I groaned, curling inwards and tugging my blankets tighter around me. My whole body felt like lead, my head throbbing. Gods, why couldn't I have just slept in for once in my life?
The past six months have been a whirlwind. The Shepherds were growing stronger day-by-day; all of my time has been completely occupied by my growing militia. Frederick took his place as my second-in-command, and he fit the job well. He was able to handle recruitment with ease along with training.
Our strength wasn't the only thing that was growing. Our numbers increased as well. Virion agreed to join; however, his attendance and availability were limited. In one of Frederick's recruitment sweeps, he managed to find a promising knight by the name of Kellam. Although, he was very difficult to find whenever you needed him. Maribelle agreed to join without hesitation. But, she had to split her time between Themis and the Shepherds, which was fine.
The only person that we reached out to who refused to join was Sumia. In her reply, she stated that her confidence levels were too low to even consider fighting once more. Plus, her parents were wary about their daughter joining a new militia. However, she made sure tell us that she may still join, but that would be someday in the future.
Every few weeks, I would receive letters from noble houses demanding that I allowed their heirs to join - something about proving their honor and worth and that Ylisse's nobility should already have reserved spots in any military. I chose to ignore those letters for two reasons. One: I had to show that I was not a pushover. I make decisions for myself and no one will force to do anything. Second: more often than not, I would receive another letter from those heirs apologizing for their parents' demands. They would also detail about how unfit they are to join. The last thing I wanted was to force someone to join the Shepherds.
The only other person I refused was Lissa. Every single day, she would beg me to let her join. Sure, she helped me form the idea and was a huge source of support, but she was only thirteen! I made a rule that all different ages could join, but not young teenagers! She was already an amazing healer but she was not ready. Maybe in a couple more years, I'll reconsider. As of right now, absolutely not.
As the months passed and we gained a bit of reputation, our calm and easygoing routine fell off track - well, at least for me. I found myself doing more paperwork and accounts than actual training. Frederick told me that all this technical work would cease soon, but I could not see any end. To add to that, meetups and debriefings were always a challenge since we did not have a space of our own. I would have to schedule times in unsued war rooms, which nowadays were always busy; these places and times were always inconsistent. Plus, some of our members had to make their home in the barracks where all the other soldiers were.
If we just had our own barracks and rooms, it would be a godsend. Things would run so much smoother and I could actually get restful sleep!
As I was about to fall back into slumber, a harsh knock broke that. "Milord, it is time to wake up. We have an hour in the war room and we mustn't waste it." Frederick spoke.
"Fine... I'll be out in a few minutes..." I grumbled, throwing the blankets off me. It's my own damn fault for choosing the earliest time I could... At least it's better than a meeting after dinner when no one wants to do anything...
I yawned as I entered the war room, nodding a greeting to my comrades.
"Good morning, sir!" Stahl chirped, somehow wide awake.
"Gods, it looks like you got an hour of sleep." Sully snorted, just as awake as Stahl. I assumed that their strict training regimens had something to do with that.
"That's because that's probably the amount I got." I looked around, noting that the only people in attendance were me, Frederick, the two cavaliers, and Lissa (she wasn't allowed to join but I couldn't stop her from sitting in during meetings). "Where are the others?"
Frederick cleared his throat. "They are either lost, didn't get the memo, or still asleep," he replied.
I groaned, taking a seat at the table. "Doesn't surprise me at all. I can't even blame them, with how confusing all of this has been. We really need our own space." I slid the stack of papers that were already waiting for my presence towards me. "Any news?"
Lissa kicked her dangling feet back in fourth impatiently. "Just that Maribelle is still in Themis and you're down your only healer... That wouldn't happen if you just let me join..."
I chose to ignore her.
"My sources just got back to me with two possible recruits," Frederick said, gesturing towards the papers.
I looked up, a tingle of excitement radiating through me. "Really?"
He nodded. "Yes. I already took the liberty in reading them over and forming an opinion." Of course, he did. "If I may, shall I recite the impression I got from these men."
"By all means." I already know that I'll have to choose between the two. As much as I would love to have large numbers, I'm afraid that we can only take on one more member at the moment. Until we manage to find something of our own, this will just be how it has to be.
"The first and most promising candidate is a man by the name of Cyrus. He lives in one of our most prominent coastal towns. He's a well-known and respected warrior in his area. He is also of noble birth. The skills he has are remarkable for his age - just going on eighteen. He would be a tremendous asset to us."
