Replying to @angelicasmymom
@angelicarosas it sucks that
she has to worry about all
this when she literally
doesn't do anything
Replying to @angelicasmymom
I don't even think she's gonna
see it because the last time she
was active was two days ago
Replying to @angelicasmymom
Y'all I'm sure she's not
gonna see it rn she's streaming
with her little sister 😭
Replying to @angelicasmymom
Leave our girl alone 🤦🏻♀️
"Rose, you can't do that."
Angelica sat next to her 14-year-old sister, letting them play with her computer while making sure that her chat was at least PG-13. She already set boundaries and made her chat follow some rules that will make her sister uncomfortable.
"Because that's cheating," Angelica chuckled, changing the game back to Survival since the younger girl kept changing it to Creative when she kept getting impatient.
"Yeah, but I'm losing it!"
| twitchuser donated $15:
what are your sisters pronouns?
"I go by she/they," Rose answered, glancing at her sister's chat. "Thanks for asking, though," she turns to look at her sister, "you have a nice community."
"They're the best," Angelica smiled before she gasped. "Creeper, creeper!"
"There's a creep?" Rose looked around, fixing her glasses as to look. They only saw a green monster nearby that she didn't care about. "I don't see a cre—"
Rose couldn't finish their sentence before there was an explosion and her character, well, Angelica's character, flew and died. Rose stared at the screen with furrowed eyebrows and her mouth wide open, not believing what just happened.
| twitchuser: the silence is so loud 😭
| twitchuser: Rose thought it was a creep-creep 😂
"I told you there was a creeper."
"I thought you meant like a weirdo," Rose laughed. "I was, like, "Minecraft has weirdos?" I was confused for a sec."
As Rose continued playing—cheating, Angelica looked down at her phone when she got a message. She grabbed it and opened the message, eyeing the name and what they had sent.
George convinced me
to let you into the Dream
SMP. I already whitelisted you
5:39 PM ✔️
And since you're playing
with your sister, you can
just head on right now and
I'll give you a tour
5:40 PM ✔️
Also, I saw some of my
fans tagging me on a post
for some reason saying that
some people are trying to
get you swatted, are you okay?
5:40 PM ✔️
Just trying to be cautious.
I'm really not ready for my
fans and the public to know
my face still so if I get swatted
meaning someone will know
my address, I have to move out
5:40 PM ✔️
Well, if you need anything
just text me or even call me
5:40 PM ✔️
Don't be getting
soft on me Dream
5:40 PM ✔️
Shut up you're
so annoying
5:40 PM ✔️
Anyway, get on!!!!
5:40 PM ✔️
"Wait," Angelica stopped her sister. "Move, please."
Rose moved aside, letting her older sister control her stream again before watching her change her screen to a black plain one. She quickly got out of the world she was in and glanced at her sister.
"What?" Rose asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Talk to chat."
"Oh! Okay," Rose smiled and glanced at chat. "Hello! Ask questions, I'll try to answer some."
| twitchuser: how do you feel about
Angelica's success?
| twitchuser: is Angelica Angelica's real
name?? we have to know 😭
| twitchuser: you know Dream?
"I am very happy about Angelica's success," Rose answered. "She's very hardworking and to see her career skyrocket is very surreal." She turned to look at Angelica, pointing at the second question. "Can I answer that one?"
"Yeah, that's fine."
"No, Angelica is not Angelica's real name," Rose snorted. "She's not that dumb to put her real name out there if she's faceless. Rosas isn't even her real last name."
| twitchuser: I'm living a lie
| twitchuser: we can't trust no one
| twitchuser: this is why I have trust issues
| twitchuser: dhmu going dark
"Ang, chat is going through it again," Angelica chuckled when she glanced at what her chat was writing, fixing some of her settings. She quickly opened up the serve that was awaiting for her and as soon as she opened it, she got another text message from Dream that told her that he was on Discord. "Also, answering a question from before, I don't know Dream. I'm not into Minecraft or anything like that."
"Give me the headphones," Rose passed her older sister the headphones, continuing to answer some questions. Angelica headed towards Discord and saw Dream awaiting for her. "Hello?"
