teeth she whispered under her breath,
"Should have let him die that very ordinary day."
"Come home, Brother." Jodha requested Sujamal Bhaisa as he hugged her just before departing yet again. He shook his head,
"I cannot return, at least not yet but when I do- It'll be as the King of Amber, not just a Prince."
"You will attack your own family?" She asked with a frown, Sujamal Bhaisa looked down at the forest floor,
"If I have to." He confessed, before looking at her and asking, "What will you do if I do?" He asked and Jodha smiled sadly,
"I will do what I have to protect my people, Bhaisa. I love you more than life itself but to protect Amber and its people is my Duty." She said and he nodded, grief in his eyes.
"What if I promise I won't harm the people of Amber?"
"I don't know what you want from me brother..." Jodha said, her hands clutched tightly to stop them from clutching her brother to herself, "You know I cannot sit this out."
"Why not?" He asked, his eyes red with tears, "Why must you be forced to choose between your two brothers?"
"It is not about family or brothers. It is not about choosing. It is about Gondwana's alliance with Amber- I cannot NOT help Amber, Sujamal Bhaisa."
"The fight is between me and Bhagwan Das-,"
"Wrong. The fight is between you and father...Sujamal Bhaisa, Father was made King before your birth. The Crown had already passed from Raja Puranmal to Father--we've spoken about this. According to the law, the crown of Amber belongs to Bhagwan Das Bhaisa- I do not differentiate, you know this. You've always known YOUR place in my heart. Everyone know if there was any way this war was justifiable, I would justify it FOR YOU...but it is not."
"Fine." Her brother conceded, "The fight is between me and your father- all I want is for you to sit this out. Will you do this for me, sister? Please?"
She opened her mouth to deny it but just then Bhagwan Bhaisa's voice answered,
"You should sit this out, Jodha." He said, "Sujamal is shouldn't have to choose between Family."
Jodha stopped as she considered what her brothers had said, a tear slipping down her face as she decided,
"Gondwana will fight for Amber. But I- I'll stay back.'ll lead the charge." She decided and Bheem fisted a hand over his heart in acceptance, "As it is, it's considered bad luck for a woman to fight just before her marriage." She said and saw the surprise on Sujamal Bhaisa's face which made her smile even through her tears which he wiped away,
"You're getting married?" He asked and she nodded, "Who finally managed to meet your standards, sister?"
"No one." She replied, deadpan but Bhagwan Bhaisa's throat clearing made her amend, "Suryabhan, Raja of Bhanpur. Mother chose him for me." She said,
"I remember him being gentle and kind," Sujamal remembered him from their childhood days when Suryabhan had fostered in Amber. A question in his eyes asked whether Suryabhan was still the same, at which Jodha huffed out a smile and nodded.
Sujamal Bhaisa left soon after and Jodha and her brother left towards the main prayer room.
Sujamal Bhaisa had been right- Suryabhan was all that and more yet still...still Jodha couldn't stop herself from remembering the horrific fact that the face she'd seen in the Baoli, in the sacred waters of Gangaur, belonged to none other than Jalal-ud-din.
But she also couldn't help but laugh, of all the people destiny could show her in those waters, it chose to show her the face of the one person Jodha wanted Dead.
Maybe the image was prophetic in a different way, maybe it meant that she would only be able to Marry once Jalal-ud-din was out of the way. Killed. Maybe then the waters of Gangaur would reveal her real destiny.
She shook her head as she finally entered the Jizya Tax collection tent and greeted all the people who welcomed her by calling out her name- she smiled when a little girl offered her a crudely made statue of Lord Krishna and she was just about to take it when an imperiously high voice asked,
"What's with all this shouting?" asked a woman, finely dressed and Jodha knew from the expressions of the guards there that this woman held some authority- "Why are you all waiting here- pay the Jizya or leave! No one's going to come and pay your Jizya for you!" She said and Jodha only blinked when every eye in that tent turned to her- her people looked to her to speak and she did not disappoint them.