I hummed, looking over the notes regarding Cyrus. Frederick was right, his skills would be valuable to the Shepherds. However, something was offputting about him. He seemed like an honest man and he more than likely was, but allowing him into the Shepherds just felt wrong...
"What about the other?" I asked as I turned the page.
My knight shifted uneasily, clearly not expecting me to want to hear the other man's story. "Er, well, our next candidate is a man named Vaike. He has no reputation outside of his village, and even then, his home is one of Ylisses's less known and poorer villages. He is said to be arrogant and brash. Milord, I advise that we seek out Sir Cyrus, not this man."
My eyes flicked over the page, carefully reading the notes that Frederick skipped: "Vaike is an honorable and kind man. He often gloats about his amazing strength, but some say it is well earned. He will not hesitate to help anyone in need or defend the weak. In spite of all of his flaws, there is some strange potential glowing deep within him. He just needs experience and time to let it shine through."
I flipped between the two pages, re-reading them over and over. I was surprised to see the articles that Frederick left out about Cyrus: "Cyrus tends to avoid conflict when he knows it will not earn him any renown."
That one line stuck out to me more than anything else. That's the opposite of our goals. Our job is to help Ylisseans, no matter what. It does not matter whether or not we earn glory, as long as we helped to protect those in need.
I set the papers down, ready with my decision. "I will head out tomorrow to personally inspect this man."
Frederick nodded. "Of course. I'm sure Cyrus will be glad to-"
"Oh, no. I'm not talking about Cyrus. I want to recruit Vaike."
The knight looked like I just slapped him, eyes bugging out of his head. "Milord, I beg you to reconsider. This Vaike is not trustworthy! His renown is close to nothing!"
I shook my head. "Doesn't matter. I see promise in him and I want him to join us," I said with confidence. "I want people of all different backgrounds to join us. I don't want the Shepherds to be made up of nobles and people with connections."
"Yeah! Stick it to the man, Chrom!" Sully snorted. "I know I'm a noblewoman and all, but I agree that we need some more common folk to join us. It'll be like a court if we have too many nobles."
Stahl nodded. "I shouldn't speak for myself since I am of a more common background, but I truly believe that if nobles and commoners associate as we do, we'll be much stronger."
Lissa's eyes were alight. "I totally agree! Besides, this Cyrus dude sounds really boring."
I smiled at my friends. "Then it's settled. We'll head out tomorrow at sunrise." I turned to my lieutenant. "Frederick, tell Emm of our plans. I need you to stay back in Ylisstol and run the Shepherds while I'm gone."
He ran a hand through his hair, unease settling on his face. "Milord, I simply cannot let you go alone! You are heading to a more dangerous part of Ylisse! You could be attacked by bandits, or Plegians, or bears, or-"
"I'm not going alone. Sully and Stahl will be joining me," I chuckled. "We'll only be gone a few days at the most."
Lissa made a noise of disappointment. "But I wanna go! Pleeeeeeeaaaaase?" she begged.
I got up and walked over to her. "Sorry, Liss. I promise that I'll take you on missions in the future. You're much too young at the moment." I knelt down and ruffled her hair, whispering, "Plus, I need someone to stay back and keep Frederick the Wary in check."
She smiled at me, nodding enthusiastically. "You can count on me!"
"Us as well!" Stahl grinned.
Frederick looked like he was about to combust from anxiety. "I still don't think this is a good idea..."
I smirked at him. "I respect your opinions and actions, Frederick, but you seem to forget that I am the commander here. What I say goes."
Sully hooted. "Whoa! Power move!"
"I am both proud and regretful about teaching you to have a backbone," he sighed. "Very well. I shall report to Lady Emmeryn. However, if she disapproves of this, that is final."
I nodded. "Yes, I know." Finally! He CAN listen!
"How much longer until we get there?" I asked, wringing Albern's reins.
"Not long! We should be there within the hour!" Stahl chirped, putting the map away. I had quickly learned that Stahl was the one to trust with maps. Not only could he read them with ease, but he didn't rip them in frustration like Sully.
Emmeryn approved our plan, much to Frederick's dismay. She equipped us with a myriad of extra supplies and gold since we were headed to a poorer part of Ylisse. The least we could do was provide the people with some goods.
Since it was only the three of us, we were able to keep a low profile; no royal regalia with us. Our horses dawned more casual tack. Even our clothes were different! We chose to wear more casual outfits along with wool cloaks to keep the chill at bay. Plus, I needed something to cover my Brand. I was a creature of habit, wearing clothing with two sleeves felt wrong, now.
