" I was always hungry for love. Just once, I wanted to know what it was like to get my full of it— to be fed so much love I couldn't take anymore. Just once"
"So? How's her foot?" Rose asked when Justin returned to his spot beside her.
"Ah, t'was fine. Turns out she just missed a step before the dive. There's no injury whatsoever, thank God. Sprain sucks, y'know?" Justin grabbed his tumbler of water as his eyes wandered all over the gym, wondering where Samuel was.
"Mhm... He went on a break by the way." Rose knew full well who her friend was looking for right now.
"C'mon. You already know you messed up, don't you? That's why you're here looking so guilty," Rose said, tapping Justin's shoulder, making the latter almost spit out his water.
"W-wait what? I just helped a friend, Rose. You know how crucial it is for any of us to get injured just a week and a few days before the competition. She called for my help, it'll be rude if I ignore her, don't you think?" Justin tried to explain, while his friend's face contorted to something that clearly showed she was not convinced.
"Well, if you say so? Oh, there's your princess by the way." Rose pointed at Samuel who was walking towards the exit, making Justin rush to Samuel without bothering to say anything to her in response.
"Sammy! H-hey... Uhm... Where have you been? I was looking for you—"
"Were you really?" Samuel asked, tone cold and flat, getting more annoyed the moment Justin came up to him.
"I was! Of course I was... You were awesome back there. I'm sorry I had to check if Cass— o-ouch!" Justin yelped when Samuel suddenly pulled the neckline of his shirt, banging their foreheads hard together.
"There. Now I feel much better." Samuel clicked his tongue all satisfied despite the throbbing pain on his head, walking towards the exit, ignoring Justin who was chasing after him with a hand on his own forehead.
"Ms Natten; tell me, what are those idiots doing?" Mr Parker asked Rose who was standing beside him, both wondering what they witnessed just now.
"H-hah... Beats me." Rose shook her head, bewildered.
"Pfft. Deserved," Kate snickered, seeing what happened as well, instantly averting Rose's gaze when the latter turned on her side, looking away as well upon realizing that it was her.
"And what's with you two?" Their coach asked again, noticing Kate and Rose on his sides, only for the two to ignore him, walking away in opposite directions, making him breathe out an offended scoff.
"Hah! This batch is weird, I'm telling you." Mr Parker turned to Hamilton this time, while the latter was writing down notes, just humming in response.
He fucked up.
Okay, Justin knew that by now, since Samuel had been avoiding him like a plague the whole day. He tried to approach him countless times, but Samuel kept brushing him off like he's some kind of bad air. He spent most of his time with his best friend Kate— who, speaking of, had been hissing at Justin like a wild cat every time he tried to go near Samuel's space. It was so frustrating that Justin had to stand back and wait for this day to end so he could sneak into Samuel's room and beg for forgiveness— for something he had no idea of, by the way.
Then again, practice just ended. Justin swore he just blinked and Samuel was no longer there.
"Ugh! Seriously? This is driving me nuts, really!" Justin groaned, collapsing on the floor, about to throw a tantrum.
"Oh God. Fuck this, seriously." Rose let herself fall on the floor beside her best friend, earning the latter's attention.
"Uh? What's your problem?" Justin asked , wondering why Rose looked as frustrated as him, if not more.
"Tch. Katherine Mendes, who else? It's been days and she's still not talking to me, that little shi—And you?" Rose asked, now lying like a starfish on the floor.
"Well, Samuel Jeon, of course. Dammit," Justin muttered, lying beside Rose as well.
"Those two best friends are a big headache when they're mad, I'm telling you," Rose whined, as the two stared at the ceiling, both releasing a lungful of air.
Justin was on his way back to his room when he stopped in front of Samuel's door. Truth be told, he was still not convinced that Samuel was upset because he rushed to help Cassandra earlier— Because why? To him, getting Samuel to be jealous seemed too much of a stretch and he didn't really want to assume anything, but apart from that, everything else didn't make any sense.
