Chapter One: Cheesecakers
Naomi pushed her long, wet, dark brown hair behind her ears that each held an inch long dangling smiling cheesecake earring, and tied her hair into a pigtail. She had recently dressed after taking a warm, soothing shower. She had dressed herself in blue, bootcut jeans with a shirt that had a character based off of her favorite anime, Naruto.
"Cheesecakers, come on down sweetheart!" yelled Naomi's one and only grandmother.
"Coming Mammy!" yelled Naomi as she grabbed her sketchbook and favorite pencil off her dresser, and ran down the stairs of her grandmother's two-story house.
With her sketchbook tucked under her arm and pencil in the coiled wire of the spiral notebook, Naomi ran up to her grandmother to give her a side hug.
"Good morning Cheesecakers, are you ready for your first day back at the shop?" questioned Naomi's grandmother as she grabbed her house keys and shoved them into her lavender purse.
Naomi loved to watch her grandmother create cheesecake at her shop. Every summer when Naomi's parents would drop her off at her grandmother's house in Virginia, her grandmother would take her down to her cheesecake shop and let Naomi watch. Naomi's grandmother would even let Naomi stir in the ingredients. When Naomi wasn't helping in the kitchen, Naomi would pull out her sketchbook and draw whatever came to her mind.
"You bet Mammy!" yelled Naomi as she fist pumped the air.
Mammy walked over to her house's front door and opened it. Naomi jumped outside first while being followed by her grandmother as she locked the door. As Naomi and her grandmother walked down the sidewalk of Main St, her grandmother realized that she forgot to tell her granddaughter something.
"I forgot to mention something to you Cheesecakers," began Naomi's grandmother.
"Yes, Mammy?" questioned Naomi as she and her grandmother turn the corner to see the Cheesecake Shop have people flood out. "Mammy! Our shop is being raided!"
Without letting her grandmother finish her sentence, Naomi sprinted towards her Mammy's cheesecake shop. As soon as Naomi ran through the front doors that were covered in smiley Cheesecake stickers, the first thing she saw was a pair of blue eyes covered by glasses staring at her from the cash register.
"Uh, hi? Welcome to Mam-Mam's Cheesecake Shop, how may I assist you?" questioned a handsome male at the counter.
"You!" yelled Naomi as she ran up to the cash register, grabbed the black haired boy by the collar, and pulled him over the register to her face. "What do you think you're doing- Breaking into my Mammy's shop and selling her cheesecakes?"
"Uh, replace the breaking in part with opening up the shop doors with a key, and then you'll have what I'm doing," gulped the male.
"Naomi Paisley Scarlett!" yelled Naomi's grandmother as she opened one of the doors of the shop.
Naomi let go of the scared boy and looked at her grandmother.
"Yes, Mammy?" questioned Naomi with a smile of pure innocence.
"Like I said before, I forgot to mention something to you, and that something is that I hired another person to help me during the whole year," finishes Mammy.
Naomi's mouth formed an,'oh,' as she realized that she tried to strangle her Mammy's other assistant.
"Whoops, I'm sorry stranger!" exclaimed Naomi as she smiled at the male.
"It's okay," says the male with a small smile of relief.
Mammy walked up to the front desk.
"This is Nicholas, Naomi. And Nick, this is Naomi, my granddaughter," introduced Mammy.
"It's nice to meet you Nicholas!" exclaimed Naomi as she held out her hand towards Nick.
"It's nice to meet you as well, Naomi," said Nick as his hand is vigorously shaken by Naomi.
"Aw, you two look so cute together already!" exclaimed Mammy as she made her way around the front desk and into the back.
"What! Mammy, stop embarrassing me!" laughed Naomi as she laid her sketchbook on the front desk and went around it to throw on a lavender apron similar to Nick's, the only difference being that hers had pins while his was plain.
"Well, you can call me Nick by the way," said Nick.
"Okie Dokie Nick!" exclaimed Naomi.
"I also noticed that you're wearing a Naruto Shippuden shirt, well, to be more specific, a shirt with Kakashi Hatake on it," pointed out Nick.
