Lucina sat next to her father who laid on the bed in the medical room. He had been Unconscious for 7 months. All Hallows' Eve, was horrible. Robin refused to let her fight in her... 'Condition', and made her hide with Morgan until they were safe from the attacks that night. It was November, and it was getting colder by the day. Lucina looked over at her daughter who was asleep in a chair on the other side of him. She sighed and held her father's hand. "Father... I'm sorry for not telling you..." She said. She looked at the floor, until a glow caught her eye. It was the exalt on his shoulder. It was almost blinding before it stopped. She stood over him and looked down at her father, as His eyes, started to open slowly. "Father?!" She said as the tears of happiness welled up in her eyes. Chrom grunted from the light in the room. "Ow... What's with all this light?" He said shielding his eyes. "Father!" Lucina burst into tears and wrapped her arms around him, and also woke up Morgan. "Gwanpa?" Morgan said groggily. When she saw that he was awake, her eyes widened. "Gwanpa!" She exclaimed. She got up from her chair, and had to use all her strength to get herself on the bed to hug him. Lucina extended her other arm around Morgan, wrapping both her father and her daughter, in a wet, teary hug. "Gwanpa, you sleep loooong!" Morgan said. Chrom chuckled. "Yeah, apparently I do...!" He said. Morgan let go, but Lucina didn't. She just kept her arms wrapped around him. "Thank you..." He said. Lucina nodded and finally let go. She wiped the tears from her eyes. "Well, come on Morgan, we should let grandpa rest." Lucina said. Morgan smiled and got off the bed. "Otay, Mama!" She said as she got her stuffed bunny from the chair she was in. "Lucina... What's wrong with your stomach...? You look like you are... Wait.. Did I miss an announcement!?" "Uh... Yeah, I need to tell you something..." "Oh dear." Morgan grinned and poked her Lucina's stomach, then hugged her leg, while Lucina let out a nervous laugh.
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