Your Mine.......Got It?
Liam:nobody cares about your age bit 17
Finneys pov
"Hey Finn"
I deeply sigh, not only was I annoyed that my bestfriend keeps following me, he keeps finding me everywhere even when I hide from him and im a very good hider.
I turn around "Hey Robin, what do you need"
"Nothing I just wanna look at.your beautiful face"
My face turned tomato red
"Well- I-uhm-"*bell rings* "oh would you look at that next period is here we better not be late" I grabbed his hand and basically dragged him to pur math class, let me tell you this man is horrible at math.
There weren't any two seats open so we ud sit next to other people he sat next to Liam I could tell he was mad. And I sat next to Vance, "Hey sup Finney" "Hey Vance" I look at the table where Robin and Liam were and they were.....laughing? Why was I getting jealous, Robin is crazy over me not him. Ok I'm starting glowing to sound like Robin. I look over to their table again to see Liam walking over to me.
"Hey Finney right?"
"I was wondering if you could tutor me after school" "Oh yea sure"
"Cool thanks"
Liam left and Robin walked over I could tell he was jealous like he should, what the fuck is going on with me.......
"What were you and Liam talking about?"
"Oh he just wanted me to tutor hom after school"
I swear I saw robins eyes Twitch.
(Time skip)
3rd person pov
Finney was done tutoring Liam he left house quick, which was kinda weird, he went home took a shower luckily nobody was home, his sister Gwen was at Donna's house, while his dad, well he couldn't give a shit about, he could be on his way to fucking space, he wouldn't care.
After got out the shower. Police lights were heading down the road.
I went to see where they were heading, Liam house.
I see a whole group of people surrounding his house and so was Robin.
"Hey Robin what happened"
"So I was on my way to Liams because he has one of my bandanas but when I went in there there was blood everywhere. Not saying it wasnt cool, but I'm saying I didn't do this, I may be crazy for you and I mightve killed 3 people for you, but I swear, I didn't do this Finn" he sounded genuine
"I know, I believe you"
Finneys pov
I went over Liams to help him study little did I know he had me come over there to help him ask Robin out, and I just snapped
"Hey Liam you have any snacks in the kitchen"
"Yea they should be in the third cabinet over the stove"
I walked out his room and he blasted music,
I went downstairs into and grabbed a knife from the knife, 'he's gonna learn Robin is mine one or the other' I muttered
I walk back upstairs and open his door, I put the knife behind my back, he dint even noticed me he was sitting the opposite of his door. I went from behind,
"Hey Finn did you ge-"
I slit throat he started holding his throat cooking on his own blood, I just smiled"
I tackled him into he ground and just kept stabbing him.
Once I was sure he was dead I just left the body there I grabbed my stuff and the knife of course but before I left I cleaned any evidence that I was here only Robin knows I was here I hope he doesn't think it was me
'Maybe you should've considered not taking other people's things"
I ran out his house as fast i can luckily it was dark outside. I went home and took a shower I put my clothes in our washing machine luckily was in the bathroom and washed up I had alot of his blood on me
Robins pov
Finney should've been home right now, okay all I got to do is get my bandana back shoot him in the head for even talking to Finn and bury him
I pick the lock to his house, it was dead quiet, wellm beside the music blasting
Upstairs, I went upstairs to find his room I checked the one with the music blasting loud, and my eyes widened there was blood everywhere, Liam had Stab wounds and his throat was slit
I looked in his room and saw a note with a heart on it
"Dear Robin, I've had a crush on you since 8th grade, I know we barely talk but when we do, it's like heaven and everything shines brig-"
I threw the note, "sorry Liam I have eyes on one person and one person only"
I hear police I jumped out his window and ran I hid for awhile then came out
"Hey kid"
"Yes officer"
"Do you know what happened here"
"Not a clue sir, I'm just going on my night stroll"
"Okay well get inside your house, apparently there's an anonymous killer on the loose" I see a whole crowd of people coming
Like an hour later I see Finn coming
~end of flashback~
Robins pov
"Wait really?..... you never do"
I looked at his hair it was wet
"You took a shower"
I looked at his hand and saw a red streak, apparently he forgot to was his hand..wait.....Finn was tutoring him and he was the last person with him
I pulled him to the side
"Finn tell me the truth, did you do this"
His eyes widened and slow nodded
"Why your like the most sweetest boy"
"Because he liked you"
My turned to widen my eyes and I smirked, "I'm sorry I could hear you what"
"Because he was gonna take you away from me"
"Awe Finn, you know I love you and o ly you, if I didn't I wouldn't be acting like this"
"Just shut up and kiss me"
I smashed my lip onto his. It last 30 seconds then he pulled away
"Your mine you got it?"
"Oh sweet, beautiful, gorgeous Finney Blake Your mine.....Got it?"
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