"Yep! I love Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, that good stuff. I'm assuming you've at least heard of it?" questioned Naomi as she leaned on the front desk with her left elbow and held up her head with her left hand.
"At least heard of it? Ah-hah, no way! I've at least watched all the seasons of Naruto, and I'm on season three of Naruto Shippuden!" exclaimed Nick with a huge smile.
"Pfft, season three? I'm on season five!" yelled Naomi as her back straightened at the arrival of a customer.
"Hi, how can I assist you sir and miss?" questioned both Naomi and Nick in unison as they saw a man and his young daughter walk in.
They both giggled a little as they looked at the man who smiled.
"Tell them what you'd like sweetie," said the man as he pats his shy daughter's head as she hid behind his right leg.
Naomi leaned over the desk to peek at the cased cheesecakes in their refrigerated habitats and then at the petite girl.
"Ya know, my favorite is the Oreo covered cheesecake," said Naomi with a smile as she straightened her back once again.
The girl looked at her father for approval. The man nodded with a warm smile.
"I'd like to have the Oreo Cheesecake please ma'am," mumbled the timid girl as she pointed at Naomi's favorite dessert.
"One delectable Oreo Cheesecake coming up miss!" exclaimed Naomi as she opened the sliding door on her side of the counter and pulled out a small package that had a slice of the yummy dessert.
Noami sat the small package on the counter.
"That'll be one forty-nine sir, debit or cash?" asked Nick.
"Cash," said the man as he placed one dollar and fifty cents on the counter.
Nick took the money and put it in the register. Next, he took out a penny and handed it to the man that accepted it.
"Here you go sweetie," said the man as he grabbed the small package and handed it to his daughter.
"Thank you so much pretty girl and cute boy!" yelled back the girl as she exited the shop with her chuckling father.
Nick and Naomi only giggled and said, "You're welcome," at the girl and her friendly father.
"Now, back to how I've watched more Naruto Shippuden episodes than you!" exclaimed Naomi as she laughed.
"Now now Naomi, don't show off... Even though I've finished the whole series of both Naruto and Naruto Shippuden on Hulu!" yelled Naomi's Mammy back in the kitchen.
"Hey! Mammy! That explains why my place ends up getting messed up!" yelled back Naomi.
"And that explains why I see Naruto Shippuden on my watchlist," yelled back Mammy as she laughed.
The three of them burst out laughing. The first day back at the shop was pretty normal for Naomi, except for the new recruit, though she didn't mind having Nick there. After a lot of conversations, Naomi found out that Nick is a huge anime fan like her, is the same age as her, lives in this part of the neighborhood, is a video game nerd like her, and is a total goof that has a great sense of humor.
Soon enough, it was time for the shop to close down for the day.
"Well I'm certainly glad that you two get along," said Mammy as she reaches into her lavender bag to pull out keys to lock the door of the shop.
"Yup!" exclaimed Naomi.
"Oh, since we're front desk buddies, can I get your number and you can have mine?" questioned Nick as he reached into his pocket to pull out his phone.
"Sure!" agreed Naomi as she pulled out her phone.
After the two teens exchanged numbers, they talked as they walked down the sidewalk. When they went separate ways at the corner, Mammy giggled a little.
"What's so funny Mammy?" questioned Naomi.
"I can tell that he likes you Cheesecakers," admitted Mammy.
"What? No way," mumbled Naomi as she felt heat rise in her cheeks.
"Yes way Cheesecakers, I've known him for a whole school year ya know, and he's never given anyone else his number. For example, some teenage girls came into the shop one school day and one of them asked for his number. He said, 'Oh, sorry, I don't currently have my phone on me, nor do I remember my number,' even though I saw his phone in his back pocket," explained Mammy.
"Maybe he thought she was a creep, if a guy I didn't know asked me for my number, then I would've totally done the same whether I had my phone on me or not," said Naomi.
"Well he asked you for your number and you barely know him," said Mammy.
"Well that's different, he's a fellow recruit and new best friend! Not a stranger anymore," explained Naomi.
"Well, anyway, where's your notebook Cheesecakers?" questioned Mammy.
