I just want you and
Dream to get along for
Gods sake
George • 9:06 PM ✔️
I love you with my whole
entire heart okay?
Angelica • 9:06 PM ✔️
Okay 😊
George • 9:06 PM ✔️
but I'm not going to
be friends with a douche
who was rude and was
a dickhead to me
Angelica • 9:06 PM ✔️
George • 9:06 PM ✔️
But you two are
my best friends
George • 9:06 PM ✔️
Literally I can't speak
with both of you without
you two arguing
George • 9:06 PM ✔️
Fine. As long as it makes
you happy trying to make us
become friends, go ahead :)
Angelita • 9:06 PM ✔️
George • 9:06 PM ✔️
George • 9:06 PM ✔️
Sapnap • 9:06 PM ✔️
BadBoyHalo • 9:06 PM ✔️
They still don't get along?
Quackity • 9:06 PM ✔️
Nope which is why our
Job to make them friends
and finish the feud they've
been having for months
George • 9:06 PM ✔️
Alright let's get started
BadBoyHalo • 9:06 PM ✔️
"Hi, chat."
Angelica rubbed her tired eyes, glancing at her chat as it sped, views growing second by second as she hadn't streamed for a few days.
| twitchuser: HI ANGELICA
| twitchuser: I LOVE YOU!!! ❤️
She could cry at the encouraging words from her viewers. They were always so kind to her despite how sarcastic she could be majority of the time. It was almost as if they—the chat—could sense when she was feeling down because right at this moment, she wasn't feeling mentally well.
"Remember to drink water and stay hydrated, too," she spoke, taking a sip of her water while glancing at her strawberry shortcake in front of her. "We are going to be playing just some simple Minecraft and have a chill stream. I had a small Q&A with my private Twitter yesterday but, I'm sure you all have questions so ask away."
| twitchuser: do you have your strawberry
shortcake in front of you again? 😂
"I do," Angelica chuckled, eyeing her screen to make sure Minecraft was up. "You guys should know by now I'm always eating it when I stream."
| twitchuser: favorite song right now?
"My favorite song right now would be Cardigan by Taylor Swiftt," Angelica answered, eating the sweet dessert. "She's so amazing. Very talented."
| twitchuser: are you okay?
"Am I okay?" She mumbled, clicking her keyboard keys to start doing what she needed to do. "It's just one of those days where I can't, well... Where I can be doing better, you know what I mean? I'm just feeling like crap. I've been listening to The Scientist by Coldplay and Fine Line by Harry Styles to make myself feel better."
| twitchuser: BETTER?!! Girl those songs are sad 😭
| twitchuser: you and I have a different meaning
about feeling better
The girl laughed, snorting a bit as she saw replies to her comment pop up. "Those songs are just good. I've also been listening to Corpse's songs, Agoraphobic and LARain, to make myself feel better, too."
| twitchuser: i think you're making
yourself feel worse 😅
| twitchuser: omg are you okay? seriously?
"Chat, I'm okay," Angelica chuckled. "Swear. I've just been having off days but my friends are there for me. Anyway, I'm going to kill this fucking chicken because it's pissing me off."
| twitchuser donated $20: one thing you miss?
"One thing I miss is elementary school," the girl breathed out, doing what she said she was going to do. "I just miss the good ol' days where I wasn't as messed up in the head. Thank you for the 20, by the way."
| twitchuser: what is one joke that makes you laugh?
| twitchuser: favorite color?
"A joke that makes me laugh... Me," Angelita kept her tone monotone, but after a couple of seconds later, she had started dying of laughter. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But, I like the Will Smith one. That one's funny, and my favorite color is blue. Reminds me of tears, especially the cartoon tears."
| twitchuser: Can you speak to us in Spanish?
"Mis seguidores no me dejan en paz," Angelica dramatically sniffed before banging on her desk, alerting her sleeping puppy. "Por favor, que alguien me ayude. Me retienen contra mi voluntad." [ Translation: My followers won't leave me alone. Please, someone help me. They're holding me against my will. ]
| twitchuser: WHAT THE-
| twitchuser: not her saying we're
holding her against her will 🙄/lh
| twitchuser: that was so hot 🥵😩
"Wait, George is calling me. Hold on."
| twitchuser: GEORGEEEE
"Why are you sad, hmm?" George immediately yelled out as soon as his friend responded to his call. "Tell me, so I can make you feel better. Want to watch a film? I'll even watch that film you like! The one-the one with the buttons, I think."
| twitchuser: get me a friend like George plz
| twitchuser: 🟦🟥🟦🟥
"George, I'm okay," Angelica snorted. "I'm doing perfectly well. We're just chilling on my stream while playing Minecraft."
"I'm watching your stream!" George exclaimed. "But anyway, I got your merch."
"As you should," the brunette smiled, watching her chat freak out about that one sentence. "Is it comfortable?"
"It is," George hummed. "It's like sleeping on a blanket. I fell asleep with it and it's just so comfortable. Everyone, get Angelica's merch. It is like sleeping with her... Wait! Not like that! Not like that!"
"Woah, George. Calm down."
"I didn't mean it like that!"
"But, thank you for the promo, George," Angelica chuckled. "This is why George is an amazing person, chat. He's-he's," she made her voice crack before dramatically bawling, face stoic, "he's such a nice friend."
"I know I am."
Silence surrounding the two other than Angelica's clicking. She spoke. "Never mind. I take it back. This is why Sapnap is my best friend."
"Hey!" George let out.
"Sapnap, I dub thee my best friend," Angelica mumbled, eyebrows furrowed together in concentration as she started to do some tricks on the game. She then rolled her eyes with irritation as soon as she saw that some people in her chat started to compare her to Dream and started to hate on the man.
| twitchuser: why are y'all comparing
her to Dream when all he does is script
his videos??? 🤔
| twitchuser: plz Dream scripts his videos 😭
| twitchuser: not chat comparing her
to Dream 😬
| twitchuser: ew no
Angelica shook her head and quickly changed her screen to a complete blank one with the words "Changing games" on it. She quickly went on YouTube and as soon as she searched up what she needed to search up, she changed her screen to YouTube, letting her viewers see what she was doing.
"That is an insult—" George continued talking before she politely cut him off.
"Wait, hold on, George, sorry," Angelica inhaled sharply. The other streamer stayed quiet, wondering what was happening. "To those saying Dream is scripting his videos, here's an analysis where he explains stuff so shut your mouths. Watch it or leave. Stop hating on him."
Just as George opened his mouth to comment on what she said, she continued. "And shut up, George. I'm just annoyed that because my chat decided to be mean, I have to now listen to Dream's voice. So, thanks a lot, chat."
As Dream's voice was heard, George softly laughed.
"Angelica really said, "I'm the only one that can make fun of Dream," oh, my God."
"Shut up, George."
"You shut up."
"Go to sleep."
I didn't update yesterday
because I'm currently failing
all my classes and I'm not
doing mentally well, but we
gotta be positive! 😅
But hey! I'm just happy
to be updating :)
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