And I'd marry you, Harry
Hehehehehee wut no nothings going on hehe no stop bye
"You're gonna do amazing!" Harry grinned, using his good arm to pull the older man to him in a hug. Louis hugged him back tightly, but not enough to hurt him.
"Thank you," he beamed at the younger boy, kissing his cheek before pulling away, but keeping his arm around Harry's waist.
"Tommo, c'mon. We're walking out in five," his coach interrupted, nodding his head towards the door. Louis smiled wider, and took Harry's hand to lead him to where the Donny team was and the other five players from his team that got picked. Harry gave him one last kiss on the lips, telling him he loves him before slipping out of the locker room and to his spot in the stands.
"I'm so nervous," Louis spoke, shaking his hands out.
One of his team mates, Calum, patted his shoulder, "So am I. But it's fine. We'll do fine. We got chosen for a reason, right?" the dark haired boy smiled. Louis nodded, and a wide smile broke into his face.
"Yeah! We did!" he grinned, and rubbed his hands together when the announcer started calling out the players. He was the last in line, and had to wait a couple minutes, but when his name was called he was bounding out into the field with the rest.
"Last but not least, our last guest player from Manchester University! Number twenty eight! Louis Tomlinson!"
The crowd continued roaring when he ran out, taking a look around him in awe as he took a spot in line with the team. The stadium was huge. Or at least it seemed so, compared to the schools stadium. He could hear everyone shouting and screaming and cheering them on. The smell of clean cut grass and food from the stands filling his nose. He could see his family as well as Harry and his family in the stands, holding stupidly cute signs for him that made him blush and shake his head with a smile.
Louis blew a kiss to Harry, who pretended to catch it and put it in his pocket. "My dork," Louis mumbled, and joined hands with the people at his sides. They all raised their arms, and let them fall before breaking off and doing some drills.
"I'm so nervous! I'm not even playing, but I feel so nervous!" Harry said, leaning to Gemma's side as he watched his boyfriend.
"I'm nervous for you Harry," she laughed, "you've got a cast, stitches, and broken ribs, yet you come to a footie game, you dolt," she shook her head, ruffling his hair gently since there was still cuts from the glass that was once in his skull.
"Lou's always wanted to play here with the Rovers. It's his dream. I wouldn't miss it for the world, and you know it," he pointed out.
Gemma nodded, but another thought ran through her head. "He's got other dreams too. Especially for tonight," she mumbled under her breath, a smalls smirk on her lips. Harry didn't hear it though.
❊ ❊ ❊ ❊
"They won!" Harry exclaimed, jumping up and down with the crowd. "Louis shot that! He shot that winning goal!" he shouted, turning to Gemma with the biggest grin ever.
"They did it!" she laughed, swinging her arm around Harry's shoulder.
They had to wait until the team came back out from the locker room. But after about twenty minutes the team exited, and Louis ran straight up to where Harry and their families were.
"You did amazing! I told you you would!" Harry praised, taking his boyfriend into a hug. Louis smiled with his head in the crook of Harry's neck, sighing in content of the vanilla smell of the younger boy.
"It was fantastic!" Louis told Harry, bringing his head up to kiss Harry. They both smiled, though, and broke the kiss.
❊ ❊ ❊ ❊
"I don't understand you at all," Louis chuckled, shaking his head. Harry looked at him with wide eyes, sparkling with curiosity and happiness.
"Why?" he smiled, jumping up to put a dollar in the jar they had sitting on the top of their fridge. It was originally going to be used as their savings for a trip to Paris when they have enough, but with what Louis wanted to do he would think that trip would come sooner than planned.
"Because," the older boy chuckled, "you just got out of the hospital less than even four days ago and you're already jumping around," he told him, a fond look on his face that made Harry blush. "But that's a good thing," he added.
Harry nodded, "Yeah," he agreed, "It's been a good day I think. You got to play with the Rovers and shot the winning goal. That and Liam and Niall's call this morning! It's been a very eventful day," he chuckled, leaning against the counter.
Louis and Harry sat at the counter, Louis trying to making pancakes how Harry does. He made Harry sit down so he could to it himself. After all, he didn't want his boyfriend hurting his injuries.
The Fray's "Over My Head" started playing from Louis phone, causing him to look at it and pick it up. He furrowed his eyebrows when seeing Nialls caller ID show up, but answered it anyway. "Hey, Ni, what's up?" he asked. Harry shot him a questioning look, but he just mouthed an 'I don't know' to him.
