I step into the snowy filled street of Seoul and make my way towards the bakery where we first met.
It was a pleasant summers day and she had come to buy her brother some bread rolls for their picnic.
I came to visited my parents to see how they were adjusting to their new life here. Being the kind son I am decided to buy them some donuts. They really love donuts.
Once I stepped foot into the quiet store the cashier audibly gasped, thus directing the attention to me. Here was first time I laid eyes upon my beautiful girlfriend of 2 years.
Soon to be fiancée.
I watched tears well up in her eyes as she struggled to speak.
"P-Park Jimin?" she had gasped on that faithful day.
I merely smiled and carried on with my shop.
"CAN I GET YOUR NUMBER?" she begged watching me leave the small shop.
Turning around, I let out a small laugh and asked why I should trust her with it.
She gave out a variety of reasons, my personal favourite being that I could file a restraining order and sue her if things got out of hand- for example, she obsessed over me or told others my number.
I chuckled some more and entered my number into her phone.
Oh my, she looked stunning.
I locked eyes with her and said farewell.
I swear she was about to faint.
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