"You know what I just realized?"
"You're my first boyfriend," Angelica dramatically gasped, mouth opened as she covered it with one hand, the other in Dream's hair. "Oh, my God. This is so exciting."
"It is!" Dream stared at her. "Oh, my God... I need to plan a date. It's going to be your first—"
"Well, I did go on my first date when I was 16," Angelica made a thinking face and Dream listened to her, "but, I don't consider it a date since the ass was texting his friends majority of the time."
"Then, I'll make it the best then," Angelica huffed a laugh and turned to look at the door sliding open, a fluffy animal coming out with his tongue sticking out.
Dream sat up and Gumbo immediately started licking his face, jumping into his arms as Dream ruffled his fur, not caring about the hair landing on his clothes.
"He definitely missed you," Angelica chuckled under her breath, eyeing the interaction. Dream looked at her before glancing at the dog asking for belly rubs. "I've missed Patches. Best cat ever."
"Oh, talking about Patches," Dream hummed, "will you move in back with me?"
"Please," Angelica groaned, covering her face with her tattooed hands. "I'm so tired of waking up the next morning and pretending like I didn't just hear my sister and her husband having sex down the hall. Don't even get me started on the amount of times they've had sex during the morning and afternoon while I'm enjoying the silence. It's disgusting."
Dream wheezed a little. "Then, come stay at my place today. Patches misses you guys."
"Let's go!" Angelica stood up, watching as her dog climbed out of Dream's lap to eagerly go inside as if understanding what was going to happen. "I want to see Patches."
Tugging on Dream's hand like a child, the man shook his head at his girlfriend... Wow... Girlfriend. This is a dream because it totally doesn't feel real at all.
"Let's go."
"Also," Angelica started as soon as Dream stood up, grabbing her hand. They walked towards the sliding door, "Miss Maira, Genesis' maid, said she was going to basically scold you for hurting me. She tends to transition to Spanish so... Just warning you."
"I'm going to not worry..."
Dream was worried.
When they entered the kitchen, he saw Drista with her phone out, pointing it at him. He glared at her before curtly waving at the older woman by the counter who was staring at him.
"¿No más me dijo hola?" Miss Maira shook her head and Dream gulped, turning to glance at Angelica who was innocently smiling at him. "Y? ¿Que mas? No más una pinche disculpa por lastimarte? Pero no, no. Todos los hombres son iguales y no más piensan en ellos mismos. Y este gringo piensa que puede lastimar a mi hija y que yo no más a si lo voy a dejar? Ay, si fueras mi hijo, te tirara afuera de la ventana con tu puro calzón." [translate: He just told me hi? And? What else? Just one fucking apology for hurting you? But no, no. All men are the same and they only think about themselves. This white man thinks that he can hurt my daughter and that I'm just going to leave it at that? Ay, if you were my son, I would've thrown you out the window with just your underwear.]
"What did she say?" Dream breathed out. Angelica simply patted his shoulder and smiled a little.
"She said she welcomes you with open arms and that she will warm up to you," Angelica lied, stifling her laughter when Dream smiled in relief.
"Oh, because she sounded mad," he chuckled nervously before looking at Miss Maira who was glaring at him. "She still looks mad."
"Drista, we can drop you off at your house if you want," Angelica suggested, changing subjects. The girl nodded, putting away her phone as she snickered at her older brother one more time. "Just go get your stuff. You don't have a lot."
"I just have my clothes and that's it."
Drista quickly ran off to grab her clothes while Miss Maira breathed in and out and smiled at Dream.
"It's nice to meet you," she said, shaking his hand. Dream shook it, looking a bit relieved that she didn't sound or look as mad as before.
"It's nice to meet you, too."
"Miss Maira, I'm moving in with him again," Angelica breathed out. "I can't handle Genesis and Chris anymore and I've felt comfortable in Clay's house much like here so, I'm going to be fine."
"As long as you visit and you're sure. Other than that, I can't stop you."
"You know I'm always going to visit now that you're here," Angelica hugged the woman. "I'll tell Genesis when she comes back and I'll talk with her."
As the trio left, Dream dropped off his younger sister at home where his mom enthusiastically jumped up and down at noticing that he and Angelica were in the same car... And because Drista told her what happened.
Angelica smiled when she saw the home she had lived in and saw Gumbo already whining, scratching the window with his nails, trying to get out.
"Gumbo, calm down," Dream chuckled, parking the car as Gumbo's whined grew louder by each second that passed.
Getting out of the car, Angelica opened the back door where the dog quickly ran at the front door, scratching it like he had done to the window.
Dream unlocked the door and Gumbo ran in, looking for his fellow cat friend. Patches came out of a room quickly and the two met, cuddling into each other. Angelica and Dream melted at the sight, quickly taking out their phones and recording or taking pictures of the scene. It was pretty wholesome.
"Here," Dream grabbed Angelica's hand, leading her to the kitchen. He took out a strawberry shortcake and passed it to her. "I've been saving it for the last few days... I would eat it if didn't go well and I came home or, I would give it to you to eat if you came home."
"You know the way to my heart."
Angelica immediately grabbed the plate and bit into the desert. Dream smiled and leaned in, quickly pecking her lips. She gaped at him, squinting her eyes while continuing to eat.
"What?" Dream chuckled.
"You're annoying."
"Shut up."
"You shut up."
"I'm your boyfriend."
"And? I'm your girlfriend."
"That's true..."
Just two more chapters and
then I have to write you
all something :)
It's incredible how far
this book has come
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