🎇Proven Right
For those of you wondering why your other honorary brother wasn't there to see you off.
I'm going to be editing this in the New Years, so, if you wanted to help out there, feel free to point out any spelling and grammatical errors as per usual.
--xx Avanni Cinders
You stood in front of the Sword Flame's dojo, curiousity swirling inside of you.
The night before, you had asked Valt as to Xander's whereabouts. Months ago now, Valt and the twins had exitedly informed you that one of Valt's childhood best friends had made a reappearance in their lives. You had been excited to see what sort of person that the boisterous child that you remembered had become.
Taking a deep breath,you tapped lightly on the sliding bamboo door, and waited for someone to answer.
Moments later, the door was opened by a preteen in a green tracksuit with a plaster on his cheek.
"Can I help you?" He asked politely.
You gave him a small smile. "Hi, um, I was wondering if I could maybe see Xander?"
The preteen nodded shortly, and turned, leading you wordlessly into the dojo. You followed him, looking on in quiet awe at the determination in which younger children trained with fake swords, sparred and practiced Beyblade.
You approached a back room, the preteen knocked on the door and poked his head in. "Xander, there's someone here to see you."
Smiling a quick thanks to the boy, who bowed his head in response, you waited in barely repressed excitment. Heavy footsteps sounded from inside the room, the door slid open, and a tall young man stepped out.
It took you a few moments to fully comprehend his size. Your gaze had been fixed on where you assumed Xander's head to be. Roughly the same height as the other boys, if not slightly taller. To your suprised, you were instead faces with a well defined chest, clad in a black midriff.
Eyes wide, your line of sight slowly traveled upward to meet the face of a familiar male who was looking at you in equal measures of shock.
"Y/N?" The boy asked. His voice was familiar, although much deeper than you remembered. This couldn't be Xander, could it?
The tall boy threw his head back and laughed deeply. Upon hearing that laughter, you realised that it was in fact Xander Shakadera standing before you. However, you didn’t have much time to dwell on that, as in the next split second, you were being hoisted into the air.
"It's been ages," Xander said, sitting you upon his shoulder.
Your arms flew out and clung tightly to his head out of pure reflex. "Bloody hell mate, warn a girl next time!"
His only response was to let out a hearty laugh. "It's been five years, I hardly reconised you."
"Me? I barely reconised you." You said incredulously. "I always knew you'd be tall, but this is just ridiculous."
Xander snickered at your frustration, but it was true. Xander was tall for his age, and if he had been a stranger you had seen in passing on the streets, you would have mistaken him to be an adult. Even at eleven, he had a bloody six pack and towered over you.
"How've you been?" He asked you, walking out through the dojo.
"Pretty good," you answered, ignoring the weird looks the two of you were receiving from the kids training. "Training hard, getting stronger, I'm my team's second in command."
"Oh yeah," Xander said, looking as though he had only just remembered the fact. "BC Sol, right?"
"Yep, and you totally forgot."
"Of course not," Xander scoffed at the accusation, utterly failing at sounding believe.
"Uh huh," your tone of voice betraying how convinced you were. "Sure you didn't."
"I really didn't," he continued to protest, attempting to defend his innocence. "I have posters of you and your teammates and everything."
"Why do you sound so surprised?" Xander frowned, looking concerned at the sound of your incredulous tone.
Beginning to feel awkard about the sudden change of topic, you shrugged and looked away from him.
"I don't know," you admitted. "You never came with us to the airfield, so I assumed you were pissed or something."
Xander tilted his head, reminding you, for some reason, of a curious puppy. You stared back at him, not knowing what to say, until his expression cleared and a look of understanding washed over his features.
"We moved," he explained hurriedly. "I wanted to go to say good bye to you, but I had no one to take me."
"Okay then," you sighed, feeling just the littlest bit stupid. "That's a relief I guess."
"A relief?"
"Like I said, I thought you hated me." You shrugged defensively. "Yeah Valt mentioned you'd left, but then I was even more upset that I hasn't gotten to say good bye."
"Don't sweat it," Xander grinned. "You were like my big sister, I could never hate you."
"Were?" You arched a brow.
"Are," Xander corrected himself sheepishly.
"Damn straight," you sniffed imperiously, before abruptly turning serious. "Seriously though Xander, I missed you alot."
Xander fixed you with a fond smile. "I missed you too Y/N."
"Hey, what're you doing tomorrow?" You asked suddenly, an idea starting to come together.
"Training here like always," Xander replied. "Why?"
"Shu, Valt, the twins and I are planning on going to the FunLand Arcade tomorrow." You explained, growing in excitement as you hoped that Xander would agree to your proposition. "Valt's going to ask the BeyClub and see if they wanted to come, so why don't you guys join us as well?"
"Yeah okay," Xander agreed without a moments hesitation, nodding enthusiastically. "It sounds like fun."
"Awesome," you punched the air, cheering loudly. "This is gonna be epic!"
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