Short story 23: The early discovery of 'Marth' (finger quote XD)
I probably spelt pleigan wrong, BUT WHO CARES, EH!?
"Robin, we need you to fill up the water bucket." Frederick said, throwing a bucket at, Robin. "Owwwww! Frederick! ... You didn't even say the magic wooooord!" Robin whined after the bucket hit his head. Frederick sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Please." "Thank, you!" Robin then set his book aside and picked up the bucket, then 'accidentally' his Frederick's arm. "Ow." He said bluntly. Robin acted as if he didn't hear a thing and continued to walk into the forest. "I said, 'OW'!" Frederick repeated. "I SAID-" "I KNOW WHAT YOU SAID!" Frederick mumbled something under his breath that, Robin couldn't hear, but he was pretty sure it was along the words of, "dang, pleigan...". "Why thank you, Freddy Bear!" Robin said positively as he walked into the forest. Frederick mumbled probably more offensive things under his breath after that, but Robin just tuned it out, ignored it, and walked into the forest.
"Ugggh! Nothing but, trees, trees, trees, and more FREAKING TREES!" Robin whined as he walked through the same loop in the forest for about the 14th time. He groaned. "When will I ever find that da-" Robin was cut off by hearing quiet sobbing coming from behind him. He slowly walked up to a tree a bit deeper in the loop, and stood behind it, to see what he would consider a 'beautiful' girl crying. "Mother... Father... You're alive.. I'm not.. I'm not Dreaming.." She sobbed into the last word. Robin raised an eyebrow. "What...?" He mumbled under his breath. The girl heard him, unsheathed her sword and pointed it towards Robin's chest. Which of course made him petrified. "Woah! Woah! I'm not going to hurt you! I-deh..." The girl didn't believe him. When Robin looked a bit closer, he realized she had a resemblance to, Chrom. " Don't happen to have a brother... Do you..?" Robin asked, slowly walking a bit closer. She stayed silent. "... You look like Sumia as well..." "Sumia is dead to me. As well as, F-Chrom.." Robin was surprised by her voice, and thought she was still faking it. ".. You can stop with the voice you know... I know you're a woman.." Robin said. The girl looked extremely annoyed after that. "This is my voice." "O-OH... Sorry..." She let out a 'hmph' and started to walk away, until Robin grabbed her wrist. "Wait! I...uh.. Can't we... Talk...?" Robin asked.
The girl looked him over again, and Robin realized she was looking at his hand a lot, which had a marking on it. Her expression was annoyed, but turned sad and angry. "Savage, Beast!" She said as she took her hand away and ran away from him. "W-wait! I... Didn't even get your name..." Robin said to himself as he watched her figure disappear. He felt as if she was maybe being forced to do something. He sensed as if she felt unsafe.
"... I'll find you... Whoever you are... I promise you'll be safe..."
Up for a Part 2...?
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