Finntaine: A/U
Hey guys! So I've obviously got this new Oneshots book, I hope you'll like it. If you have any requests, questions, or want to help me make the Oneshots into a book, and I'll do my best to help you out. I hope you'll enjoy!
Explanation: Alternative Universe where Fontaine has a rich family and they are not explorers, an Finn is a bad boy who goes to Fontaine's school and is also loaded, an he helps her escape a party.
Fontaine hated it when her parents organised parties. Sure they were big and beautiful. All the most important people came, boys always wanted to talk to her, and her little brother was occupied meaning she would have some piece an quiet. But in reality, all the 16 year old girl wanted to do was eat junk food and watch movies with her best friend Jess.
She couldn't not go. Her parents insisted she was there for every party, and one thing she could never do was escape when they said they were counting on her.
The girl though back to when her grandmother was alive. If she was here, she'd probably say something like "oh, what a pity. You have enough money to feed a small country but you're sad because you have to go to a party." Her grandmother was the most important person in Fontaine's life. She missed her more than anything.
"Fontaine! Get ready to greet the guests please." Kaiko yelled to her daughter.
Kaiko knew her daughter hated parties. But a scientist's daughter should always be ready to join in these things. It also meant she wasn't off getting in trouble with stupid hormonal teenage boys at frat parties.
"Mom please? Jess really wants me to come over." Fontaine begged. She didn't actually know that to be a fact, however.
"No. Come on, Finn Hanson is here. You know he's such a well mannered young man, much better than those silly boys Jess likes to hang out with." Her mother answered.
Fontaine scoffed internally. Everyone at school knew Finn Hanson was infact the complete opposite. He used his money to make sure he never got in trouble. And his good boy act wore off after he played the part and shook the hands he needed to. But her mother insisted she should talk to him each time he came. Fontaine wondered if it had anything to do with the fact his dad was completely loaded.
But she knew one thing, she definitely liked him. She admired the way he could be so care free, now no matter what he was always smiling. It irked her sometimes, but others she'd spend the morning watching him smile. Don't his cheeks ever hurt? Was a thought that occurred to her more than once.
Jess had teased her for it endlessly. But Fontaine refused to look at him when he flirted with her. She did many things for her parents, but letting their opinions in the guys she dates influence her too was not what she planned on doing.
With a long winded sigh, Fontaine dragged herself after her mother, straightening her posture and putting on a wide smile. All the guests loved the young woman. She was happy and beautiful, a break from the norm at these parties.
"Well hello there beautiful. Fancy seeing you here. I love your dress." Finn smiled pulling the red faced girl flush against him.
Fontaine looked down at the rather showy dress her mother made her wear. It was a strapless mermaid dress, a blue one. It had gold beads and diamonds sewn through the chest area and the tail end. She didn't think she looked that good, but it was nice to know he did.
"Uh, thanks Finn. Need I remind you this is my parents party? It's not weird to see me here." Fontaine replied, her tone more resentful then she meant for it to be.
"Easy there. Let me guess, your parents made you come?" Finn asked, slipping his hand into hers and guiding her to the dance floor where everyone was slow dancing.
"How'd you know?" Fontaine smiled genuinely.
"Well my Dad made me go to most of the parties I go to. The only reason I came willingly tonight was because I knew you'd be here." Finn smirked.
Fontaine blushed and looked down. He had a way with words, that was certain.
"I didn't want to go to this party because Jess said I could go watch movies at her house. But I wasn't allowed. My mother said I needed to be here." Fontaine sighed.
Finn smiled at her. He knew exactly what that felt like. His Dad did that to him a lot. But he meant it when he told her he only came because he knew she was there. His Dad said for once he didn't have to come. But Finn had been going to these parties long enough to know the girl he liked would be there, and he wouldn't give up the opportunity to talk to her when at school she ignored his existence.
The two teens glided across the room until the song ended, then headed to grab a drink and sat down at the base of the massive staircase.
"So what do you actually like doing? Not what you parents make you do." Finn asked. He still hadn't let go of her hand.
"Oh, Uh, actually I really like to play the guitar. My grandmother taught me before she passed away." Fontaine said.
Finn nodded. "Actually I like playing the trumpet. My Dad hates it but he lets me. My Mom taught me before she passed away."
"Wow really?" Fontaine smiled eyes wide. She looked around the room and saw all the people sipping wine and talking.
"Ugh this party is so boring. My brother is off with our Uncle, so he's not subjected to being stuck here." Fontaine whined.
Finn chuckled and stood up, helping Fontaine up too. "My fair lady, would you do me the honour of going for a walk around the garden? If you're with me your Mom won't mind."
Fontaine's face lit up. "Sounds awesome, kind sir."
The pair walked out of the room, neither realising they were holding hands. Their parents watched them walk out and smirked, they'd always hoped their children would end up together.
"Fontaine? Why do you avoid me at school?" Finn asked, as they arrive in the rose garden.
Fontaine sighed and looked at him. "My Mom alway hoped I'd end up dating someone like you. That's why whenever you are at a party she tries to make me talk to you. I let her decide so much that I chose to avoid her taste in men. After all, when my Dad left she didn't even care."
Finn nodded and grabbed her hands, pulling her up to him again. "Well she's not here now." He smiled, brushing his lips against hers.
Fontaine went red, she'd never been kissed before. But the sudden closeness had her aching for more. She pulled him back again and their lips connected, savouring the moment they had together.
"What do you say Fontaine? Give me a chance?" Finn asked.
Fontaine blushed an smiled. "Okay, but let's not tell anyone just yet."
He nodded happily and kissed her again. Then they wandered back inside, careful not to get too close until they were ready to tell their family. This was something on their terms, something their family couldn't push.
They knew how much they loved each other already. They didn't need to say anything. The teasing kisses, the secret meetings, the late night conversations and jumping in his beloved's window, were all just part of the thrill of knowing that they had something no one knew about, and that made it all the more sweeter.
Woo hoo! I just wrote that omg, I hope it's ok! *Notices readers* oops. Haha so guys I hope this is good enough. It is short but I don't think it needs to be super long if it's a Oneshot. If it needs to be long let me know and I'll work on it :)
Don't forget to:
Lots of love, Elsa xx ♥♥♥
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