~Chapter Eight~
As you were asleep you saw a light blue dragon in front of you. It's roars were like the sounds of thunder. It would spit out potions every now and then. It was huge and a little scary. You backed up a bit in terror. It roared at you and flapped its big wings. You closed your eye and hoped it was over but you still heard it. You looked around hoping to see Sensei or one of the ninja but it was just you. You were all alone.
It spit out a slime potion next to you and you screamed. You then started to look for a way out but it seemed like there was no way. You leaned against the cave wall and hugged yourself. "This can't be real. This isn't real. This is all just a dream and when I wake up it'll be all over." You reminded yourself. The dragon roared in your face again and you hugged yourself tighter.
"Saprina." You heard. You opened your eyes seeing no one but the dragon. "Saprina." The voice said again. You looked around the cave again yet seeing no one. "Saprina, behind you." You turned around and saw your mother. "M-mom?" You questioned. "Yes Saprina it's me." She says to you. You smile and give her a hug. Tears start forming from your eyes. "Mom I missed you so much. You and dad. But why are here all of a sudden?"
She smiled at you, "Saprina I missed you too but I'm here to help. So you made and drank the dragon potion, Now you must get out of here." "I've looked everywhere mom! The cave is closed in! There's no exit in fact I have like no idea how you got in here." "Saprina honey, that dragon Is not real." The dragon roared louder making you even more frightened. "It's very much real! It's gonna eat me!" "Saprina listen, your allowing yourself to make the dragon appear real."
Your eyes open wide in realization. Your mother was right. You were allowing yourself to be afraid. You suddenly felt confident. "Thanks mom." You said but as you looked around she was gone. The dragon roared again and you folded your arms. "You can't scare me! I allow myself!" You told the dragon. The dragon the backed away from you and curled up in a ball appearing to be at peace. You walked over to it and smiled.
All of us sudden your eyes slowly opened and you saw Kai. Kai was relived that you were awake. You sat up and put your hand on your head as it started to hurt. You looked at Kai in confusion, "How long was I out?" You asked him. "Half a day. It's 1:00 in the morning now. Are you okay?" He asked you in concern. "Yeah I'm fine but how come you're still here? Why didn't you just go to bed?" Kai smiled at you and rubbed your hand.
"I care too much about you to just leave you here by yourself. I had to make sure you were going to be okay when you woke up." You smiled at Kai and folded your arms. "Uh thanks that's um real nice of you." You then started to get the feeling that maybe Kai likes you.
"So, did the potion work? What did you see?" "Well I saw a light blue dragon and it was terrifying. But then all of a sudden my...Mom came and told me that I'm allowing myself to be scared so I realized she was right and faced my fear. Then the dragon curled up in a ball and...Was at peace."
"You see the way now?" "Yeah....I do. But now I just need some more guidance on how to let it out." "All it takes is concentration. Concentrate on letting it out then you'll make it appear. You have the ability, all it takes is for you to do it." You smiled at Kai's words.
"C'mon, let's try it!" You say as you grab his wrist and bring him outside the monastery. "Ready?" He asks you. You breathe in and out and nod. "Yeah, I'm ready." You reply. You closed your eyes and saw the dragon again. You spread your arms out then two potion bottles appeared from your hands.
You threw them to the ground and the dragon appeared. "Woah." You said as you went over to pet the dragon. "You did it!" Kai said as he went over to you. "Yeah, guess I did. Thanks Kai." You tell him as you hop on your dragon's back. "Yeah, no problem." He smiled. "So, how about a night ride? See how this guy does?" You asked him as you held your hand out.
"Yeah, sure, why not?" Kai said as he took your hand and you helped him on your dragon. Reins appeared on the dragon's neck and you held it. Kai's arms snaked around your waist as he held tight onto you. "Hiya!" You yell and the dragon flapped its wings and flew into the night sky.
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