Short story 32: 6
Okay, so this is basically a redo of short story 6. BC: I didn't know as many things about FE:A when I originally wrote it. So yeah, enjoy!
Lucina was heartbroken. She hoped she would never have to do it. She hoped the signs were wrong... But they weren't. In order to save the future, her father, and her friends, she'd have to murder the one she loved. She'd have to murder her husband, Robin. She took a deep breath. And prepared herself for the horrible sight she was about to see. "... Beg pardon, Robin.. But may I have a word?" Lucina said, feeling the tears already fill up into her eyes. Robin stared at her for awhile, taking in her beauty and not remembering she asked a question. He snapped out of it though. "... Lucina, what is it?" Lucina sighed. "It's about my father." She looked down. "I have memories of him you know... From, when I was little.. Before..." Lucina stopped to hold back her tears, then continued. "He died." Robin was now curious. "I see.." "He was courageous, and kind, and everyone spoke fondly about him." Lucina said, cracking a small, sad smile. "They said he was brave, right up until the very end.. I've always yearned to know him better. And now that I do..." Lucina paused. "I can see that the world will be robbed of a very great man. ... And I won't allow that to happen.." Lucina said, looking up at, Robin with a determined look. "I understand. you love him... We all do." Robin said, smiling sweetly at her. But that expression changed when he saw a large glisten in her eye. "Robin, i.." Lucina sighed of frustration. "Should I really do this...?" But she pushed her fears aside. ".. Please... Forgive me.." And so, she took, Falchion out of it's sheath and pointed it at her husband's chest, the tears now freely streaming down her face. Robin looked at her shocked. "Lucina!?" "Stay where you are, Robin! I have no choice! I must kill you!" Lucina said, still failing at holding back her tears. "WHAT!? WHAT MADNESS IS THIS!?" Robin yelled, making, Lucina flinch a bit. "In my future you.." Lucina paused to once again try and stop herself from breaking into a crying mess. "In my future, you are my father's murderer.." Robin looked at her, shocked. "What?! That's insane! Why would I kill, Chrom!?" Lucina blinked harshly, once again trying to stop her tears. "I was not certain myself, until now.. I knew that he had been killed by his closest friend. Having witnessed your bond with him, I doubted it could be so.. But today's events make it clear." Lucina almost started to sob, but she stopped herself. She didn't need to look weak at this point. Not now. "You are at Vaildar's mercy. I suspect it's he who forces you to take my father's life, and very soon...." Lucina closed her eyes, raising her sword, bracing herself for something she never wanted to do. "Lucina, wait..." Robin's voice so calm in this situation made. Lucina have to hold back more tears. "If my father is right, then we can change our fates. If this dark future is to be averted, sacrifices must be made." Lucina shook her head out of frustration. "I AM SORRY, ROBIN! I know that this is murder.. I.. I know that.." She was about to say more most likely, but Robin stopped her. "Lucina, you don't have to-" Lucina cut him off. "Don't make it harder! Don't resist. And your death will be quick and painless." Lucina lowered her sword back to his chest. "If you hold any love for, Chrom, then let this be done.." Lucina's hands were now shaking, she didn't know what his response was going to be. To her surprise, he smiled at her sweetly. "Very well. My life is yours. It always has been." Lucina looked at his smile for awhile, knowing that she would never see it again. Until she finally couldn't take it. "D-don't look at me like that! I love you... Do you have any idea how hard this is for me?" Robin still didn't stop smiling. "I would give my life for, Chrom.. And for you." Lucina just stared at him as tears still streamed down her face. "Just... Promise me you'll find someone else who cares for you. Promise you won't be alone." Robin said. "I wanted you to be happy, Lucina. That's all I've ever wanted." Lucina was now on the verge of sobbing. "N-no... No..."
Robin stared at her, knowing he would never see that beautiful face of her's ever again. He took a deep breath, and when she was looking down he quickly went in and kissed her for the last time, bringing her face up to his with his fingers. "... I am ready now. Do what you must." Robin said, backing away from her a small bit. He put his hand on his chest to feel his beating heart, one last time. "I-.. I must.." Robin stared at her curiously. Was she not going to just kill him? "... Ah! I can't do it.. I love you too much!" Lucina collapsed onto her knees and sobbed into her hands. "I-I'm sorry, Robin.. I'm so, sorry! Please, forgive me!" Robin ran over to, Lucina and knelt down beside her, wrapping her arms around her as well. "Easy now. Easy.. It's alright.." Lucina sobbed into his shoulder as he buried his face into her hair, never wanting to let go.
Ok. This was just a quick short I made, thanks! And yes, I am back 👏🏻🎉
But it may take me awhile to get another short out, unless I do a support conversation.
~ CG 💚🇮🇪
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