Hovering his fist over the wood, Justin was about to knock on the door, changing his mind at the last minute, for he hadn't prepared anything for him to say, so he might just look like a damn fool.
"Fine... Let's talk tomorrow, then, Justin mumbled under his breath, leaning his forehead against Samuel's door before walking towards his own room.
With his eyes fixed on the floor, Justin opened the door, kicking his shoes off as he switched the lights on— only for him to choke on his own spit, the moment he locked his gaze with Samuel, who was lying on his bed, wearing nothing but Justin's hoodie.
"S-Sammy... W-what—"
"Clearly my first attempt at clearing my head earlier didn't work because I'm still upset— so I'm here to try plan B instead." Samuel folded one of his knees up, letting the oversized hoodie ride up, revealing his bare thighs, and suddenly Justin's cheeks flushed pink, wondering if he really did save a country in his past life.
"O-okay... Let's do that— plan B. W-whatever that shit is."
Plan B.
Samuel's quite sure that the plan B he initially had in mind wasn't supposed to have him sneaking into Justin's room, lying in the latter's bed with his hoodie on, but for some reason, he ended up doing exactly that.
Mentally, Samuel was blaming Kate for this. Well, he wanted to use his head to escape this situation but ended up banging it with Justin, while Kate on their way back to the dorms told him to use his damn body instead, telling him that Justin will absolutely forget the whole existence of Cassandra once Samuel put the slightest bit of effort to it, and like a fool, Samuel followed.
He used his head— not literally this time, by asking coach Parker for Justin's spare keys after practice ended, and told his coach to overlook the fact that he won't be sleeping in his room tonight as part of their deal after he won earlier's petty match against NYU.
And now, here he was— using his body by wearing Justin's hoodie, hoping that he'd get the satisfaction of having Justin's eyes on him—just him, that is.
"Uhm... P-plan B... Okay. I mean, should I— should I strip?" Justin asked rather excitedly, locking the door before crawling at the foot of the bed, hands automatically finding their way towards Samuel's ankle, only for the latter to kick them away.
"Who says you can touch?" Samuel asked, raising a brow tauntingly at Justin, getting annoyed that instead of him getting his revenge against the latter, Justin here, looked way too happy as if he just won a lottery.
"W-what? But you're here, and— and that's my hoodie, and we had a plan-"
"A plan, before you and your hero complex acted up— straight up ignoring me after I worked hard, running straight to that bitch who's obviously faking it right in front of my eyes. I'm pissed, Justin. So— so damn pissed." Samuel leaned his head back while running his mouth without thinking, discovering that apparently that's how he was whenever he got angry.
Or was he?
Samuel has been used to holding everything back. Pain, sadness, anger— he was used to keeping it all in until he was on the verge of exploding. That's why right now he had no idea why he was being so forthright to Justin; but it felt like his immunity to bullshit just got thinner and thinner. All he knew was that he was upset, and he wanted Justin to do something about it.
"Y-you are?" Justin asked, mouth hanging agape in complete shock as he tried to process every word that just left Samuel's mouth.
He was upset.
He was mad.
All because Justin went to Cassandra earlier, and now Justin was trying so hard not melt on the spot.
"Sammy... C'mon, you know how injuries are for skaters like us. She's my friend— there's nothing more to it I promise. I even left as soon as the medics came-"
"Doesn't count. You ignored me and I hate that." Samuel let his palm rub down his inner thighs, watching how Justin gulped, eyes turning dark at that.
"I did not... You know that's not true, baby—"
"Don't call me baby... I'm not your baby, Wong." Samuel grabbed the bottle of lube he brought with him from the bedside table, pouring a generous amount on his palm as he parted his legs, making it known to Justin that he was wearing nothing underneath as he spread the goopy liquid all over his thighs, watching while Justin ball his fists on his lap, aching to get his hands on the magnificent sight.
