We're practicing tomorrow
and for a couple of days before
we record for the manhunt
Dream • 6:01 AM ✔️
I'm sorry who is this? 🤨
Angelica • 6:03 AM ✔️
You know who it is,
my name is on the top
Dream • 6:05 AM ✔️
Hmm I can't see it
Angelica • 6:05 AM ✔️
It's Dream
Dream • 6:05 AM ✔️
Dumbass I can see
your name on the top
Angelica • 6:06 AM ✔️
Haha you're so funny
I'm cracking up 🤣
Dream • 6:06 AM ✔️
Yeah I know I'm funny 😊
tell me something I don't know
Angelica • 6:06 AM ✔️
Clearly you don't
understand sarcasm
Dream • 6:06 AM ✔️
Clearly you don't
understand how much
I don't care
Angelica • 6:06 AM ✔️
This is why I wanted
George to text you because
I wouldn't be able to handle
your attitude
Dream • 6:06 AM ✔️
My attitude?
Angelica • 6:06 AM ✔️
That's rich coming from you
Angelica • 6:06 AM ✔️
That's rich coming from me?
Oh please your attitude is just
the worst. No one can't tell
you anything serious without
you making a joke about it
Dream • 6:06 AM ✔️
And no one can give you
some type of criticism without
you getting offended about
every little shit they say
Angelica • 6:06 AM ✔️
Look, just remember
we're practicing tomorrow.
I'll tell George to text you
Dream • 6:06 AM ✔️
Angelica • 6:06 AM ✔️
Dream • 6:06 AM ✔️
Angelica turned off her phone and sighed, dropping her hand by her side as she stared at the ceiling while the light of the sunrise peaked through the gaps of her curtains. It was 6 am and as much as she wished to drift off into the type of dreams you wouldn't be able to remember when you woke up, she couldn't. It's not that she didn't want to, of course, but she had been thinking too much that as soon as she blinked, it was morning.
Her house was eerily quiet, her roommate having moved out to move in with their significant other. Now, she was all alone in an apartment cold enough that shivers ran up her arms, and she could hear the creaks from the upstairs apartment from her neighbor who woke up at this time to head to work.
For 16 hours she hadn't slept at all. Majority of that time, she was in a call with Corpse, who was in the same situation as her. He couldn't sleep either and so he spent his sleepless hours talking to her in hopes that she would fall asleep. But that didn't work.
Her phone vibrated and she grabbed it, sniffing as she realized some tears appeared in her eyes for no reason. She rubbed her eyes and stood up, placing her feet on her floor and answering the call from George who knew she wasn't going to go to sleep.
"Still can't sleep?" He asked as soon as she answered. She yawned and glanced at herself in the mirror by her hallway, noticing the very prominent bags under her eyes.
"No," she answered, sighing and continuing her journey to the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator door and looked inside, grabbing a strawberry shortcake that Tina had thankfully bought for her. "I'm just gonna go for a walk outside and walk my dog around."
"That's good," George hummed. "Just be careful."
"I always am."
"Ang, you scraped your knee because you missed the last step of the stairs and before that incident happened, you told me you would be careful," George chuckled and Angelica snorted.
"George, I have a scar on my right knee because I fell on parking lot and the rocks had hurt me even more," she mused. "That scrape was nothing."
"Well, just be careful."
"I know, Dad," Angelica playfully rolled her eyes, grabbing her keys and tugging on a hoodie. Her dog, wide awake now that he heard the clinging of her keys, had hurriedly headed towards her. "I'll call you in a bit. If not, I got kidnapped."
"Ang, don't joke about that."
"Fine. If not, I fell asleep."
"Alright. See you."
"See you."
Hanging up, the girl turned to look down at her dog, arching an eyebrow as Gumbo tilted his head to the side as if to question her.
"Let's go, bud."
karl :) @KarlJacobs_
Replying to @angierosas
I love Gumbo so much 🥲
💬 🔁 🖤
angelica @angierosas
Yeah, sadly he loves you
more than 😔
💬 🔁 🖤
Corpse Husband @Corpse_Husband
Replying to @angierosas
I'm going to fly to your
apartment and steal him
💬 🔁 🖤
angelica @angierosas
Do it I dare you 🙂🔪
💬 🔁 🖤
Corpse Husband @Corpse_Husband
Replying to @angierosas
Woah, put the knife down buddy
💬 🔁 🖤
Sydeon @Sydeon
Replying to @angierosas
Give us more content!!
💬 🔁 🖤
angelica @angierosas
Only for you ❤️
💬 🔁 🖤
Sydeon @Sydeon
Replying to @angierosas
Oh my god 😭😭
💬 🔁 🖤
TommyInnit @tommyinnit
Replying to @angierosas
I'm a very big fan of your
dog Angelica Rosas
💬 🔁 🖤
angelica @angierosas
He's a very big fan
of you too TommyInnit
💬 🔁 🖤
Tubbo @TubboLive
Replying to @tommyinnit
and @angierosas
💬 🔁 🖤
TommyInnit @tommyinnit
Replying to @angierosas
We're buddies now
💬 🔁 🖤
angelica @angierosas
Replying to @tommyinnit
Yeah we are
💬 🔁 🖤
TommyInnit @tommyinnit
Replying to @angierosas
I think you're very cool
💬 🔁 🖤
angelica @angierosas
Replying to @tommyinnit
I think you're very cool too
💬 🔁 🖤
BadBoyHalo @BadBoyHalo
Replying to @angierosas
We have the cutest dogs :D
💬 🔁 🖤
angelica @angierosas
Replying to @BadBoyHalo
Yes we do Bad 🥲 yes we do
💬 🔁 🖤
Quackity @Quackity
Replying to @angierosas
It's cuter than you
💬 🔁 🖤
angelica @angierosas
I agree with that statement
💬 🔁 🖤
George @GeorgeNotFound
Replying to @angierosas
Only reason why I FaceTime
with you... because of him
💬 🔁 🖤
angelica @angierosas
George he's the only face
you see on the screen 😂
💬 🔁 🖤
George @GeorgeNotFound
Replying to @angierosas
And it's the best face
💬 🔁 🖤
Yes, this book is going to
talk about Angelica's mental
health and hopefully you all
notice how she acts on messages
compared in real life.
Very happy to write this book
and talk more about mental health.
Angelica is someone I can relate
to and most of her characteristics
come from me. Hope you all
like her just as much as I do :)
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