Chapter Nine-The Future
Chapter Nine
The Future
Steve and Victoria fighting, it's unlike anything I've ever seen. Soldiers on the ground have more solid footing, like earth. They move and shoot with their feet planted firmly on the ground, and are taught that's a good thing. Victoria moves like a liquid. She flips over Steve, slides under him, and seems to wrap around him at certain times. The way she fights...I can almost tell just from that that she's different. Steve has a little bit of that soldier fight in him. When his feet are on the floor he's firm, but dodges Victoria's jabs well. He doesn't stay still, though. He flips and spins just as much as Victoria. The way they fight is more like dancing, and holds far too much laughter for a real fight. Somehow, it's sweet. As Clint, Sam and Scott come over, I feel James brush his hand against mine once again. I cross my arms to avoid it happening again. I shouldn't encourage anything. Even so, I feel Bucky's gaze on me as I do so. I continue watching Steve and Victoria dance just in time to see Steve slip Victoria's right foot out from under her. She falls to the floor and Steve falls with her, pinning her under his body. They both grin and Steve opens his mouth to speak, but Victoria kisses him before he does. Then, she knees him in the stomach and rolls him over, pinning him down.
"Truce, sweetheart?" She asks, out of breath but still smiling. He grunts and flips her over, laying a leg over her waist.
"Truce." He agrees and they help each other up, then peck one another's lips before getting off the arena.
"Good one, Queen." Clint compliments Victoria as she and Steve come over to the group. She smirks and gives him a high five.
"So, Liya, what do you say to a little fight? Soldier to soldier?" Sam proposes, grinning like a fox. Laughing, I nod and approach the ring. Sam helps me up onto it like a gentleman.
"Ready, Falcon?" I ask, teasing. We go to separate corners of the ring and ready ourselves.
"Born ready, sweetheart." He teases back and we grin at each other. As soon as he takes a swing I hit the floor and somersault between his legs, darting my hands out to spread them out further. Once I'm behind him I crouch, turning to hit the back side of his knees. He falls onto his hands and knees. After that, I flip onto his back and he lays flat on the floor. After two quick jabs to his ribs I flip onto my feet and step away.
"I thought you said you were ready, bird-man?" I tease and get a groan, then a dry chuckle.
"Yeah, well, I mistakenly thought you were a nice person so..." He responds. I laugh lightly and help him up, although he gives me playful dirty looks. He returns to the group and gets a couple pats on his shoulders. I even catch Scott passing Clint a ten-dollar bill. I'm about to walk off the arena when Bucky steps up from the back, approaching the ring. My eyebrows pop up when he enters, Steve and Victoria cheering and whistling to egg us on.
"Do you mind?" He asks, always polite. I shake my head and walk to the far corner. "When you're ready." He tells me, his voice deep and soft. I nod and crouch down slightly, planning my moves out in my head before striking. He does have an unfair advantage though. He just watched me fight. I run forward and fake dive, choosing instead to jump up. I put my hands on his shoulders and flip over him, landing lithely on my feet and trying to land a good punch to where Bucky's kidneys are. As soon as I try, his hand whips back and grabs my wrist. He spins me back in front of him, but I use the momentum and some wind to get my feet off the ground. As he spins me back in front of him I wrap my legs around his waist, then drop upside down to let my hands touch the floor. Grunting with the effort, I flip him over on what should be his head. Bucky curls his head towards his body and lands on his back instead, putting me in the more than comfortable position of straddling his crotch. Quickly, I lean forward and press my knees against his hands on the floor and my arm against his neck as if I was choking him. My breathing is hard and my face is red as hell, but I've won the fight. James looks shocked, but is also grinning from ear to ear. Applause finally reaches my ears, but my eyes are stuck on Bucky's. I remove my knees from his hands and my arm from his throat. He sits up and I stand, offering my hand to him to assist him. He takes it and holds onto it, not letting go even to get out of the ring.
"Geez, I'd like to see a fight between you and Victoria next, Liya." Sam says. I grin at him and nod.
"Hey, I'm game if she is. Maybe not today though." I glance at Ria to find her eyes are on James and I's intertwined hands. Her eyes meet mine and she shoots me a wink.
"I'm in." She agrees. Man, I'm going to be looking forward to that.
"Call me for that one, you both were amazing." Scott says. I nod at everyone and slip my hand out of Bucky's, heading back beside Wanda. She smiles at me knowingly and I shake my head imperceptibly at her. Bucky moves back beside me, but doesn't try to take my hand again.
