Ball pit// (noun): The reason you must heavily monitor Valt's sugar intake when in the immediate vicinity of.
"What have I done?" You breathed, an impending sense of doom wrapping itself around you like a weighted blanket. "Mum is going to kill me."
The members of the Beyclub watched on in amusement, entertained by your predicament, and the identical looks of horror that you and the twins were wearing.
You had been under the impression, that a day out would have been fun for all of you. And back when plans were originally being made, all of you consisted of yourself, Valt, Shu, Toko and Nika. Then, Valt had asked if he could bring his friends along.
'Why the hell not?' You had thought at the time, not seeing what the issue would be. You hadn't even thought that they would want to come along, considering all you were doing was hanging out at the FunLand Arcade, but figured it would have been polite to extend the invitation. Hell, even Xander had tagged along, bringing the rest of the Swordflames with him. But the added numbers could have in no way helped you with this.
Somehow, you had managed to lose track of the eldest of your two brothers, likely around the time when you were handing a double teaming Honcho and Wakiya their asses to them in air hockey, but that was not the point. The point was, you had succeeded in losing the most irresponsible of your siblings. Thankfully however, with your efforts, Xander's height and a very enjoyable shoulder ride, it hadn't taken you all that long to locate Valt in the café.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" You demanded, allowing Xander to help you down so you could glare your brother with your arms akimbo. "I look away for two seconds and all of a sudden you pull this on me!"
And it was then that you realized that Valt had been ordering a continuous stream of sodas, and he hadn't brought along any money. Grumbling under your breath, you took out your wallet and handed a waiter several ten dollar notes to cover the bill your brother had managed to ring up.
Turning back to face him, already preparing a lengthy lecture, you were surprised to find that Valt was no where in sight.
"Did you see which way he went?" You sighed to the waiter, who gave you a sympathetic smile.
"He was headed for the kid's play area," he told you helpfully, and that's when the dread began to set in.
"And how many of those soft drinks did he have exactly?"
"Seven miss," he said after a quick mental tally.
"Son of a chopstick," you swore softly, taking care to censor your language when there may be small ears lurking around. "Thanks."
You bolted for the kiddy area, making sure to snatch up the twins along the way so you could get past the employee guarding the entrance. Valt, being incredibly short and under thirteen years of age, would have had no problem getting in, but quite obviously being sixteen years old meant you had to have a sibling or child with you to gain entrance.
The rest of your group had little to no issues in getting in, and although the employee in charge was skeptical that Xander was really eleven like he said and not twenty one, you all managed to get through.
"He's in here somewhere," you informed them, your demeanor somewhat reminiscent of a Navy Admiral. "Everyone split up to look for him, but do not engage if he is found, come and get me instead. Any questions?"
"What's the big deal about this anyway?" Daigo asked, causing everyone but the twins, Shu and Xander to nod along in agreement. "He's under the age limit, so what's wrong with him being in here?"
"This isn't the first time this has happened," you informed them grimly, your tone void of any remote hint of humour.
"The last time this happened was two years ago," Shu nodded solemnly. "It's almost like a tradition at this point."
"We were here the first time that this happened," Xander added, gesturing to Shu and himself.
"I think I might know where he is, but let's all pray that I'm wrong." You continued, turning to face the play equipment, bowing your head as you came to terms with your fate. "If I'm right, we could very well be here for hours."
"We might as well check out that place you mentioned first," Ken pointed out through the puppet you had realised was named Beus.
"Yeah," agreed his blue counterpart. "That way we don't have to be here longer then we have to."
You couldn't fault Ken's logic, but you were still incredibly reluctant to comply with the idea that everyone else seemed to be quickly nodding along to. You sent Toko and Nika a pleading look, but they were only able to shrug helplessly. Feeling like a prisoner on her way to the gallows, you navigated your way through the expansive play area, trudging as you led your group towards the place where you were quickly growing more certain that you would find your brother.
The ball pit.
The best, and worst, thing about the FunLand Arcade, was quite possibly the extensive range it had on offer. Bowling and video games, stadiums and laser tag, not to mention the huge play area and café. This wasn't some small service station play area, it was huge. And the ball pit? No joke. Roughly a metre in depth, the pit itself was around about the size of a small swimming pool, and it was filled with brightly coloured plastic orbs. As you approached, the sounds of someone playing inside reached your ears.