Ah... And Samuel was starting to like this— he was starting to like how Justin struggled in hunger for him.
"But I want you to be. Want to make you feel good— want to make it up to you. Let me, please." Justin lifted a hand to touch, pulling it back the moment Samuel clicked his tongue in annoyance.
"Move an inch from there and I'll leave— you'll not even get a peek. Try me," Samuel warned, looking dead straight into Justin's eyes as he palmed his own cock, sucking in a deep breath, swallowing his shame up.
"C'mon, Sammy... You can't possibly be serious." Justin let out a rather forced giggle only to choke on it when instead of answering, Samuel remained unfazed, letting go of his own heavy cock, putting both his hands up— and no, Justin didn't want him to stop. "O-okay... Okay. I'll stay here." Justin huffed out a lungful of air, sitting still and clenching his jaw as Samuel started to touch himself again.
Truth be told, Samuel had no idea what he was doing nor why he was being like this. He just wanted Justin's eyes to be on him. No distraction, no competition— Samuel wanted to own everything, and frankly, his own greed was starting to scare him.
Samuel already experienced the pain of having to share something— someone he so badly wanted to claim as his. He already went through the torture of having to settle with leftovers. So right now, he refused to experience it again.
Yes. He wanted all of Justin to himself.
"I never really liked those petty competitions, y'know? Ahh... But I really did my best earlier." Samuel was now boldly stroking his own cock in front of Justin.
"Y-yes, you did... You're brilliant— so beautiful, back there," Justin breathed, face beet red, gripping onto the fabric of his sweatpants tight as he continued to watch Samuel pleasure himself.
"Mhm... That's why it's too bad. I can't believe you fell for such a stupid trick— so cliche. So disappointing, really." Samuel was breathing in heavily this time as he poured more lube over his shaft, hissing as the cold liquid dripped down his skin, making him more eager to warm it up.
"Were you really upset? Hmm? Were you jealous?" Justin sat more comfortably on the bed, spreading his legs as well, letting his toes touch Samuel's.
"Nngh... What do you think?" Samuel asked, letting go of his cock, making the weight slap against his stomach as he reached down between his legs, running the pads of his fingers over his own rim, leaving Justin's mouth hanging agape.
"Samuel..." Justin whispered, but Samuel answered him with a moan instead, sliding two fingers inside himself, and Justin swore he was about to lose it right then and there.
"A-are you... ngh... are you looking at me now? Mhm?" Samuel asked, chest heaving, struggling to control his breath as he continued to fuck himself.
"I am— God! Samuel! You're seriously asking me that?" Justin let out a grunt as he grabbed both of Samuel's ankles, pulling the latter closer to him, finding it impossible to just sit still while watching.
"Let go! Nngh... F-fuck!" Samuel snarled as he pulled his fingers out, pushing Justin back, only for the latter to hold both of his wrists, pinning him down on the bed, breathing heavily as he hovered over him.
"You don't even have to do this. I'm always looking at you, Sammy— always." Justin confessed, looking straight into Samuel's eyes, and as always, the latter found himself drowning again.
"L-liar." Samuel mumbled under his breath, averting the other's gaze.
"I'm yours," Justin declared without batting an eye, and from there, Samuel knew he lost the fight he barely even started.
"Fuck you, really," Samuel jeered, gritting his teeth, grabbing Justin by the nape before claiming the latter's lips. Their teeth clashing and tongues dancing inside each other's wet heat. The kiss was nowhere near calm, it was mad, hungry— still a little bit angry, in Samuel's part, at least; and for a moment there Justin felt like his lips were about to bleed, but still he continued to kiss Samuel like he meant it.
Because he did.
He really did mean it. He wanted it and he wanted Samuel to feel it—but at the same time he didn't. A part of Justin wanted to keep his feelings a secret because if Samuel saw through his heart, he might get shocked. Shocked to see that there was no one there aside from Samuel himself, sitting on a pedestal, filled with unimaginable amounts of want and love.