"They are waiting for me." Jodha said as she clapped once and four Ameri guards came in. A full chest filled with gold weighed them down, "This is the amount that will pay the Jizya Tax for all people unable to pay it." Jodha informed softly and the Mughal Guards nodded, already knowing her agreement with Bairam Khan. They started coming towards her to collect the collective tax- Only to be stopped with just one hand raised by the woman in front of Jodha. She smiled waspishly and said,
"I do not know where you're from or who you think you are but you cannot do that. If these people wish to go on pilgrimage- then they must pay the Jizya themselves. That is the law and no mere gold is going to help you break it."
"The law is that the Tax must be mentions nothing about who pays it." Jodha reminded, "And regardless, I have a contract with the Mughal Empire." Jodha said as she took the scroll from Bheem's offering hand and passed it to the Woman in front of her.
The woman read it before smirking and tearing the paper in two-
Jodha gritted her teeth, it was good that was just a copy then.
"An agreement with Bairam Khan." The woman said, her voice filled with mockery. "Bairam Khan is no longer affiliated with the Mughal Empire whereas I am Mallika-e-Hind And in front of me, you are supposed to bow in front of me and then talk. Understood?" She asked Jodha tilted her head to the side,
"I only bow in front of my God, Mallika-e-Mughal Sultanate," Jodha addressed, ignoring the Mallika's thunderous frown at the change in her address, "If you do not wish to accept gold as tax, would you be open to accepting anything else?" Jodha asked and the woman smiled as if the cat had gotten the canary-
"As I said before- bow down in front of me and in return, I promise I will forgive Jizya for not one but five years."
Jodha tilted her head to the side as Bhagwan Bhaisa spoke to her,
"Jodha let it be. Let's go from here."
"I promised these people I will help them pay the Jizya tax...I intend to fulfil that promise, Bhai Sa." Jodha said but just then an old woman spoke up,
"You tried, My Queen, for us that is enough." The old woman spoke, "We won't ask you to bow in front of anyone. Not even for us." And everyone in the long queue nodded along with the words. Their love for her was so clear to see that Jodha could only smile as even the little girl nodded her head- she probably did not understand anything that was going on and yet...
Jodha knelt in front of the girl and said,
"Do you mind if I take your Kanha...beware, you may not get him back." She said lowly and the girl nodded enthusiastically,
"I made him for you." She said before looking at her mother and quickly adding, "Rani Sa."
Jodha winked through her veil and the girl giggled as she gave the crudely made Kanha to Jodha. Once Jodha stood up and removed her veil- she went forward to hand the crudely made idol of her god to the Mallika- who accepted it as if she was in a trance.
Jodha did not mind...most people had that reaction the first time they saw her face-- she heard a guard at the back, drop his sword while another whispered, 'Noor-e-Elahi'-- the meaning of which Jodha did not know but she smiled nonetheless. (3)
Her beauty was a weapon she rarely used but at this moment, it seemed to suit the situation. It was underhanded but she did not care.
Once the Mallika was holding Kanha's moorti, Jodha bowed in front of the Mallika. Jodha's hands joined in front of her in prayer. The people around her seemed to follow her example and join their hands in prayer too...
When she opened her eyes, it was with peace and a smile in place- whereas the Mallika's face was the exact opposite.
Her anger was clear as she threw Kanha's idol harshly onto the ground breaking it and Jodha smiled,
"Well done, Mallika-e-Mughal Sultanate...breaking something fragile brings good luck." Jodha's smile then hardened, "I've done my part- bowed in front of you." She reminded and could see the Mallika's teeth grinding harshly in her jaw,
The Mallika turned to look at the guard behind her,
"Don't take Jizya from anyone wishing to visit Mathura- For the next five years." The guard bowed but his eyes were still stealing glances at Jodha, who could only roll her eyes and smile at her people who were cheering and holding their hands, joined in front of them in gratitude- even the little girl.
Jodha shook her head, lowering the girl's hands and kissed her on the forehead instead,
"Children are Gods themselves, little one." Jodha said before she pulled her veil back on and left the tent, while Bheem distributed the Gold they had saved among the people...the exhilaration she felt almost made up for having her life saved by Jalal-ud-din.
