Corpse Husband @Corpse_Husband
Replying to @angelicarosas
My faceless buddy 🥲
💬 🔁 🖤
Angelica @angelicarosas
Faceless buddies 🤞🏼
💬 🔁 🖤
5up @5uppps
Replying to @angelicarosas
You are so cool
💬 🔁 🖤
Angelica @angelicarosas
No you 😠
💬 🔁 🖤
karl :) @KarlJacobs_
Replying to @angelicarosas
Psst ily 💕
💬 🔁 🖤
Angelica @angelicarosas
Karl 😭 ily 💞
💬 🔁 🖤
Replying to @KarlJacobs_
and @angelicarosas
Are y'all dating? 🤔
💬 🔁 🖤
Angelica @angelicarosas
Replying to @USER
Nope just two friends
saying that they love
each other because they're
comfortable with one another 😊
💬 🔁 🖤
karl :) @KarlJacobs_
Replying to @USER
and @angelicarosas
Angelica is my buddy 😎
💬 🔁 🖤
Quackity @Quackity
Replying to @angelicarosas
You're blocking the view
💬 🔁 🖤
Angelica @angelicarosas
Bitch I am the view 😒
💬 🔁 🖤
Dream @Dream
Replying to @angelicarosas
Imagine being faceless?/j
💬 🔁 🖤
Angelica @angelicarosas
I know what a misery 😔/j
💬 🔁 🖤
Replying to @angelicarosas
and @Dream
Is no one mentioning that
they didn't argue like they
usually do??? Are they
finally friends?
💬 🔁 🖤
Angelica @angelicarosas
Replying to @USER1
HA no. He wishes
💬 🔁 🖤
dream @dreamwastaken
Replying to @angelicarosas
Shut up Angelica
💬 🔁 🖤
Angelica @angelicarosas
Replying to @dreamwastaken
"sHuT uP aNgELicA" you
shut up shithead
💬 🔁 🖤
Replying to @USER1
You jinxed it. Thanks a lot 😐/lh
💬 🔁 🖤
George @GeorgeNotFound
Replying to @angelicarosas
Let's all pretend I took the picture
💬 🔁 🖤
Angelica @angelicarosas
That would be hard because
of the fact that your pictures
come out shitty
💬 🔁 🖤
Replying to @angelicarosas
Face reveal at 20 mil?
💬 🔁 🖤
shut up she's stated so
many times she wants to
meet some friends she
can't see so they can see
her face coming from her
instead from social media
💬 🔁 🖤
"Yeah, people do assume that Karl and I are dating just because we are very comfortable with each other and say 'I love you' to one another. But, a guy and a girl can be friends, just clearing it up."
"Yeah, Karl is my fiancé," Sapnap commented next. "Back of, Ang."
"Shut up, Snapchat," Sapnap immediately started whining and arguing at the name that Angelica had given him and it caused her (and her chat) to make fun of him.
"Your chat is making fun of me."
"I taught them well," Angelica snorted before softly chuckling. "Chat, let's all calm down before Sapnap starts to cry."
"Suck a dick," Sapnap huffed. "Did you have have your daily cry today?"
"Yeah," Angelica answered. "I actually cried my eyes out before I started streaming."
"Are you messing with me or is it true?"
"I don't know. Am I lying? Maybe. Maybe not."
A sound blared through their headphones, someone joining their call, and Angelica smiled at the name that popped up.
"Hi, Quackity."
"Hello," Quackity greeted. "Hi, Ang."
"What are you guys doing?" Quackity asked.
"Sapnap is annoying me so I'm calling him names," Angelica smirked, knowing that will cause her friend to argue. He did. Sapnap stayed quiet for the first few seconds as he processed her words while Quackity chuckled, clearly amused.
"She called me Snapchat," Sapnap mumbled.
"What are you gonna do?" Angelica snickered, briefly furrowing her eyebrows when a creeper was close to her. "Cry about it?"
"Quiere llorar, quiere llorar," Quackity chanted before chuckling when Sapnap groaned out of playful frustration. Though, Sapnap gasped softly when he came up with something, remembering George's words about how he's planning to make Angelica and Dream become friends.