"Do ya really think these disguises will work?" Sully sighed. "I mean, you're the prince. The chances that you'll be recognized are pretty high."
I rolled my eyes. "It'll be fine. The last time I was here, I was still a little kid. As long as my Brand stays covered, I'll be fine."
Stahl turned to me with a curious look. "You've been here before?"
I nodded. "Yup. It was during one of Emm's peace talks. I don't really remember too much of them, but hearing the names of places can jog up a few memories."
Sully leaned back on her mount, lightly scratching his neck. "Gods, she went off those trips years ago! It feels like the war and all that madness ended just yesterday!"
"You're telling me," I grumbled low in my throat. "And there's another one right at our doorstep."
"Let's not think about that right now!" Stahl laughed nervously. "Let's focus on the task at hand."
I nodded, looking forward. "Right."
In the notes, I assumed that this town would be in absolute shambles. The whole atmosphere would be dark and weary. However, it was quite the opposite. Well, kind of.
Shacks and makeshift homes fit close together, but none showed any signs of destruction or decomposition. People we outside, talking freely with one another like they all knew each other's names and life stories. Adults and children sat on their porches and performed various activities. Everything appeared to be poor and mistreated, but the atmosphere screamed prosperity.
"This...wasn't what I was expecting..." Sully trailed off, hopping off her mount.
We did the same, glancing around. We found a place to hold our horses for the time being. I handed the stable boy a pouch full of gold, and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he beheld the coin. I smiled, walking back over to my companions.
"You two go out and deliver the supplies, I'll try finding Vaike," I ordered. Much to my shock and delight, they nodded and went off. I forgot that they obey orders. Sully would normally question my commands but now follows them without hesitation. Do my soldiers really respect me this much?
I shook my head, drawing in a deep breath, cringing as a million different smells hit me. I'm just going to ignore that. We won't be here long. I just need to find Vaike and be done with it.
I found an old woman sitting on a rocking chair, knitting what looked like a blanket. I cleared my throat as I approached her. "Excuse me, but do you by any chance know where I may find a man by the name of Vaike?"
The old woman turned, flashing me a feeble smile. "My my! Such fancy talk! Don't get much of that 'round here!" she laughed. Her accent was gruff yet soft at the same time. "Ah, Vaike... Such a sweet boy... Why ya need to know?"
I scratched the back of my neck. "Er, I hope to do some business with him," I replied. Do I really speak in a fancy way? I like to think that I don't speak like most royals and nobility. Maybe I should try toning it down. Then again, I don't even know how to do that. And I don't want to offend anyone.
"Don't know why Vaike is someone you want to do business with," she huffed, focusing on her needles. "But I won' judge ya! He's prolly near the center of town sparin' with some of the kids."
I nodded. "Thank you." I was almost a little too glad to get out of that conversation. Everywhere I went, I only felt more self-conscience of my being. Am I living an extremely sheltered life?
"Jus' like that, buddy! Show 'em who's boss!" I man who looked about my age cheered on a young child as they hit a sack of dirt with a stick. He had long, spiky hair and tanned skin, along with almost fully toned muscles. And, despite the cold, he wasn't wearing a shirt. Is this Vaike?
I watched as he "trained" this kid for a few minutes. It looked like they weren't working on any techniques, just him encouraging violence against bags of dirt. Then, he spoke, "All right, bud, that's enough for today. Nice work!" He high-fived the smiling kid.
As soon as they left, I began to walk up to the man. "Excuse me, but are you Vaike?"
He turned to me, eyebrow raised. "The one and only!" he boasted. "What can I do for ya, stranger?"
I cleared my throat, trying to be conscious of my presence. I can't let him know who I am right now. "I have some very important business I would like to discuss with you if you wouldn't mind. If we could just-"
My breath caught in my throat. I was unable to form words. He didn't even listen to me! "I-I'm sorry?"
Vaike smirked. "The Vaike doesn't wanna hear 'important' stuff unless it comes from someone worthy enough," he said. "Sorry for ya luck. You just have to find someone else to be mysterious with."
...Frederick is starting to make more and more sense the longer I'm here. "Fine, then. What will it take for you to hear me out?" I grumbled.
He turned away from me, arms crossed above his head. "Nothin'. You won't get a peep outta me!"