Jalal left for Agra as soon as he returned from the hunt, unable to stay in Mathura for even a second longer than necessary.
Ever since he'd returned, he'd felt too...held back in his skin. Uncomfortable-- it was as if something wanted to set itself free from inside of him and never return-- Jalal breathed in deeply as Toofan galloped on his way back to Agra.
He closed his eyes and tipped his head backwards- looking up at the sky as the clouds gathered, he spurred Toofan to go faster as the first drop of rain hit him.
Once he reached Agra, ignoring Atgah Khan's reprimands for leaving Mathura alone- for returning with no guard- for putting himself in harm's way, he made his way to his chambers and called for a bath.
The water was scalding hot as he entered it, yet nothing could stop him...couldn't stop making him feel what he was feeling.
And what was he feeling anyway-- Regret, maybe? For saving her life or perhaps it was Relief? For finally being done with the pesky life debt. For being free of that debt.
Maybe it was Acceptance- he was ready to forget her, he wanted to forget her-- he WILL forget her. Ready to close this chapter that contained golden eyes, magic and mystery, a chapter that had become his favourite.
Or maybe- maybe, it was Fear? For the past 6 years his search had continued, day and night and he had never felt more elated than when he had seen her in Amber for the first time and never felt more successful than when he had infiltrated her home, into her room and left his dagger there.
Never felt more exhilarated than when he had spoken to her in the Prison hold--- it was a feeling like being on a never-ending hunt- the adrenaline of it, the excitement, the chase, the joy of it- and now that he had chosen to abandon that feeling, he felt bereft.
Jalal stopped himself as he went underwater- all sounds silenced themselves and all he was left with was the sound of his own mind. He closed her eyes--Jodha's mischievous smile, her dagger on his neck, his blood on her hand---he came out of the water. He closed his eyes- her sleeping, her golden eyes as they calmed him down, her pretty fingers in his hair, her scent--
"AHHH!" Jalal slapped the water, "Get out of my head. Get out." He repeated, perhaps this was what her magic did. This is how it enslaved a man's mind and made him her slave--or a spy, he thought as he remembered Khan Baba.
(Warning: Mature content ahead. Readers below 18 please skip.)
He clapped his hands and when the Bandi came in he ordered,
"Call Nazima." Jalal ordered and the Bandi left- not a minute later his begum Nazima- a pretty gift from the Kabul- came and he ordered,
The woman smiled and seeing his urgency removed her clothes without much ado- her long hair was too light in colour but Jalal did not mind as he clutched her head and kissed her deeply, her mouth was not as soft or pillowy as he'd been hoping but Jalal did not mind- her scent was all wrong- lavenders and something else he didn't wish to place as his fingers moved expertly down her waist and cupped her ass, his fingers squeezing, leaving handprints on supple flesh as he kissed down her neck-- it was not as long as Jalal would have liked it to be but Jalal tried not to mind as he mouthed her breast, his tongue circling the pink nipple and biting--
He raised her up on his lap, his manhood brushing her clit-she moaned- and Jalal minded--her voice was all wrong-- and so he covered her mouth with one of his hands as she slid down his length.
He grunted as he bottomed out inside of her, the water had been scalding but was scorching-Wonderful as always but still, it lacked something--
He closed his eyes but opened them quickly when all he saw was amber eyes turning gold. He pulled her up from her waist before letting her fall back down, up and down and up and down until Jalal started pushing up into her- not in any way even close to gentle but also not uncontrolled. Never Uncontrolled. Never even close to losing his control. And it was Not Enough.
He pulled her hair, her neck was made visible to him and Jalal skimmed his teeth onto the fragile flesh, turning it red--he guided her the way he wished to guide her, skillfully his hands made her hips gyrate onto his lap.
He leaned his head back-
but held her away as she tried to kiss his throat- he didn't need that, didn't need her intimacy or her touch- just her body. Instead, Jalal soon tired of her movements and started thrusting his hips instead, taking over yet again.
