Angelica was in bed.
She was just in bed.
Her phone was thrown on the side by Dream's pillow, turned off because of the constant notifications she was receiving every few minutes.
She didn't let peoples hateful words get to her. She didn't and she couldn't. She was Angelica, for God's sake. She was her. She didn't have to give in and think that the person behind the screen writing her a thread of hateful words and comments was right. She couldn't. She was famous, she had millions of followers, nice friends, and a nice boyfriend. So, why did she feel like that person's words were actually true?
Angelica moved around in her bed, staring up at the ceiling as a sigh escaped her lips, mostly because it was 9 AM and she didn't feel like getting up. She could hear both Dream and Sapnap downstairs, the two slowly creeping towards her shared room with Dream. She looked at the door, awaiting for Dream to come in.
"Go inside," she heard Sapnap urge Dream, who was having his doubts.
Dream nodded and knocked on the door, walking inside his room to eye his girlfriend who was already staring at him. He smiled a little, shutting the door right in front of Sapnap's nosey ass, a scoff escaping his lips. Dream simply ignored him and laid down next to his girlfriend.
"So, we both got hated on today much more, huh?" Dream raised his fist bump and Angelica snorted, fist bumping him back. He chuckled and grabbed their hands, interlocking them together as he played with her rings and traced the ink embedded on her skin. "You okay?"
"I just didn't feel like getting up," Angelica stretched, her hand accidentally hitting Dream on the face. He dramatically groaned and she chuckled, watching him as he placed a hand over his heart, flailing.
"Ow, you hit me," Dream groaned, turning around to rest his face on the crook of her neck. She softly pushed him away and with both of them laughing, they looked up at the ceiling. There were some glowing stars, well, half of them, since majority of them fell off, but there were glowing stars. Ones that Angelica had wanted.
"This person," Angelica breathed out, "keeps on hating on me. A lot. It's constant, every day, and the same person. I ignored it the first time, and the next, and the third. But they keep making these threads on Twitter and keep messaging me stuff about how I should die because my presence is just a waste of space in the world. They mentioned how other peoples lives are far more valuable than mines, that-that my life is useless piece of trash. I always wake up to see those comments, even after I block the person."
"Are they making new accounts?"
"Yes," Angelica sighed, turning on her side to look at Dream. "They texted me, like, 6 times on 5 different accounts yesterday. I blocked them all but the harassment is still happening. Now, what are you getting hate on?"
"Eh, just the usual," Dream shrugged. "It doesn't faze me as much as I did. I know some people hate on me just for existing or playing with my friends. Sometimes you have to remember, though, that you have these people hate on you, but they do that behind the screen of every tweet they post. They don't know you like your friends or family. They don't. They're just random people on the internet. So, don't let this weirdly obsessed person tell you that your life doesn't matter or that no one cares about you because you have a lot of people who think other wise."
"I think after my face reveal," Angelica started, "it has gotten worse and hard, because everyone's pointing a lot, and I'm just... Okay. It's the same with what you said, I'm not going to let this person, this random stranger online, spending their time hating on a 20-year-old gamer, get to me. But it does get mentally tiring when you receive the same comment about your face, your life, your body, everything. It does get tiring."
"And you can't even express your frustration towards them either," Dream muttered and Angelica nodded.
"I can't," she agreed. "There are millions of people who look up to me. I preach about being kind and doing all this, if I send a message to the person hating on me, they could take it out off context, pretend to be someone else, and I'll get in trouble. I can't tell them to leave me alone and to fuck off, because even that, the user can say that they tried to confront me about their fans being rude or anything. People that hate me will believe it."
"Or how you can't even say 'fuck off' because then they'll post it out of context and say how you don't care about your fans," Dream commented and Angelica nodded.
"If I try to defend myself," Angelica started, "the situation can get worse, so... I think me staying quiet right now and making a joke out of it should be fine."
"Of course you would," Dream chuckled. "So, you're good?"
"I'll try to be," Angelica stretched again. "It's the beginning of the day, too, so let's see. I wanted to stay in bed but knowing Sapnap, he's going to want me to record him skating."
"And you have lunch with your sisters, Mom, and aunt later today," Dream reminded her and she softly groaned. "I know, I know. But, you know what Genesis said about your mom getting better, so maybe you should see for yourself."
"It's not my mom I'm annoyed about," Angelica stood up. "It's my aunt. That aunt is so annoying and so rude. She thinks that just by smiling while telling one of my sisters a rude comment, she's not being mean."
"Oh, she's one of those," Angelica nodded. "Is she like your last aunt who got drunk at your cousin's party?"
"Yes," Angelica turned to look at him. "They're, like, each other's favorite cousin."
"Ahh, explains."
"Yeah, so hopefully that aunt doesn't bring the drunk one."
"You have a messy family, Ang."
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