"Ok... Let's try this again." I ran a hand through my hair. "You seem like a pretty tough man. I myself am quite capable in combat. How about a duel? If I win, you'll listen to my piece. If I lose, I'll leave you alone."
Vaike leaned against a barrel, yawning. "Dunno... You seem like a nice guy, I wouldn't want to beat you up too hard."
"Sounds like something someone who's afraid of a challenge would say."
That caught his attention. "Oh, you wanna take this kinds route, huh?" He got up and reached for a nearby axe. "Fine. I accept your bet. Show me what ya got!"
I drew my blade from its sheath, annoyance straining my muscles. Now, this is my kind of diplomacy. Although, I didn't expect him to choose an axe, that puts him at a disadvantage already. There are swords nearby that he can use, maybe he'll change his mind?
A crowd of people began to surround us, murmuring things to each other. "May the best man win," I said, readying my blade. I'll have to be careful not to do any actual damage since we're using actual weapons.
"Thanks, I will," Vaike chuckled. "Even with the weapon disadvantage, you're as good as toast. I've beaten plenty of sword users with my trusty axe before! I can add this victory to that list!"
Oh, my gods. Does he ever stop talking? "Yeah, well, don't count your chickens before they hatch. En Garde!"
We leaped at each other with lightning speed, weapons swinging. He swung his axe down at me, but I was easily able to counter and throw him back. Still stumbling to recover, I hit Vaike's side with the pommel of my sword. He grabbed onto my person for leverage, using his force to push me back. I quickly regained my footing, preparing my blade for another hit. Without even hesitating, Vaike charged at me. As he was about to swing, a side-stepped out of range, smacking his back with the flat of my blade and making him topple over.
I held the tip of my blade to his chest. "Matchpoint."
The crowd around us stared in shock, but their expressions barely held a candle to the one Vaike was giving me. "How did ya... I've never gone down like this before! And this quick!" he exclaimed.
"Don't cut yourself short, you put up a good fight." I sheathed my blade, offering him my hand. "I won't be a sore victor if you won't be a sore loser."
"Heh, deal." He took my hand, standing back up. "All right. I'll hold up my end of the bargain. But first, who the hell are ya? People like you don't just show up unless their someone important."
I gulped, nervousness welling up inside of me. "Well, I guess you can say that." I unfastened my cloak, letting it fall to the ground. Gasps of astonishment filled the area and the people beheld who I was. "My name is Chrom. Sorry I didn't get the chance to say earlier."
"We bloody know who you are!" Vaike seethed, kind expression suddenly changing. "Why are you here? Did you just want to stoak your royal ego by taking down someone in combat?"
I sighed, keeping my composure. "That wasn't my intention at all. In fact, I was hoping to be able to say my piece without having to fight. You just wouldn't listen to me!"
I expected him to fire back with more hostility. However, his next words surprised me. "Well, I won't lie, you are a pretty decent fighter. Didn't seem like there was any foul play involved. I guess that not all royals are delicate little pincushions."
Pincushions...? "Er, thank you-"
"But you're not answering me: what does Ylisse's finest want anything to do with a bloke like me?"
It's about damn time! "As you may have heard, I have started my own militia called the Shepherds. Our goal is to protect Ylisseans from any kind of threats, no matter how big or small," I said. "I heard about your strength and potential and was wondering if you would be interested in joining?"
Vaike stared at me like I had just grown horns. " want ME, a sap from this hole-in-the-wall town, to join YOUR royal militia?"
"It's not exactly the royal militia, but yes. And your standing has nothing to do with membership. In my eyes, you and I are equals. All of my soldiers are my equals, hell, even my citizens! My viewpoint is that no matter your background, as long as you're a good person, we are equals."
"Well, I'll be dammed! The Vaike is so popular even the royalty wants him!" He laughed breathlessly. "I'm even equal to the prince! Ain't that something!"
I cleared my throat. "So is that a-"
"The Vaike accepts your invitation!" He smacked me on the back, hard. "Give me some time to tie up some loose knots and say my goodbyes and the Vaike will be ready to go!"
I sighed in relief. "That's good to hear. Take all the time you need." Gods, I hope this was worth all this effort. Still, I have a feeling that this is the start of something interesting. Who knows, maybe this Vaike and I will become good friends. Begrudgingly, but friends.
HOLY DAMN. I DIDN'T INTEND FOR THIS TO BE THIS LONG. AHHH. At least we have Vaike. Yee. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!
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