TBP GC pt 4
Lynnassity added 6 people
Tinkleass: oh come on I just about to eat
Angerissues: no one asked
Tinkleass: and nobody told you to speak
Angerissues:......... I will pound your ass into the grown Finney Blake
Shittyballs: aren't yall siblings
Balless: oh hell no, incest is crazy
Angerissues: I didn't mean it like that
TwittleBird: but that's my job
Shittyballs took a screenshot
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Balless took a screenshot
Balless: darn it I missed it
TwittleBird: Hah
Shittyballs: don't worry Bruce I got im sending right now
Fuglyhomophobe: that's a sign to stop saying gay shit Robin
TwittleBird: I'll do that as soon as you admit your gay
Tinkleass: has anybody ever wanted to ask about their feeling in the GC
TwittleBird: I love you with all my heart and I hope my gifts and kisses mean so much that words cat even explain it.
Tinkleass: anybody but Robin's crazy obsession of me(I love you too)
Fuglyhomophobegay: no
Angerissues: Hell no
Balless: not right now
Shittyballs: I do
Tinkleass: I know Billy
Shittyballs: I'm very sad
Tinkleass: I know Billy
Shittyballs: and I-
Tinkleass: Shut up Billy 😒
Angerissues: but didn't you ask🤨
Tinkleass: anybody but Robin and Billy, Robins feelings for me is Love and protection and never leaving my side, also touch starved, and Billy is depressed as shit more than me ad he says it's because of his dog harper, and I hear EVERY DAMN DAY
Fuglyhomophobegay: (more like Finney starved) and your depressed because of your dog Billy 🤨🤨
Shittyballs: *sniffles and wipes tears like those girls on reality TV shows or models* I don't wanna talk about it🥲🥲🥲
Angerissues:..........anyways I have to go because Pinny is calling my name
Balless: oh no that's me I'm outside your window you left your underwear at my house yesterday
Angerissues: (/////////////)
Tinkleass: why was your unde-
Angerissues: Finn I swear if you finish that question I will make you see mom
TwittleBird: nah bros mad cuz he got caught lacking
Angerissues: your lucky Bruce is here Robin
TwittleBird: idgaf
Lynnassity: guys time to go
Tinkleass: aweeee why, we basically just got here
Angerissues: why are you complaining didn't you come here saying you were just about to eat
Tinkleass: oh that's what I came to do OK carry on
Lynnassity: OK bye ever-
Tinkleass: sure but why???
TwittleBird: 😏😏😏😏😏
Tinkleass: Robin what are you thinking about
TwittleBird: DWAI just know I'll be over in an hour btw get your bed comfy you'll need it
Tinkleass: guys....🥺
Angerissues: your on your own
Balless: sorry Finn can't help you
Fuglyhomophobegay: I'm... just .......gonna.......go
Shittyballs: I rather hang out with the cause of my depression
Tinkleass: Author ???🥺🥺
Lynnassity: ummmmm........ yea bye everyone
Lynnassity kicked 6 people
Everybody in the comments #RIPFinneysLegs
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