"Hi," Dream greeted. "Hello."
| twitchuser: WHATTTT
| twitchuser: what is going on?
| twitchuser: ANG THE SCREEN
| twitchuser: THE SCREEN IS BLACK
"Oh, crap!" Angelica mumbled, hearing Dream snort.
"Shut up, asshead," she rolled her eyes, changing her screen to Minecraft where her chat erupted at noticing she was on the Dream SMP. "Anyway, George convinced this dickhead here to let me into the Dream SMP. I love George, let me text him—"
"Angelica!" A voice yelled and she cowered, turning down her volume. "It's me, Tommy! I'm such a huge fan. You're a woman as famous as Dream. Maybe even more famous!"
"I am a woman," Angelica chuckled.
"Tommy, leave," Dream sighed. "I'm going to show Angelica around."
"But I want to talk to her," Tommy mumbled.
"She barely got in the call," Dream chuckled. "Let her breathe. Give us, like, 10 minutes and then, maybe, you can speak to her."
"If you want, you can give my little sister a tour," Angelica hummed, cutting off Tommy's whining. "They're here right now and I'm trying to get them into Minecraft so, why not let someone closer to her age show her around?"
"How old are they?"
"14," Angelica answered, turning to look at her sister. "Say hi."
"Um, hi," Rose came closer to the microphone. "I don't know who she's talking to but hello!"
"She sounds like you," Tommy laughed.
"Well, no duh, Tommy," Dream snickered. "It's like they're not siblings at all."
"I don't need your attitude, Dream," Tommy scoffed before clearing his throat. "Anyway, yeah, just message me when you want me to help her. Bye!"
"Bye, Tommy."
When the teenager left the call, Angelica sighed. "Um, is it okay if I go to the bathroom real quick? I've been holding it in for a few."
"Yeah, hope you get swallowed."
"Shut up, you're so obnoxious."
"You are so annoying."
"You are even more annoying," she huffed before taking her headphones and giving it to her sister. "Here. Talk to Dream's annoying ass while I go to the bathroom and order us some food."
"Oh, okay," Rose nodded, sitting in her sister's chair. She eyed the green character that stood in front of her and made Angelica's own character move. "Hi."
"Hi," Dream greeted. "What's your name?"
"Uh, Ang named me Rose," Rose chuckled.
"She named you?" Rose hummed and Dream stayed silent before he processed their words. "Oh! She doesn't want your real name to be out."
"Yep," Rose let out before chuckling. "Sorry for the confusion but, yeah. She got that name from her fake last name."
Dream stayed quiet. "Her last name isn't her real last name?" Rose let out a "nope" as she glanced at her sister's chat. "What?"
| twitchuser: our same reaction Dream 😭
| twitchuser: dream is just as confused as us!
someone will understand our pain!!
"So, you and my sister don't get along?" Dream snorted.
"I don't like her."
"We've just had some type of rivalry ever since we met, like, 5 months ago or so," Dream explained, passing Rose some materials from his own chest. "We've actually never gotten along because we just didn't like each other."
"Hmm, m'kay."
"Don't pull an "m'kay" at me."
"Listen," Rose smirked as she listened to her thoughts, "why don't you and my sister cut through the chase and date already?"
"What?" Dream yelled. "What? Stop! Oh, my God."
| twitchuser: Rose 😭😭
| twitchuser: they asked the important question
| twitchuser: please date I can't handle the tension
"I'm just saying."
"What are you saying?" Angelica popped up, holding a tray with a strawberry shortcake before eyeing her chat. Her eyes widened when she saw some comments. "Did you tell Dream that we should date?"
"No. I said you liked cake."
"You liar! Tell her the truth!"
"He thinks I said that but it's not true. Swear on your strawberry shortcakes."
"Don't pull that crap! Tell her what you said!"
"Dream is just being weird."
Someone on TikTok really
said, "Why do fanfic writers
go through the most traumatic shit?"
And that is very true.
I saw a dead man last year
on the parking lot of Little
Ceasars in his van
Nick (aka my son) says hi :)
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