Niall sighed heavily, "I-I uh, I think I'm gay," he stated, "no, no, I know I'm gay. Or bi at least. I-I just, Louis, I don't know what to do!"
Louis was confused, "Why? What's wrong with being gay?"
"Nothing's wrong with being gay! It's just, uh, remember when we all went out and got drinks about a month ago? And you said Liam kept looking at me?" he asked.
"Spit it out, Niall."
"I'm in love with Liam!" Niall exclaimed.
Both boys gasped, since Harry could hear the conversation. "Oh," Louis breathed.
"I know!" the Irish boy whined, "And I invited him over to watch the game today since you're playing in it but it's just gonna be us two and now I'm questioning myself on all of this and I'm scared, and nervous, and I don't know what to do!"
"Niall, first off, calm down. Second off, its fine. It'll be fine. Just be yourself. That's the you we all know and love anyways. You can try to make a move on him tonight if you want, but just remember that if you do, then Liam isn't going to hate you if he ended up not wanting to be like that between the two of you. Just be yourself and you're fine," he assured.
"Be myself, make a move, be cool. Alright, uh, yeah. I'll do that. I'll call you later," he sighed, and hung up.
Louis looked to Harry, who looked shocked. "Niall's in love with Liam," he paused, "I don't think any of us saw that coming."
Louis chuckled, "Yeah. It has been pretty crazy. But, if this goes right, then it will be even more eventful," he said, taking a deep breath. Harry was a bit confused when Louis took a step back.
Louis froze, "Shit. I-I had this whole speech planned, but now I can't remember any of it. Uhm, you've always said that you would want a proposal to be small and sweet. Something that would seem even more memorable to you. Somewhere where it's just us, without anyone watching so that its personal. And I can't seem to fathom that I get to be the one to do that for you," he paused, smiling shakily, "we're like a team. We always had been and always will be. I can count on you for anything. I love you with all my heart and I can't imagine a world without you," he shook his head slowly.
Harry's breath got caught in his throat when the older man sunk down onto one knee, and pulled out a small velvet box. Louis didn't take his eyes off of him as he revealed the gorgeous silver band. "Will you marry me, Harry?" he asked, small tears in his eyes.
By then Harry already had tears falling from his eyes, his hand on his mouth in shock as he nodded. "Yes!" he cried, "yes yes yes!" an airy laugh left his lips, and Louis grinned as he stood and slid the ring onto Harry's ring finger. He was thankful that the cast was on the other arm.
Harry threw his arms around Louis neck, not caring about his injuries as he pulled the older man to him. Their lips crashed together in a passionate kiss, filled with happiness, love, and so much more. "I love you, angel," Louis mumbled, kissing Harry again.
"I love you more," Harry smiled.
Louis shook his head, "Impossible," he chuckled lightly, pecking his boyfriend's lips.
"No, it's not," Harry grinned, "do you even know the real reason I drove to your mums house that one day? The day I got into an accident?" he asked, a smirk on his lips.
"You went to my mums?" Louis asked, "I mean, I never really thought about it much. But it did cross my mind as to why you were all the way out there. Manchester isn't too close anyway," he shrugged, "but why were you there?"
Harry rolled his eyes playfully, "Because I was asking your mum about proposing to you," he smiled fondly at Louis, "I was actually going to do it at the game today. But then my accident happened," he told him, his voice quiet.
Louis was just smiling. He couldn't believe that Harry was actually going to to propose to him. And on the same day too. "I'm happy that I got to ask you, though," he said.
"Me too," Harry agreed, leaning his forehead against Louis'. He fluttered his eyes closed, and kissed him softly, moving his hands to wrap around Louis' waist. Harry pulled him closer as Louis swiped his tongue across the younger mans bottom lip. Harry parted his lips, allowing Louis to take over.
The two made out for a minute until Harry pulled away breathlessly. "Can we tell our families?" he asked, excitement filling his eyes.
Louis tilted his head, "How about we go down tomorrow and see them. I don't have uni and you don't have work. We can go down to my mums house and then down to yours?" he raised his eyebrows in question.
Harry grinned, "Okay. That sounds nice fiancé," he giggled.
"Oh, does it. Well, you know what else sounds good?" Louis asked, poking Harry's sides lightly.
Harry laughed, "What?"
Louis scrunched his nose, and pressed his forehead against his boyfriend's, "Your first name with my last name!"
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