Hi, we made it to what could've been Chapter 69. This is chapter 69.
Thank you all for the amount of support this book has gotten from you all, even the silent readers, or ghost readers. Thank you for everything, really.
- Angelica was someone I could relate to. Her background is my life from being the middle child, being the black sheep, dealing with depression and mental health in general, scraping her knee and having a scar, having a terrible relationship with her mother, having a close relationship with her siblings, and never hearing the words, "I'm proud of you." I wrote Angelica as me. Her feelings came from me. When she was written having a hard time, that was me having a hard time, too.
- I have been trying so hard to write mental health right as someone who has mental health. I didn't want to accidentally romanticize it and I tried my hardest to depict Angelica's mental health with mine.
It also saddened me when I saw many people relate to the "gaslighting" phrases and the abuse that is so normalized in POC households. Yes, those phrases were parents gaslighting you, my therapist told me herself when I explained to her what I got told. Abuse or discipline, it's the still the same. Your parents are hitting you and although it is, again, normalized, it's not right for parents to hit you at all. We were taught it's to teach us a lesson, but really?
- I didn't want to write Spanish in this whole book. There were some complications in the community with how non-Spanish speakers were mocking Quackity and were mistreating the POC communities. I was a bit nervous, but... It's Twitter. Twitter scares me. Although I dealt with a bit of racism with people telling me not to write Angelica speaking Spanish, I did it. I don't like it when people call Spanish as the "Taco Bell" language. I don't. Also, in one chapter, when Angelica was speaking with her mom on the phone, the term "vos" can be said in Spain, but, as someone who comes from a Guatemalan family, my mom and her entire family do say "vos." They even say in some parts of Mexico, too.
- "It's Dream's fault for kissing her." I've heard this phrase so many times throughout the chapters. I explained what he did, thoroughly. If you didn't read it, I said that Dream kissed Angelica because he did like her. He did. But, when he remembered what happened with his ex, he was afraid because she would kiss him and tell him she loved him, but then would go behind his back and cheat on him. That's the reason why he looked at Angelica in disgust.
- The amount of hate Dream got because of his mental health. This part made me irritated. Men can be abused, too. Look at the fact that Johnny Depp was abused and how his life was affected compared to his abuser. I was doing a little experiment on how people would react to Dream's actions because of the pain and trauma he had gained from being in an abusive relationship. Look at this fic compared to Sunflower with Amber. I didn't want to say this, but if the roles were reversed, people would've automatically come to Angelica's defense saying, "Well, she's not ready because of her past relationship." Don't tell me I'm wrong. There were some people who understood Dream and thank you.
- This is not me being accusatory but it had to be told.
- This book has been my everything for the past few months, though, I didn't think it's been a month? I'm not sure. But, I've gained a lot of new friends, aka followers, and I even got the chance to communicate with people who have read this book. Some of you have heard my voice and have simped over it and my laugh, and thank you for respecting my boundaries.
- The gifs. All of the gifs started from sad, but when Angelica is starting to get closer to Dream, you see the gifs getting happier. During the chapters before the angst happened, the gifs transitioned to a gif where couples are holding hands, but when Dream kissed Angelica, the couples hands let go but they try to hold on. When Angelica leaves, the hands are no longer holding on until later on.
- The pearl necklace Dream gifted Angelica. A pearl signifies, or well, symbolizes, good luck, chastity, innocence and friendship. The pearls Dream gifted her is a gift for their new friendship that they built. It was purely platonic.
- Talking about platonic. After Dream denied Angelica's feelings and she wasn't feeling well, Dream kissed her forehead PLATONICALLY. I keep seeing things like "he's leading her on" and crap like that and he's not. Angelica doesn't view it like that. He's being a good friend and she knows. They're still friends because they're not going to let Angelica's feelings get between them. They admire and respect one another. It was platonic.
- No, it's not a DNF BOOK 😭
- All the other poems, even the "be my red" one, came from this one I had written for someone who I believed was going to be my red. I had written because "red" depicts love and stop. So, why wouldn't someone I love make me stop running away from what I believe love really is?
- If you guys are still here, the ones in my Discord server said that they would miss Angelica and Dream, so, I decided to make them have appearances in Quackity's book. They will play a major part in all three of their books, but, they will, of course, focus on Quackity. So please, enjoy the book for who the books are being written for and not just them. (EDIT; I took out the books from Karl, George since I am not part of that fandom. I am writing Quackity's only since the book was created for my bf and I and it has a special meaning and place to me. Please respect that 🥲)
Thank you for everything.
Thank you for the love and support.
Thank you, truly, from the bottom of my heart.
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