Chapter Twenty-Butting Heads
Chapter Twenty
Butting Heads
*Bucky's POV*
The room smells like Akilina already. Book pages, sweat, and some other sweet smell, like honey. Being in here isn't helping how much I miss her, but we need to talk. We're still teammates and need to at least be cordial with each other, preferably not flipping each other off at the party tomorrow. My lips turn up just a little at the memory of her sour face when she saw me today. At least her spirits haven't dampened at all.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I hear her voice and spin towards the door, seeing a fuming Liya, hands on her hips and a frown on her face.
"I thought we should talk." I say with trepidation. She purses her lips and squints at me, tapping her foot. She goes into the bathroom and starts putting things in her bag, then comes back out with it slung over her shoulder.
"You don't think the time to talk was before you left me at the hospital?" She asks, voice tired instead of angry. "You don't think that was immature as hell, Bucky?" I sigh and run my thumb over my palm.
"Look, I just wanted to talk about being civil with each other. Press will most likely be at the party tomorrow and the team needs a collected front." I explain, putting more pressure on my palm to keep from walking over and touching her. Her face looks even more disappointed and that's somehow worse than all the anger in the world.
"So, we're not going to talk about us at all? You're just...brushing it under the rug?" She asks, but her tone is like a statement.
"Akilina..." I start, but stop when she holds up a hand.
"You know what? I understand you think I'm in danger by being close to you, but I'm a marine James. I work on a team of superheroes. Danger is my fucking job. If you stop being a stupid ass, come talk to me. But I'm not waiting forever. I know how I deserve to be treated and it sure as hell isn't like this." She walks out and flips me the bird behind her back as she leaves, frustrating me further.
"Damn it all." I murmur and sit on her bed, letting the scent drift up and choke me. Maybe coming to see her wasn't the best idea. Part of me hears her and wants nothing but to chase after her and hold her close again, but another part remembers what it was like to hold her limp body in my arms. I can't do that again. I stand and get ready to leave the room, but stop just before leaving. Grumbling under my breath, I grab her pillow and go to my room. I lay on my bed on her pillow, remembering how nicely our scents mingle, wishing she was here with me but remembering why she can't be.
*Akilina's POV*
I wish I could say I walked out of that room calm and collected. I wish I could say I made it all the way to the top fucking floor without shedding a tear. All that would be a lie though. As soon as I get into the elevator I start crying, sniffling disgustingly. The numbers on the elevator ding as I go up and I compose myself before reaching the top. Although my eyes are puffy and I continue to sniffle, at least I'm not sobbing. I step out of the elevator and run straight into Steve. Seems like that's our thing now. My bag falls to the floor with a thump, but once again Steve saves me from falling on my ass with two gentle hands on my shoulders.
"I think you need a bell." I rasp, my voice still a bit raw. Steve frowns when he hears me talk, then examines my red eyes and my occasional sniffle. His hands squeeze my shoulders a little and his face does it's concerned thing.
"Hey, hey. What's going on?" He asks compassionately. Sighing, I shrug and sniffle.
"Your brother is an ass." I grumble and lean down to pick up my bag. Steve's expression clears and he beats me to it, tossing it easily over his shoulder.
"Bucky? What happened?" He questions. I gesture to the hallway and start walking, Steve by my side.
"He came to talk to me. He wants us to be civil to one another at the party tomorrow. That's it. That's all he wanted to talk about." I huff, feeling frustration fill me. Steve sighs next to me and rubs his eyes.
"I'm sorry. I know he can be stubborn." He says in an irritated tone. I wave a hand in the air.
"Whatever. Let's talk about something else. Would you hate me if I asked you about your proposal?" A bright smile takes over his face as he reaches down and turns out his pockets. My eyes widen and my voice jumps up a couple octaves. "You did it?" I practically shout. He laughs and nods, prompting the way I throw my arms around his neck and squeeze. Before he can even return the embrace, I pull away and punch his shoulder. "Congratulations! You should be with her or telling people! What are you doing?" I scold him, making him laugh again.
"She's running around telling everyone herself, I'll catch up with her later. Besides, I'm telling you." He says nonchalantly, but his words make my heart happy. "Uh, where are we going?" He asks as we walk past the same door for the third time.
"Oh, uh, Tony gave me this floor so I'm looking for a room. Any suggestions?" Steve instantly starts walking with a purpose and I follow.
"Sometimes I come up here to sketch the skyline, one room in particular has the best view." He explains as he leads me around, still carrying my bag. I blink as he opens the doors to a room, loving the view. On the far side is a line of windows framing the city as the sun sets, the sky painted various hues of red, yellow, and orange.
