Goodbye Uncle Robin...
Robin, pushed open the doors to the castle, his book in hand, not ready to deliver the bad news in store. "How am I going to tell little, Lucina..."
He said to himself. "Uncle Robin!" A voice called. His head shot up. "Look, Look, Look! Father gave me one of his old training blades!" She exclaimed. "That's great, Lucina!" Robin said with a smile as he kelt
Down next to the little girl. His smile slowly faded into a frown. Lucina, not knowing what's wrong, stopped smiling as well. "Is something wrong Uncle Robin?" She asked. Robin, looked at, Chrom and, Sumia with a sad face. Chrom, knew what was coming. He nodded to reassure, Robin he was doing the right thing. "Lucina... Uncle Robin.. Has to go away for a while..." Robin said trying not to make his voice sound like he was about to cry. "W-what do you mean Uncle Robin?!" Lucina said, practically already crying. "I've just... Got to.. Find someone I miss.." He said. The little girl was now full on sobbing. Robin hugged her. "It's only for a.. A little while... Don't get too much older okay?" He said. He stood up with, Lucina in his arms, and gave her back to, Sumia. He held out his hand to shake, Chrom's, but ended up with a unexpected hug, instead. The two friends stopped hugging.
"Take care of her for me, Chrom.."
Robin said. He turned around and was ready to leave when.. "Uncle Robin don't leave!" It was, Lucina with her face covered in tears. He pushed open the doors and ran out. "I'm sorry, Lucina..."
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