Morgan's Birthday
And also, I lied it's a little short 😂 sorry
"Morgan!" Lucina called from the balcony. There was no answer. But she knew where she was. Lucina headed downstairs and quietly headed towards the garden. Sure enough, there was Morgan with the dandelions, still trying to blow one away with her weak lungs. Lucina snuck up behind her, and quickly wrapped her arms around Morgan, and let out a fake roar. "I got you!" Lucina said. They both laughed until they saw the small bit of dandelion puff in the air. Morgan gasped. "Mommy I do that!" Morgan exclaimed. Morgan quickly grabbed the small piece of dandelion and looked at it in her hand. She was in wonder of the beautiful flower. "Make a wish and blow it away." Lucina said with a warm smile. "But don't worry, I'll plug my ears so I won't hear it." Lucina said covering her ears, just enough to where she could actually still hear Morgan. "I want a brother." Morgan said. Lucina just sat there in shock. A what? "Hey You two blue haired crazies! Is it somebodies birthday!?" Lucina knew who that was. The horrible fake British accent and goofy voice was almost impossible to miss. Yet she didn't know where it came from this time. She could've sworn it was right in front of her, yet she didn't see him. A dandelion then floated In front of Morgan's face. She once again tried to blow it, but it didn't work this time. Then, the small specs started just coming off, one by one. He was invisible. "Morgan, your Daddy is being crazy and silly." Lucina said with a sly smile. "Daddy Crazy and Silly!" Morgan said clapping her hands. Lucina smiled and rubbed the top of her Daughter's head. Slowly yet surely, Robin reappeared holding his book in hand. "Good morning Morgan!" He said as she grinned. He went over to Lucina and kissed her cheek, smashing it as well to make Morgan laugh, and also make Lucina blush. "Hehe, Mommy your cheeks are red!" Morgan said. Lucina, blushed even more. "Morgan! Can you come here please!" Chrom yelled from inside. "Otay!" Morgan yelled back. Morgan got up from, Lucina's lap and imitated her father, giving her a kiss on the cheek and smashing it in before running inside. They smiled at their daughter's voice. Robin sat next to Lucina and just looked at her for a while, until she saw his staring and broke the silence. "What?" She asked. Robin looked back at the flower patch. "N-Nothing!" He said. Lucina smiled, and said. "So... Morgan wished on a dandelion earlier..." Robin's curiosity was peaked. "Oh really? What did she wish for?" He asked. "Uh-w-well.. She... Umm... She wished.." "Do you remember?" "Yes, of course I do... It's just..." "What?" "Well.. She wished for.. A b-brother.." She said. Robin then wished that she hadn't had told him. "Oh.." It was then just silent for the longest time. Lucina, sometimes brushing her hair out of her face, and, Robin sometimes fiddling with his robe. "Robin... I.. Actually need to tell you something..." "Oh?" A scream of two voices cut them off. Their head shot to look at each other. And they then ran to the main door to the throne room. Lucina got through quickly, but a force field held Robin behind. Lucina looked at her husband, she was trapped. She unsheathed her sword and got ready for battle. "Father! Morgan!" She called out. No answer. She felt something creep behind her, quickly turned around and clashed swords with a risen. Her blue eyes stared into the Risen's red pair. And a full on battle broke out. KK, I'm bad at writing sword fights so... Yeah...
She heard the scream of a child. "Morgan... Oh goddesses, not Morgan!" She thought to herself. Sure enough, two risen held two people captive. Her daughter Morgan, and her father. She threw out her battle cry, and ran over to the other risen, forgetting about the one she was already fighting. Lucina fought for what felt like hours to try and free her father and daughter. The sword of hers clashed with another Risen's sword, the risen who held Morgan captive. The risen saw the exalt in her eye. "Let my daughter, and my father go. NOW!" She yelled. She knew she would never be able to reason with it, but still did try, even if it was, like a mindless zombie. "Exalt. . ." It mumbled. And so, it threw Morgan to it's side making her splat against the wall. Luckily, the force field broke after it saw the exalt in her eye, so Robin ran over to Morgan right before She hit the wall. With the Risen watching Morgan and her husband, she stabbed it with her sword, and it turned into dust. The other risen used her father like human shield. Lucina was sure her father was done for. Until he screamed out, "Lucina stab through me!" "What!?" "Stab through me! It'll kill him!" "Father, NO!" There has to be another way!" "I'm sorry Lucina, but there isn't! Now DO IT!" (OMG I'm so horrible, all I can think of with this is Sheila buff 😂 DO IT!) "NO! I CAN'T IT'll KILL YOU TOO!" She yelled. "YOU HAVE TO LUCINA! ROBIN COVER MORGAN'S EYES!" Chrom yelled. (Dang, Morgan has to have her eyes covered a lot...) instead of just covering his daughter's eyes, he ran upstairs took her into Lucina and his room, closed the door and put his hands over her ears. The door wasn't soundproof so he could hear everything. "I'm sorry father!" Someone yelled. He heard Chrom grunt, and then that sweet sound of when a risen is killed. But this sounded more bitter than sweet. Then all he heard was sobbing, he tried not to cry at the thought of his best friend maybe dead. He couldn't cry in front of his own daughter. He zoned out after that. He didn't hear anything. Lissa ran out to the source of the crying. "Lucina!? What happened!?" She exclaimed. She then saw her sword covered in her brother's blood. "Lucina...?! What... Did you do?!" She asked. Lucina just let the tears trickle down her face. "There was a risen attack... He told me to do it..." She said. She shook her head. "I SHOULDN'T HAD LISTENED!" She yelled. Lissa looked at her Niece in disbelief. "W-what!? He told you to do it!?" Lissa said. All Lucina could do was cry. "Alright, it doesn't matter now, we just need to get him healed, quickly!"
Omg, I feel so horrible right now...
Fangirl reading: NOOO CHROM MEH BABY! WHYYY!
Me: plot girlfriend. Plot.
IM SOOORRY!!! I know it's horrible... I feel so mean 😭
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