"You did great up there, Akilina." He compliments me sweetly.
"Thanks. It's good to let off some steam, actually." I mumble as everyone stares at him and I.
"I could think of other ways..." Sam says quietly and everyone laughs quietly under their breath as my face gets even hotter. I duck behind James closer to Wanda's side, mostly out of sight.
"Hey Queen, when do we leave to go back to the States?" Clint asks and everyone else quiets. Bucky looks at the ground as Steve and I lock eyes. He inclines his head to Bucky and I see that his head is now downturned, his shoulders sagging as well. Instantly, I move closer to him and run a hand down his back where no one else can see. I feel his eyes on me, but I don't look at him in case we draw any attention other than Steve. James, however, doesn't seem to care and grabs my hand between the two of his. Tight. Damn it. My eyes widen and Steve brings up his hand to cover his large smile, although Victoria catches it, of course. Her eyes examine Bucky and I, then she smiles softly.
"Tomorrow morning. And Clint, it would be great if you'd fly us so we could return the jet you stole." She says and he sighs, but nods.
"Wheels up at ten guys." Clint says, then heads over to where it looks like he's hung a bow and some arrows. I turn my eyes back to Wanda to make sure she hasn't collapsed since I last checked on her. I squeeze James's hand in reassurance, then let go and kneel in front of Wanda as everyone else chats.
"How are you doing, zvyozdochka (little star)?" I ask, laying my hands on my knees. She smiles at the endearment, but it's a bit lackluster.
"Clint makes me work hard. I appreciate it, but sometimes I just feel like my limbs are going to fall off." She jokes and I laugh for her benefit.
"Well, how about we play a game then? Something silly that requires no exertion?" I propose, thinking. "Hide and seek?" I ask and her smile shines a bit brighter. I stand and spin around towards the group. "Alright everyone! We're playing hide and seek! This room only!" Everyone looks at me weird, but after a glare, they all nod. Wanda stands, still smiling, and turns me around.
"Alright, you be it first." She guides me to the wall and gently raises my hands to my eyes. "Count to...twenty?" I nod and shut my eyes. I press my head to the concrete wall and start counting. The scrambling of shoes on concrete is the music I count to and it's very hard not to laugh. Especially when I hear the slight whispered arguments when someone wants someone else's spot.
"Twenty!" I finish and turn around with my eyes open. Looking around the room, it looks empty. There's a wall of weights and machines to my left, the raised fighting ring in front of me, and the punching bags to my right. I stand there for just a moment before grinning like a fool. I put my hands out in front of me and wave them over the floor. An orange glow begins to emit from certain places on the floor in the shape of footprints. The more recent the footprint, the brighter the glow. It's kind of like seeing heat signatures with night vision goggles. I see Bucky's feet instantly, he's the only one other than me who is barefoot. His and one other pair of footprints go over to the left, towards the weights. Another splits off from theirs and suddenly disappears to the right of the machines. Someone else's goes to the arena, then there's heat from an entire body on the ground beside the skirt. I suppress a laugh at that one. To my right, there are three pairs of footprints. Two go side by side to a closet in the far corner, probably Victoria and Steve. Finally, the last footprints go to the punching bags and up them, into the rafters. Taking in a deep breath, I let the prints disappear and smile. First, I go to the weights. Before I even get there, I can hear James and Sam bickering.
"You couldn't find your own spot? That shiny arm of yours is going to get us both caught!"
"Shut your mouth, Wilson. You're the one who's going to get us caught!" I roll my eyes and lean over the rack to look at the two crouching men.
"Both of you are loud as hell." They both jump at my voice, then scowl at one another. I put a hand on both of their shoulders and they stand. "Come on, you can watch me bust everyone else within five minutes." I smirk at their disgruntled faces and happily cartwheel over to where the footprints disappeared. Directly above me floats Wanda, encased in red. "Got you." I whisper and she grins. While she lowers herself to the ground I roll over to the training ring. I lift the skirt and find Scott laying under it, cheek to the floor.
"I might need some help getting out of here." He says and I laugh, dragging him out by his arm. When he stands I move to the punching bags and look up. Clint hangs there, frowning.
"Two more to go." I sing and spin over to the closet. I knock twice before putting a hand on the handle. "You two better not be making any babies in there!" Everyone chuckles behind me as I open the door. Thankfully, everyone has their clothes on. Steve's cheeks are a little pink and Victoria's shirt is slightly askew, but I'm alright with that. "Man, I killed that!" I spin around and stop when I see Bucky's smile.