"Oh! Aw man! I left it back at the shop!" yelled Naomi.
"Do you want to go back and get it Cheesecakers?" questioned Mammy as she came to a stop in front of her house.
"No, it'll be there tomorrow, right? Besides, I don't want to continue walking in the dark, who knows what's out there?" questioned Naomi with a smile.
"Agreed," said Mammy as she and Naomi continued walking up the porch steps.
Mammy unlocked the door with her key and let her and Naomi in. It was already 9:42 pm, so Mammy decided to go to bed as Naomi showered and dressed in her pajamas. Her pajamas consisted shorts with cute, cartoon owls printed on it and a short-sleeve top with a huge, cute, cartoon owl printed on it.
Naomi sat in her bed covered in a cozy, light blanket that was fit for the summer. She got on her phone and went on her favorite app, Wattpad. She went through her library on the app and picked the story, "Stumble (Rewritten)," and began reading it. After a few chapters later, Naomi looked at her digital clock and saw that it was 11:01 pm.
Naomi's phone vibrated, notifying her that she got a notification. When she checked the notification, it turned out to be a text message from, "My Favorite Loser," which was also known as Nick. Naomi clicked on the notification and watched as the screen brought her to a new conversation.
Nick's message said, "Hey, you up?"
Naomi smiled a little and replied, "No." She also sent a winking face.
Nick's next message said, "Oh, then I guess I'll go back home then."
Wait, what do you mean by 'go back home?'
Look out your window, which I'm assuming is the one with a dimmed light hopefully.
Naomi put down her phone and peeked out her her window through the blinds. A dark figure she assumed was Nick waved at her. Naomi fell back in her bed and picked up her phone to text back Nick.
Uh, please explain to me how you know where my Mammy lives before I call the cops on you, ya stalker.
CHILL! I know where she lives because I help her bring back things to her house from the shop or vice versa.
Sounds legit I guess... Why are you here?
I went back to the shop to retrieve my favorite pen and saw that you left your notebook too, so I decided to bring it to you.
So you're not stalking my Mammy and me and not trying to kill us in our sleep?
No, and paranoid much?
At least I don't randomly appear at people's house late at night.
Eh, this is my first time.
Hey, I thought we agreed on loser.
Too bad, you're being weird/creepy at the moment.
Sorry... *frowning face*
Noami sighed and replied back with, "Just come to my door and hope that you're not Orochimaru so that I don't have to Chidori your butt to the moon."
Ew, why compare me to that creepy pedo that shows up randomly.
Noami only laughed and ran down the stairs as quietly as possible so she wouldn't wake up her grandmother. As soon she got to the door, she turned on the porch lights and peeked out the door's peep hole. She confirmed that it was Nick (and not a creepy pedo that she would have to call the cops on) and opened the door to show Nick still in his attire when Naomi met him, jean shorts and a t-shirt that showed Link, a character from popular games that Naomi and Nick play, holding his shield.
"You're not chidori-ing me, right?" questions Nick with a smile as he handed Naomi her sketchbook.
"Maybe," giggled Naomi as she accepted her sketchbook.
"Well, I'll get going now, text ya later?" questioned Nick.
"Mmmm, maybe if you're a worthy enough loser to distract me from Wattpad," laughed Naomi.
Nick and Naomi said bye again before Naomi closed and locked the front door. She turned off the porch lights and walked back up to her room. Without noticing her Mammy at her door, Naomi made it to her door only to be startled by her Mammy's voice.
"He doesn't like you, huh?" questioned Mammy with tons of sarcasm as she looked at Naomi's sketchbook.
"I'm sorry Mammy, did I wake you?" questioned Naomi as she tried to change the subject.
"No Cheesecakers, your little boyfriend did," laughed Mammy.
"Mammy!" yelled Naomi as she ran into her room and closed the door.
Mammy only smiled and went back to her room to sleep.
For the rest of the night for Naomi, she and Nick messaged each other until 1 am in the morning when Nick fell asleep. At least that's what Naomi thought. She decided to hit the hay after another chapter of, "Stumble (Rewritten)."
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