His hand left her mouth to squeeze her breast and she moaned so loud that he was sure the Harem would hear it just as he felt her clench on his cock- without stopping he twisted her around, her back facing him and continued fucking her...
But no matter how long he fucked Nazima, it did not satisfy him. He could not...finish.
It was only until, out of frustration he growled and closed his eyes--
Her smile, her sleeping in her bed- vulnerable to his gaze, her hands, her feet...her neck--Ya, Allah, Her Neck.
Jalal grunted as he felt himself finally finish inside of Nazima- his hand choking her neck released itself- and yet he did not soften- he kept his eyes closed and kept going.
His cum soon slid out of her and down his cock, entering the water but he kept going, kept pounding rhythmically into the woman in front of him while imagining the Woman he did not dare touch anywhere except in his imagination.
And his eyes...they remained closed.
By the time he was done, the water had gone cold and Nazima lay panting in the water- still trying to catch her breath as Jalal stood up, put on his robe and left.
(Readers below 18- Happy reading from this point.)
Ruqaiya entered Jalal's war room and for a minute just leaned on the wall, watching him as he looked at the documents in front of him-- she still did not know how Jalal did it, he did not know how to read and write and yet he had remembered what certain words looked like and was able to manage with that knowledge.
With that particular knowledge, he could translate almost all of the official documents- she did not know whether to be impressed or worried because if Jalal could remember everything he saw and used that power to remember certain words then why did he just not learn the normal way? What stopped him?
Still, Jalal was capable enough of going through official documents and making sense of them correctly--
"Can I help you, Begum?" Jalal asked without looking up and Ruqaiya smiled,
"I heard Nazima and you had some spilling fun."
"Did you wish to join- should I have waited?" He asked, a smirk on his face because he knew Ruqaiya hated threesomes or even the mention of them. As if she would ever be able to share Jalal's attention in the bed.
Whenever she was with Jalal, his attention was hers.
"I am actually glad, for a while I thought you'd given up on sex altogether." She said and saw him frown and finally look up,
"What do you mean?" He asked and Ruqaiya smirked,
"You've been too busy Jalal, you've barely spent any time with anyone from the Harem." She told him and Jalal frowned harder,
"That can't be true. I adore sex." He said and Ruqaiya laughed at his baffled expression and also because she knew that fact first-hand, which is why she too had been shocked when she'd heard the women in the Harem complaining about the recent absence of the Shahenshah and found that Jalal had gone without having sex for many months now- it was nearing the fourth month- almost since he returned from Shalpur, which was...unheard of.
The longest Jalal had gone without sex was maybe a week at most. Months of abstinence without even consciously deciding was...strange. Worrying.
She was glad though, it seemed that the hunt had actually worked and Jalal was finally starting to relax.
"You've been very busy, Jalal." She consoled and he snorted, a smirk on his face.
"I'm not going to feel sad about being negligent towards 10,000 women, Ruqaiya- I am only Human- A King, yes but still Human. Those women were gifted to me- I didn't ask for them and if I tried to fulfil all of their wishes I'd either go poor or cockless."
"And we can't have either of that." She said laughter in her voice and Jalal nodded seriously,
"No, we can't. But seriously, the next time they start complaining about my absence- tell them to fulfil their needs amongst themselves. Or..." Jalal said, looking up from his work as he seriously said, "They can leave."
"What?" Ruqaiya asked, releasing a small laugh as she thought Jalal was still joking but there was something in his eyes that made Ruqaiya ask, "Wait, seriously?"
"But a harem is an Emperor's most precious commodity-,"
"And his greatest liability in times of war and if you haven't noticed we are in times of WAR. We are about to go against an enemy that has never been defeated-", he picked up a Gondi elephant sigil, "-against the people who developed the art of modern warfare." He picked up the Rajputi Sun. "They were difficult to fight against when they were divided, United they are deadly."
Jalal said, tapping a paperweight rather harshly on his table- his eyes on Rajputana. And as always on Gondwana.