Quickly texting his best friend, it was only a matter of seconds before Dream had answered and had gotten into the call.
"Why is he here?" Angelica now groaned, briefly glancing at the screen where discord was and shook her head. "Really, Sapnap?"
"Dream, Ang called me Snapchat and proceeded to call me annoying," Sapnap whined. Angelica shook her head, smiling a bit at how her friend was acting. She was used to it because they have been for friends for 5 months now and she's experienced worse.
"She's not wrong."
"Dream!" Sapnap exclaimed. Quackity giggled furiously and got out his phone, quickly texting George. "Why are you agreeing with her?"
"Because it's true," Dream chuckled.
| twitchuser: first twitter and now
they're agreeing 😳😳
| twitchuser: yo are they finally
getting along? 😭
"Look what you did now, Dream," Angelica shook her head, eyeing her chat. "My chat thinks we're friends."
"Ew, no," Dream commented.
"Yeah, I don't want to be friends with that asshead," Angelica made a disgusted face before peeking up when she felt her phone vibrating. She grabbed her phone and smiled. "Wait, hold on. George is calling me."
Angelica couldn't hear what Dream was about to say as she quickly muted everything except her stream. She knew George wasn't going to say anything bad, he knew she was streaming.
"Hello?" Angelica called out, putting the phone on speaker.
"You guys are so annoying!" George exclaimed. "I just want you two to become friends!"
| twitchuser: George wants them to
be friends 😭
| twitchuser: LISTEN TO GEORGE
"George you got my chat to agree with you."
"Good!" George continued exclaiming. "Good. Chat, I want you to spam Angelica's chat with "Angelica and Dream become friends" and when Dream goes live, whenever he does—"
"See, chat?" Angelica hummed. "I'm way cooler than him. I stream everyday and you have to wait until he streams."
"Stop it!" George yelled. Angelica put them phone away from her face. "Oh, my God. Just spam that, chat."
"Don't listen to him," Angelica softly spoke with a stern tone. "He's just being annoying and wants his plan to work."
| twitchuser: yes ma'am o7
| twitchuser: who's George?
| twitchuser: idk who that dude
that's talking is
"They're listening to you," George groaned.
"Of course they are," Angelica snorted, leaning down to one side when Gumbo, her dog, passed by her. She then back away from her desk when he jumped on her lap and placed his paws on her chest, licking her face. "Was that all you wanted to say?"
Just as she was going to open her mouth, Gumbo let out a small howl, causing the girl to jump, clearly not expecting that.
"Is that Gumbo?" George gasped. Angelica hummed in response.
"He finally learned how to howl and he won't stop."
"I wanna see him!" George excitedly said. "Let me see him. FaceTime me!"
| twitchuser: FACETIME???
| twitchuser: you're telling me
he's seen her face? 😭
"George doesn't see my face," Angelica laughed. "He just FaceTimes my dog but I'm never on the frame. Don't worry. He's gonna see this face unexpectedly when I FaceTime him one day and it's me."
"Bad said you're pretty so I'm looking forward to it," George clapped.
| twitchuser: George flirting?? 😳
| twitchuser: deffo flirting
| Tubbo ✅: stop filrting on main
| TommyInnit ✅: what is this???
| TommyInnit ✅: Dream come get
George he's flirting with my idol
"George look what you've done."
"What? I'm just expressing my excitement."
"You're going to make Dream jealous."
"Oh, my God!"
Someone wanted to know
more about my Minecraft
skin and it surprised me,
like, really? 😳
I've stated that I love Endermen because
they're just minding their business, picking
blocks and just being them, but as soon as
you even make eye contact with them
holy shit! They try to kill you.
I tried to make the Endermen part
like a mask, too, if that makes sense.
I also have a flower crown because I
love Minecraft flowers :D
I have a sweater that looks
like this but there's stripes
on the sleeve:
(Kiyoomi!!! 🥰)
And I also have two necklaces
that I never take off.
Thank you for asking, though.
I was very excited at reading
that question
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