Chapter 8
"I still can't believe you're coming to play baseball or more like watch." I say with a laugh and she pushes my shoulder as we make it to the field our boyfriends will be playing baseball.
"You're watching too." She says rolling her eyes making me laugh.
"Yes but unlike you I do have a history of watching it with my dad even if I didn't want to." I say making her smile a little and somehow I knew it was because I hadn't mentioned my father's death or addressed it the whole time I was here in Forks to her. Jasper wrapped his hand around me kissing my head.
"Well now you'll get to see me play it." Jasper says making me smile nodding as we walked to the field.
"Glad you're here we need an empire." Esme says wrapping her hands around us.
"I can do it." I say as Bella nodded as if agreeing that it was better for me to do it.
"She thinks we cheat." Emmett says almost teasingly.
"I know you cheat." Esme says making me laugh.
"Call them as you see them Eliana." Esme says and I nodded.
"Yes ma'am." I say in a southern accent much like Jasper making him grin kissing my cheek with the bat already on his other hand. Rosalie was the first to bat and as thunder started Alice threw the ball which Rosalie hit it sounding like thunder itself.
"Ok now I see why you need the thunder." Bella says to Esme as I nodded as well.
"That's gotta be a home run." I say as I see Rosalie pass second base before seeing Esme shake her head.
"Edward is very fast." She says as we look at Edward taking off running and in less than a minute the ball was flying towards Esme who caught in placing it on top of Rosalie's leg just before she touched the base.
"You're out." I say when the two looked at me and Emmett started to celebrate as Rosalie glared at him then me as she got up almost bumping my shoulder but I let it slide. Next up to bat was Carlisle as he bat he hit it right in between Edward and Emmett who collided in mid air trying to get the ball landing on the ground just as Carlisle made it to second base making me chuckle.
"Hot." I say to Jasper as he did a trick with the bat hearing him chuckle and seeing as he looked at me before winking and looking at Alice again ready for the ball. When Alice threw him the ball and Jasper hit it before running to first base as Emmett climbed a tree to get the ball. Next up was Daniel as he hit the ball and started running we hear Alice yell.
"Stop!" At this all of them froze for a second before running towards us.
"They were leaving. Then they heard us." Alice says confusing me.
"We have to go." Jasper says almost pushing me towards the car as did Edward with Bella.
"It's too late." Carlisle says making them both freeze.
"Get your hair down." Jasper says taking my hair off it's pony tail before placing his hat on my head as Bella did the same.
"Like that'll help I can smell them from across the field." Rosalie says making me glare at her.
"Whatever happens you stay behind me you hear me? Stay quiet and stay close to me alright?" Jasper asks looking into my eyes and I nod slowly as he nodded taking my hand and I hug myself to his arm standing just beside but behind him as he looks at the distance. We stand closer to the other people coming and as I look at their eyes I understand what all the fuss was about.. these are vampires, vampires that feed off of human blood and Bella and me are here with the Cullen's two humans and a bunch of vampires.. not such a good idea right now. I tighten my grip on Jasper placing my head on his shoulder closing my eyes for them not to realize they're blue giving away the fact that I'm human but listen closely at the exchange.
"I believe this belongs to you." One of them says.
"Thank you." Carlisle says.
"I am Laurent. And this is Victoria and James." I could feel one of their eyes on me so intensely it was sorta burning but I didn't move.
"I'm Carlisle.This is my family." Carlisle says.
"Hello." Laurent says before Carlisle continues.
"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us." Carlisle says.
"Our apologies, we didn't realize the territory had been claimed." Laurent says.
"Yes, well, we maintain a permanent residence nearby." Carlisle says explaining.
"Really? Well we won't be a problem anymore. We were just passing through." Laurent says.
"The humans were tracking us but we led them east. You should be safe." A woman says, Victoria.
"Excellent." Carlisle said and I could still feel someone's eyes burning on me making me move closer to Jasper feeling his hand tighten a bit in mine as if telling me I'll be ok.
"So, could you use three more players? Oh, come on. Just one game." I hear Laurent again and hear Carlisle hesitate a little.
"Sure. Why not? A few of us were leaving. You could take their place. We'll bat first." I hear Carlisle say.
"I'm the one with the wicked curveball." Victoria says.
"Oh well, I think we can handle that." I hear Daniel say as everyone seemed to be going to position but Jasper stayed and so I didn't move either but when the wind blew my hair and I felt Jasper pull me directly behind him I opened my eyes watching the blond man right in front of Jasper and Edward as Esme pulls me and Bella behind her.
"The girls are with us. I think it's best if you leave." Carlisle says and I took a deep breath calming myself, putting my life in danger was a thrilling thing for me so the adrenaline pumping through me right now was making me feel almost high as my eyes met the man I think is James.
"I can see the game is over. We'll go now." The man I'm sure is Laurent says pulling away but James' eyes stayed on me as I raised a brow at him. He was looking for it I knew that. He's looking for fear but there was no way I'd give it to him.
"James." Laurent says causing James to get up from his position eyes still glued to mine before he smirked turning away.
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