"For me, everyone will fall short— no one can compare to you, Samuel. Trust me... You're way up there, I swear." Justin ran his palm at the sides of Samuel's face, pushing the latter's hair back so he could see his eyes clearly and show him how he meant every word he just said.
"You swear?" Samuel hated how he now clung to words like 'I swear' and 'I promise', as if those didn't shatter him before— as if those wouldn't just break him in the end.
"I do. You just don't know— you have no idea of the hold you have on me. You can break me and I might even thank you for it." Justin was breathing heavily as he spoke, letting his hand crawl down, grabbing Samuel by the arm as he pulled them both up, making the latter straddle his lap.
"Watch your words, Justin. You keep on making me want to believe you," Samuel sighed, swinging both his arms on Justin's shoulders, tenderly brushing his fingers against the back of his hair. "You're just so fucking convincing, it's scaring the shit out of me." Samuel let his forehead drop on Justin's chest, feeling the latter's rapid heartbeat as Justin wrapped his arms around his waist.
"Don't be; just believe me. If there's anyone who's scared inside this room, that will be me." Justin pulled Samuel closer as the latter lifted his face, now meeting his gaze.
"My father often says that greed makes a person weak. That's why I've been trying so hard to just take it easy on everything, but guess what?— You're the exception, Samuel. That just doesn't apply to you. I'm always greedy when it comes to you," Justin added, as he leant in and pressed a kiss on Samuel's cheek, hugging him tight, breathing against his skin.
"Are you?" Samuel asked, now cupping Justin's face.
"I am. So much that I wanted to poke everyone's eyes since they kept on gawking at you earlier. So you don't have to feel j— God... Pfft, I can't even say it. Look, you don't have to be-"
"Jealous?" Samuel finished Justin's sentence, feeling his own anger fade into hundreds of swarming butterflies inside his stomach after basically admitting his feelings right now— feelings he couldn't even name, despite knowing it's there.
"Y-yeah. God, you can't possibly be jealous. You're the only one who can make me—"
"Hard?" Samuel cut him off again, tone a bit teasing this time.
"Yeah. That— but also this." Justin took Samuel's hand, placing it over his chest, making the latter feel his own heart beat. "You're the only one who can make my heart beat like this." Justin watched as Samuel's pupils dilated while staring at him.
Fool. You're basically admitting that you're in love with me.
I love you, Justin admitted in thought, and with that, they both leaned in again and claimed each other's lips, keeping the kiss gentle this time— full of warmth, full of the words they still don't have the strength to voice out loud.
Well, Justin was sure he could just say it— say 'I love you' to Samuel without even batting an eye, though he was not sure if Samuel was ready to hear his confession, that Justin had been in love with him for fifteen years already— it was probably love at first sight. That's why he was holding back, because he wanted to say it once Samuel was ready to reciprocate his feelings.
Just a bit more, Justin could feel it.
It was no longer just a dream— he could really make Samuel fall for him.
"So... Will you let me make it up to you, then?" Justin was unable to keep his hands to himself, now kneading the supple flesh of Samuel's behind, coating his fingers with the remaining lube on the latter's skin, circling around the rim.
"Way to ruin the mood, really—"
"Hey, you can't blame me after you put on quite a show. That was torture, Samuel— torture, I'm telling you." Justin let two of his fingers slide inside Samuel's hole, making the latter gasp, throwing his head back with a moan.
"Y-you deserve it... Nngh..." Samuel's hips started moving on pure instinct, fucking himself on Justin's fingers that were now digging deep, curling skillfully inside of him.
"Mhm... Bet I do. I've been a bad boy, haven't I? I didn't mean to make you upset, your highness. Ahh... Will you spare me your mercy?" Justin instantly changed the mood with his tone, scissoring Samuel open, making it as quick as possible.
"D-don't want to," Samuel cheekily replied, unaware of where he got the strength to smirk while taking in Justin's fingers.