"What is it Jalal? You seem stressed." She said and Jalal laughed derisively,
"When am I not, lately." He pressed his temples and Ruqaiya touched his shoulder but he roughly shrugged her off-
"I am not in the mood to be touched right now, Ruqaiya."He said as he stood up and started pacing, an apology in his gaze,
"We're surrounded by enemies. I cannot trust anyone because there are spies everywhere. The Rajputs are stronger than ever, the South is untouchable even weakened as it is because Gondwana is a strong doorman- or Doorwoman in this case. AND, I have men like Adham Khan under me who can barely take an order to save their lives. I am surrounded again and this time there is no Khan Baba that I can lean on."
"I thought you had a plan regarding Gondwana. I thought you were making progress."
"I did that plan has been scrapped. We're back to square one." Jalal seemed to look away at that as if he could still enact that plan but was choosing not to. She wondered what the Brahmin Pandit felt about Jalal's decision.
"What was the plan before?" She asked and Jalal shook his head, before answering,
"Kill their Queen- that was the plan," Jalal replied and Ruqaiya frowned,
"Why not still do that?"
"Because she's...innocent." Jalal said not looking at her and Ruqaiya- whose eyebrows were touching her forehead said,
"Only weeks ago you confessed that you had no compunctions killing pregnant women before-,"
"That's different."
"How?" Ruqaiya asked, baffled and Jalal only sighed,
"Because I say it IS." Jalal said and Ruqaiya too sighed, he was obviously not going to tell her the real reason behind his change of plans so she continued,
"Navy?" She asked and Jalal shook his head,
"Blocked. Gondwana can hold us off long enough so that the Southern Kingdoms start sending their own Naval forces. All of them against just us..." Jalal trailed off and Ruqaiya got the point.
"Then disrupt them first so that they cannot respond to help Gondwana."
"If I do that then Gondwana will get warned and attack the Capital instead, I will have to retreat to save--Oh, yes the HAREM." He looked at her pointedly and Ruqaiya finally understood why Jalal had thought that Harem was a liability.
"They can't do that." Ruqaiya said, "It'll take them a long time to get to Agra or even Delhi from Gondwana."
"That's what she wants you to think!" Jalal burst out, "She wants us to underestimate her and this is the only place where she can be underestimated...she'll find a way to get to Agra quicker, I know she will. And even if she does not- Rajputana is her Ally...she'll ask her allies to take over Delhi and Agra for her and they'll even do it- no questions asked."
Jalal said, pressing onto his temples as Ruqaiya understood what was worrying him.
They were a strong empire with a massive army but they were still just only one Massive Empire with almost no allies whereas the Gondi Queen had her allies in the South, in the East and even in the North and to her west was the unending sea.
The situation was that Gondwana was surrounded by Mughals through all the territories Jalal had won but the Mughals were surrounded by HER allies- the Rajputs and the Southern Kingdoms.
"We don't have allies." She admitted as she sat down in a chair and Jalal looked up from the papers on his table with a pointed gaze and a knowing smile- As if Ruqaiya had reached the conclusion he'd wanted her to reach. The conclusion he himself had drawn.
"We've never felt the need to have them. We conquer, we leave. We take taxes and we maintain an army with that money. We spend the remaining money trying to maintain the Harem of all things. We spend that money on everything BUT the growth of our people. We have no hospitals so our soldiers die young, and our women die in childbirth so our population suffers. We don't have schools..."He trailed off as if he had been summing up a profound realization before he breathed in deeply and said,
"Ruqaiya, I am only now realizing that while I've been so busy winning over territories and waging wars. Gondwana has been winning and strengthening its alliances. She doesn't have an army as big as mine so she doesn't lose as much money trying to maintain it-- instead, she has allies who maintain their armies FOR her. Chittor- an army of 50,000 strong soldiers ready to answer her call. Bhanpur, 30,000 strong at her call. Amber at her call. Ranthambore at HER call. Gujarat, Panwar. Bikaner, Kannauj, Umarkot, Jaisalmer...
And these are just a few Kingdoms that would be ready to answer her call for War. She's paranoid, she's powerful and she's a tactical genius on top of being so charming that Rajput Kings fall over their feet to welcome her."
