First Smooch
A/N: I was going to call it "First Kiss" but I can't get Drac's "smoochy time" out of my head XD
"Well, what do you say? Will you marry me?"
Ericka gasped as she sat across from her boyfriend of a few weeks - the Lord of Darkness himself - and stared in utter astonishment at the breathtaking little spider ring that he held in his pale hands. Marriage, she thought with an involuntary shudder, that is a pretty big step! Sure, they had gotten to know each other much better after returning from the cruise, and it was no doubt that he loved her as much as she loved him. But still... was it too soon for this? Worry creased across her face as she fumbled to find the right words.
"Woo bee dee ba doo bee?"
Dracula stared at his hopefully-bride-to-be with bewilderment, unsure what exactly to make of the garbled mess of gibberish he was given as a response to his question.
Ericka blinked quickly and shook her head. "Oh! No, no, I meant... uh...woobee doo bee dee?"
Dracula raised his eyebrows in surprise. She's sounding just as flustered as I was! he was thinking, remembering with much embarrassment just how nervous he was when he'd tried to speak to Ericka for the very first time when he was introduced to her on the Legacy cruise ship. Suddenly, all of his monster friends and family appeared atop the hotel's roof where they were. Everyone from Frankenstein, to Dennis, to Winnie, to Mavis, to Johnny, to Wayne, to Griffin, to Murray the mummy, and even every one of the wolf pup kids were the ones he could spot upon a quick glance to the side. There was giddy excitement clearly written all over their faces.
"What did she say?!" they all called out with an increasing curiosity.
An expression of worry crossed the vampire's face. "Uh... I'm not sure!"
He looked back to Ericka who stared at him with widened blue eyes. Then, she sat up straighter and had a very big smile on her face as she finally answered him.
Dracula's face brightened and the little spider ring eagerly jumped out of its box, onto Ericka's hand, and around her delicate finger. The rest of the monsters cheered in happiness for the couple as the count helped lift his new countess to her feet. He tugged her to him in what she had assumed was going to be a hug, but was startled when she suddenly felt her fiancée's cold lips press firmly against hers in an unashamedly fashion. She let out a quiet sound of surprise, before she allowed herself to lean into the kiss fully - her first ever kiss - and she wrapped her arms around his neck for good measure. She closed her eyes contently. It was as perfect as it could be, the kind of kiss she'd imagined would happen in a 'happily ever after,' so to speak. The kind of kiss that filled her with an incredible warmth, made her weak in the knees, and caused her to feel dozens of butterflies fluttering restlessly around in her stomach. It was nothing short of perfect. Through their bliss, Ericka and Drac both could hear their friends whooping along with excitement, applauding the sight and congratulating the lovestruck pair for their engagement.
They gently broke away after a moment, a light giggle escaping Ericka as she took notice of Drac, his mouth now lightly marked with some of her pink lipgloss. "You got a little something there," she snickered, pointing to the said mark on his mouth. He shrugged, simply puckering up once again and leaning in to indulge himself in yet another kiss. She was happy to return the gesture, and willingly tilted her head upward. But, before the gap could be successfully closed, Tinkles - who had thus far been behaving by sitting rather calmly beside Dennis and Winnie - began yipping loudly and bounded down the roof toward them, his big puppydog mouth open to the max and salivating heavily with an heir of playfulness. Ericka yelped in surprise at the large looming mutt and took off, abruptly tearing away from Drac's gentle embrace. "Tinkles, no!" Dracula shouted in dismay, but unfortunate for him he was unable to stop the overly-energetic pup. Instead he gave up, turning tail to run in the direction that Ericka had so quickly taken off in.
Their kiss would have to wait for now!
A/N: Had a draft of this written back in 2018, but just polished it up now. Drericka is one of my favorite ships (am a little bummed that we don't actually get to see an on-screen kiss in 3 or 4 D:)
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