~Chapter Twenty~
You woke up facing someone's chest, until you remember that you slept with Kai last night. You looked up at his face and saw that he was awake, smiling at you. You smiled, "Morning." You said and Kai smiled at you, "Morning. Did you sleep well last night? And don't worry I didn't try anything on you." Kai said and you chuckled.
"Yup, did you?" "Yup." "Wait so how long were you awake!?" "Quite some time, I didn't wanna wake you. You looked so beautiful sleeping." You blushed at Kai's words then you got out of his bed.
You yawned then stretched a little. "Hey, uh meet me in the backyard around 1? I gotta talk with you a Cameron." You told him. Kai got up, he was a little worried that you picked Cameron over him but he remembered what Nya said about having trust in you so he did trust you. "Yeah, sure." Kai said with a smile. You smiled back, "Great! See you then! Even though we live in the same house." You blushed and Kai chuckled.
You left his room and went to your room real quick to text Cameron. You grabbed your phone and texted him.
Me: Hey Cams, mind coming over around 1pm? I wanna speak to you and Kai together. :)
Cameron: Morning Saps! And yeah sure :) meet you there ;)
You put your phone down and checked the time on your clock. It was almost time for Sensei to ring his gong again. You ran outside your door and leaned against the doorway, waiting for Sensei to come. You peaked next door to see Kai doing the exact same thing!
"Surprising Sensei I see." You say to him and he smirks. "I could say the same thing about you." Sudden u you two heard footsteps coming up the stairs. You and Kai got into position and when Sensei got to the top of the steps he was about to hit his gong but saw you and Kai giving him a small wave.
"You two are early then usual." Sensei said and you and Kai smiled. "Since you are early and none of the ninja are downstairs cooking breakfast, you two will make the breakfast for everyone." He said. "But Sensei!" You and Kai said but Sensei put his hand up and stopped you two from saying anything else. "Yes, Sensei." You two said as you slowly walked down the stairs to the kitchen. "Well, got a potion that'll make food for us?" Kai asked and you folded your arms.
"Kai! Look we're not using any potion. We're making this the normal way." You tell him as you look for some eggs and bacon in the fridge. "Fine, I'll make the pancakes..." "Good, oh and one more thing. No elemental flame!" "But! But!" "No elements Kai. Just use the stove like an average person does." "So your saying I'm not average!?" "You don't act like it!" "Oh that's it you're on!" "It's a deal!" You say as you grab a pan.
You two spent 20 mins making breakfast and by the time you both were done. Everyone was downstairs sitting at the table. You gave everyone a plate with utensils then helped Kai put the food on the table. "Smells good! And if it smells good it probably is good." Cole said as he looked at all the different food choices. You and Kai sat down next to each other and watched as everyone enjoyed the breakfast.
"They love it! Looks like your not so bad on the stove." You told Kai. "I could tell you the same thing." Kai smirked. You two gave each other a high five then ate breakfast. When you all finished breakfast Sensei announced that training was in a few, and everyone ran upstairs.
Sensei walked away leaving you, Nya, and Kai this time. "I'll help this time." He said as he put some plates in the sink. "Well this is a first." Nya comments. "No, it's okay Kai, you can go up, I wanna have a talk with Nya in private." You told him and he nodded and went upstairs.
"Whatcha wanna talk to me about. By the way you totally surprised everyone by coming downstairs today and having a conversation." She said and you chuckled. "Well that's because after all my thinking I've finally settled everything, no more battles, no more pressure. I'm positive of my choice this time."
Nya smiled at you, "That's great! When are you gonna tell the two?" "After lunch. I figure I give them some time to think stuff through. You should come with us later." "Sure! I'll be there." "Thanks Nya. And not just for coming but for everything." "Anything for my best friend!"
After you two were done with the dishes you went upstairs to groom. When you were done you went to the training room to train with the other ninja. "Your powers have improved Saprina. I am proud. I feel the path to your true potential is near." Sensei said. "Thanks Sensei." You said to him. But was it true?
Your true potential was near!? You were really excited. You had wanted to know how it felt to let go of all obstacles and find your true potential. You knew you'd be more powerful with your true potential.
When lunchtime rolled around, you paced around your room a little worried. You knew your choice would upset the other but you didn't want him to be sad that you chose the other. Cameron was on his way, Kai was waiting outside. You just felt worried a little bit.
You heard the doorbell ring and you ran out of your room, as you ran down the steps Cole was already on the way towards the door. "NOOOOOO!!!!!" You yelled but by the time you got there Cole opened the door. "Move it mountain!" You told Cole as you pushed him out of the way. "Hey!" He said as he fell on the floor.