"You sound- dare I say it- Impressed," Ruqaiya stated, wondering if perhaps that was the reason why Jalal did not wish to kill her anymore. Ruqaiya also felt a twinge in her, a burning feeling of rarely felt Jealousy clawed her throat- first the Princess of Amber and now this nameless Queen of Gondwana who had made Jalal sound like...this.
It seemed that the Hindu women were making their mark in a Man's world and that both impressed and filled her with Envy.
Jalal shook his head,
"It is not that I am impressed but that I finally understand her. The Universities, the Healing rooms, the spectacular roads between Gondwana and the entirety of Rajputana-- Did I ever tell you about Amber?"
Ruqaiya shook her head as a shiver of dread travelled down her spine, Jalal's eyes held a spark she'd only seen once before...
"I went to Amber just before returning from Shalpur-,"
Alarms went off in Ruqaiya's head, as Jalal continued,
"Ruqaiya, that place was decades, centuries ahead of its time. Amber is crime-free, did you know that?" Jalal did not wait for her answer as he explained, "They were selling Gold jewellery on the streets as if they were selling apples. There were these strange two-wheeled contraptions that a person could ride and get from one place to another- they called them a bicycle. They had man-made lakes and it has completely destroyed the water shortage problems Amber used to have in the past. They have the best plumbing I have ever seen- I've already contacted the contractor and he's started working on Badalgarh- Ruqaiya, all you will need to do is twist a tap and hot water will come as if by magic!"" Jalal spoke, his hands moving as he tried to explain, "Then there is this entire palace which is floating on water-,"
"Floating?" She asked, doubtful but Jalal only laughed and this time his laugh held a lightness that had been missing for months,
"Well, it's built on water and the walls are decorated in diamonds which is why it's called Heera palace. And the University, Ruqaiya, it's an entire world of Intellectuals in there. You give them a problem and they'll solve it in seconds...they're paid for using their minds in creative and new ways. I wanted to spend an entire month in there!" Jalal stopped, his eyes looking like they were back in Amber-
"Why did the Gondi Queen invest so much in Amber?" She asked and Jalal's eyes dimmed as he seemed to come back to the present, his face seemed to do something complicated as he replied slowly,
"They're allies, I told you." He replied with a strange expression on his face and Ruqaiya nodded, "It is also the place apart from Gondwana to have such a big University. All other Rajput Kingdoms have smaller ones."
She nodded,
"If even one of her allies is this advanced then-,"
"Then imagine what Gondwana must be like." Jalal finished with a nod, "But the point is not the mere appreciation but the fact that I finally UNDERSTAND."
"What is it that you Understand?" She asked and Jalal stood up yet again, a hand winding through his messed-up hair. He had never looked more handsome than he looked now-
"I understand HER...sort of. I understand why she focused on the growth of her people rather than the growth of her Territory. I understand why she chose to earn the love and respect of her people instead of earning money only. I understand now why she chose to unite Rajputana instead of just letting Rajputana fight amongst themselves... she looks at the big picture. Always. Now all I need to do is understand her enough to defeat her. I need to look at a picture which is bigger that the picture she sees- I need to do something that keeps her guessing. On her toes. Uncertain, always. And that's how I'll win." He finished.
A shiver climbed up Ruqaiya's spine as she saw the look in Jalal's eyes-
There was something that niggled in the back of her mind. A quote that she had read a lifetime ago in one of those sappy romance novels Jalal hated,
"In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand her well enough to defeat her, then in that very moment I also love her.
I think it's impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe in, and not love them the way they love themselves.
And then, in that very moment when I love them... I destroy them."
"What do you have that she doesn't?" Ruqaiya asked instead, shaking her head away from such things. Jalal had no heart and he had proven that fact time and time again- he was only so raptured because winning Gondwana had been his goal for years. He was raptured by the idea of Destroying the Gondi Queen.
"Experience. Speed. Numbers. If it comes to a fight solely between us and them, we'll win. If there are no surprises and no allies but that's unlikely."
