Chapter 13: Argue
" I can't believe it." Fiona whispered to herself as she paced back and forth in a white gazebo that stood in the gardens of Rivendell. She was trying to get her head around the fact that she was in middle earth. She now were a blue dress that was neither too dark or too light. It was elven made so it was beautiful as it hung of her figure. Amanda had changed into a white dress much the same style as Fiona. Kili had braided her hair with two braid from the side of her head pulled back into a braid which fell down her back.
" It took me by surprise as well!" Amanda said to her as she sat on a chair; watching her friend having her moment. Her hands folded gently on her lap.
" When I arrived I was alone, I was chased by Orcs! I ran but fell and hit my head badly; I waited from the Orc to kill me. But then they showed up and saved me." Amanda smiled looking to where the Dwarves were messing around. Fiona looked over and smiled softly.
" So, You and Kili?" Fiona asked her; causing a blush to rise quickly as she let her eyes fall to the ground.
" What? N-no." Amanda quickly told her with a slight tinted to her pale cheeks. Fiona just smiled to her friend. They stayed silence as they walked back to Amanda's room which Elrond had given her for her stay. They entered the room and moved over to two seats that sat in front of the dead fireplace. From here they could still see the dwarves playing around and enjoying themselves.
" You look well. Middle earth has done wonders for you." Fiona spoke to Amanda who eyes where, coincidentally, trained on Kili playing around with his brother.
" You think? I feel like... I finally found where I belong." Amanda whispered with a faint smile on her lips.
" You seems less stressed here." Fiona spoke as her eyes moved to the company as well. Amanda stood to her feet and walked over to the edge of the balcony to get a clearer view of Rivendell, her soft blue and silver dress moved over the ground behind her. Fiona trailed behind her, her green dress much the same as Amanda's. Fiona's dirty blond hair was pinned up in gentle rolls with a few flowers held within it. Amanda's brown hair was allowed to roam freely down her back with a few braids within it.
" Fiona, I know you want to join us on this quest." Amanda began with a slight pause, "But it will be trying and a lot harder than in the film and book."
" Amanda, you cannot stop me from doing this with you." Fiona said stubbornly to her as Amanda sighed gently.
" Fiona, I just don't want you to get hurt. Physically or mentally..." Amanda pleaded with Fiona who had a stubborn glare being sent straight at her.
" I was brought here for a reason. You better not stop me from going." Fiona growled lowly to Amanda who sighed and looked down.
" Fine, But you stick by me like paper and glue okay." Amanda warned as Fiona just nodded. A silence fell over them as the night breeze drifted by as the door to the room they were in.
" Amanda, may I speak with you." Kili's voice spoke gently over to the pair of woman. Fiona smirked to her friend as she turned and walked away towards the door. She past Kili who was dress in a blue tunic and brown trousers with his boots on. A brown belt around his waist holding up his tunic, his hands clasped behind his back and his hair groomed once again. Fiona left the room leaving the pair standing alone in the silent room.
" Amanda, how are you?" Kili asked as he stepped forward to stand by her side.
" Well, thank you. Just a little thrown off by Fiona's arrival." Amanda spoke turning her eyes to the ground with a small smile. "I have always been protective of her. Truth is, I do not want her to join us on this quest. It is dangerous and I fear I cannot protect her here."
"Well, that is one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you." Kili began turning to face his body to Amanda who done the same. Amanda was a few inches shorter than Kili so had to look up slightly at him. "Thorin, Fili and myself have been talking... And we agreed it is in the best interest to the both of you that..." He began before letting out a gently sigh.
" Kili, you better not be about to say what I think you are. Because if you are, I am positive you will know my answer." Amanda spoke before turning around and walking back into the room.
" Amanda just listen, like you said yourself! The wild is dangerous and deadly. I do not want you out there in harms way!" Kili half shouted to her as he stepped closer to her. "What happens when I cannot be there to protect you!"
" So what? Just because I am a woman means I cannot take care of myself outside of a home? Is that what you insinuating?" Amanda yelled back at him with anger clear in her eyes. "I need not remind you of my heritage!"
"Be your heritage as it is. A woman is not suited for the battlefields nor long and dangerous travels." Kili yelled back at her which only seemed to anger Amanda even more.
" You think that low of me... That because of my gender I am lesser than you." Amanda growled lowly, past the yelling anger and was now seething with it. The room temperature seemingly began to rise as Amanda continued to glare at Kili.
" You dare even try to insult me in such a way... And here I thought better of you." She hissed deeply with such a rage Kili has never seen before. The fire place next to Amanda burst into flames making Kili jump back. Amanda's skin began to glow a soft orange red as her hair shone slightly brighter. Her once soft brown eyes where now glaring with flakes of orange and red. But Amanda closed her eyes and clenched her fists and jaw taking deep breaths, calming herself down as her hair, skin and eyes flared down back to normal. Her eyes opened to look at Kili, the once angry expression that was edged into her face. Was replaced with hurt and sadness with a hint of betrayal, seeing this Kili felt his heart ping with pain.
" You know I do not mean it to offend you, Amanda. I would never want to hurt you like that, I only wish for you to be safe." Kili pleaded stepping forward as Amanda shook her head and looked away from him.
" Stop..." Amanda whispered in a cracked voice. Kili stopped in his advance towards her.
" Amanda, please..." Kili begged but Amanda kept her back turned to him.
" I thought better of you, Kili... I want you to leave." Amanda whispered in a deeply hurt voice.
" Please, Amanda. Just listen to me." Kili begged wanting badly to comfort her and apologise for his words. Amanda pulled in a deep breath and fixed her dress before turning around and walking over to her bed, where her night gown lay.
" Prince Kili. I am tired and wish to retire for the evening. Please." She spoke in a stiff voice and back. Kili sighed as his shoulder sank, he turned around and walked out her room with a defeated look upon his face.
" I'm sorry." He whispered before leaving her room. Once the door was closed, he stood outside of the room with his back facing the door.
" Kili! Well how did it go? Did you tell her she cannot venture with us?" Fili asked as he and Thorin walked up to him. Kili's jaw clenched tightly as his eyes snapped to his uncle.
" I did, but next time you wish to deliver new like such. Do it yourself." He hissed before walking off away from the two dwarves.
" What was that about?" Fili asked as Thorin shrugged his shoulders and was about to speak when he heard the soft whimper of a woman crying. Thorin sighed as he listened to Amanda whimpering through tears from the other side of the door.
" Maybe I should not have sent Kili. I see now that whatever they had, I may have just drove a dagger into its heart." Thorin muttered as he walked away leaving Fili in the hallway.
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