Short story 39: Dresses make me Uncomfortable
"Uh.. I do not believe this is honestly necessary.. If there is no occasion them.. Please do tell me exactly why do i must wear a dress?"
"Because.. I do not know alright? You just look adorable."
"Uh.. T-Thank you?"
"You're welcome! Now, come. We've gotta show your father."
"W-wait what!? Robin, I can't run in heels!"
Robin grabbed her hand and raced down the hall, which wasn't as easy for poor Lucina. She was more less trudging behind the white haired male. "W-wait! Robin!"
"Chrom! Look at how adorable my wife looks!" Lucina blushed at that name. "Wife." It still felt so odd to her, even if their 2nd year anniversary was coming up in about a week. But even so, she did not dislike the term. It was all just still new ground to her, and she was still getting used to it. Even though, Robin overused the word like it was his job. Robin dragged her out to the throne room where her parents where as, Lucina hid behind him, red as a tomato. Robin had a very wide smile, big enough to where it looked like the corners of his lips were going to start bleeding at any given moment. Chrom on the other hand, looked slightly confused. "Uh.." Robin's smile quickly faded as he looked behind him. He smiled again, and pulled her out from behind him. Lucina shot a small glare at him before looking down in embarrassment from her mother's squealing. "You.. Look.." Chrom started. Lucina thought she knew what he was going to say. "Fooli-" "Precious!" Lucina's head shot up. "W-what!?" Before she knew it, her father was coming down to hug her. "You look absolutely precious, Lucina!" Lucina was quite shocked. "Truly? I thought you'd find it foolish.." Chrom shook his head as, Lucina's mother came down and squeezed her in a tight embrace. "You could never look foolish in our eyes, dear. We love you!" Lucina's eyes slightly widened. "Yes.. I.. Hold you dear to me as well..." Lucina said, lightly hugging Sumia back. Sumia giggled. "We have always loved you and we always will... But I know dresses make you unco-"A high-pitched squeal cut, Sumia off. "OH MY GOSHHH! LUCINAAA! You look adorable!!" Lissa yelled, running towards Lucina and giving her a very tight hug, 6 year old clingy Owain not far behind her. "Mama don't leaaave!" Lissa soon had to go back to her son, who most likely has separation anxiety, and this time it was, Lucina who ran back while holding, Robin's hand. Lucina barged open the door to their room and immediately let out a sigh of relief at a sleeping Morgan with a 2 year old version in her arms. Lucina slightly smiled. "Well.. Who would have thought that Morgan's favorite babysitter would be herself." Robin whispered with a small laugh. Lucina smiled. "Yes.. Who would have thought.."
"... Can you wear that dress a little bit Lo-"
Ok, sorry for my inactive butt lately. I just haven't been really coming up with any good story lines. Sorry. DONUT KILL MEH ;-;
~ CG🇮🇪💚(yes I still go by that XD)
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