"Wow." I step past Steve and towards the windows to see better. "This is incredible." I breathe and hear Steve hum appreciatively behind me. I turn towards him and ease the bag off his shoulder. "You know, I never knew you liked to draw." I comment as I set my bag on the small chest at the end of the bed.
"Not a lot of people do actually." He replies as I pull the dress out of my bag and hang it on the molding around the balcony door. He whistles at it and I grin. "It's beautiful." I nod.
"Isn't it? I'm excited to wear it." I run a hand down the skirt, happily. He does the same on the opposite side, smiling softly.
"Do you know what time period this dress is from?" He asks. Looking at him, I shake my head and drop the fabric.
"No. I just loved the style, the fabric, everything about it. It's like it called to me." I say fondly, crossing my arms across my chest. "Why? Do you know?" I ask him curiously. Chuckling, he nods and turns towards me.
"It's from the forties. The nineteen forties. You'll definitely draw someone's eyes tomorrow." My mouth pops open at his words and I pout a moment later. Of course, the dress I choose would be from where Bucky's from. Of course. Sighing, I shrug.
"Great. Anyways, it's probably time for dinner. You ready to head down?" I ask, but we're already walking. We reach the elevator and I elbow him. "I'll trade you original poems if you show me some of your drawings." I strike a deal with him. He smiles and nods.
"Sounds good. See, I didn't know you were a writer." I snort at the compliment.
"Writer is a very generous term, but thanks. And no one does." I shrug. We walk out of the elevator to the kitchen, finding the team's already here. I immediately rush over to Victoria to congratulate her.
"Pozdravlyayu, lyubimyy! Congrats, love! I am so happy for you!" I tell her genuinely, watching her face light up. She pulls me close and hugs me tight like a sister.
"Perfect! I'm so glad you're here! Thank you so much." She grabs my hand and drags me over to where Nat and Wanda stand. "Ladies, I have something to ask the three of you." She prefaces. We're all smiling like idiots, even Natasha. Victoria puts a hand over her heart and looks between the three of us. "Will you three be my bridesmaids?" She asks, her voice half excited and half nerves. We all answer the affirmative instantly and become consumed in a group hug. Victoria keeps talking as we squeeze each other. "Great! Now Nat, you're the Maid of Honor, but don't stress out about anything. We have time, so no rush." She says considerately and if I'm not seeing things I catch a glimmer in Natasha's eye at being Victoria's maid of honor.
"No planning now! Let us see the ring!" Wanda says enthusiastically. Victoria grins and holds up her left hand.
"Oh, it's beautiful Ria." I exclaim and take her hand in mine to examine the ring closer. Silver band with a crystal-clear cut diamond in the middle and a small cluster of diamonds on either side of it. It's simple, old-fashioned, but absolutely shining. It's incredibly fitting for Steve and Victoria.
"Alright, alright, alright. Time for dinner, love birds." Tony breaks everything up and throws an arm around Victoria. We all follow and sit down at the table together. I make sure to sit far away from Bucky, but of course, he sits down across from me to be beside Steve. Sam sits next to me and Tony sits on my right side, facing Victoria. With them beside me my nerves lessen a bit, used to the flirting and teasing they dish out at me. Dinner consists of some sort of soup. I have no clue what's in it but it's spicy and has those noodles filled with cheese in it, so I'm more than happy.
"How are you liking the top floor, babe?" Tony asks with a signature smirk on his face. I laugh lightly at the new nickname.
"It's beautiful, sweet pea." I tease right back and poke a noodle with my spoon. "Thanks. I'm looking forward to your party tomorrow. You going to tell me what you're going as?"
"I think I'll let you figure that out for yourself when you see me, beautiful. I am, however, very curious as to what you'll be wearing. Unless you come as Eve and decide not to wear anything at all." He continues to joke.
"I don't think I'd object to that." Sam joins in and I smack his arm, making him grin. All of a sudden, the table shudders as Bucky stands up to leave. My mouth pops open at his scowl and cruel eyes staring at me. I stand in a second and point to his chair as everyone in the room quiets.
"Sit the..." I glance at Grant and swallow my cuss word. "Sit. Down. Now." I command and watch as he turns to me instead of the door.
"No." He growls firmly and takes a couple steps towards the door. I copy him and stand in his path, preventing him from leaving.
"Either tell everyone why you're leaving, or stay. Act. Like. A. Fucking. Adult." I tell him just as firmly.
"An adult? What kind of adult flirts with two men at the same time in the same place?" He snaps, moving close to me and speaking quietly.
