5:《The Match》
Brie P.O.V
I want Brie's partner to be Finn!💣
YES I agree!
Please it's going to be Dolph for sure👌
Boo bishes!It's Roman!✊
Eh no.
What no guys come on.
I keep scrolling through my Instagram.
Roman this one is yours bro🔥
Plz let it be Roman!I'm a Breigns shipper💙
It's Roman
Okay!That's enough for today!
AJ:Why are you smiling?
She asks sitting on my locker.
Brie:You should see who the universe wants as my partner.
I chuckle and straighten out my ring attire.
The mix tag team match is next.
AJ:I bet you're hoping for Randy.
She smirked.
Brie:Of course.
I sigh.
Brie:But it's definetly not him.He is with the Authourity.
AJ:Maybe next time bish.
She chuckles and we both head out of my locker room.
¤Time Skip¤
I stare at Seth and Nikki as I make my way down to the ring.
He has he Heavy Weight Championship and she has her RAW Women's Championship.
I swear they're like the it couple.
My theme stops playing and I turn my back to them,anxiously waiting for who is going to walk through...
Da-dum Da-dum Da-dum
My stomach twists and my body temperature rises.
The arena erupts in cheers,so loud that my ears ring.
They all chanted.
He smirked and got in the ring standing next to me.
He whispers and I roll my eyes.
Then I remember we're onscreen.
Brie:You're so lucky we're live.
I smile like I'm actually happy.
Seth and Nikki were finding it hard to keep their character and not laugh at me.
Brie:You're gonna sta-
He smirks and I clench my jaws and then fake smile.
¤Time Skip¤
Brie:Hey!That's not fair!
Nikki distracted the ref allowing Seth to curb stomp Roman.
A banned move.
I need to tag him right now or we're going to lose this.
Brie:Come on Roman!
I start clapping and so does the universe.
Inches away Seth pulls him back.
I groan frustrated.
I see Nikki from the other side wanting to get in the match.
I run into the ring and Superman punch just as she's about to disrupt.
Why did I just do his move?
The cheers get super loud.
Roman looks at me in shock at first and then smirks.
I wink at him and walk back onto the sides.
A few minutes into the match I tag Roman.
I close line Nikki as soon as we enter and everytime she gets up I knock her down.
Brie:Brieeee modeee!
I scream and bust that bih...I mean my sis(😅).
I cover Nikki and I know she won't be able to kick out.
Seth jumps into break it up.
But Roman spears him just in time.
"You're winners,Roman Reigns and Brie Bella!"
It feels weird having his name being mentioned with mine.
I smile as Seth takes Nikki and both look frustrated.
Seth:We want a rematch!
Nikki:Yes that wasn't fair!
Roman leans on the ropes and so do I,smirking.
Brie:Really now?Why don't you just ask you're owners.
Roman chuckles.
Kane,Steph,HHH and Randy...
Heart eyes!
,walk out.
Stephanie:Well Brie,if they want a rematch they are going to get a rematch...
HHH:At Fastline,it will be Roman and Brie vs Seth and Nikki for the Heavy Weight and RAW Women's Championships!
Chappa 5.😊
BTW I just randomly picked a pay-per-view and it happened to be Fastline.😂Will try and update very soon.Eeekk school is so near I can smell it.(Smells like BO!)
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