Elizabeth and James
Chrom kept eyeing the clock on the wall from his throne. It was 3pm. "Lucina, never sleeps that long..." He thought.
Once the sun was starting to set, he decided just to go check on her. He knocked on the door. "Lucina?" No reply. This time he opened the door just a small bit. She was still sleeping. But her stomach looked deflated. He opened the door a little more, to see Robin, with the most terrified look on his face, holding two babies. "WHAT DO I DO" he mouthed. Chrom shrugged wide eyed. He opened the door completely, to see Robin wasn't the only one there. Marribelle, Sumia, and Lissa, were sitting next to him. "What did I miss..." He mumbled. Everyone shushed him. "Be quiet, Chrom! The poor thing is still sleeping..." Lissa said in a whisper. "Poor... thing?" "Your daughter! Sweet, Naga! sometimes people can be so inconsiderate!" Marribelle whisper-shouted. Chrom kept his mouth shut after that... Lucina groaned, which of course caught everyone's attention. Her vision was blurry at first, but then she could finally make out Robin, and her new Daughter and Son. "I was thinking, Anna Banana, and Gary Grape." Robin joked with a smile. "Ha, ha..." She said.
She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes, and then she just stared at the two children in the Pink and Blue blankets... Until one of them started balling their eyes out. "WHATDOIDOWHATDOIDOWHATDOIDO LUCINA WAT DO I DO!?" Robin yelled. Of course with the crying of one of them, the other one started to cry. "ALRIGHT HERES THE DRILL." Lissa said getting up from the chair and standing in front of them. "One of you takes one, and the other takes the other one!" Lissa said, taking the boy from Robin, and giving him to Lucina. Lucina just stared at it for a while. The boy had stronger lungs than Morgan. She rubbed it's small cheek with her thumb, and was surprised when he actually grabbed it and tried to put it in its mouth. "I-is it supposed to do that!? I didn't have experience with infants, I took in Morgan when she was one, is this supposed to happen!?" Lucina spit rapid fire worried Japanese out. Until, he finally stopped crying. "Okay first off, what is up with all of the Japanese!? And second, YES. it's fine, he doesn't have teeth yet." Marribelle said crossing her arms. Robin looked down at the still crying baby in his arms and smiled. "You and Morgan are daddy's little girls aren't you two?" He said. He kissed it's forehead and it slowly stopped crying. "What the heck." Chrom mouthed. "It took me an hour to make Lucina stop crying when she was that age..." He thought. Lucina wasn't exactly the motherly type, until Morgan came along. Then it was full blown, cookies, and magic kisses on your boo-boo. But with this, She honestly didn't exactly know what to do. Robin sat next to her on the bed. "Names...?" He asked. Lucina shrugged. "I like Elizabeth.." He said. "That's pretty...! And we could call her Liz, or Lizzy." She said. "Um... How about James?" She asked. Robin smiled and nodded violently, to make her laugh. It worked. "I'm guessing he's gonna be a Mama's Boy." Robin said with a wink. Lucina smiled and kissed Robin's cheek. And even though they were married, Robin still blushed, and could feel his heart beating out of his chest around her. Both James and Lucina yawned at the same time. "Awwww! You two are adorable!" Robin said. He looked back down at Elizabeth, and said, "and you and your sister are too." They just looked at the two. "Aw, man..." Robin said. "What?" "He has blue hair again!" "Well she has white hair." "No she-" Robin looked down at Elizabeth, sure enough, she had a small bit of white hair sprouting from her head. He wanted to run to the Grand Canyon and do the lion king thing. He smiled so big, if Lucina didn't know any better, she would have thought he was turning crazy. There was a pause for a minute. "They are twin sorcerers.." "Wait, what?" "They are twin sorcerers. Their birthmarks." Lucina said. She uncovered a small bit of the blanket, and on their chests, were birthmarks, resembling the sun and the moon. "How did you-" "Mommy!" Someone yelled. Morgan ran up to the bed and sat there when she saw the twins. "This is your new brother and sister Morgan!" Robin said smiling. "Bwoder... And sistow?" Morgan asked. "Yeah! You have two siblings now." Robin said. Morgan just stared at them. "It's James, and Elizabeth, Morgan." Robin said. Slowly, a giant grin appeared on Morgan's face. "Izzy and Jay!" Morgan said. Robin and Lucina smiled at her. It started to rain, and thunder. But Robin never let go of Lucina, even in his sleep.
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