10:《Superman Kiss》
Brie P.O.V
Brie:You needed to entertain your guests right?
I laugh as the tears spill out of my eyes.
Randy:Brie!it's n-not what it looks like-
He says stepping away from Sasha AND Paige.
It was obivious that they just had a heated make-out session threesome thing.
This was some sick game.
Brie:Here I was thinking...
Walk away Brie.Don't let him see you like this.
I wipe my tears away and don't finish my sentence.
I walk out of the room and he follows.
Randy:Brie!It was a mistake.
Brie:The only mistake here is,the fact that I fell for someone like you.
Brie:It's crystal clear I don't mean anything to you,here I was thinking you actually liked me back.
I laugh.
The tears threatned to spill but I held them back.
Brie:I can see what type of person you are.
I clench my jaws and walk away.
I hear him calling my name but just walk away.
I see Reigns sitting down with Seth and Dean.
Nikki and AJ stopped in front of me.
Nikki:Brie what's wrong?
AJ:You look like you've been crying.
Brie:I...I need to go.
I push past them and run out of this house.
No words could express how I feel right now.
Brie:Give me another.
Bar man:Ma'am I advise you not to have anymore-
Brie:Just give me something strong.You're not my dad.
After downing almost a bottle and having some shots I was not in the right state of mind.
Everything was a blur and loud music filled my ears.
I found every little thing funny and laughed.
The alcohol took the pain away but this feeling won't last forever.
I step outside for some air while holding the wall.My balance was of.
A man approached me.
He looked very handsome or maybe that was just the alcohol.
???:What's a sexy lady like you doing all here alone.
I smile but deep down I'm hurt still.
Brie:Guy problems.
???:Maybe I can help.
He says coming closer to me until I was backed up against a wall.
He places his hand on my ass.
I gasp.
I slur.
My speech was terrible.
He ignored me and started to kiss my neck.
But I wasn't enjoying this.
Brie:Lettt!Goooo you fucking creep!
???:Shut up you slut.I will do whatever I want.
He says and then places his hand under my dress.
I feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks.
Roman:Hey!Hands off her now!
Praise Jesus,it's Roman.
Roman pulls that guy off me and I fall to the floor because I could not balance.
Roman punched that guy and he ran off.
He reached out for my hand.
I just stared at him.
The light of the moon shone perfectly on his face.
It made his feautures more stronger and his lips looked so plump.
His hair was perfect and his grey eyes were luminous.
He just saved me from being rape.
Roman:Brie!Brie!Hello snap out of it!
He said clicking his fingers in front of my face.
I say mumble.
He looks at me with a raise eyebrow.
Roman:Brie are you drunk?
I try and stand up and almost fall but Roman catches me.
Roman:How much did you drink?
I pressed Roman's nose.
Brie:I like your nose.
I say.
Roman:Ah,what am I going to do with you.
He shakes his head.
Roman:Let's get you back to your hotel.
He picks me up and carries me in a bridal style.
Brie:Weeeehhhhh!Superman is carrying me!
Roman P.O.V
I've never seen her like this.
It's strange because she is more smiley and just says whatever is on her mind.
I put her in the passenger seat of my car and put her seat belt on.
I start the car and her hands go t the radio.
Brie:I lovvveeee thiisss songggg!
The song Sweat came on and she put it louder.
Brie:GIRL,I'm going to make you sweat!Sweat till yah can't sweat no more!And if you cryyyy!I'm gonna push it!Push it some moreee!I'm looking in your big greyyyyy eyeeeeess!!
I look at her and laugh.
Roman:Why are you changing the words of the song?
Brie:Because I'm singing for you Superman.
The radio station changes to another song Beautiful Girl By Prince.
(Idk if that's the right name)
Then she starts singing again.
She points at me and sings,
Brie:Could you be!The most beautiful mannn in the world!
I chuckle as we pulled up outside her hotel.
I carry her out and take her up to her hotel room.
Nikki wasn't here yet so I lay her down on the bed but she sits up.
Brie:Superman!Where are you going?
Roman:Back to my hotel room?
It came out more like a question.
She tried to walk to me and almost falls but I catch her in time.
We stared at each other and it's like the world went silent.
She took me by suprise when she presses her lips against mine.
I could taste the alcohol but was a major turn on.
Our lips mould into each others,the kiss was starting to get more and more heated.
He held my hair tightly while she kissed me with so much passion.
Then I came back to reality.
Roman what are you doing?!I ask myself.
I pull away from her and see she is smiling.
Brie:Been wanting to do that forever.Superman kiss!
She said and jumped onto her bed.
She cuddled with her pillow.
Brie:Good night Superman,thank you for saving me.I love you.
Superman kiss😂Hoped you guys liked this💞I enjoyed writing it.😊
I feel like shid,school is 2m!No man!Arghhhhh!😭😭
Ps.If you know the songs that were mentioned in this chapter,I love you❤❤❤❤
Important A/N next!➡
-Chenally22 & ChewBacca2003
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