"My, my... Should I beg again? Mhm?" Justin hummed again, adding the third finger in while his free hand took the hem of his hoodie that Samuel was wearing, pushing it up, placing a piece of it between his teeth, making the latter instinctively bite onto it.
"Please... Oh, please have mercy on me." Justin's tone dipped a few octaves as his lips brushed against one of Samuel's nipples, while Samuel placed a hand at the back of Justin's head, moaning and grunting as he pushed him more against his chest.
"So sensitive... Look at you. 's all red now, I'm sorry." Justin nibbled on Samuel's nipple, playing with the other with his fingers.
"Nngh. S-stop narrating everything, will y-ya? O-oh God... Nngh..."Samuel let go of the fabric he was biting, letting the hoodie be bunched up messily on his chest, just above Justin's head.
"Why? Shy? Hmm... You weren't shy earlier, though? Fingering yourself in front of me— asking me to sit still, watch and do nothing? Damn vision will haunt me, baby. You're so damn pretty, but so damn cruel too. You'll be the death of me," Justin said, grunting as he dug his fingers deeper into Samuel, thrusting his digits in and out of the puckered hole, making sure that the latter would be ready for him, while indulging himself in Samuel's deep moans.
"Nuh-uh... That's my line, princess. Please— please touch me," Justin urged, squirming to make room for Samuel's hand as the latter complied. "Request granted," Samuel breathed out, sneaking his hand inside Justin's sweatpants, pulling the latter's cock out, pressing it against his, moaning louder upon feeling how hot it was.
"Ahh... T-that's more like it. Mhm... So good— you're so good with your hands, baby. Drives me fucking crazy." Justin grunted, thrusting his hips up, fucking into Samuel's hand that was wrapped around their cocks, precum oozing out from both their tips, tempting Justin to run his hand over it— so he did, smearing the thick liquid on his palm, then bringing it near Samuel's mouth, watching as the latter glanced at it before flattening his tongue against the back of Justin's wrist, dragging it up, lapping on Justin's palm while staring lustfully in his eyes.
"Fuck." Justin couldn't help but hiss out, pulling Samuel by the nape, kissing him again as he grabbed the bottle of lube, pouring it directly into their cocks before he pulled Samuel up, aligning his own tip against the latter's entrance. "Let me please... I'm dying here," Justin pled, voice breaking, sounding so desperate, which made it harder for Samuel to resist— not like he wanted to anyway, because he was sure that he also wanted the same thing.
"Nngh... So needy," Samuel teased, slightly sitting down on Justin's cock, letting the tip slide in, before he once again pulled up, making Justin groan, throwing his head back.
"G-god... Only for you— please, Samuel. No more teasing." Justin tightened his grip on Samuel's hips, pleading as the latter smirked all sexy at him.
"F-fine... Since you're begging so much." Samuel placed both his hands on Justin's shoulder as he sank on Justin's cock, jaws dropping when Justin started penetrating him, sliding in inch after inch, until he was able to fill him so deep, while their moans vibrated against each other's lips.
"F-fuck! D-don't move. Want to last a bit longer tonight, baby. Bear with me," Justin pleaded again, holding Samuel still, for if he didn't, he's sure he was about to burst right here.
They kissed and kissed, struggling to stay still, trying to steady their breaths while both of their hands roamed all over each other's bodies. "Ngh... Off with this stupid shirt." Samuel grunted, pulling Justin's shirt up and off of him, tossing it somewhere on the floor so he could freely touch Justin's bare skin; moaning more when Justin left his lips, mouth latching onto his jaw, going down to the crook of his neck, sucking red and purple bruises there.
It's official. Justin was sure that he had completely lost it by now. Every fiber in him kept on screaming Samuel's name on repeat, craving more even if he was already in him so deep— figuratively and quite literally, that is.
He just couldn't believe it.
