Panchal; Present Day
King Dhrupad sat in his throne room, silent, perhaps even frozen. He didn't know how the undefeated Panchal, the Panchal will the greatest military force that he had worked day and night to make had been crushed with just one arrow, and bow and one man. Arjun. No, Dhrupad did not hate Arjun, in face he was filled with astonishment and a strange pride when he had seen the worlds best archer. Well according to him that was. But he resented now even more, that Drona who he had once called a friend.
Dhrupad sat motionless as Arjun held him tied in the centre of the battlefield at the outskirts of Panchal. He heard footsteps coming near him so with the last ounce of energy he looked up to see who it was. After looking, he wished he never did raise those eyes. Before him stood his childhood best friend and perhaps the worst mistake of his life. He sat there as Drona spoke to him after a good decade.
"Dear friend, we meet once again. I was hoping under good circumstances but your actions had left me no choice." Drona looked up at Dhrupad, awaiting response. But as he got none, he continued.
"If you had fulfilled your promise, then today we would have not been like this. Perhaps your daughter and my son could have been friends, the same way we once were. But alas, I am a man of my word. I promised myself that I would not turn my back on my friends, no matter who they were or what they did." Dhrupad now found interest in Drona's words.
"What do you mean now, Drona?" Dhrupad spoke. "You have embarrassed me, taken your revenge, what more could you possibly do now."
Drona looked sly, "Humans are a weird creature. They have qualities which can either make them or destroy them. I have fulfilled my revenge, taken over a kingdom yet one part of me still want to take back my best friend."
Drona now turned to Arjun. He looked straight at him and spoke, "Free him."
Two words. Two words that gave hope to Dhrupad and sent Arjun into confusion. But nether less Arjun knew better then to argue with the man who made him who he was. He walked up to Dhrupad, pulled him up and cut away his rope.
Drona now had unshed tears in his eyes, "I don't want your kingdom. If I didn't have a family who was relying on me, I would've given you back your everything. But I cannot forget my son, Aswasthama and my wife Kripi begging on the streets for one piece of food because you didn't fulfil your promise. I remember my wife who used to put food coloured water on the lips of my son so that he could go brag to his friends that he had a glass of milk. While in reality, I wasn't able to provide one drop. But at the same time, I cannot forget you. My best friend. The man who taught me so much, whom I taught so much. Therefore today, I plead to you to accept my friendship and half of your kingdom and prosperity back. The other half I will give to my son for the childhood that he deserved."
Dhrupad was astonished. He did not know of one man who would've done what Drona had done today. Yet, he was not ready to let go of the humiliation he had faced because of Drona. But nether less, he stuck up a smile and played along.
"Friend". Dhrupad began. "I don't even deserve to be your dirtiest servent. I don't deserve a needle worth of the prosperity you have given me. I am so happy that I have gained you back and I apologize for all I have done." He hugged Drona.
Drona looked happy now, "My friend today we speak of none of that. Today we rejoice, as a kingdom has been built and restored but more importantly a friendship has ben restored."
*End Flashback*
"A friendship has been restored." Those foul words of Drona could not leave Dhrupad's mind as he sat and pitted his fate. Just as he was about to think more, the doors to his courtroom opened. And in rushed Shikhandini, a bandage on her head clearly coming from the kingdom doctors as soon as she was discharged."
"Father. What happened? Why do you sit like this? What happened in the war after I passed out."
Dhrupad could not hold back.
"So now after all these years you finally decide to call me father. Has the commandership finally caught up to you and you realize you need family. Well I do not need you anymore. You did not want to become Yuvrani, the queen of this kingdom right. Well I Dhrupad revoke your rights to the throne." Shikhandini stood there confused. Not because of the throne. Oh she was happy about that but why Dhrupad was mad at her.
Just then Queen Priya walked in.
"My lord". She spoke. "What have you done? Who will take the throne now and why?"
Dhrupad laughed like a madman. "What have I done? Go ask your daughter that. She had one job. ONE JOB. And that was to make sure that no one entered the middle chakra during the war. TO PROTECT ME AND PANCHAL. And she has failed. In fact I strip her of her position as commander as well."
Shikhandini now looked down. Feeling worthy of the degradation her father was giving her now. She spoke, "Your highness. I am worthy of any punishment you want to give, but please-"
"Please! Wow, somebody finally taught you manners. No I am adamant on my decision. You are the reason I failed this war. YOU ARE THE REASON OF MY HUMILIATION. You do not deserve anything. Unless....."
Shikhandini took her opportunity, "Unless what father? I will do whatever to fulfil my birth purpose. Please, tell me."
Dhrupad took a moment to compose himself. "Seduce and convince Arjun to marry you. He is the best archer known to date and if I want to take back my half kingdom from that horrid Drona, I need him on my side. DO WHATEVER IT TAKES. BUT GET HIM TO MARRY YOU."
Shikhandini was now pissed, "EXCUSE ME, your highness. But must I remind you that I am a celibate for life and nothing will change that. So pardon me but I refuse."
Dhrupad closed his eyes and sighed. "Then you are of no use to me. Leave I do not want to see you."
Shikhandini took a short bow of respect and left. Now it was Priya's turn to criticize. Through gritted teeth she spoke, "How-can-you-live-with-yourself-after-what-you-are-doing?"
Dhrupad turned to his wife and spoke. "I do not need a child who does not care for my respect. If she truly valued me as her father then she would have done what I asked of. No I am done with her. I NEED A SON. A SON WHO WILL BE BORN TO KILL DRONA. AND ANOTHER DAUGHTER. A DAUGHTER BEAUTIFUL AND SMART ENOUGH TO MARRY ARJUN. And you-" He turned to the Queen. "-will give me both."
Priya smirked, "you think I will sleep with you after what you have done? AFTER YOU JUST DEGRADED MY CHILD AND TOOK AWAY THE MOST IMPORTANT POSITION OF HER LIFE. NO ABSOLUTELY NOT. I will not "give you" more children. In fact, I thought you father taught you better than that to dehumanize women. In fact, if you sleep with another instead of me then you father will have your tongue. SO EITHER YOU WILL GO APOLOGIZE TO YOUR DAUGHTER. BECAUSE IT WAS YOU AND YOUR EGO ONLY THAT BROUGHT THIS ON PANCHAL."
Priya took a breath to compose herself. "You will find some other way to have children because you and I have no relation until you fix the relation you have with my daughter." She walked out of the throne room.
Dhrupad had a haunted smile on his face. Not one you would see on a man who had lost half his kingdom, his daughter, his wife, and his respect in just one day.
He spoke to himself. "Get the children I want. Most certainly. I will do whatever it takes to bring you down Drona."
He picked up his fallen crown, put it on and went to go sit on his throne. A throne that was now lead by only and only revenge.
I apologize so much for the long wait. It's hard because school will always remain my first priority. Here's another chapter for my lovely readers and thank you all for motivating me to continue writing!
~ Krupa
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