"I have no clue how you did it so quickly!" Clint continues to frown. I return to James's side and grin smugly.
"I'm just really good at hide and seek." I tease and his frown deepens at the mystery. I laugh before Victoria speaks up.
"You're worse than Natasha." She says quietly and my smile grows. That's a great compliment.
"How about dinner everyone?" Everyone hums and files out of the room, Victoria and Steve bringing up the back. James and I hang behind, unintentionally. My thoughts instantly went to when we'd eat together, just the two of us, but I guess being on the team means eating with the team. It just caught me by surprise. James turns me around so he can see my face. His expression is laid-back, comforting.
"We don't have to go, you know. We can go back to our room and eat alone, like usual." He offers. I look at him, surprised.
"Really? And you'd be okay with that?" I ask. Now it's his turn to look surprised.
"Of course, I would. Believe it or not, I enjoy your company." He teases me lightly, making me smile softly.
"Thank you, but we should be part of the team. It, uh, it boosts team morale if we all eat together." I point out and start walking after the others.
"Alright, but we're going to talk about what's bothering you later. I won't forget." He tells me. I look at him and his concerned eyes and shake my head.
"I guess you catch more that I was giving you credit for." He grins at my comment and grabs my hand before I move out of reach, making my cheeks heat up.
"Thank you. You've also got to tell me how on earth you knew where all of us were." He says quietly and I laugh as we come to the cafeteria nearest the training room. It's empty except for the team. It's a little late for lunch and a little early for dinner, so the whole place is for just us. I explain everything to Bucky as we walk through the line. He laughs his sweet, booming laugh and everyone looks at us like we're crazy. I guess hearing James laugh isn't that often an occurrence. Secretly, I'm bursting with pride that I can get him to laugh like that. We sit down across from Victoria and Steve. Leaving Bucky on the edge, that means I'm beside Wanda. It's pretty nice, actually. There's pleasant chit-chat and teasing like any family dinner. And having Bucky near me just makes me happy, simple as that. Until I start thinking about the future, and what it might hold for me. I mean, is this my future? Eventually fighting assailants as an Avenger, living in the Avenger's tower in New York? I poke the chicken on my plate with my fork mindlessly as I think. I guess the real question is, do I have a problem with that future? I sigh quietly and mess with the dog tags around my neck. My thumb rubs my name, then James'. What would happen between us if he's cleared and we all live in the same space for the rest of our lives? The man my thoughts are on interrupts my thoughts with a low and gentle voice.
"Liya, you aren't eating." He says simply, but his voice is concerned. I blink and look at him beside me. His blue eyes are on me and are filled with curiosity and worry.
"I, uh, I think I'm going to go back to the room." I tell him. Standing, I nod at everyone and take my food along with me back to the room. I set it on the bedside table beside my phone and head into the bathroom. I turn the water on as hot as it'll go then plug the drain. Rifling through the drawers, I find some bubble bath and pour it in the tub as it fills. Grabbing a new change of clothes from my bag I return to the bathroom and strip. I put my clean clothes on the sink and my dirty ones in the ever-growing pile in the corner. I'll need to find somewhere to wash those soon. When that's done I get into the warm water. After I'm in the tub and encased in hot water and bubbles I turn off the water and sigh, content. For about a minute I lay there, completely relaxed. Then, I start thinking again. I huff at my inability to escape myself and sink deeper in the water, letting it lap above my lips. Suddenly, I hear a door in my room open and I freeze so I don't make any noise.
"Akilina?" I hear James call and I lift myself up a little to let out a sigh.
"I'm in the bathroom, James. You can come in." I tell him, making sure there are enough bubbles in the tub that I'm not being horribly scandalous. For a big man his footsteps are surprisingly light as he comes in the bathroom. He stops in the doorway and turns to look at me, surprised and maybe even a little bashful? Thankfully, I'm already hot from the water so my face doesn't turn any redder than usual. "It's fine. I promise the bubbles cover all of me." Slowly, he comes further into the room and the nervousness fades, for me and for him.
"No music this time?" He asks as he half sits on the sink. I hum slightly in amusement and shake my head.