Cameron smiled at you and gave you a hug. "C'mon, let's head to the backyard." You said to Cameron as you lead him through the backyard. Kai glared at Cameron yet again as he sat on the chair next to him. Cameron gulped a little, worried he might get literally burned today. You stood in front of them and breathed in and out.
You looked past them and saw Nya arriving, leaning against the doorway. She smiled at you and you smiled at her back. "So! Your probably wondering why I called you two here today." You started.
"You're gonna pick between us." Kai said and you nodded. "So, listen, I've been doing a lot of thinking. My life has always been filled with choices. Touch choices. Choices that always brought pressure to my head. Sometimes I feel like I just can't choose but yesterday, I realized that we all have a choice. And it's up to us to choose."
"Nobody should choose for us, or be mad at what we choose. It's our choice. So recently I've been given two choices this time. To choose between, second chances. And to choose between, trial and error. I've been thinking a lot and it wasn't easy. But I finally found a choice." You explained.
Cameron was smiling widely and Kai's face was full of worry. "My choice is clear....I choose...Kai." Kai got up and cheered and Cameron's face turned into a frown. "Cameron, I'm sorry. I know your sorry for everything you did to me and I accept your apology.
But I'm just not the one for you. Don't worry though, there's always that special someone for you out there. You just have to find her." You told him with a smile. Cameron gave a small smile back. "Thanks Saprina. Guess we could remain friends right?"
You chuckled and nodded. "Of course! And as for you Kai. I remembered everything you've done for me and I couldn't ask for a more greater guy then the one I've been with this whole time." Kai smiled and hugged you.
"I love you Saprina." "I love you too Kai." You let go of him and stepped back. It was time, you could feel it. You closed your eyes and felt your body levitate up. Kai smiled at you widely. "Why is she glowing!?" Cameron asked Kai and Kai just smiled at him. "Her true potential."
Everyone ran out of the house to the backyard on Nya's call and watched as you slowly spun around with your arms spread out in a light blue beam. "All the pressure from making choices in her life must have been holding her back!" Nya says. Sensei smiled at you, he was proud.
You levitated back down to the ground and the beam disappeared. You fell to the ground and everyone surrounded you. You slowly opened your eyes and Kai helped you sit up. "What happened? Why is everyone looking at me?" You asked and Kai smiled at you. "You, have found your true potential. You are now at full strength." Sensei said to you. You got up and smiled. "Did I look cool?" You asked and a choruses of 'Yeah's' and 'Definitely's' followed.
"Come my Ninja. We must leave Saprina at peace." Sensei said and everyone but Kai and Cameron went back inside. "You feeling okay?" Cameron asked. "Never felt better in my whole life." You told him and you two smiled. "Well uh, I should be going now. I'll probably visit you guys every once in awhile...if that's okay with you all?" Kai put his hand on Cameron shoulder and winked. "The monastery is open for visit!" He said "Thanks! Well, see you guys!" Cameron said as he went back inside, leaving you and Kai alone.
"Wanna go to the willow tree?" He asked and you smiled and nodded. You both intertwined hands and walked down the hill, through the field, to the tree. You two went under and felt the breeze pick up, making the tree's leave slowly sway back and forth. Kai grabbed a small ninja knife and smirked at you. "So, you're either gonna carve our initials in the tree or stab me." You said and Kai chuckled and engraved a 'K' and a plus sign. He gave you the small ninja knife and you smiled as you took it.
You engraved a 'S' then drew a heart around it with a arrow going through it. Kai's hands snaked around your waist and he kissed you on the cheek. You smiled and looked at the engraving on the tree. You had definitely made the right Choice. "So how long will this stay on the tree?" You asked him.
"As long as we're together." He said to you. You smiled then faced him, holding his hands. "You know I'm glad I made the right choice." Kai smiled as he lifted your chin up and brought his face closer to yours. "You definitely did." Kai said as he gave you a soft kiss to your lips.
A/N: Well that's it guys! The End haha Who cried? Ik I did haha. ahhh Ninja Love, isn't that cute XD great now I'm sounding like Edna XD lol anyways don't worry guys the series has just begun! The second book will come soon and it's called, 'Earth' yup it's gonna star Cole and one of my best friends, Chloe :) so watch out for that summary coming soon hopefully lol.
Anyways thanks so much for everything you guys! Never thought this book would get any attention lol this book has had, 540 Views and 24 Votes so thanks so much! Ily guys haha and don't forget to follow saprinastar18 after all this is her book lol.
Anyways, Pic at the top of the happy couple and song for this chapter is Love On Top by Beyoncé! Haha #QueenB lol I love the song and it totally fits Saprina :D anywho, Bye guys! See ya in the next book! :D
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