DREAM @dreamhangout
Replying to @angelicasucks
Yeah, be grateful I sent you
a whole ass package of those
💬 🔁 🖤
ANGEL @angelicasucks
You sound like my sugar daddy...
💬 🔁 🖤
Sapnap @Sapnap
Replying to @dreamhangout
and @angelicasucks
He can be your daddy 😉
💬 🔁 🖤
ANGEL @angelicasucks
Replying to @Sapnap
And you did this for why???
💬 🔁 🖤
DREAM @dreamhangout
Replying to @Sapnap
and @angelicasucks
idk who he is
💬 🔁 🖤
George @GeorgeNotFound
Replying to @angelicasucks
Tsuki finally got her shortcakes
💬 🔁 🖤
Sapnap @Sapnap
Replying to @GeorgeNotFound
tsuki?? now hold tf up. rose
and i can only call ang that
💬 🔁 🖤
George @GeorgeNotFound
Replying to @Sapnap
Can I call her that too? 🥺
💬 🔁 🖤
Sapnap @Sapnap
Replying to @GeorgeNotFound
rose said yes 😒
💬 🔁 🖤
Replying to @angelicasucks
Dream sent you shortcakes? 😭
💬 🔁 🖤
ANGEL @angelicasucks
Yeah I made him to
💬 🔁 🖤
DREAM @dreamhangout
Replying to @USER1
She blackmailed me :(
💬 🔁 🖤
ANGEL @angelicasucks
Replying to @dreamhangout
No no no your dumbass
didn't translate the Spanish
sentence you posted and I felt
bad so I told you you needed to
send me at least one ONE strawberry
shortcake. You could've easily said no
but you sent me a whole package
💬 🔁 🖤
DREAM @dreamhangout
Replying to @angelicasucks
Shut up brat
💬 🔁 🖤
ANGEL @angelicasucks
Replying to @dreamhangout
No. And stop calling me that!
💬 🔁 🖤
DREAM @dreamhangout
Replying to @angelicasucks
Im not going to listen to you
💬 🔁 🖤
Tus tías te mandaron
algunas cosas desde
Guatemala. Te las mando
[ translate: your aunts sent
you some things from Guatemala.
I'm sending them to you. ]
7:42 PM ✔️
Okay ma
7:42 PM ✔️
Your sister told me that
you gained a couple more
subscribers this month
7:42 PM ✔️
Y de adonde aprendiste
Inglés ahora? 😂 Te lo está
escribiendo tu hija?
[ translate: and where
did you learn English
from now? Is your daughter
writing it for you? ]
7:42 PM ✔️
Cállate mensa yo
si se inglés 🤣
[ translate: shut
up dumbass I know
English ]
7:43 PM ✔️
Pero ahí te mando
las cosas
[ translate: but I'll
send you the stuff ]
7:43 PM ✔️
Gracias ma love you ❤️
[ translate: thank
you mom love you ]
7:43 PM ✔️
7:43 PM ✔️
"Dream, shut up! You're so fucking annoying you piece of..." Angelica looked down at her phone and sighed, knowing who it was. She quickly answered. "Hi, mom... Ma, tampoco me llame nombres, por favor, soy un ángel. Soy la mejor hija del todo el mundo."
"I have no idea what she's saying," George laughed while Dream softly chuckled, hearing her speak her first language.
"She's basically telling her mom to stop calling her names and that she's an angel," Quackity snorted, "and said she's the best daughter in the entire world basically."
"Y porque me está llamando pendeja?" Angelica gasped dramatically.
"Her mom is basically calling her a dumbass," Quackity clapped, laughing. "Let's go!"
"Mira ma, ahí le llamó después," Angelica cleared her throat. "No... No es que no quiero hablar con vos. Estoy trabajando."
"She's now telling her mom that she'll call her later," Quackity translated. "And she said that it's not because she's doesn't want to speak with her, she's working. Wait! Vos? What the-Where's your family from, Ang?"
"My family's from Guatemala," Angelica hummed. "Ma, le estoy hablando a mi amigo... Es amigo, no novio."
Quackity burst out laughing. "She told her mom-She told her mom that she's talking with a friend and I guess her mom asked her if it was her boyfriend because then Angelica said that it's her friend, not boyfriend."
"Ha! Loser."
"Si, estoy trabando," Angelica sighed before staying quiet and the boys could hear a loud voice, clearly yelling at her. "Ma, soy una millonaria, es un trabajo... Mientras tengo un techo sobre mi cabeza, tenga comida, y me ayuda pagar los biles, lo consider un trabajo." [ translate: Mom, I'm a millionaire, it's a job... As long as I have a roof over my head, have food, and it's helping me pay the bills, I consider it a job. ]
Quickly muting herself, the girl groaned at hearing her mom's loud yells where she's being scolded, yet again, that streaming and posting videos on YouTube is not a real job.
"I'll call you later, Mom," Angelica rubbed her forehead. "Bye."
Hanging up, the girl unmuted herself, hearing that the boys were murmuring amongst themselves.
"I'm going to grab a strawberry shortcake, be right back."
At hearing her mute, Dream waited a few seconds until he knew she wasn't near and let out a breath. "Has she always had an issue with her mom about her job?"
"It's a daily thing," George breathed out. "Because of that, she gets told she's the family disappointment. She has a love-hate relationship with her mom. "
"Her dad?"
"He's mad at her for leaving," Quackity answered. "He wanted her to go to college but she wasn't, you know, feeling it. So, as soon as she gained money to buy an apartment and move and be independent, she found the opportunity to leave."
Dream stayed silent. Rose really wasn't lying when she mentioned that Angelica was the family disappointment. He just thought it was a reference to something else, but even he's got to admit that hearing her mom's silent yells gave him shivers. He couldn't even imagine how it was when Angelica was living with her.
"When are we recording, Dream?" Angelica popped up, making him jump. He cleared his throat.
"We're, uh, recording tomorrow," he answered.
"Hmm, okay. I'm free tomorrow. Also, thank you for the strawberry shortcakes, I'm almost finished with them."
"I'll send you more tomorrow, brat."
The boys laughed at hearing complete silence coming from the girl's side and they heard a fork clank against a plate.
"I told you not to call me that, dumbass."
"And I told you I'm not going to listen."
Also, if someone mentions anything
wrong with the Spanish parts I will
incite 😤 I can speak Spanish, write it,
but God, I can't fucking type shit in
Spanish because it fucks with my head.
Another also, to those two people
who told me to stop speaking Spanish,
no. Fuck off :)
( p.s. there's a link on my message
board linked to my server, so join
if you want. everyone's nice so far )
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