Chapter 11: Songs
Some elven maidens brought some fresh clothes. Which just so happened to be dresses. Amanda was not happy about this, as she is not the biggest dress wearer. In fact she had only woren three dresses... Ever.
" Do you not have anything normal to wear? Like trousers?" Amanda asked them as the elf maidens looked to her in disgust and horror.
" I am afraid you may have to wait until the seamstress has finished. These should do for now though." A soft gentle voice spoke as Amanda turned to look upon Lord Elronds daughter. Arwen. Amanda bowed to her slightly as she smiled.
" Lady Arwen. Pleasure too meet you." Amanda spoke as she held a purple dress made of some of the finest material in Middle Earth.
" Please, The pleasure is mine my lady." Arwen smiled to her as Amanda looked to her had a look of disgust.
" Please, Do not call a lady. If you call me such it mean I would wear dresses and allow the men to fight my battles in my stead. Which I most certainly do not have any intention of doing. And that really sounded a lot less offensive to woman in my head." Amanda said quickly as Arwen laughed softly to her.
" Everyone you have travelled with are dinning with my father." Arwen smiled too her. Amanda sighed and gave in. She would wear the dress as she would rather not wear her dirty blood stained clothes to dinner with a Lord. Amanda looked at the dress and then Arwen.
" I have no idea how to put this on. Would you mind?" Amanda asked shyly. Arwen nodded and stepped forward to help her into her dress. Meanwhile, the dwarves we all sitting around a table with elven music played softly in the background.
"Try it. Just a mouthful." Dori mothered over Ori, trying to make him eat his vegetables like a mother to her child.
"I don't like green food." Ori said as looked at the plate of vegetables in disgust.
"Where's the meat?" Dwalin called out looking around the tabe of green.
"Have they got any chips?" Ori asked with hope, as they were a vegetable as well. They all looked to the door when a soft laughter was heard from it.
" You should thank the elves for the food, not turn you nose up at it." Amanda smiled to them as she rounded the corner. The soft light purple dress with silver swirls upon the stomach and chest. It the stopped at the waist and gently fell to the ground The sleeved held tight to her upper arms and stopped above the elbow, before falling gently with thin material towards to ground. Her hair had been pinned up with little gems to decorate it. Bofur stood up and walked over to her with a large smile upon his face.
" My, don't you look lovely." He smirked to her extending with arm and guiding her over to the table. He helped Amanda sit down. She now had Bofur to her right and Kili on her left. Kili had not been able to remove his eyes from her. She was stunningly beautiful in the dress, even if it was elvish. Her smile lifted his heart with joy and wonder as her laugh sounded like peaceful music to his ears.
" Loving the dress." Fili spoke over the table. Amanda raised an eyebrow and looked at him
" Well, Don't get used to it. This is the first and the last." She growled lowly as the dwarves laughed happily. As her left eye brown rose slightly.
"Kind of you to invite us. I'm not really dressed for dinner." Gandalf said as they walked towards their chairs at the high table.
"Well, you never are." Elrond said back to him as they chuckled and took thier seats. Amanda watched Oin stuff a napkin into his hearing trumpet as the elf above him plays. She giggled gently and sighed taking a bit of the green before her and eat it. Kili looked in disgust as she did.
" How can you stomach that." he asked her as Amanda turned and smile to him.
" That, my darling. Is because back home, this is normal. It is called a salad." Amanda smiled as she continued to eat it.
" So you like this food?" Kili asked surprised at her. Amanda scrunched her face up.
" I never said I like it." She simply stated shoving another leaf into her mouth and swallowed.
" I am hungry and thats that." She smiled with a giggle to him. Kili rolled his eyes and sighed at her. They laughed and talked as Gandalf, Thorin and Elrond talked about the swords they found back in the goblin caves. Nori was clearly getting bored of the music being played and she could not blame him.
" Change the tune why don't ya. I feel like I am at a funeral." He asked the elves putting his finger into his ear. Oin looked worried.
" Did somebody die?" He asked with worry. Amanda laughed at him, she was laughing so much she fell onto Kili's shoulder.
" Alright right lads. There's only one thing for it!" Bofur yelled as he stood up and jumped into a small pillar in middle of the courtyard.
" There's an inn, there's an inn, there's merry old in beneath an old grey hill." Bofur sang happily as everyone joined in. Amanda clapped along happily to the song as she laughed at the elves faces of both bewilderment, confusion and disgust.
" It's after three he said!" The dwarves yelled as food was flung all over the room. Amanda laughed and was truly have an amazing time.
" Here! Amanda can you sing?" Bofur asked over to her. Amanda froze and shook her head.
"no, no, no, no." She said quickly but everyone looked to her with pleading looks.
" Come on! I heard you sing before when you thought no one was listening! You a good!" Fili cried to her as she blushed a deep red.
" Fine. What song but." She skied them as they all fell silent in thought.
" Something from your home." Balin smiled to her as she nodded and thought deeply.
" How about this." She said and began tapping the table in a rhythm the repeated.
" I got my ticket for the long way round. Two bottle of whiskey for the way. And I sure would like some sweet company and I'm leaving tomorrow what d'ya say. When I am gone, when I gone." She sang to them as they all cheered and laughed loudly at her. She finished the song and they all clapped. They all took turns singing different songs and dancing around happily. They quickly finished up and left to make a small makeshift camp. The made fire with some of the furniture they found. They cook meat as they never eat the food given to them by the elves.
" Amanda, care to join me for a walk?" Kili asked as she ate the last of her sausage. She nodded not wanting to speak with her mouth full. They walked away from the company that stared at them with a smile. Amanda walked by Kili's right side as they walked through the elven gardens
" This place is amazing." Amanda muttered marveling around the gardens as the moonlight shone down. The books never really gave it justice.
" Amanda." Kili said turning her to face him. Amanda looked up to him with wonder. He was beautiful in the pale light of the moon. His jawline so strong with a little black stubble as it moved to speak. His eyes searched hers and though deeply. His hands where on her arms holding her there as if she was about to fly away.
" I... I..." He tried to say but he sighed heavily and let go of her arms, leaving them cold and wanting his touch again. He turned away from her and looked out over the rivers that flowed through Rivendell.
" Kili... I want to tell you something." Amanda spoke softly walking over to him and placing a hand onto his arm as he turned his head slightly to look at her. Amanda blushed as she sighed heavily and looked right into his eyes.
" You mean a lot... To me." Amanda sighed trying to speak what she so badly wanted to say. She was trying to confess, all this time since she first met him after he and the others saved her. He has constantly been by her side, making sure she was alright and happy.
" This sounded so much better in my head..." Amanda sighed and removed her hand from his arm and turned her back to him. There was no way he was going to accept her.
" What am I thinking?" Amanda growled to herself. Kili heard and looked to her.
" What are you thinking?" He asked her wanting to know.
" Oh just that. I am madly and stupidly in love with a prince. Who could never return my feelings. I mean who would! I am just a lonely normal person who has no right to have his love! I just feel so... So..." Amanda said in frustration as Kili growled and grabbed her arms pulling her to face him. In an instant, his lips where upon hers. Amanda stood there surprised at first but melted into the kiss. His lips were strong and dominant as he claimed her lips as his own. His large hands placed themselves comfortable on her hips as her hands rested on his chest. Kili pulled her close to him, leaving no space between them. Kili slowly pulled his lips away from here slowly as he took a deep breath and placed his forehead against hers.
" The prince does not know what he is missing." Kili said softly to her as she smiled.
" Stupid prince." She muttered to him.
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