"Okay, hold up a sec." You cautioned, stopping in your tracks and motioning for the others to follow you. "Whatever you do, do not encourage him, and do not join in. Just let me handle this, and be prepared to catch him if he tries to make a run for it."
"Wait, what's even happening exactly?" Wakiya asked, keeping his voice quiet.
"You don't want to know," Toko informed the older boy.
"It's better just to watch." Your little sister backed up her brother, and you had to agree with them. What you were about to see wasn't exactly... Natural, for lack of a better word. In fact, it was incredibly unusual and like Nika said, it would easier to watch first hand then rather you try and explain it.
Quietly, you approached the ball pit, and peered cautiously through the see through netted curtain. Thankfully, there was only a single occupant, who, just as you had suspected, was your little brother.
"Hey Valt," you cooed, pulling the netting aside and poking your head through. "Watcha doing there little bro?"
There was no response, only deranged giggling. You sighed, this was going to be harder than you thought. He was much further gone than you had originally anticipated.
Sugar intake was heavily monitored when it came to Valt, and you theorised that if he ever got drunk, that this is exactly how he would act. A few Beyblades short of a stadium and quite possibly insane.
You were taken aback as a barrage of plastic balls suddenly assaulted your face, and you didn't hold back your growl at Valt's glee. Honestly, it was almost as if he had reverted back to his two year old mindset. Scratch that actually, you were fairly confident that the twins had been more mature at this age than Valt was currently acting.
"Come in and play Y/N!" Valt demanded, throwing his arms up into the air.
"Valt, either you come out or I'm coming in there." You threatened, shooting Honcho a deadly look when you heard him laughing. It didn't matter how he was acting, no one laughed at your baby brother.
You hissed as another ball made contact with the side of your head, and you switched your glare onto the oldest of your younger siblings.
"Valt Kento Aoi you move your ass right now."
Valt poked his tongue out at you and blew a raspberry, and you could feel the anger bubbling inside of you, your hands subconsciously curling into claws around the frame of the entrance that you were holding onto.
"Oh that is it!" You bellowed, jumping onto the block in the doorway that prevented the balls inside the pit from all escaping. "It is on, now!"
With a perfectly executed dive, you launched into the pit and pulled yourself up to the surface, much to everyone's shock and amusement.
"We're going home Valt, right now!" You ordered, lunging for your brother, falling into the plastic as he nimbly dodged your warpath with a seemingly practiced expertise.
"You're gonna have to catch me first!" He taunted, and you pounced once more, only to come up empty handed as Valt disappeared beneath the brightly coloured layers.
You furiously clawed away at the plastic balls, searching fruitlessly as you wildly grabbed for your evasive sibling.
There was a movement behind you, and you spun around just in time to watch Valt breach with all the grace of a blue whale emerging from the surface.
"Bazinga," he grinned evilly, vanishing once more as you waded through the ball pit.
"What the actual hell Valt?!" You roared, the laughter of your brother's friends and your traitorous younger siblings drowned out in the back ground by the rage that buzzed in your ears.
"Well, we're never going to be allowed back in there." You sighed, folding your arms as you walked down the street.
"Don't be so dramatic sis," Toko laughed. "They'll forget us eventually."
"Mr Smiley took our finger prints," you reminded him, displaying the inked pad of your thumb. Unfolding your arms, you ruffled his hair affectionately, and threw an arm each over the twin's shoulders, one of them walking on either side of you. Sighing, you glanced at Xander who walked a little ways in front of you. "Please don't let him done, no matter what he says."
The red head nodded seriously, adjusting Valt's weight over his shoulder.
"Is this really necessary?" Valt whined.
"Oh you know it is," you threw back at him. "The sugar still hasn't left your system just yet and your feet aren't going to hit the ground until we get back home."
Valt fell silent and you resisted the strong urge to sigh once again.
"Mum is so going to kill me for this," you muttered. "I am dead."
"It won't be that bad," Nika offered, smiling up at you.