"The single kind. And we're joking around. Do you pay attention to anything at all? Besides," I step back and wipe imaginary dirt off my jeans. "you have absolutely no say in anything I do anymore. If you did in the first place." I tell him resolutely. He stares at me silently with no answer. "Now. Come sit down and let's put on a collected front, was it?" I throw his words back at him and go back to the still silent table, sitting down nicely. After another second passes by, he comes back and sits down too.
"Uh, Liya, right?" Grant asks hesitantly. I look at him and nod, my expression softening at the sight of his bright face. "You owe money to the swear jar." The table remains quiet until I laugh, everyone following suit right after.
"I taught the kid well." Tony whispers and Victoria shakes her head at him, smiling.
"Alright, Grant. You remind me later and I'll do it." He nods with a smile and sends Victoria a wink before continuing to eat his food. I decide to keep talking to him. He seems nice. "Grant, what're you going as tomorrow?"
"Actually, I haven't decided yet. I prefer being an animal, but Victory told me that might be misconstrued as showing off." Everyone turns to Victoria as she shrugs sheepishly.
"Not to undermine your authority, Victoria, but I'm going to use my abilities at the party. If you want to as well, at least you won't be alone." I suggest, glancing at Victoria to make sure I haven't upset her. Instead, she looks a little relieved. Grant's excitement level just jumped up a couple notches and he practically bounces in his seat.
"Easy there, bee." Bucky speaks at the table for the first time. Grant settles and smirks, looking just like Bucky.
"I could be a bee." He ponders and everyone objects, making the boy grin. "I'm kidding!" We all laugh and finish our meal with companionable conversation, though Bucky rarely speaks at all. The man I see now is such a contrast to the one who talked about getting a cabin with me.
"Alright, movie night. Who's picking?" Tony asks and my hand instantly shoots up.
"I am. New person gets to pick, right?" I stand, grabbing my empty bowl and silverware to put in the dishwasher. Before I can, Sam stands and takes them from me, gathering the other's as well. Tony stands and snakes an arm around my waist, directing me to the bookshelves flanking his giant television.
"Alright, goddess. You choose. They're sorted alphabetically by genre thanks to Vision, so good luck." He kisses my cheek and falls back on a recliner, visibly checking out my ass. Rolling my eyes, I go to the movies and start flipping through.
"You're welcome, by the way." Vision says. I laugh and continue my search, hearing the team sit down behind me.
"Please god, don't pick one of those stupid comedies." I hear Natasha ask and some of the guys groan.
"At least we don't like slapstick." Sam defends and I recognize Bucky and Nat's groans.
"It's the Stooges!" They say in unison and I shake my head at them, although something in me twists a little at hearing them together.
"All of you can stop arguing." I wiggle the DVD case in my hand and put it in the player. "We're watching Rocky." I get a few whoops and maybe one groan before I turn around to sit. Only one seat is open and it just happens it's beside Bucky. He seems to realize this the same time that I do and straightens in his seat, but doesn't move. The only reason it's open is because Victoria is sitting almost completely in Steve's lap, her feet tucked under Bucky's thigh. Determined to be mature about this, I sit down next to him.
"Friday, dim the lights and pull the blinds please." Tony asks as he kicks out the feet of his recliner. The AI obeys without answering and the room becomes dark except for the light coming from the television. I smirk and decide a bit of immaturity is good for the skin. I move so I'm leaning back against the couch and the arm, then extend my legs; plopping my feet in Bucky's lap. He stiffens, but the smile on Victoria's face makes my slight nervousness go away. Bucky looks at me in surprise and frustration, but I just shrug.
"I'm being nice." I say innocently and I see Steve behind him hide his face in Victoria's hair to conceal his grin. Bucky looks back at the tv and tries his best not to touch me with his hands, which is very hard and awkward. Ah well, more fun for me. As the movie goes on he seems to get a bit more comfortable and rests his hands in his lap mere centimeters from my feet. I hum every song that comes on and tap my feet to the tune, annoying him further and enjoying every second. Finally, he puts his hands on my feet to stop my wiggling. I can't help but sigh quietly at having him touch me again and he looks up at me, noticing. For a moment I forget I'm still pissed and smile softly at him, wiggling my toes just a tad. He smiles and starts gently rubbing my feet, watching me as I bite my lip in pleasure. Leaning forward as quietly as I can, I whisper to him so no one else can hear. "Wouldn't your rather it be like this? Snuggling on the couch rather than shouting at the dinner table?" I ask, hope still in my heart. His eyes watch me carefully and his hands stop moving. Imperceptibly, he shakes his head.
"The danger is My answer is no." He says and places my feet in his seat, walking out of the room.
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