Greater Power
Omg this meme... 😂👌 and yes this idea was from Sailor Moon, UR WELCOME!
"Daddy Flower!" Morgan said as she waved the flower in front of Robin's face. She was only two years old, so she didn't know many words. The only way Morgan knew what the word, "Flower" was, was how her father asked her mother to marry him. The flower she waved in his face was a dandelion, Morgan's favorite. Although she could never blow them away with her weak lungs, she still loved them. Her mother told her a story about the flower. She said that when she was young, once every year she'd go to a big field full of the flower. Morgan always wondered what a big field of Dandelions looked like. "Come on Morgan, let's go inside the sun is starting to set." Robin said as he held out his hand for Morgan to hold. Morgan took his hand and they both started walking home. They finally got to outside the castle walls, but not long before a beam of darkness, hit Robin, and he was held against the wall, the beam going into his chest, where his heart was. "Morgan run!" That was all he was able to get out before the beam of darkness starting taking his lifeforce. The little girl ran into the castle calling for her mother. Lucina opened her door and ran downstairs to Morgan. "Morgan, baby what's wrong!?" Lucina asked crouching down next to her. "Daddy!" Morgan said. Lucina looked at Morgan with a perplexed look on her face. That was until she heard Robin's scream fill the air. "Morgan, run into my room and hide!" She said. Morgan nodded, ran upstairs and dove under Lucina's bed, her stuffed bunny in her hand. Lucina on the other hand, unsheathed her sword, and ran outside. The evil foe finally came out of the darkness. It had one fully red eye, and it had a robe on, it's pupil was the beam of darkness. With it not seeing Lucina yet, she snuck behind it, and scraped his arm. couldn't kill the foe there, who knows what would happen to Robin. The strange monster stopped, and Robin was dropped to the ground. It turned to look at Lucina. She saw it's pupil grow bigger, she knew what it was going to do. As soon as it hit, she put her sword in front of her, and blocked it's attack. The metal was chipping away more every second. She braced herself, as the sword, broke In two. She just screamed. The pain was so great. And it was about to get a lot worse. Robin looked up, and without even thinking, he stabbed the foe In it's back. Lucina's pain was almost unbearable. But the monster soon just stopped, leaving Lucina falling in it's direction unconscious. Robin, hurried to her side, caught her, and sat down with her in his arms. The monsters head started spinning, and the faster it got, the tighter Robin held onto Lucina. Finally, it's body disappeared into smoke, and all of the stolen lifeforces were returned to their hearts in the form of the exalt. Including Lucina and Robin's lifeforce.
Robin looked down at Lucina's limp body. Both his arms were holding her back up. "L-Lucina?" He said, his voice shaky. Lucina's eyes opened quickly as she gasped for air, her exalt glow in in her left eye. Robin's face was blurry, but she was able to make out his big brown eyes and kind smile. "What.. Happened...?" Lucina asked. Everything then came flooding back. "Oh..." She said. "Yeah.." Robin replied.
"I'm so glad your okay..." Robin said, kissing the top of her head and making her blush. "Mama! Daddy!" A voice called. As soon as Lucina saw Morgan, tears filled her eyes. She had a small cut on her face, and her clothes were ripped. Morgan ran into her mother's arms smiling. "Morgan.. What happened!?" Lucina asked, trying not to cry. "I okay!" Morgan said. Lucina Hugged her daughter tightly, finally letting the tears escape her eyes. Robin wrapped his arms around them both tightly and they stayed like that till' nightfall. They stayed a family.
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