"No. My mind is loud enough right now." I tell him in a joking tone, but I'm dead serious. He chuckles anyway and tucks his hands in his pockets. After a second of silence, I nod to the toilet. "You can sit down if you like. Believe it or not, I enjoy your company." I quote him from earlier and receive a breathtaking smile in return. He puts down the top and sits, careful to keep his eyes on the floor or on my face. Although somehow, eye contact only makes me feel hotter.
"Would you mind telling me what's on your mind?" He asks, leaning towards me and setting his elbows on his knees. I look at him apprehensively. His expression is sweet, concerned, and handsome as always. Squirming a little in the tub, I think about his question.
"Why?" I stall, but once the question slips out of my lips I find that I'm intrigued as to what the answer might be. He scoffs slightly, rearranging his arms on his knees.
"Well, why not?" He counters and I smile slightly, rolling my eyes.
"Um, I'm some silly, at least slightly insane, Russian girl you've only known for a few days? Is that reason enough?" I ask him, teasing just a bit. His face remains calm, but he shakes his head.
"You know, that isn't exactly how I see it." He says simply. Silence fills the room as I stare at him, waiting for him to explain those words. He sighs, but he's still smiling. "Alright," he moves to the edge of the toilet and I swallow at the sudden intensity in his eyes. "I see a drop-dead gorgeous, stubborn, clever, caring girl who gave up her life to help the world and who continues to do so. I see someone who has cared for me without thought and who I care for now. So, could you tell me what's wrong so I can stop worrying?" He asks, but my mind is still absorbing everything he just said. "Akilina." He reminds me he's still waiting. I look at my bubbles and make a few more on the surface just to make myself feel better, then heat the water a bit as well.
"I've never been the kind of person to not know what was coming next. When I was young, my mom took the reins and I trusted her judgement. Same thing in the military with my superiors. Now," I shrug. "I have no clue what's next for me. Help you and the team with your trials if that's what you choose to do, but then what?" I ask rhetorically. Sighing, I continue. "I have to know." Underneath the water, my hands are on my dog tags to keep me steady. James, as always, remains calm. His eyebrows furrow and his eyes shine with compassion.
"Okay. Okay, that makes sense." He looks at the ground and runs a hand through his hair to keep it out of his face. My hands tighten on my dog tags to prevent myself from reaching out and doing it for him. Sighing, I take a hand out of the water and look at my fingers. They've started to look crepey.
"Hey, before you continue, I'd kind of like to get out." I say hesitantly. For just a second, his mouth curls into a sexy smile and I can only imagine what might be on his mind. Before I can say I wholeheartedly agree with whatever he just thought of, he's up and out the door. He stops just outside though, his back turned towards me.
"Is, uh, is this okay?" He asks, shrugging his shoulders a bit. A small smile takes over my face as I answer him.
"You're fine, возлюбленная." I tell him as I lift myself up and out of the water. As I step out I manipulate the water off me and back into the tub. I unplug the plug and grab a towel to wipe the bubbles off as the water drains.
"Did you just call me sweetheart?" He asks and I freeze in the middle of putting my shorts on. Resuming getting dressed, I answer.
"Yes...and you called me doll earlier today." I combat with the only ammunition I have and finish getting dressed.
"You didn't seem to mind then." He replies and I let out a single, airy laugh. Moving behind him I sigh.
"You know what?" I put my hands on my hips and stare up at the ceiling, doing my best not to pull my hair out from frustration. Hesitantly, James turns around to face me in my frazzled state. I meet his eyes, but don't take a second to think like I should. "You call me whatever you want, James. Anything, everything, in whatever language you want." I tell him firmly. His eyebrows pop up in surprise at my confidence. "And you know what? There's something else. No matter what the hell is in my future I just...want you to be in it." I end, exasperated with myself and my stupid feelings and stupid inability to keep anything to myself. I huff and stare into those blue eyes I wish didn't see right into me. He looks utterly surprised. Can't blame him for his shock, I'm surprised myself.
"You're an absolute ten, James. That's why I've been so nervous around you, blushed all the time, been unable to form complete sentences." I go on, my hands messing with our dog tags hanging around my neck. "I like you a lot. And it isn't just because your body is basically heaven personified." I pause and run a slightly trembling hand through my hair. Vulnerability doesn't come easy to me, but I think that's something we have in common. "You're a gentleman, you're sweet, you're powerful but you don't want to hurt people." I shake my head at him. "You aren't like anyone I've ever met and I really don't know how to deal with that. That's why I've pulled away from you, spaced out... You make me feel more than I've felt since my mom and that's scary for me..." I trail off and watch him as he leans forward and kisses me.
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