"Then make it likely," Ruqaiya said and Jalal laughed, this time it felt more genuine,
"What do you think I've been trying to do?" He asked, his eyes on the map, "I have a plan but it has a lot of variables. If it works, Hindustan will be ours."
"And if it doesn't?" She asked, Jalal's eyes met her's in the light of the candle and she felt her heartbeat drum louder as she saw the sombre look in his eyes as she realized that Jalal would be risking his entire Kingdom on this War. On this plan of his.
On his understanding of the Gondi Queen.
The next day, Maham Anga came to Jalal with the news of Bairam Khan's death.
"How?" Jalal asked, his voice miraculously not breaking at the question,
"He was murdered, Jalal. Your enemies...they knew what he meant to you, to the Mughal Empire and they couldn't allow him to return back to you."
"Which enemies?" Jalal asked as fury took the place of grief and with that Badi Ammi forwarded her hand and in it was a half-broken token, with 'GOND-' written on top of it.
He closed his eyes- of course. Of Course. Spies, rarely were allowed to live once their objective had been fulfilled.
"Jalal." Badi Ammi called his name but he was too numb to react in any way.
"Jalal." She called again and he blinked, Khan Baba was dead...he'd not even made it close to Mecca. Not even been too far from Hindustan when this had happened--when he had been mur-
Jalal shook his head as he took his eyes off the half-broken token.
"Thank you for telling me Badi Ammi." Jalal said, "Was there anything else?" He heard himself ask and his mother shook her head, her hand coming to rest on his shoulder, to offer him comfort but Jalal did not deserve it. He'd been the one to allow Khan Baba to leave, the only one who knew that Khan Baba and Gondwana had a connection, the only one who could have stopped this...
"I need to be alone for a little while, Badi Ammi." He said and he knew she would understand because he felt her leave, only then allowing himself to close his eyes and release the breath he'd been holding.
When he opened his eyes again, they were wet...his tears gathering in the corner of his eyes.
He touched the blood on the Gold token and felt a tear fall. His face though remained expressionless, remained cold only his eyes wept for his loss.
He closed his hand over the token and felt the gold give under the pressure of his hand. He opened his hand slowly and saw the crushed Gondi-Gold and decided that they will pay. He promised that to both himself and the soul of his Khan Baba.
He will make her Pay.
If she thought she could get away with murdering his Khan Baba then she needed to think again, because Jalal was coming for her and he won't leave until he saw everything she held dear crumble. Until he didn't see her blood soak the green earth and make it RED. Or maybe she will bleed Gold- witch's blood.
He would have left her alone...after the hunt. After fulfilling his life debt...he would have left her alone but she had to go ahead and do This- he threw the crushed token and it hit a mirror, breaking it.
In that broken mirror, he saw a broken man and in his eyes, he saw the power to break the World.
Jalal did not know how to love, he did not understand the emotion but he knew he had loved his Khan Baba as much as he was capable of it...he had loved his father. He'd loved...
Jalal looks away from the mirror- too ashamed of what he saw there...because what he saw was not a Shahenshah, it was an image of a defeated Boy. Of a weary soldier. It was the image of loss and he HATED it.
He HATED her.
He now wished she was Roopmati. He wished she had died when he had still thought her an angel. He wished he had never seen her true self...
But she was alive and was responsible for killing his now Jalal will first make her wish she were dead.
And then he will kill her.
(1) Meena Bazaar- It's a fair that is organized by Jalal's harem- each woman can set up a tent and the tent from which Shahenshah buys is considered the winner. Ruqaiya has never lost as Jalal always loves whatever she brings to the challenge as she understands him the best.
It's a fair, For the Women, by the Women and From the women.
(2)"Kisi bhi mard ke liye uski biwi ke daaman se zyada uski Maa ka aanchal pyara hota hai."- Meaning--All men love their mothers more than their wives.
(3) Noor-e-Ilahi : Someone who glows with the shine of God. Someone who is so beautiful that they seem to shine. A term also used to describe Padmavati.
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