Justin couldn't believe that Samuel wanted him like this— wanted him enough to be upset just because he turned towards someone else; wanted him enough to be jealous and wanted him enough to give him a show, as if his mere existence wasn't enough to own Justin from head to toe— mind, body and soul.
"G-god... Are you good?" Justin asked, looking up at Samuel, wincing in pure pleasure as Samuel clenched more around his cock. "Mhm... Are you?" Samuel asked, slowly grinding against Justin's lap.
"Y-yeah... Move for me, princess. Can you?" Justin guided Samuel up by holding the latter's hips, moving cautiously as they set up their pace. Starting off slow and steady, Samuel bounced on Justin's cock, while his own stood heavily between their pressed stomachs.
"Is it good? Am I good?" Samuel asked, pushing his own hair back as he moved a bit faster this time, feeling the burn building up from his thighs. Still he couldn't stop— not when the pleasure kept on clouding up his mind, drowning him in bliss, making him more willing to dive in deep.
"The best. Nngh... There's no competition here, princess— yes. Ahh... There, nngh..." Justin said in between his shameless moans as he thrusted his hips up, guiding Samuel up and down.
"H-here... Can you feel it? W-we're connected here." Samuel reached back to his own behind, taking Justin's base between his fingers, feeling it slide in and out of his hole as he watched Justin choke out a groan, angry veins now visible on his neck, grunting and moaning as his hands landed on the cheeks of Samuel's ass, kneading the supple flesh in his palms.
"Yes... Nngh... Fuck yes I do. So good, Samuel. Ahh... So good," Justin babbled incoherently, eyes shooting wide when Samuel let out a loud gasp, arching his back, moving up and down in an angle now after finding his own sweet spot.
"J-Justin... D-do it. More. Nngh... Need more," Samuel whined thighs growing tired now, letting Justin pull him as the latter lay on his back down the bed, with Samuel lying on his stomach on top of him, bodies still connected, Justin then pressed both the heels of his feet against the mattress,; knees bent he took over the pace, fucking Samuel senseless, failing to find the strength to speak as his lust started to take over him.
Soon, the room was filled with nothing but their broken and pleasured moans, together with the slapping sound of their skin every time their bodies met; teeth clashing again, tongues sloppily diving deep into each other's mouths, head dizzy as they chose their nearing release.
"F-fuck... Baby, I'm close... C-close..." Justin grunted, nails digging deep, scratching Samuel's back.
"Arghh... I-inside... Inside please," Samuel moaned, grabbing the top of Justin's hair tight, feeling all of everything too much that he couldn't help but bite the crook of Justin's neck, as if leaving a mark, making Justin groan loud as he came hard; spilling everything inside of Samuel, painting his walls white as the latter then followed, shaking as he came, making a mess all over Justin's stomach.
"O-oh God... Can't— I can't feel my fucking legs," Samuel whined as he collapsed on top of Justin while the latter gladly welcomed his whole weight, keeping their bodies close.
"Am I forgiven now?" Justin asked, placing soft soothing kisses at the side of Samuel's face.
"Tch, I guess? So don't piss me off again," Samuel replied, tone laced with a bit of warning despite the exhaustion that was evident in his voice, kissing the bite mark he left on Justin's neck before nuzzling his face there.
"Depends. Is this always going to be my punishment? Mhm?" Justin asked, voice tired as well, still he had enough strength to tease Samuel a bit.
"Not every day is your lucky day, Justin. I mean it. I hate sharing— you should know that by now." Samuel's eyelids got heavier as he spoke, feeling so tired he was slowly drifting to sleep.
"Noted, princess... Noted." Justin tenderly brushed his fingers in Samuel's hair, putting the latter down on the bed before placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
"It's terrifying y'know? The more I receive from you, the more I crave for." Samuel whispered as Justin pulled him in his arms again, hugging him tight, deciding to sleep as well and just deal with the mess later when they wake up.
A.N: Brain slump? Raunchy smut it is 😙
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