"Yeah maybe," you shrugged, praying that the optimistic pinkette would be correct. Your mum was often pretty lenient when it came to you getting into trouble. You were doubtful however that she would prove to be so understanding, especially when you showed up back home, having blown the pocket money she had given you, gotten yourself and your siblings all kicked out of one of the cities' biggest arcades, having momentarily lost your brother, and returning with an extremely hyperactive said brother.
Slowly, your large group began to disperse, until it was just you and your family, blood brother's included, Xander with Valt, and Shu staying the night for a sleepover. Thankfully, the FunLand Arcade wasn't too far from your house, and twenty minutes later, you were slipping through the from gate and trooping up to your front door. You slipped your keys from your pocket, and slid one into the lock, twisting it to the side until it clicked open.
You stepped inside, holding the door wide open as Xander made his way through with Valt, having to stoop to make it through the door. The twins came next, closely followed by Shu, and only once you were all back safely inside did you close the door again.
"Kids, is that you?" Your mum's voice called, and you visibly winced. All hopes of a clean entrance and getaway quickly diminished.
"Um, yeah mum, it's us." You called back hesitantly.
"Is everything okay?" She asked, sounding a little worried, having caught onto the strained sound of your voice. "What's- oh not again."
"I am so sorry," you apologized hastily. "I turned my back on him for two minutes and the next thing I know he's knocking down soft drinks in the café."
"How much was it?" Your mum pinched the bridge of her nose sounding pained.
"Almost thirty five dollars worth," you admitted, rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly.
"Of course he did," she groaned. "And where'd he get off to this time?"
"Ball pit," you answered truthfully. "I had to go in and get him. It took me almost two hours just to catch him."
"And let me guess, you're banned from coming back there?"
"Yep," you confirmed. "Mum, I'm so sorry I-"
She held up a hand to stop you. "It's fine Y/N. Really. Xander, could you do me a favour and put him out the back please? He can train with Valtryek until he burns himself out."
"Yeah! Training!" Valt cheered, from where he dangled down Xander's back. "Guys, we should totally train together!"
"Don't think you're out of the woods yet mister," your mum snapped at her eldest son. "We'll be discussing your punishment, just as soon as you're able to comprehend that you're in trouble."
"Awwww, mum," Valt winged, dragging out the words and giving her his best puppy dog eyes, which were actually pretty damn good.
"Don't mum me young man," she scolded, crossing your arms and cocking her hip, and just then you realised how alike the two of you were. "You are grounded after this little stunt of your's. Xander, if you wouldn't mind putting him out now?"
Xander nodded dutifully, and trooped through towards the dinning and kitchen area where your back door was located.
"Would you be able to go with them?" Your mother pleaded. "It'll tire him out a lot faster."
"Of course," you immediately agreed to, just glad that you weren't getting into any trouble.
Toko, Nika, Shu and yourself filed outside after Xander and Valt, and you breathed a sigh of relief once you were outdoors. Valt already had Valtryek in his launcher, and he was preparing to get started.
"Hey, wait for us big bro!" The twins chorused, eagerly running down the stairs to join him.
His mission accomplished, Xander walked up beside yourself and Shu, and gave you a regretful smile.
"I have to get going now, sorry." He explained. "My parents wanted me back home a while ago."
"Yeah of course," you nodded, hugging the boy tightly. "Tell them I'm sorry for any trouble we caused."
"It's fine," Xander laughed, waving off your concerns. "My mum and dad are used to the Aoi family chaos at this point."
"I'd better get to see you again before I leave," you warned him with a small grin. "We still have a lot of catching up to do."
"Definitely," Xander promised, and after fist bumping Shu, he took his leave.
After the laughing giant was gone, you turned back to look at Valt.
"You know, there's probably a lesson here in all of this?" You pointed out feebly to Shu.
"Oh yeah?" Your albino brother looked at you questioningly. "And what's that?"
"First, never turn your back on Valt when there's sugar around."
"And second?"
"We should probably pledge our lives to ensuring that he never gets drunk."
This was actually ready yesterday, but I had to finish up the previous chapter first. 😅
The reader is going to spend a little more time at home for a while, before they get back to Spain. It'll basically be a bit of fun fluff for the next few chapters.
~Shu bonding
~Twin bonding
~And maybe a little foreshadowing
Hope you enjoyed!!
--xx Avanni Cinders
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